Where are the Women's Groups?
Why is the NYT, NYP and Daily News ignoring This Abuse?
From the Queens Chronical:
Yesterday Assemblywoman Grace Meng skirted the issue of financially supporting a political consulting firm whose close affiliate both profits from and promotes the world's oldest profession. Meng, who represents Flushing and is of Asian descent, is paying Multi-Media, the firm that operates out of the same office as the Queens Tribune, to do the printing for her run in the contentious 6th Congressional District Democratic Primary. She did this without realizing, or maybe without caring, that the head of Multi-Media is also the Tribune's associate publisher, and the Tribune sells as many ads as it can each week for "adult services" from women, most of them Asian.The Queens Chronicle slammed Grace Meng for her connections to the Queens Tribune.
Nussbaum Queens Tribune newspaper which stays alive with sex ads also gets a pretty bundle of legal ads from the Queens Court. As other states put legal ads on the internet Albany keeps paying off by continuing the flow of government to local media in return for positive coverage. In Queens the machine and newspapers are one. The man who connect the press to politics in Queens is Nussbaum. True News: A Takeover Of Journalism by Lobbyist and Politicians Our founding fathers gave press unlimited freedom to server as a watch dog over our government. In Queens the some of the local press have teamed up with the press to game politics and loot the courts. Legal Ads Help Keep the Political Machines in Power
The Looting of the Courts Does Not Stop With Nussbaum's Newspapers. Boss Crowley Machine Has Been Doing It For Years
True News and the NYT have sais the city's political machines has long lost the ability to produce votes and use an election law that was put in place by Tammany Hall to remain in power. State Senate Race Spotlights a Feeble Democratic Party (Powell, NYT) The NYT uses the Fidler vs Storobin shocking results confirms what True News has been saying for years, that the once powerful Brooklyn machine lead by the Thomas Jefferson Democratic Club (TJ) is like El Cid. Inside its impressive looking armor, there is barely a pulse to accomplish its primary mission of producing votes. * QUEENS COURT DOLES LEGAL BUSINESS TO DEM INSIDERS
The Surrogate Court is A Political Toll Booth Exacting Tribute From Widows and Orphans - Robert Kennedy

Queens A Court, Not Votes, Sustains a Political Machine in Queens (NYT, 11/28/11) *Were Have All the Journalist Gone After Newfield (True News, 7/14/11)) Not since the death or old school investigative report Jack Newfield in 2004 has any reporter in New York covered how the corrupt Queens Democratic Machine use the courts as there personal bank.
Bronx Bronx Surrogate Judge, Facing Discipline (NYT) Judge Holzman, the Bronx surrogate since 1988, is in the midst of a disciplinary hearing in which he is charged with allowing his staff to run amok and to take fees that were excessive and unearned from estates that it was handling. Judge Holzman could lose his job as a result of the hearing.
Staten Island Expose Corrupt Courts: Cover-Up Continues in Surrogate's Court
Brooklyn Lawyer makes millions with no details on fees - New York Daily News * Is ex-Surrogate Judge Michael Feinberg of New York a degenerate crook?
Surrogate's Court And Why It Should Go (True News)
Kelly for Mayor Get A Big Push
‘Neutral’ Dem Andy could back GOPer Kelly(Dicker, NYP) Gov. Cuomo is open to endorsing Ray Kelly for mayor should the NYPD commissioner choose to run on the Republican line — if the eventual Democratic nominee takes policy positions at odds with his own, The Post has learned. Cuomo has also decided to stay neutral in the Democratic primary for mayor, a source familiar with his thinking said.* Ray Kelly Is ‘Contemplating’ a Run for Mayor(NY Mag)
* Ray Kelly ‘Contemplating’ Taking a Shot At City Hall(NYO)
* Ray Kelly ‘Contemplating’ Taking a Shot At City Hall(NYO)
Election 2012 NYC Public Advocate Bill de Blasio called on Bloomberg to release evaluations of administration staffers.* There’s a hitch in NYC Councilman Eric Ulrich’s gay-marriage record that could undercut his key argument against Sen. Joe Addabbo.* Grace Meng: No Concerns About Stavisky Endorsement(NYO) * City Councilman Erik Dilan failed to properly disclose more than half of his contributions for his Congressional run. * Tony Avella is back on the English sign crusade. * Sources: Brad Lander Considering Run for Brooklyn Borough President (NYO)*
Rumored Stavisky Challenger Shows Up At Stavisky Rally(C&S) *Akselrod Takes Formal Step in Cymbrowitz Challenge (NYO)* Faced With Ulrich Challenge, Addabbo Starts Fundraising(YNN) * Erik Dilan mum on key donors *Rangel: Conspiracy Theory On Early Retirement Is ‘Flattering’(YNN) * Backing Quinn, Lappin Says Heckler Was "Inappropriate Distraction"(C&S) * Ex-Liu Staffer Pokes Fun at Autism(Queens Politics)
Liulapalooza Feels Like A John Gotti Rally in Ozone Park As Feds Went After the Dapper Don
Chung Seto is At the Rally @azipaybarah yes, overheard them explaining members get political points of some kind for attending * Attorney for @JohncLiu's indicted campaign treasurer: "please, we need your help...Free Jenny" * 2nd elected here at @johncliu event: @NYCCouncil member Inez Dickens. 1st was @MMViverito * MC at @johncLiu's event introduces Inez Dickens as future @NYCCouncil Speaker * "John Liu is under attack...we know what that's about"--Inez Dickens to crowd* "This is our city!"--Inez Dickens riles up union members at @johncliu rally * "John Liu is under attack...we know what that's about"--Inez Dickens to crowd * "There are haters that want 2 stop us from being history makers"--preacher at @johncliu rally. "If u don't have haters, ur not mkng history"* Preacher at @johncliu: "they lied on Jesus""Extra extra read all about it. John Liu is still comptroller...John Liu is for the unions"--another preacher at @JohncLiu rally * Guy speaking now said he's known @johncliu when he was "a community organizer." * Also here at @JohnCliu rally: top aide Chung Seto * Preacher at @johnCliu rally suggests suporters to stop buying @NewYorkPost. Liu laughs and shrugs * .@cbRangel chief of staff here at @JohnCLiu rally. #ny13 * .@JohncLiu says he has a new nickname: "embattled," and that he'll go INTO "battle".@JohncLiu says he is "proud" of fundraising his campaign has done. One of few times allegations addressed head-on during 1hr+ rally * Still in effect? @JohncLiu said he limited campaign donations to $800 * Onto another topic: @JohncLiu speaking at length about #LivingWage & @MikeBlomberg's opposition to it. * "I think of Jenny every day"--@JohncLi re: his indicted campaign treasurer * "I think of Jenny every day"--@JohncLi re: his indicted campaign treasurer
David W. Chen @davidwchen Key .@johncliu aides here include @GEORGEARZT @setochungster mei-hua ru & sharon lee * .@JohnCLiu rally, just underway, starts w same ARC gospel choir that opened his state of the city * "We want john!" shouts crowd of abt 200 as @johncliu enters, punching his right fist in the air * Rev. Greg smith of mother ame zion says of @johncliu "they come after you when you're doing the right thing" * Rev. Smith says he's eager to join @JohnCLiu campaign to be "chief executive of the world" * Gerald lefcourt, jenny hou's lawyer, takes the stage, praises her for speaking "almost perfect english" after moving here 15 yrs ago *
"She will not only plead not guilty, she is not guilty" lefcourt says about jenny hou court date tmrw *
25 Year Old Jenny Liu to Plea Not Guilty Wednesday in Federal Court
Melissa mark-viverito just arrived and is sitting next to@johncliu (who is literally perched on a throne) *.@MMViverito takes stage: "john is a man of history, john is a man of principle" * Now up: @NYCCouncil member inez dickens who rev smith says will "soon be speaker" * .@NYCCouncil member inez dickens says @johncliu is - like unions & working class - "under attack" * @NYCCouncil member inez dickens says @johncliu is - like unions & working class - "under attack" * Next preacher rouses @JohnCLiu crowd: "there are haters that want to stop us from being history makers" * "There are haters that want 2 stop us from being history makers"--preacher at @johncliu rally. "If u don't have haters, ur not mkng history" * Getting crowded here but one sign says max occupancy is 220 while another says 230 ... Hmm * Next preacher says next year he doesn't want to call @JohnCLiu brother but rather mayor * .@JohnCLiu takes mike, with standing O amid shouts of "keep going john!" & says "it means a lot to me" * .@JohnCLiu jokes that he has a new nickname - "the embattled comptroller" - then vows to battle on behalf of nyers * .@johncliu says @mikebloomberg needs to understand #1 issue for nyers is the widening wealth gap * .@JohnCLiu defends original $800 limit to encourage more people to donate, then repeats it became a "freaky chinese thing" * .@JohnCLiu now defending jenny hou - "I think of jenny every day" and all the young people who want to make a difference * .@JohnCLiu says he's going "to keep going all the way and I'm not going to stop until I get there!" * .@johncliu gives a shoutout to parents of pvt danny chen, who he says are here
Rumored Stavisky Challenger Shows Up At Stavisky Rally(C&S) *Akselrod Takes Formal Step in Cymbrowitz Challenge (NYO)* Faced With Ulrich Challenge, Addabbo Starts Fundraising(YNN) * Erik Dilan mum on key donors *Rangel: Conspiracy Theory On Early Retirement Is ‘Flattering’(YNN) * Backing Quinn, Lappin Says Heckler Was "Inappropriate Distraction"(C&S) * Ex-Liu Staffer Pokes Fun at Autism(Queens Politics)
Azi Paybarah @azipaybarah Which union is here for @JohncLiu rally? Plumbers. Which electeds? ... http://pic.twitter.com/egqB9d1S * @johncLiu's non-campaign non-endorsement rally starts with a church choir. * "We want John" chants at @JohnCLiu's non-campaign event * Guys next to me signing onto what looks like a union attendance sheet for @johncliu's event * "Feel free every now and then to say 'Keep Going John'"--Rev Reggie Williams re: @johncliu * First elected I've seen at @JohnCLiu's event = @MMViverito * @JohncLiu's campaign treasurer. Says she'll plead not-guilty * Attorney for @JohncLiu's indicted campaign treasurer: "please, we need your help...Free Jenny" *
David W. Chen
"She will not only plead not guilty, she is not guilty" lefcourt says about jenny hou court date tmrw *
Melissa mark-viverito just arrived and is sitting next to
6High Salaries in Albany Part of the Incumbent Protection Society
Full salaries for Albany part-timers make for gross pay (NYDN) Six-figure salaries for Skelos advisers Hundreds of staffers in the state Senate and Assembly only work part time but still get full-time pay and benefits, including several six-figure staffers to Sen. Dean Skelos and the Senate Republicans, the Daily News’ Full salaries for Albany part-timers makes for gross pay. Many legislative staffers – 345 in the state Senate and 271 in the Assembly – earn a full-time salary and benefits, but don’t work a full schedule on government time, freeing them up to do political/campaign work.
Quinn Sends the 1% A Message She Can Stand Up to the Lefties
Quinn Walks Out of Press Conference
Now attacks on mayor coming fast & furious at rally. "How dare billionaire Bloomberg tell us we don't deserve to make $10/hr?" speaker says* Quinn Storms Out of Living Wage Press Conference After Bloomberg Diss (DNAINFO)* Michael Saul said @ChrisCQuinn herself once called @MikeBloomberg a "coward."* Christine Quinn Storms Out of Living Wage Rally [Video](NYO) * RWDSU Prez Defends Christine Quinn For Standing By Her Mayor(NYO)
Quinn Quits Living-Wage Rally After Bloomberg Is Insulted(NYT) * Living wage bill passes 44-5. Mayor now has 30 days to veto. * The man who made the “pharoah” comment, retiree Carlos Pacheco, said it was a “mistake,” but added: “But, as a citizen I have freedom of speech. If (Quinn) was really behind us she wouldn’t have left. She put on a show for us today.” * The (watered down) living wage bill was passed overwhelmingly by the Council, 44-5.*Since Mayor Bloomberg is calling for the public release of teacher evaluations, Bill de Blasio is calling for the public release of performance evaluations of Bloomberg staffers.* Christine Quinn sets an etiquette precedent, but did she mean to? (Capital)
5 State lawmakers use cigars to lure in funds (NYDN) Republicans were easily the biggest cigar spenders, with more than a half-dozen GOP candidates and campaign organizations spending $500 or more on tobacco-related products. Legislators and other candidates for state offices have spent more than $44,919 on cigars and other-tobacco-related items since 2008, according to a study of campaign records provided to the DN by NYPIRG.
How Long Will the Jury Be Out?
Jury Will Soon Begin Mulling Corruption Charges Against Espada(NY1) UPDATE Jurors Begin Deliberations In Espada Corruption Trial(NY1)
NYT's Randolph Says Murdoch Says Murdoch Uses His Papers to Elect Pols. What About the NYT Pushing For Quinn to Be Elected Mayor. . . Printing Her Baby Picture?
NYTimes: Murdoch's Denials of Political Favors Hard to Swallow in New York http://nyti.ms/Js3qUt
3 Decades and Not Much of A Positive Impact For Congressman Towns
The Times takes a look at the legacy of Ed Towns by interviewing community leaders, and find that “no one offered outright praise. Some offered mixed reviews. Most offered outright scorn.”
A Lime Rickey for the Outer Boroughs

Apple turns to lime for new cabs(NYP) * New Taxicabs Are Green, Literally(NYT) * Livery Cabs Get New Hue for Pickups(WSJ) * 'Apple green' livery cabs for outerboroughs(NYDN) * A new color for New York City cabs: apple green(WABC) * First Look: NYC Boro Taxis(NBC) * 7 Dead in Bronx Van Plunge(NBC)
Rumors of an NYC happy-hour ban are untrue, the Dept. of Health Says.
4Daily News Says Stop the Slush
Hollaback! wants to combat loutishness, but it shouldn’t use tax dollars (NYDN Ed) Another abuse of the City Council’s member item slush fun
The MTA’s Access-A-Ride costs more than half a billion dollars for lousy service (NYDN Ed) Wheelchair-accessible taxis will save money and improve efficiency. The MTA’s cost-cutting proposal to shift riders from its Access-a-Ride van program to free bus and subway service should include efforts to monitor eligibility and divert some to handicapped accessible taxis, writes the Daily News
Rents 'Too Damn High'(WSJ) New York City apartment landlords have been ratcheting up rents as the economy has slowly improved. But that doesn't mean that tenants will keep paying the increases.
24 rotten apples — gone(NYP) The New York Post applauds Mayor Michael Bloomberg for shuttering 24 public schools, saying the move ensures accountability in the face of legal threats from the unions.Two South Bronx schools, alike in many ways, except one is an A and the other is an F. Why? It’s complicated.* Andrew Cuomo created an education reform commission to deal with sagging graduation and college ready rates.
For Some Parents, Leaving a Private School Is Harder Than Getting In(NYT) * Parents Take Gamble for Top School Slots(WSJ)
School districts across New York are revising their bullying and harassment policies to comply with provisions of the Dignity for All Students Act, signed by Gov. David Paterson in September 2010, which take effect July 1.
Rent gouging 101(NYP) A for-profit education firm is soaking taxpayers by subleasing buildings to the Brooklyn public charter schools it runs at astronomical rates
City police and financial institutions are bracing themselves for Occupy Wall Street May Day protests
City Braces for New Protest(WSJ) The NYPD and targeted companies are bracing for Occupy Wall Street’s May Day protests, an effort to shut down the city that is also a test of the movement’s strength* Bloomberg declined to comment on the NYPD’s training to deal with upcoming May Day protests.* Prosecutors dismissed a case against an Occupy Wall Street organizer so pepper-spray cop Anthony Bologna could avoid testifying, her lawyer says. * Protesters Accuse Police of Improperly Using Barricades(NYT)
The Expensive Battle to Keep Fresh Direct
The battle over FreshDirect and the Hunts Point Market has cast the issue of government assistance into sharp focus (NYDN) New Jersey and New York have fought over the jobs and revenue producing businesses
The NY Racing Association Did Not Know It Was Racking In Tax Payer Money or Sick Horses
State Report Says Racing Association Knowingly Withheld Millions(NYT) The New York Racing Association knowingly withheld millions of dollars owed to bettors at three racetracks despite its claim that the failure to increase payouts was inadvertent. The governor has asked the inspector general to investigate NYRA executives after a Raceing and Wagering report found some $8.5 million was “knowingly” withheld from bettors at Belmont, Saratoga and Aqueduct.* Casino Cash Fuels Use of Injured Horses at Racetracks(NYT)* PETA proble slams illegal wagering on pigeon racing(NYDN) * Since a casino opened at Aqueduct late last year, offering vastly richer prizes, 30 horses have died racing there, a 100 percent increase in the fatality rate over the same period the previous year. In general, the combination of casinos and racing has proved deadly for the horses. *Read The NYRA Report(YNN) * NYRA Suspends CEO And VP Over Betting Scandal(Gannett * New York Racing Association President and CEO Charles Hayward has been placed on administrative leave without pay, along with NYRA Senior VP and General Counsel Patrick Kehoe after a report by the NYS Racing and Wagering Board claimed that Hayward knew NYRA overcharged bettors but did nothing to rectify it for more than a year. (NYDN) * Hayward and Kehoe On Leave(YNN)
NYP Goes After U.S. Attorney That Let Developer Crooks Go With A Fine
Cutting cheaters a break(NYP Ed) A company that cheated clients — and taxpayers — out of millions of dollars over the course of decades in one of the biggest construction rip-offs in city history got a huge break last week. For the second time. Why? Because a federal prosecutor says that convicting Bovis Lend Lease of a crime would bar the firm from future government contracts, causing layoffs. By not prosecuting the company, says Brooklyn US Attorney Loretta Lynch, “we’re able to keep 100 percent of the New Yorkers who were not involved with this employed.”NYP says There’s no excuse for the Brooklyn U.S. Attorney letting Bovis Lend Lease off the hook for its multiple cases of fraud, even if declining to prosecute does keep workers on the job,
A steel column is slated to be hoisted about 1 WTC today, making it the tallest building in NY
Scrappy ’scraper an Empire buster(NYP) * With a Steel Column, a Tower Will Reclaim the Manhattan Sky(NYT) * Height Of 1 WTC About To Top Empire State Building(NY1)
1 WTC to pass Empire State today(NYDN) * Port Authority To Declare One World Trade Center NYC’s Tallest(WCBS)

Historic Forest Park Greenhouse gets $3.8 million upgrade, replacing century-old structures with high-tech ones (NYDN) New energy efficient buildings will boost plant, flower production by 25%
On the Highest Floors, Food Comes to the Workers (NYT)
Grand Central Terminal - the holiest place in transit system? (NYDN) Catholics, Jews, Jehovah's Witnesses gather at station to worship
The Making of the President 2012
Bill Clinton said Mitt Romney’s policies are basically former President Bush’s agenda “on steroids.” * President Obama isn’t going to replace VP Joe Biden with Hillary Clinton this year, but he is trying to capitalize on his secretary of state’s popularity by dropping her name into speeches.* The Obama campaign’s latest video: “Forward.”* Bill Clinton and Barack Obama are now political allies, something that seemed unimagineable four years ago. * Romney’s advisors say that the biggest misperception about him is that he is stiff *Obama, Bill Clinton Team Up On Campaign Trail(Huff Post) * Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani are making a joint appearance at a NYC firehouse tomorrow to mark the one-year anniversary of Osama bin Laden’s death. * Would Romney have given the order for bin Laden to be killed: “Of course. Even Jimmy Carter would have given that order.” * NJ Gov. Chris Christie isn’t interested in being VP, but thinks Romney might be able to convince him otherwise.* New Pitch for Obama Campaign: "Forward" - Stephanie Condon, CBS News * Obama's Polarizing Presidency - Michael Goodwin, FOX News * The Blind Spot in Romney's Economic Plan - Jonathan Cohn, New Republic * Mitt Romney's Narrow Electoral Path - Chris Cillizza, Washington Post * President Obama Reaches for Some Clinton Magic - Josh Kraushaar, NJ * Obama Losing Rock-Star Status Among Youth - Michael Barone, Examiner * Why Obama Owns bin Laden - Jon Meacham, Time * The Politics of Student Loans - Los Angeles Times * Peter King thinks that Obama should not campaign on the Osama bin Laden killing. * House Republicans are decrying the bank bailout while they accept campaign donations from bailed-out banks. * Obama touted his labor and jobs record before the AFL-CIO. * Mounting job losses on the city and state level are hurting Obama’s jobs strategy.
Scrutiny Hems In Murdoch’s Empire(NYT) *News Corporation has sought to undermine elected governments (Guardian)
Political slowdown in Corzine probe?(NYP)
22 people who were arrested while demonstrating against the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk policy last October plan to repeat their complaints when they go on trial today
Protest Trial Set to Start(WSJ) Nearly two dozen demonstrators who criticized police for stopping and frisking people on city streets are gearing up for one of the city's biggest political protest trials in recent years, at least in terms of sheer numbers. * Protesters Of Stop-And-Frisk Policy To Appear In Court(NY1) * Four NYC Council members filed a civil rights lawsuit against the city for its response to the Occupy demonstrations, alleging the NYPD used excessive force and violated free speech rights as part of its crackdown on protesters.
Relatives devastated after SUV jumps Bx. guardrail, wiping out 7 in family(NYP) * Scrutiny Hems In Murdoch’s Empire(NYT) * Van Falls Into Zoo, Kills 7(WSJ) * SUV plunges into NYC's Bronx Zoo grounds; 7 killed(WSJ) * Seven Family Members Die After SUV Plunges From Bronx Parkway(NY1) * Deadly Bronx family crash ocurred at Parkway’s ‘Bermuda(NYDN) * Seven Family Members Killed When SUV Flips Off Ramp Near (WCBS) * Relatives mourn deaths of Bronx crash victims(WABC)
Law and Order
Heroic gal takes bullet(NYP) A production assistant at “The View” was shot in the stomach trying to play peacemaker at a Bushwick bodega yesterday as she bravely protected her wounded cousin.“Put the gun down. Don’t be that person,” Lourdes Guillen, 25, begged the shooter * 'The View' hosts praise production assistant for bravery during B'klyn shooting(NYP)
Two People Charged With Bronx Subway Station Stabbing(NY1)* Senior citizens given whistles to avert muggings(NYDN) * Off-duty cop busted in DWI (NYDN)* NYPD sergeant busted on assault charges4(NYP) * An orthodox lawyer slams Brooklyn DA Joe Hynes for protecting the identities of sex abusers in that community. * Queens jurors lead the city in no-shows.
Terrorism Furor over O’s Osama ad(NYP) * Mayor: City To Not Mark Anniversary Of Bin Laden's Death(NY1) * Al-Qaeda is weaker without bin Laden, but its franchise persists(Wash Post) * Jury to weigh fate of accused subway bomb plotter(WABC)