Last week the NYT said A Court, Not Votes, Sustains a Political Machine in Queens. True News said it was much more than the court that was fueling that political machine. Yesterday the NYT wrote an article on when is a blogger a journalist. Today True News looks a Queens local newspapers that have not only turn they back on journalism but have become partners, house organs with the Boss Crowley’s political machine.
Soviet Queens Pravda
A Takeover Of Journalism by Lobbyist and Politicians
In queens the local newspaper, the political machine and government all work together. The paper do not preform the role of checks and balances that Founding Father envisioned to protect the people from the government and ensure a working democracy. Instead Queens local newspapers have gamed journalism to operate as a co-machine in Queens. They work in campaigns and are lobbyist to the same elected officials they help elect or reelect. The papers operate as the house organ for the Democratic party to controling who becomes gets elected or becomes a judge in Queens county. The judges in turn send the legal ads worth tens of thousands dollars to the local papers.
At the heart of the queens newspaper conspiracy is Michael Nussbaum. He wears many hats. Executive V.P. and Associate Publisher TRIBCO owners of the Queens Tribune and several other papers and magazines in that borough. Nussbaum owns the papers along with Congressman Ackerman and Mike Schenkler who services as publisher of the operation. Schenkler calls Nussbaum the driving force behind Multi-Media, which he calls the papers printing, promotion arm. What Schenkler does not tell us is that Multi-Media does campaign printing for elected officials like State Senator Shirley Huntley, Assemblyman Edward Braunstein and Councilman Peter Koo. One of Nussbaum papers hired the wife of Councilman Leroy Comrie Marcia to run their southeast queens local edition.
A queens pol says Nussbaum and a large political consultant lobbyist group work together often in printing for candidates. Parkside is run by Evan Stavisky who works for almost all the candidates backed by the queens machine. Stavisky moved into the big time by working for Brian Mclaughlin and many of the organization that led to the former queens congressman conviction. Stavisky was in the middle of the city council slush fund non investigation where Quinn and the others walked away untouched. n 2005 in a NYT article Dick Dadey executive director of Citizens Union expressed concern about what he called "a growing problem" of council members being lobbied by firms that serve as political consultants to many of them. It not just the local queens newspapers that control what becomes news. Most of the political writers in NYC know but have not written how Evan lives in Rockland County where his wife is an elected county democratic leader and Evan services an elected district leader in Queens. It is a deal reporters who do not understand politics make to endure that they continue to get news tips from Stavisky. Stavisky is part of the permanent government. In 2009 he lost 5 out of 6 council races. In 2010 he was paid over $2 million by the senate democrats who lost their majority. This year he lost a congressional district which was 4 to 1 democratic to a republican.

Nussbaum was a member of Queens machine before he became a journalism. He was a public relations consultant who was found guilty for collaborating with Donald R. Manes, the Queens Borough President, in soliciting a $250,000 bribe for the awarding of a cable-television franchise in Queens. It was all part of massive scandal that U.S. Attorney Giuliani started to get him into the mayor's office, that involved Mayor Koch, the city's Parking Violations Bureau, the death of the Queens Borough President, judges, the Bronx county leader and a tangled. Nussbaum conviction was later overturned by a higher court. The appeals court ruled that Mr. Nussbaum could not be charged with bribery because he was not a public official, and that there was insufficient evidence linking Mr. Manes - the only public official implicated - to any bribery plot. Manes killed himself as another scandal CitySourse began to point to him.
Queens Courier Owner Schneps Follows Nussbaum into the Political Printing Business
It is clear that Ackerman and Nussbaum are not the only political running local newspapers in the city today. Vicky Schneps who owns the Queens Courier. She also owns a string of other Queens Papers. He son owns a couple of papers in Brooklyn, She was paid $18,000 by 2010 State Senate candidate John Messer for printing. Printing is how Nussbaum connects to campaigns. Schneps was also paid and $9500 for T-Shirts by Messer.
Pols and Judges Pay Newspapers With Legal Ads
Most local papers in NY survive today with legal ads from the court. Other states have abandoned the government subsidy of legal ads by allowing them to be placed on the Internet for free. Local papers depend on the Albany pols to make money. If you ever wonder why they play up to local elected officials and print their press releases now you now know why.
The Queens Organization Understands the lesson of the Soviet Union . . . . Control Information, Control People
As the demonstrations in Russia indicate the former home of Provida is moving toward democracy. Not only is Queens and the rest of New York stuck with newspapers designed to control them. That control which really means an uninformed public has help cause Queens to become the most corrupt borough in the city. Where assemblymen rip off hospitals and little leagues, a comptroller rips off the CFB and taxpayers and a congressman get free mortgages from a developers.
5Media Also Gamed By Lobbyists Artz and Sheinkopf Running Congressional Campaigns
As if the impending three-way congressional race between Rep. Ed Towns, Assemblyman Hakeem Jeffries and Councilman Charles Barron didn't have enough drama, the race could also well be a battle between two of the state's best-known political consultants -- who happen to be arch-enemies. As noted yesterday by Capital New York, George Arzt and Hank Sheinkopf, formerly close friends, now refuse to speak to one another. Arzt's firm is signed on as the campaign consultant for Jeffries, while Sheinkopf has a longstanding relationship with Towns and is already acting as something of a campaign spokesman. (Sheinkopf says he hasn't officially signed onto the campaign -- at least not yet.) "I'm looking forward to it," said Arzt of the likely competition with his nemesis. Sheinkopf was less diplomatic. "I don't know what George Arzt does, and I don't much care," Sheinkopf said. (CHN)
NYP Used By Sheinkopf When They Allow Him to Attack Liu A George Arzt Client
Ridiculous: NYP Uses Consultant Who Took the 5th to Judge Liu's Conduct(True News)
Today's News
Slain hero cop lived for his 4 children(NYP) * Post launches fund for hero’s daughters(NYP) * Slain Officer Was Devoted to His Daughters(NYT) * State cops used choppers to get farflung daughters of slain Officer Peter Figoski to his hospital bedside (NYDN) * Vigil Planned For NYPD Officer Killed During Burglary In(WCBS)
Single-dad cop gunned down(NYP) * Devastated partner sprang into action(NYP) * In the service of the city(NYP Ed) * Police Veteran Is Fatally Shot at Scene of Robbery(NYT) * In Dark Brooklyn Doorway, Officer Confronts Gunman, and Dies(NYT) * Police Officer Killed During Brooklyn Robbery(WSJ) * 2nd suspect sought in NYC officer's shooting death(WSJ) * Violent ex-con arrested for shooting NYPD cop dead was wanted for shooting in North Carolina in August(NYDN) * Brave and betrayed(NYDN) * More Arrests Expected in Cop Shooting Case(NBC)* NYPD: 4 more arrested in death of NYPD officer Peter Figoski of West Babylon(Newsday) * NYPD: Five To Be Charged In Brooklyn Officer's Fatal Shooting(NY1) * 5 men arraigned in NYPD officer's shooting death (WABC)
Kelly: Four Will Face Murder Charges In Death Of NYPD Officer(NY1)
Reward Offered As Police Seek Second Arrest In NYPD Officer's Death(NY1)
Turn Them Loose Judge Lamont

Emotional family, cops await arraignment for 5 men charged in Figoski killing(NYP)
Where is the Outrage From the Mayoral Candidates?
Why are the Pols Not Holding Press Conferences At City Hall Demanding Changes to the Criminal Justice System So This Never Happens Again?
Teamsters take a bank shot at Liu(NYP) City Comptroller John Liu is a Wall Street flunky who’s in bed with big bankers, a withering new attack ad from a municipal union charges. * NYC Comptroller John Liu’s response (through a spokesman) to Teamsters President Greg Floyd’s ad slamming his plan to merge the city’s five pension funds: “Clearly, the ad is unburdened by the truth.”*
Liu's Sunset Boulevard
Long Days Journey Into the Night
Liu who refuses to release a list of his bundlers or understand how gravely he has been wounded, is still showing up at parties. Yesterday he show up at the Thomas Jefferson club which is fitting. The TJ club is washed up. It used to be the home to powerhouses like Meade Esposito and Stanley Fink Now the club loses it 5 to one democratic district by 3 to 1 to a republican congressional candidate. That did not stop Quinn, deBlasio and Thompson from paying their respect to Carl Krugers home club.
A federal judge indicated that he would like the date of the new primary to be as close to the old one as possible.
The CityTime Cover Up . . . After 11 Indictments Why has Not A Single City Employee Been Arrested for the $700 Million Rip Off?
Unions hail Council override of Bloomberg contract bill veto (NYDN) City has to prove choosing private contractors over municipal union workers would save money
5Is New York Getting the Short End of Albany's Stick?(WSJ) There's a pattern to some of Albany's recent big-money moves, and it's not particularly positive for New York City. * A shoddy tax deal in Albany Crains) Backroom dealmaking isn't the answer to government dysfunction.
OWS . . .
Rowdy Winter Garden party(NYP) * 17 Arrested as Occupy Wall Street Visits Winter Garden (WSJ)* Occupy protesters barricade shipping ports in three cities(NYDN) * OWS protesters march on Goldman(NYDN) * Thanks a lot to the 1%(NYP) * Occupy Wall Street: NYPD Blocks Photographer Robert Stolarik, Journalists From Covering Protest (VIDEO)* Occupy Wall Street marches to World Financial Center(WABC) * NYPD Still Blocking Journalists at OWS(NY Magazine) * NYPD Continues to Block Journalists from Covering Occupy Protests (Fishbowl) * Occupy Wall Streeters will greet Mitt Romney with “Romney-Gekko 2012” signs outside his Waldorf Astoria fundraiser tomorrow. * NYT Sends NYPD Note Over Treatment of Photographer (NYT)
To the City’s Top 1%, a Third of the Income (NYT) * You Need To Make At Least $493K A Year To Be NYC's Official 1%(Huff Post)
Koch Backs Quinn Reports Her Campaign Manager the NYT
Koch Is Backing Quinn in 2013 Race for Mayor(NYT) * Koch endorses Christine Quinn for New York mayoral bid(NYDN) * Asked why he’s making an endorsement so early, Koch replied: “I’m 87 today – I’m not looking to roll up i.o.u.’s.” * Minus One 2013 Candidate In NYC, Floyd Won’t Run (Updated)(YNN)
Mayoral candidate Tom Allon writes in the Post that responsibility for Larry Seabrook’s misuse of member item funds lies with Speaker Christine Quinn, and requires an overhaul of the whole process (Link Below)
Letting scandal fester Quinn’s member-item follies by mayoral candidate Tom Allon (NYP Op Ed) * Council Speaker Christine Quinn should be held accountable; it's high time Mayor Bloomberg and the voters held her feet to the fire for the mismanagement of taxpayer dollars during the last decade. * Quinn Attacked Over Council's Discretionary Funds(NYT)
The Post urges state education officials to adopt a review process examining discrepancies in past testing method
The state’s Board of Regents is proposing a new education aid system that would give a higher share of funding to poor districts, the Times-Union reports
Oh Shucks Bosses Crowley and Lopez Sing But Not to the Feds . . . Yet
Some members of the Queens Civic Congress -- a politically influential group that represents more than 100 community organizations in the borough -- were irked that instead of attending the organization's recent legislative reception, several local pols were singing karaoke at a fundraiser for Congressman Joe Crowley. Paul Graziano, a longtime member of the organization, said he was surprised when a swath of photos appeared on Facebook showing politicians from around the city belting out tunes, including rival county leaders Vito Lopez and Joe Crowley singing a duet. A number of Democrats made it to both events, but those who attended only the Crowley fundraiser included Council Speaker Christine Quinn, Councilwoman Liz Crowley and Crowley himself, according to Graziano. "Obviously, some of the leadership was upset," said Graziano. (CHN)
Corrupt Vito Gets More Goverment $$$
Cuomo is “enjoying his Emperor Hadrian moment,” writes Michael Powell, who is still trying to figure out how a Brooklyn nonprofit founded by Assemblyman Vito Lopez and under investigation is slated to receive $845,000 in economic development cash from the state.
Silver Urges Cuomo To Sign Street Hail Bill(NY1) * Jobless trying to hack into taxi biz(NYP) The economic recession is driving more New Yorkers to become cab drivers, a trend Taxi and Livery Commissioner David Yassky says can be helped by passage of the city’s five borough taxi bill, which would create 1,500 new medallions * Livery Drivers Begin 10-Day Rally For Legal Street Hails(NY1) * Cuomo To Seek Deal On Livery Cab Bill (NY1)
MTA 2012 budget plan won’t restore any cut services as its financial outlook worsened in last month (NYDN) * As I reported last week, transit and environmental advocates worried about Cuomo’s policies to date met yesterday to plot their strategy for 2012. * Report: The MTA's highs and lows of 2011 (AM NY)
Group Aims for Speed on Agenda (WSJ) More than four of five likely city voters believe the Police Department should step up enforcement of speeding laws to reduce traffic fatalities, according to a new poll commissioned by advocates who aim to bring traffic enforcement to the forefront of the upcoming mayoral race.
More Fake Job Numbers
Second Probe of Jobs Agency(WSJ) A government-funded employment agency being investigated by the city in connection with allegedly false job-placement numbers has come under the scrutiny of federal authorities, court documents show.
Out-of-School Time Program Facing Deep Cuts(NYT)
The Donald fired himself from his own presidential debate, insisting that he doesn’t want to give up his right to run as an independent. (Nothing to do with the fact that no one, save Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich, would participate).
Campaign Dispatches Ann Romney to Her Husband’s Rescue(NYT) * Radio Host Offers Newt Gingrich $1 Million To Leave Presidential Race(Huff Post) * The Gingrich-Huntsman Debate: A New Way to Bash Mitt Romney(NY Magazine) * Perry: I speak the truth(CNN) * Mitt Romney is planning a multi-million dollar fundraiser in Manhattan tomorrow. * Romney's 1994 Problem - Major Garrett, National Journal * A Brokered Convention? Don't Bet on It - Sean Trende, RealClearPolitics * Why Gingrich Represents a Dramatic Shift - Ralph Benko, Forbes * Jon Huntsman's Path to Victory - Nate Silver, New York Times* Gingrich bashes, employs media to get ahead (Wash Times) *Ron Paul is Mitt Romney’s best (Iowa) friend(Wash Post) * In more favorable news for Gingrich, the NBC/WSJ poll has him leading Romney 40%-23% nationally. Despite Newt’s lead, the WSJ/NBC poll finds trouble ahead: 1/2 of all voters, and 57% of indies, say they won’t vote for him. So we do have Gingrich slipping and Paul gaining. Also bad news for Romney, who is closer to 6th place than 1st. * Is Iowa Completely Up for Grabs? - Ron Fournier, National Journal * Resurgent GOP Closes Gap in Key States - Susan Page, USA Today * Five Paths to Obama's Reelection - Sam Stein, Huffington Post * Gingrich Slanders Poor - Jesse Jackson, Chicago Sun-Times * Can GOP Learn to Love Romney? - Karen Hughes & Mark Penn, Time * Romney a "Progressive" in 2002? - Philip Klein, Washington Examiner * Senate GOP Shuns Tea Party, Embraces K Street - Erick Erickson, RedState * Newt Gingrich has donated $260,560 to 42 members of Congress through his leadership PACs and committees, but none of the beneficiaries of his largesse have given him their endorsement. * Gingrich Iowa staffer resigns after "cult of Mormon" comment (CBS)

Jon Stewart’s GOP Debate Recap: ‘A Mormon Gambling With An Evangelical Over Who’s The Bigger Liar’
Amanpour's Stint at ABC Was Good While it Lasted (The Atlantic)

NY Mayor Moves Against Drugs Bloomberg launched a task force to combat the burgeoning prescription drug epidemic in NYC, a move that comes after administration officials identified 21 pharmacies that account for roughly a quarter of oxycodone Medicaid reimbursements citywide.
Convicted Manhattan Rapist Gets 400+ Year Sentence(NY1)
Law and Order