City's Economic Melt Down
You Read It in True News Before the Daily News
During the entire campaign 2009 True News has been saying candidate for office have been promising happy days ahead and more city services instead of facing the reality of a sea of red ink facing the city and state budgets The 2009 Campaign Boycott of Real Issues July 8, 2009 * New York's Economic Melt Down, No Clown Affair July 1, 2009 * Jobless Recovery? Labor Day as Crisis Grows * Sept 6, 2009 New York Budget Sinking, Where the Real Fix? * Sept 24, 2009 * Going Broke: New York Failing Health Care System October 5, 2009 * Election Year Budget Cover Up July 13, 2009 Today's NYP Goodwin Bloomy and Bill's campaign fraudThe next mayor faces the most dire fiscal problems since the 1970s, yet neither Bloomberg nor Thompson will admit it. Instead of straight talk about the expanding sea of red ink, we get happy talk and promises about more government goodies Monday Albany's gutless wonders: Gov. David Paterson and legislators fear the tough budget choices *** Education advocates decry Gov. David Paterson’s proposed cuts to SUNY. (GNS)
Nobody Asked Me, But . . . True News was First Before the Daily News Again Mayor Michael Bloomberg tears into rival Bill Thompson on pensions In this article the Daily News took credit for Bloomberg atacking Thompson on the pension funds because the paper said the mayor was responding to DN article that was written the day before that showed Thompson taking $158,000 from pension fund middlemen who won more than $2.2 billion in business with the city. On April 21, 2009 True News wrote The Wolf at Thompson's Door which exposed how Thompson was getting campaign contributions from former managers of his pension who after leaving his office became money man and received tens of millions from his office the same pension funds that they reorganized Thompson Pensions funds to make it more available to money manager type deals. Since that April story True News has written over a dozen stories about how Thompson has abused the pension funds offering many important leads that have not been follow up by the other papers or the campaigns. From True News "It was reported yesterday in the Times that it was under former top Thompson aide Josh Wolf-Powers’ advisement that Steven Rattner’s private investment firm Quadrangle Group hired the now-indicted Hank Morris as its placement agent. Rattner badly wanted to gain access to investment from the State’s pension fund and according to the Times, “Wolf-Powers told Mr. Rattner that he could not think of any investment firm that had persuaded the city’s pension fund to invest without using a placement agent.” Josh Wolf-Powers was his aid who left Thompson office and formed his own company and recieved pensions funds from the comprtoller. On August 18 the NYT reported that one quarter of the money Thompson raised came from people who do business with his office. On June 3 the Village Voice Robbins wrote how campaign consultants closed to Thompson not only acted as money managers with the city's pension funds but gave campaign contributions to the City Comptroller. The journalist culture which thinks they are the center of the world until your paper prints the story is elitist and in this new emerging Internet world factually wrong Pension middlemen gave $158K to Bill Thompson's campaigns and got $2.2B in city business *** Does anyone believe that dysfunctional Albany does not rig every major big with a contractor? Gov's casino flip stirs fears of rigging (Dicker NYP) There's growing fear that Gov. Paterson is manipulating the bidding process for the long-delayed, multibillion-dollar contract for a massive video-lottery casino at the Aqueduct Race Track *** How does Squier Knapp Dunn communications which has received many of Bloombergs millions get the voters to turn out in a dull mayoral campaign? After spending 65 million Squier has failed to get Bloomberg positive numbers to increase. In the debate this week Thompson will be fighting for his life - Term Limit extension, developers taxes and parking tickets pushing the middle class out. Squier will be trying to paint Bloomberg clam and in charge. This might not be the best debate Strategy to make sure voter turn out which has been in the single digits in the 2009 primary and runoff, reaches the 45% to 50% where experts believe Bloomberg will be easily elected. The non religious Jewish vote is a real question inside the Squier war room *** In New York with a 10% plus unemployment rate Stimulus is not about creating jobs its about paying off the UFT and their members in an election years $1B ed. 'waste'Few new stimulus jobs at DOE (NYP) *** An agressive press are you kidding Mr. Mayor "You should get rid of the public advocate," said Bloomberg, hinting he might try to do just that. "It's a total waste of everybody's money. Nobody needs another gadfly and we have an aggressive enough press." *** It is not the Public Administrator that works for the city's Surrogate Judges that is corrupt it it the court itself Surrogate's Court And Why It Should Go Why go after corrupt lawyers and judges year after year change the court Lawyer eyed by feds in corruption investigation of Bronx public administrator's office More Surrogate Corruption Facts About Manhattan Surrogate Court 2008 , Manhattan Surrogate Judge-Elect Nora Anderson Indicted Dummy down public "New Yorkers who can tell you the precise number of electoral votes in Ohio and Indiana give only blank looks when asked how their own local judges are selected" --Tom Robbins, Village Voice *** Some Battle there has not been a GOPer elected to the City Council in decateds Battle for Brooklyn City Council seats *** Big Losses Put Pensions at RiskOut nearly $1T in investments, governments may cut workers' benefits or take risks to rebuild assets. (Washington Post) *** Gothamist got it very wrong. Star Ledger endorsement of independent candidate for governor, Chris Daggett helps divide the vote for Corzine. It is better for him if the people who think the gov is corrupt vote for Draggett then give Christie the 2 or 3% he needs to win Star-Ledger Delivers F-U To Corzine, Christie (Gothamist)
Pay to Play Ex-Aide Sentenced in NYC Council Slush Fund Scheme *** A wheel hypocrite More than a year ago, New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine demanded that the state Legislature end the practice of “wheeling” — in which political fat cats give money to campaign committees, which then “wheel” the money to other campaigns *** Jim Odato writes about some of the witnesses in former Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno’s trial, including a convict, two people under indictment and several lawmakers. (TU) *** Alan Hevesi still on investigators' radar for pension scandal ***The Baruch College paper defends the hiring of Eliot Spitzer and Martha Stark
Inspector Clouseau Paterson aide looking at Pigeon allegations *** Election system flaws lead to policy problems
City's Economic Meltdown Monday The TWU's Next OutrageWhat exactly does the Transport Workers Union have planned for city bus and subway riders this Wednesday -- when it launches what it's called a "day of outrage"? ***Budget Cuts Hamper Cities' Census OutreachCash-strapped march left holding the bag *** The foundering economy has spooked the Village's famed Halloween Parade *** Queens residents packing Manhattan ERs From the Queens Chronicle *** In New York, Art Replaces ‘For Rent’ Signs *** For Long-Term Unemployed, Payments Near End *** Queens schools bursting at seams *** Auction of 2 Queens hospitals set to draw crowd *** City's gouger grocers Bodegas' prices soar over supermarkets' *** Unemployment fuels Gotham mortgage mess *** Justice delayed at backed-up Bronx courthouses *** While Yankees Play, the Bronx Waits for Its Promised Parks *** City, LeRoy Family At Odds Over Tavern's Name *** USPS Considers Closing 16 Post Offices (NY1) *** Get ready, Brooklyn: flood of Luxe rentals
New York Cannot Recover Without Making Things
A recent proposal supported by the Bloomberg administration to eliminate zoning protections in the garment district in Midtown means 4,600 workers are battling for survival. Once upon a time (in the 1950s and 60s), 95% of apparel sold in the United States was made here. Today, that number is down to 5%. With the Garment district under threat of extinction, we should expect to see that number plummet further. If the proposal goes through, designers will not be able to afford the rents for production in the Fashion Capital Manufacturing a Real Economy *** New York manufacturing jobs down 7.6% in past 24 months *** Industrial Directory Reports New York Manufacturing Employment Declined 7.6% Over Two Years *** How a Smaller Wall Street Will Change the City *** Eminent domain abuse rampant in New York State
Law and Order Former Top Cop Bernard Kerik to Begin Series of Trials
City News That F'ing train! MTA bares subway line's late woes *** Teacher fired for asking for tests on toxic school*** Student promotions on rise this year among New York City schools ***Paterson Signs Child Abuse Bill Into Law
*** Nobel Surprise: What Oslo Was Thinking - Hendrik Hertzberg, New Yorker *** Biden: An Inconvenient Truth Teller - H. Bailey & E. Thomas, Newsweek *** Nobel Will Never Look the Same Again - Bob Schieffer, CBS News *** Justifying His Nobel Prize Will Be a Very Hard Task - The Australian *** Working Families Prepares To Bite Into The Big Apple *** Liu York CityHow history, labor and luck made a comptroller—and how he holds them together for 2013 *** Sunday 'Don't ask, don't tell' is doomed, O tells gays *** Obama Pledges Again to End ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ *** Gandhi Wuz Robbed Two former presidents hash out, and bond over, who should have been candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize (Dowd NYT) *** The Peace (Keepers) Prize President Obama accepted the Nobel Peace Prize with grace by honoring American leadership. In Oslo, he should take this instinct a step further (Friedman NYT) *** Honoring Obama For Events Yet to Come - Jim Hoagland, Washington Post *** Nobel Peace Prize Feeds Into Obama Parodies - Eleanor Clift, Newsweek *** A Wicked and Ignorant Award - Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal *** Why Obama Deserved the Nobel Peace Prize - Joan Walsh, Salon *** ComedyWATCH: SNL Takes On Obama's Peace Prize: "I Won It For Not Being Bush"
*** Chavez: What's O done for peace? Saturday For Presidency in Search of Success, Nobel Adds a Twist *** The Peace Prize President Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize shows that many people around the world want him to restore American values and leadership — and believe he can *** Obama Urges Congress Not to Scale Back Financial Reform *** Obama Adviser Warns Against Quick Decisions on AfghanistanNobel award will be whatever Obama makes of it *** Heads Being Scratched Around the World - Mark Phillips, CBS News *** This is Ridiculous -- Embarrassing, Even - Ruth Marcus, Washington Post *** The Aspirational Nobel - Richard Kim, The Nation *** A Nobel Prize for Good Intentions? - Michael Gerson, Washington Post *** Obama Shouldn't Have Accepted It - Michael Tomasky, The Guardian *** Weekly Address: New Momentum for Health Reform *** A Premature Prize (New Yorker) *** Cornel West On Obama's Nobel Win: Hard To Be 'War President' With Peace Prize
Congress Monday Democrats Must Attack to Win in 2010, Strategists Say *** Pelosi Key to GOP 2010 Playbook (WSJ) *** Graham Fine With Obama's Afghan Deliberations, But Demands More Troops
*** For Murtha's Subcommittee, Earmarks Pile Up - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette*** Sunday Two Wrongs Make Another Fiasco The most surreal aspect of the Afghanistan debate is the Beltway credence given to the ravings of the blunderers who got us into this mess *** Rep. Charles Rangel drowning in tangle web of ethics charges *** McCain Talks About Campaign Tensions: Palin And I Weren't A "Winning Combination" *** Feinstein urges Obama to decide soon on Afghan troop levels *** McCain Backs Up McChrystal Saturday Rangel Needs to Find the Exit - Margaret Carlson, Bloomberg *** Pentagon fires back over choppers *** Obama to Congress: Wrap Up Health Care *** Congress to keep abuse photos secret
Inspector Clouseau U.S. Can’t Trace Foreign Visitors on Expired Visas
Health Care Monday Bill Would Raise Rates, Insurance Group Says(Wash Post) *** Time for Decisiveness on Afghanistan -( Robert Kaplan, The Atlantic )***Sunday Lobbyists Fight Efforts to Save on Health Care *** The Baucus BillThe Senate Finance Committee’s health care reform bill should be viewed as the least that Congress should do — a foundation upon which to build, not the final structure (NYT Ed) *** Health Care Bill is Indecipherable Gibberish - Las Vegas Review-Journal ***Democrats Heed Dole’s Objection and Kill Television Ad Saturday Adversity Helped Shape Snowe’s Health Care View *** Obama: Time for final health care push *** Few, if Any, GOP Votes for Bill (Washington Post) *** Tort Reform's Tiny Savings
Terror Plot Qns. terror feds pix up lead *** Taliban Targets Pakistani Military HQ *** France Arrests Suspected Terrorist Physicist *** Muslims charge racial profiling in Queens terror raids *** Editorial: Terror goes nuclear From France comes fresh evidence that the United States and its allies are still engaged in an urgent global struggle against an insidious enemy that is going straight for our collective jugular
International Monday Civilian Goals Largely Unmet in Afghanistan *** On Cluttered Ballots of India, Families Proliferate *** Report: North Korea Fires 5 Short-Range Missiles *** Sunday Aim for the Middle in Afghanistan - Richard Haass, Washington Post *** Report: Iran to enrich its uranium if talks fail CNN *** Iran Condemns Protesters to Death *** Turkey and Armenia Sign Deal *** Hillary Clinton: Northern Ireland politicians must signup to peace *** Clinton: World Will Not Wait for Iran Voice of America *** Saturday Israel's Copycat Technique *** Veil Opening: New Rights, and Challenges, for Saudi Women (Time Magazine) *** In Brazen Raid, Militants Storm Headquarters of Pakistani Military *** Israel Changes Tactics in West Bank *** Turkey, Armenia to Reopen Border *** A Dogged Taliban Chief Rebounds, Vexing U.S.
Wall Street and the Economy MondayMisguided Monetary Mentalities (Krugman NYT)Some of the bad ideas that helped cause the Great Depression have, alas, proved all too durable *** A Scramble to Modify LoansBank of America trails other banks in refinancing mortgages ahead of government deadline *** Foreclosures Rise in Housing Top Tiers *** Taking the National Debt Seriously - Lawrence Kadish, Wall Street Journal*** Sunday The Question Is: Have Banks No Shame? - Joe Nocera, New York Times *** Our Gift to the Next Generation: No Jobs - Peter Coy, BusinessWeek *** Your Dollars Are Just Monopoly Money - Bill Fleckenstein, MSN Money *** Pensions Still Empty After CrashRecession creating a lost generation (MSNBC) Saturday Chinese co. gets Hummer *** New Way to Tap Gas May Expand Global Supplies *** Panel Says Obama Plan Won’t Slow Foreclosures *** As Americans Stop Buying, Trade Deficit Declines *** Top Prosecutor Stays Out of Madoff Case *** Bailout Talk For FHA The Federal Housing Authority head swears the agency is doing fine. The data say otherwise (The Atlantic ) *** 'Democratization of Credit' Is OverThe recession has forced a reckoning for low-income Americans who relied on borrowing to gain the trappings of middle-class life *** Do They PAC A Punch? Freelancers Get Politica *** Sunday Feds hunt Bear Hedge execs' e-mail may be smoking gun *** Lehman: The art of the dealLehman Bros. is holding an auction, not of financial instruments, but of photographs and drawings in an effort to repay its creditors some of the $250 billion *** Failures of Small Banks Grow, Straining F.D.I.C.
National Monday Gay Rights Marchers Press Cause in Washington *** Student Loans are the New Indentured Servitude (The Atlantic) *** Sunday To Do More With Less, Governments Go Digital *** Dems' Liberal Agenda Hurts Va.'s Deeds - Michael Gerson, Washington Post ***The Wild Success of Megachurches Saturday Pennsylvania Lawmakers End the Budget Stalemate The budget cuts overall spending by more than 1 percent and relies on nearly $500 million in new, secondary taxes *** California's Budget Suffers "Major Blow" *** Top Judge Calls Calif. Government ‘Dysfunctional’ *** Water Politics Brings Calif. to the Brink *** Middle class squeeze: The deep roots of an economic and social transformation
Media and New Tech Monday *** Fox’s Volley With Obama Intensifying *** Sam Stein Bloggers Furious At White House For Anonymous Ridicule *** Fox 'Keen On' Lou Dobbs *** FCC Is Probing Google Voice Service *** Debate Over Effects of Leno’s Show *** Special Issues a Bright Spot for Magazines *** Training to Climb an Everest of Digital Data *** A Reporter With a ‘Tom Sawyer Business Plan’ Buys a Newspaper *** Drilling Down: Web Display Ads Attract Fewer Clicks ***Cablevision to pay for CBS network shows *** Seeing the Future in 3-D Television *** Boston Globe’s Fate Remains Unclear *** Marge Simpson Poses For 'Playboy' Cover *** Blago plays Trump card *** Rupert to Internet: It’s War! (Wolff Vanity Fair) *** FCC Is Probing Google Voice Service *** The Post says that Conde Nast owner Si Newhouse's family trust will have to underwrite the publisher's losses; a source said it'll hurt, "Si hates to lose money, and Si hates to lose money that he wasn't planning to spend." *** Barnes & Noble to launch its own e-reader *** iPhone a mobile wedding planner *** Shaking Up NBC *** ZUCKER LIVES! COMCAST Said to Favor Keeping NBC UNIVERSAL's Management Team... *** White House Communications Director Anita Dunn called Fox News a 'wing of the Republican Party' on CNN this morning *** Email Reign Is Over Email no longer dominates communications. And this shift promises to rewrite the way we communicate—in ways we can only begin to imagine *** Star-Ledger agreed not to endorse before 10/16 gubernatorial debate Drop from the NJ debate *** Francis Ford Coppola Sees Cinema World Falling Apart... *** Times Metro Desk Cancels All Newspaper, Magazine Subscriptions *** Glee Cast Pulled from Macy's Parade
Playoffs Monday Bombers end ALCS drought *** Yankees Sweep Twins to Advance to A.L.C.S. ***Swing, Shout, Score. Repeat as Needed *** Lupica: Tying homer is blast from Stadium's past *** Dodgers’ Sweep Completes Cardinals’ Collapse *** Angels Sweep Red Sox to ReachA.L.C.S. *** Cubs file for Ch. 11 to speed team's sale *** The Rev. Al Sharpton does not want Rush Limbaugh to buy the St. Louis Rams.
Blog Report Cyclists and Walkers Account for Two-Thirds of Traffic Fatalities(Tri-State Transportation Campaign) *** Yes, Calorie Labeling Works
(The Atlantic) *** A Thumbs Down for City’s Bid to Promote Internet Industry
(NYCwireless) *** City’s Startup Fund Will Need to Be Able to Accept Failures
(This is going to be BIG) *** Hand-Held Devices Speed Up Housing Placement for Homeless
(USA Today via Huffington Post) *** Interactive Graphic of City’s Systems
(GOOD via Second Ave Sagas) *** Making Money Off Eminent Domain at Atlantic Yards
(Real Deal) *** Silver Knew Atlantic Yards Affordable Units not Guaranteed
(Atlantic Yards Report) *** Developers Need Community Support, Which Need Affordable Housing (DMI Blog) ***Will New York’s Highest Court Deliver State Eminent Domain Abuse Standards More Lax than Kelo? Can ED’s Paramount Purpose Be Private Monopolies? (Noticing New York