New ‘Vito district’ unlikely (NYP) Council-map ‘redo’
Vito Lopez had better start looking for a real-estate agent if he intends to run for the City Council next year in the Brooklyn neighborhood he most covets. (Lopez controls a housing non profit, so he should have no problem finding a new apartment in the district, anyway he lives in Queens out of both districts) Sources said Council Speaker Christine Quinn wants to undo the map proposed by the Districting Commission that moved the embattled assemblyman’s home into the district represented by Councilwoman Diana Reyna.
No need to celebrate what a wonderful insterment of democracy the council redistricting commission is. There are dozens of other deals besides the blown Lopez district created because of political deals to elected Quinn that have not been outed. The press has not done it job. If de Blasio had not blased the Lopez district and gotten some of his follow along friends in Brooklyn to take up the issue, Quinn would have never back down. The Citizen Union and other goo goos who got invoved after the bloggers published stories about the sweatheart Lopez district were just trying to cover their ass. They proviced no leadership on the issue.
We Need to Know Who Besides Quinn Was Behind the Lopez Council District
Shame on NYT for not writing on story blasting the political deals that Quinn is getting away with and the Lopez deal. True News knew the NYT would get the speaker to redue the district without showing their hand. Shame on the NYP's David Seifman for saysing The irony of this situation is that the commission was getting generally high grades for its work before the Lopez controversy erupted. Get you ass out of City Hall Seifman and start talking to non incumbents who want to run for council. We still don't know who were the secret playing behind the deal with Quinn. We know that Silver the AG and Comptroller want Lopez out of Albany to stop press coverage about the hush fund cover up, which is what the press is very willing to do. We know Lopez's power comes from his non profit Ridgewood Bushwich which Quinn's council still funds. Any good union organizer knows if you want to break someone stave the $$$. We also know Lopez is connected at the hip to the large number of votes controlled by Rabbi Neiderman and his pal DA Hynes. So by the NYT not going after Lopez it keeps alive a sytem that does not take sexual harrassment or abuse seriously in Albany and Brooklyn.
Quinn Moves Quick to Drop Lopez Deal to Protect Her Lead
What Were Bloomberg's Poll Numbers in 2000?
Q Poll: 2013 Mayoral Runs By Joe Lhota, Adolfo Carrion Jr. Would Be Turkeys?(NYDN)
Lhota would lose to the Democratic nominee 60% to 9%, according to the Quinnipiac University poll.
Carrion would lose 62% to 11% if he ran on the Republican ticket.
Districting Commission kept maps hidden from its own commissioners(Queens Crap)

Commissioners who unanimously approved new City Council district lines last week were not provided with maps showing last-minute tweaks until an hour before voting for them, one commissioner told The Insider. Former state Sen. Frank Padavan, a Republican member of the New York City Districting Commission, said the first time he saw last-minute changes that will stand for the next decade came at an hour-long meeting last Thursday — and that he now regrets his vote in favor of the lines at that meeting. Mr. Padavan said he had been unaware that the Broadway-Flushing neighborhood in Queens, which had been in Republican Councilman Dan Halloran’s district, had been split in two. “When the final drafts were presented [at the meeting] I just didn’t have all the details,” said Mr. Padavan. “It was just cut out and I didn’t notice.”
Press (Bloggers) Stonger Than Blackmail Threats
The press corp is incurious to the motive of creating a council district for Lopez and not take him out. Maybe They Can't?
Like Sammy the Bull Gravano Lopez has made so many dirty
deals with all the city power brokers in exchange for votes he can rat on any
one of them.
What About the Pfizer Deal?
Is Bloomberg Silence on Lopez Be Caused By The Backroom Deals They Made
With Lopez on the Pfizer Site? And Other Deals? Quinn and Silver who tired to
be silent are not just scared of being caught with their past deals to protect
and serve Lopez, including the Pfizer Site deal. After helping to make Quinn speaker in 2005,
What Does know about the Council's Slush Fund Scandal of which he got millions
for his non profit which he used as his machine. Lopez helped pushed illegal
third term for Bloomberg and Christine Quinn?
* Vito Lopez Moves To Take Pfizer's Brooklyn Site By Eminent Domain * Four ways Vito Lopez reshaped New York | The New York World * Pfizer latest giant company to milk city for lucrative tax breaks - New ... * A Fight Grows In Brooklyn: Pfizer & Eminent Domain // Pharmalot * Loft Law Has Silver, Lopez Under Further Scrutiny(NY1) * No Land Grab: Eminent Domain Archives*Vito Power Stalls Broadway Triangle | Vito Lopez and his Hour-of ... (2010)* Assemblyman Vito Lopez made good on his secretly-recorded threat ... * Greenpoint Gazette:Broadway Triangle Opponents Square Off(2011) * Council Approves Controversial Broadway Triangle Plan: Gothamist(2009) * Passions Remain High as Child Victims Act Is Derailed After Bruising Fight (NYT)
NYP Joins the Fight to Demand That the Quinn Stop the Sweet Heart District By the Redistricting Committee She and the Mayor Control
Chris Quinn’s Vito problem(NYP Ed) New York City has its share of gerrymandered election districts —
like the one that was pinched and squeezed and pulled and teased to the
apparent advantage of a serial sexual harasser with eyes on a City
Council seat.
Council Speaker Chris Quinn is expected to approve new maps that would
slide Assemblyman Vito Lopez’s Brooklyn home into a more favorable
district — and put him in position to cruise to a seat on the council if
he runs next year. Lopez lives in the council’s 37th District, but new maps approved last Friday would shift his home into the 34th District, which he has a better chance to win in (he can move before election day and run in the 34 District seat anyway under election law rules). * "Lopez line" that has caused @ChrisCQuinn a headache was proposed by Councilman Erik Dilan We wonder why the NYP left out of the editioral that Quinn was also funding non profit machines Ridgewood Bushwick with $873,589 in member items funds Lopez di$penser(NYP) * In 2006, when she was elected to become Speaker of the New
York City Council, Christine Quinn turned to help from Vito Lopez in Brooklyn,
for the votes of Brooklyn councilmembers, in an effort to thwart Bill De
Blasio, who (no surprise) failed in his campaign to become Speaker. Like then,
Speaker Quinn is now turning to extending favours to Mr. Lopez. Only now, what
is at stake is not the speakership, but the mayoralty. Quinn invited Lopez to her wedding.
Make A Call Lincoln to the NYT, Stop With the Traffic Reporst on Your Twitter . . . Use Your Position to Make Change
One phone call by Lincoln Restler to his supporters in the NYT will force Quinn to end her stonewalling on changing the sweat heart district the redistricting committee she and the mayor controls. We know the NYT supports Quinn for mayor, printing her baby pictures and her baking a pie in her NJ get away house. That is why they are the only paper to stay away from the Lopez Quinn story. Who better to force the paper of record hand than the young lad who representing not only the reformers, but the hipsters the paper desperately needs to stay loyal to their brand, to stop it finance loses and readership decline. Lincoln if you want to stop this deal call the NYT at 212-556-1234. Breaking on the BBC Scandal Times Co. Chief Executive Testifies at Closed-Door Inquiry on BBC Scandal * Mark Thompson gives evidence to Nick Pollard investigation into ...(Guardian) *Mark Thompson Testifies At BBC Probe Into Jimmy Savile Scandal(Huff Post) * Thompson testifies at London probe into BBC (KHON2) *
Mark Thompson testifies at London probe into BBC Centre Daily Times* NY Times CEO Mark Thompson in London for BBC testimony(Business Standard)
Quinn Who Still Funds Grope Vito Lopez Machine Says She Has Nothing to Do WithVito's District
Lincoln should drop a dime today and call the NYT Editorial Board. Or better yet call their news CEO Mark Thompson who seems to have a bit of a tin ear on comprehending and acting on sexual harassment stories. We already have sexual harassment cover ups in Albany connected to the Lopez story, and the BBC connected to Thompson, nobody needs another one at the NYT. The NYT must demand that Quinn change Lopez's district. Knowing how the NYT operates they will make a call to Quinn and give her an offer she can not refuse. No editorial in exchange for Quinn recutting the Lopez district. After Scandals, BBC Appoints New Director General(NYT) BBC's director general Tony Hall: "I believe passionately in the BBC, it's important part of what makes UK what it is" *BBC taps Royal Opera’s Tony Hall for top job(NYP) *
Will Brooklyn Reformers Demand The Cannoli Friend Boss Seddio Demand Quinn Change the Lopez District?
On August 23rd 2012 True News Reported Quinn Was Selling Council District For Mayoral Support . . . Now That Vito Lopez and His Friends Brought One of Those District de Blasio and his Supporters Have Discovered the Council Districts Pay to Play Operation
The reformers who took Seddio's cannoli's when he visited their clubs whe he became the new boss of brooklyn, never understood how Seddio was still working with Lopez who still controlled Rabbi Neiderman powerful voting block so important to DA Hynes reelection. Lopez knows were a lot of bodies are buried that is why people like Bloomberg and Speaker Silver and many more fear him.
From True News 8/23/12
"Council Redistricting Corruption Silence"
Many of his fellow reformer felt that Citizens Union puppet general Dick Dadey sold out last year when he supported Albany's compromise to put off independent redistrict for 10 years. But nothing can compare to Dadey and the rest of the goo goos, editorial boards and reformers silence on the corruption going on with the city council redistricting operation.
Over 100 Days After True News Warned of Council District and the Creation of the Lopez District Did A few Pols and Progressives Attached to Them Take Notice
For starters the appointed council redistricting commission
is controlled by two people supporting Quinn for mayor in 2013. The
council speaker herself and her puppet master the mayor. Although the
redistricting commission work has just begun there are already reports
that county bosses Crowley and Lopez, ethic and minority leaders are
already dealing with Quinn operatives to cut districts favorable to them
or those they support in exchange for their endorsement for Quinn's
2013 mayoral bid.
More than the Lopez Deal: Council Redistricting Protect Incumbents. . . Will Those Speaking Out on the Lopez Deal Look At the Entire Corrupt System Or Just What Interfears With Their Plans?
Goo Goos and Reformers Who This Week Have Spoken Out Against the Lopez Deal Remain in Hiding of the Dozens of other deals Quinn made with the borough machines and local pols.
Redistricting Helps Incumbents and Those Connected to the Machines and ethnic groups
You Don't to Be Mayor the Mayor . . . No Weiner or Stringer
With No Major Jewish Candidate, an Unusual Absence in the N.Y.C. Mayor’s Race(NYT)
In the world of politics, the idea of a New York City mayor’s race without a serious Jewish entrant is hard to fathom. It would be “like the Upper West Side without Zabar’s,” said Robert Shrum, a longtime Democratic political strategist.

Bill de Blasio: Bloomberg Is ‘No Chris Christie’(NYO)
Public Advocate Bill de Blasio, a likely mayoral candidate in 2013, can
now be counted as a firm critic of Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s handling of
Hurricane Sandy.
Thompson Finally Gets It and After Months of Stonewalling Pays the Poster Fines . . Resistance is Futile
I give up! Thompson pays big poster fine(NYP) Former Comptroller Bill Thompson has decided to clear the decks for his 2013 mayoral run by paying a record-breaking fine of nearly $600,000 for plastering the city with illegal campaign posters during his previous race for City Hall, The Post has learned. That leaves only Comptroller John Liu among the mayoral contenders still fighting six-figure penalties incurred in 2009 for poster violations.
State Senate Battle For Control . . . NYT Warns A Bidding War Will Return to the 2009 Clown Show
The New York State Senate became fodder for late-night television in June 2009, an embarrassment to New Yorkers and to the Senate itself. Albany, Not Another 2009(NYT Ed) If a bidding war erupts in January between the two parties for the affections of the wavering members, the public will be the loser. The situation seems ripe for a bidding war in January between the two parties for the affections of the wavering members. But if this takes all of January, the public will be the loser. Gov. Andrew Cuomo may have to get involved as a mediator, pushing all parties to pick a reasonable leader who can work with him and both parties. The state cannot afford another legislative burlesque. * State Senator Jeff Klein outlined a "Democratic progressive agenda" for Albany that may serve as a legislative agenda for the Republican conference. [Azi Paybarah] * A Look At The Ulster County Absentees - The counting of absentee and paper ballots resumes today in Montgomery Count... (YNN)
Daily News Mayoral Candidates BS on Education
The men and woman who
seek to become the next leader of New York City are offering, they claim, new paths to improve the
nation’s largest public school system. Hardly. The five
candidates for mayor — four Democrats and one Republican — owe voters far more
than they have offered so far: cheap shots at Mayor Bloomberg’s education policies and hazy
reassurances to the teachers union. Instead, City Council
Speaker Christine Quinn, Public Advocate Bill de Blasio, Controller John Liu,
former Controller Bill Thompson and GOP businessman Tom Allon must answer for
mothers and fathers the crucial question of how they would raise student achievement.
Actions of a top aide of Brooklyn DA Charles Hynes comeunder serious questioning(NYDN Ed) Disclipinary panel must look into behavior of ADA Michael
Vecchione. The judges — one in 2010 and one last week — targeted the
conduct of prosecutor Michael Vecchione in sending Jabbar Collins to prison for
15 years on a wrongful murder conviction.
Downtown city agencies scramble(NYP) Eleven city agencies have shifted thousands of workers out of lower Manhattan because their offices in privately owned buildings were damaged by Hurricane Sandy.
Most of the agencies that had to find new quarters are small, such as the Campaign Finance Board and the Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings. But two are huge and lost their central headquarters, the Human Resources Administration and the Transportation Department, including the office of Commissioner Janette Sadik Khan at 55 Water.
Barclays CenterOwner Drops Challenge to City's $741 Million Appraisal (DNAINFO) * In
lawsuit, Forest City claims arena, land around it worth far less than
city assessments; can site for 32-story tower be worth just $6,000?(Atlantic Yards Review) * Forest City withdraws suit challenging #AtlanticYards assessments, claims mistake; was it 2 save on nonarena buildings?(Altantic Yard Report)
"Road to Brooklyn" focuses on borough generalizations; WashPost explores whether #BrooklynNets = return of Dodgers
On a Largely Blue Island, an Exception: Trump Tower(NYT) A precinct-by-precinct examination of how New Yorkers voted showed Mitt Romney suffered a resounding defeat in the city and won only one precinct outright in Manhattan.

On a Largely Blue Island, an Exception: Trump Tower(NYT) A precinct-by-precinct examination of how New Yorkers voted showed Mitt Romney suffered a resounding defeat in the city and won only one precinct outright in Manhattan.


It the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
What The Next City Council Will Likely Look Like

Campaign 2013/6 Northern Manhattan Power Brokers Clearing Field for Levine El Diario NY(Perez Notes) * There are other controversial aspects of the redistricting plan, too, like the splitting of Councilwoman Melissa Mark-Viverito's district.* Poll Puts Quinn Well Ahead Among Mayoral Candidates(CBS) * “Christine Quinn, 32 (percent); Bill Thompson, former city comptroller and very strong candidate against (Mayor Michael) Bloomberg last time around, 10 (percent), Public Advocate Bill de Blasio, 9 (percent),” said Quinnipiac Polling Institute director Maurice Carroll.* diff than Pataki in so many ways. “
911 Has Become A Campaign Issue After A Long Cover Up . . . Do You Think We Get to the Truth Now?

Media Ignores Comptroller Liu Warned About NYPD Phone System Problems Months Before Sandy Meltdown, Bloomberg Blasted Liu's "Stupid Audit"
John Liu: 911 System Contractor Soaked Taxpayers | New York * John Liu 911 Audit Ask for Criminal Investigation NYDN May 2012 DA Cy Vance DID NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!(Troy Artist) * Audit: HP overbilled city for 911 upgrade | Crain's New York Business * Bloomberg Blasts Liu's "Stupid" 911 Audit | NBC New York * LIU: MISMANAGEMENT OF 911 UPGRADE * Comptroller Says Contractor on 911 System Billed Millions in Inappropriate Charges (NYT) * Suzannah B. Troy
@suzannahbtroy NYDN John Liu called for Criminal investigation 911 Cy Vance did nothing. Hurricane Sandy deaths

* New cell for 'Son of Sal'(NYDN)
Suspect in Brooklyn murder spree went dancing after last killing, pal says(NYP) * Alleged serial killer reportedly told cops he was hitman for Italian spy agency. (Brooklyn Eagle)
Police officials have noted all three victims were older men of Middle Eastern descent and each had shop addresses that contained the number "8" - which led one New York tabloid to dub the suspect the "Crazy 8 Killer." Kelly: ‘Reasonable To Assume’ Brooklyn Shopkeeper Killing Suspect Would Have Acted Again
Door-to-door salesman admits to gunning down three Brooklyn businessmen: sources(NYP) * Staten Island Man Charged in 3 Merchants’ Deaths(NYT) * Man Arrested in Shopkeeper Slayings(WSJ) * Police: Alleged Suspect In Shop Owner Shootings May Have Planned To Strike Again(NY1) * Police Make Arrest In Connection With Brooklyn Shopkeeper WCBS) * Garment salesman arrested in 3 NY merchant deaths(WABC) * NYPD: Staten Island man arrested, charged in murders of (SI Advance
Bruno Trial II
Former State Sen. Joseph Bruno faces two fraud charges in his second scheduled trial. * Bruno Trial Is Set(WSJ) *
"John Doe Duffel Bag" Railroaded?(Bay Ride Journal)* Alleged Serial Killer Believed He Was Hitman for CIA,Sources Say (DNAINFO) * Salvatore Perrone, 63, of Staten Island, was held after his initial Brooklyn court appearance on murder charges(NBC) * Suspect in Three Killings Faced Financial Troubles(NYT) * Staten Islander denies he's .22-caliber killer, attorney SI Advance) * Suspect Arrested in Store Slayings(WSJ) * Rifle Tied to Two Shopkeeper Shootings(WSJ) * Alleged Shooter Of Three Shopkeepers Denies Murder Charges Against Him (NY1)
* Alleged Brooklyn Serial Killer Had "Plans For World Peace," Went Dancing After Murder
* Alleged Brooklyn Serial Killer Had "Plans For World Peace," Went Dancing After Murder
Bruno Trial II
A federal judge expects the upcoming corruption trial of retired state Sen. Joseph Bruno in February to last up to two to three weeks, while lawyers on both sides wrangle over the jury selection process, the Associated Press reports:

Fans set to crowd new Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade route that skips Times Square(NYP) * Thanksgiving Parade To Run For 86th Time Thursday (NY1) *
Macy's favorite politicians, Cool Whip and cranberry lobbying and more! Happy Thanksgiving! * From Seinfeld’s parade sabotage to the
Peanuts football fakeout and How I Met Your Mother’s ‘Slapsgiving,’ The Daily Beast serves up some favorite Turkey Day TV moments. WATCH VIDEO.
Santas march along Fifth Avenue in annual post-Thanksgiving parade(NYP) * Santas parade on 5th Avenue(WABC)
Confidential Nassau cop docs — with info on undercovers — tossed as confetti at parade(NYP)
An Earlier Clowns Death
For Married Clowns at Macy’s Parade, an Annual Ritual Turns Tragic (NYT) * Yonkers neighborhood mourns man who died at Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade(NYP)
Walmart Workers Strike(Daily Beast)
Peanuts football fakeout and How I Met Your Mother’s ‘Slapsgiving,’ The Daily Beast serves up some favorite Turkey Day TV moments. WATCH VIDEO.
Confidential Police Documents Made an Appearance at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade(NY Mag)

Confidential Nassau cop docs — with info on undercovers — tossed as confetti at parade(NYP)
An Earlier Clowns Death
For Married Clowns at Macy’s Parade, an Annual Ritual Turns Tragic (NYT) * Yonkers neighborhood mourns man who died at Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade(NYP)
Mary Tyler Moore at Chuckles the Clown's Funeral

EducationNew Options Weighed for School Diplomas(WSJ) * School Rezoning’s Border Wars(NYT) Jim Devor, the contentious president of the Community Education Council
in Park Slope, illustrates the local tensions behind redrawing of school
boundaries.* Bloomy should get religion(NYDN)
wants the mayor to allow religious services in public schools.
Just steps away from City Hall, Murry Bergtraum HS is abandoned to failure(NYP) Bergtraum is a “warehouse” school, a last resort for students who have been shut out elsewhere or don’t care where they go.
t's Staten Island's chance to vent over Verrazano toll (SI Advance)
wants the mayor to allow religious services in public schools.
Just steps away from City Hall, Murry Bergtraum HS is abandoned to failure(NYP) Bergtraum is a “warehouse” school, a last resort for students who have been shut out elsewhere or don’t care where they go.
t's Staten Island's chance to vent over Verrazano toll (SI Advance)
A Long Nights Journey Home

The Mysterious Mr. Rechnitz(NYT) Joshua Rechnitz, the philanthropist who pledged to build a bicycling velodrome in Brooklyn Bridge Park, is planning to turn an abandoned powerhouse into artist studios.

A one-sided deal?(Queens Crap)

While the identity of a potential team owner of the 20th MLS team remains under wraps, it is widely expected to be a big name who can help bankroll the 25,000-seat venue in Flushing Meadows Corona Park. The stadium is considered a legacy project for the Bloomberg administration, which has outlined terms of a prospective deal: a 35-year, $1-a-year lease, with no sales taxes on construction materials, no property taxes and no revenue sharing with the city. The plan also requires an agreement to share parking lots with Citi Field. Events at the new soccer stadium would be scheduled to avoid conflicts with Mets home games and U.S. Open tennis. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal for Major League Soccer. What are the benefits for us taxpayers?
WTC 1776

The Bronx's Mini City
Designer of a Whimsical, Shrunken City(NYT) Paul Busse has designed displays for the New York Botanical Garden’s Holiday Train Show for two decades, turning to nature to build the city’s iconic structures.

Gov. Cuomo is giving gas pains to hydraulic fracturingindustry (NYDN Ed) Missed deadline needlessly pushes back the start of drilling
In just90 seconds, the city seemed to come undone: A behind-the-scenes look at how topbrass handled the 'night of reckoning' as Hurricane Sandy battered New York(NYDN)
Who? “Hopefully, it will deter people who dont belong to the community from the idea [of looting]”
Sunday Sandy Update
Is This the End?(NYT) Whether in 50 or 100 or 200 years, there’s a good chance that New York City will sink beneath the sea.* Rising Seas, Vanishing Coastlines * What Could Disappear(NYT) * Paying for Future Catastrophes(NYT)

Fire Island After Sandy: Summer Getaway Assesses Future After Superstorm(Huff Post) * Paramedics union demands FDNY’s EMS chief resign over Sandy fiasco(NYP) * LIPA customers who spent weeks without power due to Sandy get zapped with normal electric bills(NYP) * Sandy recovery may add $240B to econ(NYP) * Daily News tick tock of the night Sandy hit * Many Cemeteries Damaged, but Green-Wood Bore the Brunt of the Storm(NYT)* Cuomo to Meet With State Leaders in Washington
Saturday Sandy Update
Queens storm victims armed and angry after thieves strike on Thanksgiving(NYP) * LIPA customers who spent weeks without power due to Sandy get zapped with normal electric bills(NYP) * Odd-even gas restrictions lifted(NYP) * Sandy victims hope for Powerball lottery windfall(NYP) * Dry Floors Prove Value of Exceeding City Code(NYT) * In Storm’s Debris, the Macabre(NYT) Two bodies found in areas hit hardest by Hurricane Sandy suggest that wreckage from the storm has created inviting spots for killers to dump bodies. * Gas Rationing to End in New York City(NYT) * Shore Houses Packed in Sand(WSJ)
Hurricanehorror show: Some of Coney Island's most beloved attractions hit hard by storm (NYDN) * Focus Turns to Climate(WSJ) * Christie Sees $29.4 Billion in Sandy Costs(WSJ) * Mayor, Police Commissioner Visit Officers Whose Precinct Was Damaged By Sandy(NY1) * United Way Helps Sandy Victims With Post-Thanksgiving Feast(NY1) * NYer Of The Week: Thomas Joseph Perone Cooks Meals For Sandy Victims(NY1) * First flood, now a fire at lower Manhattan building(NYDN) * NYCHA’s no-evict policy for ’12(NYDN) * Blaze at no-power high-rise(NYP) * Sandy Sunday' launched to help rebuild Staten Island(SI Advance) * Sandy leaves Howard Beach Judea Center in perilous situation(Queens Chronicle) * PATH service to Lower Manhattan to resume Monday(NYP) * Post-Sandy ferry from Staten Island to start Monday(NYP)
Village gives fire truck with relief supplies to Sandy-damaged community(NYP)* Bloomberg announces new $5.5 million grant to help small businesses struggling after Sandy(NYP) *
PATH Will Take Commuters to WTC Come Monday(NY Mag) * More Service To Resume On PATH, LIRR Train Lines(WCBS) * Breezy Point storm victims looted over Thanksgiving(WABC) * PATH service to Lower Manhattan resuming Monday(Fox 5) * Bloomberg: $5.5 million business grants program for storm (Fox 5) * Weekend LIRR Service to Long Beach Resumes Sunday(NBC) * PATH Service to Lower Manhattan Back Monday(NBC) * Bloomberg Announces Grant Program For Small Businesses Affected(NY1)
A Sandy Thanksgiving

Some homeowners whose houses were damaged during Hurricane Sandy will not be covered by storm insurance because much of the damage was caused by flooding, which requires flood insurance that many people don’t have, the News writes: *
* #ny1sandy Queens Restaurant Owner Offers Free Thanksgiving Meal For Sandy Victims * NYC gas rationing in what could be its final day * Buddhist Organization, Liu Partner To Aid Sandy Victims (NY1) * Guzzle away: Bloomberg ends gas rationing(NY1) * Leftovers Made to Share With Strangers(NYT) * Gas Rationing(NYDN) * Macabre Dumping Grounds Amid a Storm-Altered Landscape(NYT) * Car Dealers Say Business Is Booming After Sandy(WCBS) * Far Rockaway Residents Concerned After Sinkholes Open Up (WCBS) * Fire Island plans for the future after Sandy(WABC) * Cuomo announces restoration of contraflow traffic for Midtown Fox 5) * Man Questioned in Death of 15-Year-Old Girl in the Bron (NBC) * Some Parks Still Closed from Sandy Damage * New York Reassessing Building Code to Limit Storm Damage(NYT)
Hurricane Sandy can't faze S.I. man's holiday spirit(NYDN)* Cuomo, Nat'l Guard Give Thanksgiving Meals To Areas Recovering From Sandy(NY1) * City Harvest Salvages Food From Eateries To Deliver To Local Storm Victims(NY1) * One SI Resident's Christmas Tree Serves As Beacon Of Hope For Residents(NY1) * President Obama Pardons Turkeys, Pays Tribute To Sandy Victims(NY1) * Sandy-Ruined Evidence Under Review(WSJ) * Special Early Thanksgiving Dinner Held For Sandy Victims WCBS) * Sandy victims prepare for Thanksgiving(WABC) *
State transportation officials send help to NY(Fox 5) *
Daily News Says Jail Workers AWOL During SandyState transportation officials send help to NY(Fox 5) *
Mayor Bloomberg serves warmth at Staten Island pre-Thanksgiving(SI Advance) * One SI Resident's Christmas Tree Serves As Beacon Of Hope (NY1)
Thanksgiving parade brings cheer to storm-hit NYC * City Outreach Efforts Abound This Thanksgiving(NY1) * Lady Liberty, Ellis Island To Remain Closed Through Year's End(NY1) * A Rockaways teen documents life post#sandy for his high school. It's "a slap in the face" @SchoolBook * Animal Shelter Damaged by Hurricane Sandy
Reopens for Adoptions(DNAINFO) * Red Hook Storefront Offers Heat and Power to Those Without
on Thanksgiving(DNAINFO) * Kids Affected by Sandy Get New Shoes at Payless on 125th
Street(DNAINFO) * City Outreach Efforts Abound This Thanksgiving(NY1) * For Rockaway Residents, Thanksgiving Parade Is a Welcome Respite(NY1)
City Will Test a Disaster Housing Prototype Both Innovative and Inside the Box(NYT) * Storm-Damaged Pipes Cited as Cause of Queens Sinkholes(NYT) * Federal Disaster Team Members Stay Positive Despite Being (WCBS) * Brooklyn woman opens her home to storm victims(Fox 5)
Thanksgiving parade brings cheer to storm-hit NYC * City Outreach Efforts Abound This Thanksgiving(NY1) * Lady Liberty, Ellis Island To Remain Closed Through Year's End(NY1) * A Rockaways teen documents life post
City Will Test a Disaster Housing Prototype Both Innovative and Inside the Box(NYT) * Storm-Damaged Pipes Cited as Cause of Queens Sinkholes(NYT) * Federal Disaster Team Members Stay Positive Despite Being (WCBS) * Brooklyn woman opens her home to storm victims(Fox 5)

Jail Interests Spinners Use Media to Says Jail Workers Helped
Jailed and Jailers Pitched In Help After Storm(NYT) * Rikers inmates deliver Thanksgiving meals (NYDN) * Prisoners Released From Rikers Island To Deliver Thanksgiving(NYDN)
Washingting Update
The Senate’s Long Tumble Into Partisan Gridlock(NYT) * Election Spurred a Move to Codify U.S. Drone Policy(NYT) * Will Puerto Rico Be America’s 51st State?(NYT) * New Congress: Fewer moderates make deals harder (Yahoonews) *

None Dare Call It Default - Holman Jenkins, Wall Street Journal
More Chips for Tax Reform - Steven Rattner, New York Times
What About Clinton-Era Spending Rates? - Michael Medved, Daily Beast
ObamaCare Is on the Table - Conn Carroll, Washington Examiner
Susan Rice Has Already Won - John Heilemann, New York Magazine
Jill Kelley for Secretary of State - Mark Steyn, Orange County Register
A Test for Egypt's New Government - Thomas Friedman, New York Times
The Syrian Linchpin - Condoleezza Rice, Washington Post
Kill the Dept. of Homeland Security - Bragg & Gillespie,
The Treasury May Get a Woman's Touch - Dan Froomkin, Huffington Post
Republicans, Turn Against the Plutocrats - Joel Kotkin, New Geography
Digesting the Lessons of Twinkies - George Will, Washington Post
What Obama Can Learn From RGIII - Maureen Dowd, New York Times
Note to Bill Kristol: Problem Is Spending, Not Taxes - Steve Gunn, NY Post
The Collapse of Black Wealth - Monica Potts, American Prospect
Petraeus, the Comeback General? - Doyle McManus, Los Angeles Times
Finally, an Honest Abe - Harold Holzer, New York Post
Rep. King To Step Down As House Homeland Security Committee Chair(NY1)
Tipping Point on Same-Sex Marriage - Tampa Bay Times
How to Balance the Budget Without Raising Taxes - Washington Examiner
Cease-Fire Gives Mideast Peace a Chance - San Francisco Chronicle
Race Rants Over Unqualified Susan Rice - New York Post
Lindsey Graham says he would violate Grover's pledge -- if Democrats in turn agree to entitlement reform (Politico)
Breaking Ranks
Barney Frank On Low Congress Approval: 'I Don't Feel Guilty' Because Voters Ask Us To Do The 'Impossible' (VIDEO)John McCain To Fox: President Obama Is The Real Problem, Not Susan Rice (VIDEO)
Powerful forces in the South are eroding the GOP's dominance(Wash Post)
McCain says Rice could change his opposition to her possible Secretary of State nomination
GOP Rep. Peter King Takes On Norquist: ‘Pledge You Signed 20 Years Ago’ Is Only Good For One Congress
Democrats See a Future of Electoral Dominance But History Says Otherwise(Daily Beast)
We're Living the Dream; We Just Don't Realize It - Steve Johnson, CNN
Unemployment Aid Is Prolonging the Recession - Casey Mulligan, NY Post
Elections Have Consequences - Ezra Klein, MSNBC
Putting ObamaCare in Perspective - Salena Zito, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
The Creepy Reality of Conservative Positions - Kathleen Geier, DC Monthly
God and Man and William F. Buckley - Jeremy Lott, Catholic Thing
There's No Mandate to Raise Taxes on the "Rich" - Susan Estrich, Creators
Lessons for Obama's New Cabinet - Frank Rich, New York Magazine
Realists Fret Obama Is Drifting Away - Walter Russell Mead, Am. Interest
Sunday Panels: Face the Nation | FOX News Sunday | MTP | This Week
Susan Rice’s World View(New Yorker)
Saturday Update
A Family Business in Disarray(NYT)
The Rev. Jesse L. Jackson Sr., right, who has spent his life mediating crises, has no ready remedy for his namesake son, left, who resigned from Congress on Wednesday.
Promises on Gun Control(NYT Ed) President Obama now has the freedom to take on the issue that politicians shun. * Their Problem With Elizabeth Warren(NYT Ed)Republicans want to keep Ms. Warren off the Senate
banking committee. But too bad. Her expertise makes her perfectly suited
for the panel.
New York Times: “Adjusting Expectations for Obama’s 2nd Inaugural”
Washington Post: “Patty Murray Likely to be a Key Voice in Senate on Budget Deal”
Wall Street Journal: “‘Fiscal Cliff’ Debate Hits Airwaves”
Associated Press: “House to Consider Limited GOP Immigration Bill”
Politico: “A New Bush Rises”
The Hill: “Reid Faces Task of Mending Fences with GOP After Campaign Attacks”
Trump's kids staged an Obama-vention before the election, told their dad to cool it with Prez bashing:
Can Obama Dodge the Second-Term Trap? - George Condon, National Jrnl
Knowns and Economic Unknowns - Irwin Stelzer, The Weekly Standard
How Democrats Can Keep Winning - Rahm Emanuel, Washington Post
Unions vs. Democratic Mayors - Tim Cavanaugh, Reason
Prosperity, Not Austerity - David Moberg, In These Times
Federal Debt Is Fraying the Political Fabric - Arnold Kling, The American
Fix Entitlements, Voters Say - Eleanor Clift, The Daily Beast
Lincoln, Liberty and Two Americas - Charles Blow, New York Times
Four More Years of Europeanization - Pete Du Pont, Wall Street Journal
Why GOP's Latino Outreach Plan Won't Work - Irin Carmon, Salon
Hispanics Favor Dems But Didn't Decide Election - Byron York, Examiner
Clashes Erupt After Morsi Seizes New Power - Fahim & Kirkpatrick, NYT
Another Step Toward an Islamist Egypt - Barry Rubin, PJ Media
The Odd Case Against Susan Rice - Ta-Nehisi Coates, The Atlantic
A Promotion for Misleading the Nation? - Rich Lowry, National Review
The Agent Who Leaped Onto JFK's Car - Paul Brandus, The Week
Family, Friends, Health and Freedom - Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal
On Robert Caro's LBJ - His brilliance as a politician lay not in his idealism but his opportunism & pragmatism.
Team Obama's Secret Emails - Orange County Register
Republicans' Bizarre Attack on Susan Rice - Washington Post
Come Clean on Events in Libya - Denver Post
Israel vs. Hamas Is Civilization vs. Savagery - Investor's Business Daily
Grab for power in Egypt threatens new democracy (Wash Post)
How Mike Bloomberg took out a pro-gun Democrat(BuzzFeed)
Grover Norquist Responds To Sen. Chambliss: Taxpayer Pledge Is Not About Me, It’s About His Constituents
New York Times: “Adjusting Expectations for Obama’s 2nd Inaugural”
Washington Post: “Patty Murray Likely to be a Key Voice in Senate on Budget Deal”
Wall Street Journal: “‘Fiscal Cliff’ Debate Hits Airwaves”
Associated Press: “House to Consider Limited GOP Immigration Bill”
Politico: “A New Bush Rises”
The Hill: “Reid Faces Task of Mending Fences with GOP After Campaign Attacks”
Trump's kids staged an Obama-vention before the election, told their dad to cool it with Prez bashing:
Can Obama Dodge the Second-Term Trap? - George Condon, National Jrnl
Knowns and Economic Unknowns - Irwin Stelzer, The Weekly Standard
How Democrats Can Keep Winning - Rahm Emanuel, Washington Post
Unions vs. Democratic Mayors - Tim Cavanaugh, Reason
Prosperity, Not Austerity - David Moberg, In These Times
Federal Debt Is Fraying the Political Fabric - Arnold Kling, The American
Fix Entitlements, Voters Say - Eleanor Clift, The Daily Beast
Lincoln, Liberty and Two Americas - Charles Blow, New York Times
Four More Years of Europeanization - Pete Du Pont, Wall Street Journal
Why GOP's Latino Outreach Plan Won't Work - Irin Carmon, Salon
Hispanics Favor Dems But Didn't Decide Election - Byron York, Examiner
Clashes Erupt After Morsi Seizes New Power - Fahim & Kirkpatrick, NYT
Another Step Toward an Islamist Egypt - Barry Rubin, PJ Media
The Odd Case Against Susan Rice - Ta-Nehisi Coates, The Atlantic
A Promotion for Misleading the Nation? - Rich Lowry, National Review
The Agent Who Leaped Onto JFK's Car - Paul Brandus, The Week
Family, Friends, Health and Freedom - Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal
On Robert Caro's LBJ - His brilliance as a politician lay not in his idealism but his opportunism & pragmatism.
Team Obama's Secret Emails - Orange County Register
Republicans' Bizarre Attack on Susan Rice - Washington Post
Come Clean on Events in Libya - Denver Post
Israel vs. Hamas Is Civilization vs. Savagery - Investor's Business Daily
Grab for power in Egypt threatens new democracy (Wash Post)
How Mike Bloomberg took out a pro-gun Democrat(BuzzFeed)
Grover Norquist Responds To Sen. Chambliss: Taxpayer Pledge Is Not About Me, It’s About His Constituents
Friday Update
David Petraeus memorabilia floods eBay in the wake of sex scandal(NYP)
Generally Dumb

Rice Pushes Back
Rice’s Libya defense(NYP) * Susan Rice Defends Her Remarks on Benghazi(NY Mag) * Susan Rice Responds To Criticism Over Benghazi Remarks, Calls McCain’s Comments ‘Unfounded’ * Editorial: The GOP's wild attack on Susan Rice (Wash Post)
Friday Update Seeking Ways to Raise Taxes but Leave Rate As Is(NYT) * Jeb Bush in 2016 Campaign? Not Too Soon for Chatter(NYT) * GOP Plan B on taxes: Protect business owners(Politico)
Dems Should Give Thanks for Mitt Romney - Alec MacGillis, New Republic
Waiting for the GOP's Populist Turn - Victor Davis Hanson, Defining Ideas
Conservatives Have Good Reason to Give Thanks - Tim Carney, Examiner
What the "Takers" Really Want - Harold Meyerson, Washington Post
A Cure for Blue State Fiscal Blues - Steven Malanga, RealClearMarkets
Rubio's Faith vs. the Scientific Evidence - Paul Krugman, New York Times
Obama's 2nd-Term History Lessons - Edward-Isaac Dovere, Politico
The Problem With Susan Rice - Carl Cannon, RealClearPolitics
To Israel and Palestine: Enough Is Enough - Roger Cohen, New York Times
Why Was There War in Gaza? - Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post
ObamaCare Hits Restaurants Hard - Bethany Mandel, Commentary
The Illusions of Conservative Economics - Robert Solow, The New Republic
Why Has Economic Recovery in U.S. Sputtered? - Zachary Goldfarb, WP
Phrase That Lost Romney the Election - Higgins & Cortes, RealClearPolitics
Is Rand Paul the Future of the Republican Party? - Ed Morrissey, Hot Air
A Gay Son and His Dad Give Thanks - Paul Begala, CNN
A Return to Trench Warfare Politics - Michael Barone, DC Examiner
Team Obama's Secret Emails - Orange County Register
Republicans' Bizarre Attack on Susan Rice - Washington Post
Come Clean on Events in Libya - Denver Post
Israel vs. Hamas Is Civilization vs. Savagery - Investor's Business Daily
At Least 37 States Will Be Under Single-Party Control In 2013 — A 60-Year High
Obama campaign bagged $40M from fashion fund-raisers(NYP)
November 22nd 1963
"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them" -JFK
Thanksgiving, 1789 - Melanie Kirkpatrick, Wall Street Journal
The New Greatest Generation - E.J. Dionne, Washington Post
Israel and Hamas Maintain Cease-Fire - KirkpatrickRudoren, NYT
Gaza Cease-Fire Doesn't Solve Big Problem - Zuckerman, U.S. News
Obama's Anti-Growth Agenda - Larry Kudlow, IBusiness Daily
A Failed Experiment in Low Tax Rates for Wealthy - Kristof, NYT
Why Are 47 Million People on Food Stamps? - Nick Gillespie, Reason
Reality Has Changed, But Republicans Won't - Joe Conason, Truthdig
The Humbling Tragedy of Jesse Jackson Jr. - James Warren, Daily Beast
Branstad Opens Gates for Iowa Straw Poll Criticism - Scott Conroy, RCP
Kerry Is the Right Choice for State - Jonathan Alter, Bloomberg
The Ill Wind Blowing Past Benghazi - Wesley Pruden, Washington Times
GOP's Sexist Hazing of Susan Rice - Lizz Winstead, The Guardian
The Truth About the Financial Crisis - Noemie Emery, DC Examiner
GOP's Voter Suppression Strategy - Ari Berman, The Nation
For These Things, We Give Thanks - George Will, Washington Post
Lincoln's Defiant Thanksgiving - Leonard Pitts, Philadelphia Inquirer
Jesse Jackson Jr.'s agony: He couldn't escape father's shadow - Chicago Sun-Times
A Grateful Nation Gives Thanks - New York Daily News
The Fall of Jesse Jackson Jr. - Chicago Tribune
New Peace Effort Needed in Middle East - New York Times
And the Fair Land - Wall Street Journal
Analysts: John Boehner Fiscal Cliff Comments Show Tough Road Ahead(Huff Post)
GOP Senator Dismisses Grover Norquist: ‘I Care More About My Country’ Than His Tax Pledge (AUDIO)
Saturday/Sunday Middle East Update
Tension and Confusion Linger in Gaza After Truce(NYT) * Clashes Break Out After Morsi Seizes New Power in Egypt(NYT) * Protests Hit Egypt(WSJ) * From The BBC Date set for Arafat exhumation: The body of Palestinian leader is to be exhumed on Tuesday, Palesti... * Israel eases Gaza border restrictions after truce (CBS) * Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood calls for mass protests in Cairo on Tuesday in support of President Morsi's decisions - statement via
*Egypt Judges Vow to Oppose Expansion of Morsi’s Power(NYT) * Israel and Hamas Share Bleak View of Compromise’s Value(NYT) * Hamas Claim Complicates Talk of Truce With Israel(NYT) * Egyptian Judges Challenge Morsi Over New Power(NYT) * Egyptian Judges Challenge Morsi Over New Power(NYT) * Hamas Claim Complicates Talk of Truce With Israel(NYT) * Powerful
Brotherhood Battle

*Anti-Morsi Protests Hit Cairo(Daily Beast) * Hezbollah warns it would fire rockets into Israeli heartland in future war:(Wash Post)

* Israel Arrests Alleged Bus Bomber(Huff Post) * Truce Intact but Terms Still Unclear After Killing in Gaza (NYT)
On Your Mark, Get Set . . .Go
Early birds get the bargains(NYP) * Black Friday Deals Don't Hold Up(WSJ) * Shoppers skip Thanksgiving dinner to get the deals(NYP)
Black Friday 'Doorbusters' Don't Hold Up(WSJ) An analysis of this year's Black Friday deals by The Wall Street Journal and price-data firm Decide Inc. found that many of the bargains advertised as "doorbusters" were available at lower prices at other times of the year. * Why Black Friday Is a Behavioral Economist’s Nightmare (NY Mag) * The Shrewd Shopper Carries a Smartphone(NYT) * Early starts may have stolen some thunder from Black Friday(NYP)
Black Friday 'Doorbusters' Don't Hold Up(WSJ) An analysis of this year's Black Friday deals by The Wall Street Journal and price-data firm Decide Inc. found that many of the bargains advertised as "doorbusters" were available at lower prices at other times of the year. * Why Black Friday Is a Behavioral Economist’s Nightmare (NY Mag) * The Shrewd Shopper Carries a Smartphone(NYT) * Early starts may have stolen some thunder from Black Friday(NYP)
What’s True and False in “Lincoln” Movie (Holzer, Daily Beast)* Abraham Lincoln: The Great Campaigner(Newsday)
Is MSNBC the new Fox News?(Huff Post)
Get ready, Rupert: the Leveson report has a publication date(Huff Post)
Law and Order
Robberies soaring in Prospect Park (NYP)
Young girl shot in Bx.(NYP) * 5-year old girl shot in the Bronx(WABC)
Woman found dead in parked car may have been killed by beau(NYP)

NYP)*Family: Hunts Point Teen Girl Apparently Beaten To Death(NYDN)
Teen found dead in Bronx apartment building(Fox 5)
Police Investigate Death Of Bronx Teen (NY1)
Girl Who Died in a Bronx Lobby Was Strangled, the Police Say: The death of a 15-year-old who was found(NYT)
Bronx teen found unconscious was strangled to death
Update Police: Man Confesses To Killing Woman Found In Parked Car(WCBS) * Queens woman found dead in Bronx parked car may have been strangled by boyfriend(NYP)
* Boyfriend in custody after Queens woman is found strangled in The Bronx(NYP) * Man Reportedly Likely To Be Charged With Killing Bronx Teen(NY1) * TeenageGirl's Death Ruled Homicide, Uncle Charged in Endangerment (DNAINFO)
Cop busted in shoplift(NYP)
The Times ponders why the NYPD is still arresting thousands of people for small amounts of marijuana despite Commissioner Ray Kelly’s memorandum last year that bars police from doing so
An Ineffective Way to Fight Crime(NYT Ed) Arrests for possession of small amounts of marijuana do not serve public safety.
U.S. attorneys are concerned that the flooding that contaminated thousands of pieces of NYPD evidence will affect numerous federal gun and drug cases, with no timetable in sight for assessing the damage, the Post writes:
New York City Agrees to Pay $850,000 to Settle Suit Over Inmate’s Death(NYT)
Queens man to sue for malicious prosecution(NYDN)
Teen Charged With Shooting Man To Death In Queens(NY1)

NY1 Online: A Tour Of A Federal Court In Brooklyn
Meat the parent: Mom says cop son is no cannibal(NYDN)
Rape Arrest Update Cops catch brutal Williamsburg rapist(NYP) * Police Arrest And Charge Williamsburg Rape Suspect(WCBS) * BK Man Arrested in W'Burg Rape(NBC) *
Brooklyn man accused of raping woman says she asked him for sex(NYP)

Backpage prostitution operation busted

Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and Police Commissioner Ray Kelly announced a big bust on Tuesday, saying an in-depth investigation had resulted in the breakup of a prostitution ring that stretched as far as the Philippines.
Real estate con man gets 6-18 years(NYDN) * Sgt. busted in Chen suicide(NYDN) * Cops probe coach(NYP) * NY man gets prison for punch that killed friend(Fox 5) *
Cops raid pair of shops hawking bootlegged Louis Vuitton …(NYDN) * Staten Island man, 33, shot dead in New Brighton(SI Advance) * State Island man murdered
Police are questioning a 36-year-old man in connection with the death of a 15-year-old girl in the
Terrorism Citing Terror Defendants’ Motivation, Judge Shows Sentencing Leniency(NYT) * Queens man murdered after gun-toting teen followed him off train(NYP) * Brooklyn teen dies after accidentally shooting himself in the head(NYP) * 'Serial stickup man' cuffed in ice-cream, yogurt store robberies * JetBlue flight attendant arrested after boyfriend steals passenger’s iPhone: police(NYP) * Police make arrest in New York restaurant robberies(WABC) *
Police arrest man for 10 robberies in Brooklyn(Fox 5)