Feds Pounding Espada

Bloomberg Defender to the 1%, Pounds Liu and Council Kiss Kiss to J.P. Morgan
Council in veto war with mayor(NYP) * City Council Approves Wage Bill, Banking Regulation Opposed By Mayor(NY1)* Comptroller Dealt Setback in Wage Ruling(WSJ) A New York State Appeals Court ruled that City Comptroller John Liu broke the law when he determined an “arbitrary” and “capricious” prevailing wage for furniture movers *A Court of Appeals found that John Liu violated the law when he set an inflated prevailing wage schedule for furniture movers in July 2010, providing “another blow to his reputation as a steward of the city’s finances and provides fresh evidence to critics who say the comptroller is too tightly aligned with organized labor,” Michael Saul writes.* Mayor: J.P. Morgan's Loss Is a 'Hiccup' (WSJ) * In lieu of a gift, Mike Bloomberg plans to donate to a breast cancer research center for Christine Quinn’s wedding.
In Spite of Fighting Quinn in Court the Mayor Says Today . . . Is the Lawsuit to Change Public Opinion That the Speaker is Not the Mayor's Puppet
6Federal Judge finds ample, overwhelming evidence NYPD sets quotas for stop-&-frisks, something Dept and Mayor has denied.
Sharpton's Father Day March Against Stop and Frisk
The Rev. Al Sharpton plans Father's Day march against NYPD stop-and-frisks of men he says are 'targeted by race' (NYDN) NYPD defends policy after stopping a record 685,724 people last year - 42% of them young black or Latino males * Advocates To Hold Father's Day Silent March To Protest Stop-And-Frisk * Breaking: Criticizing Police, Judge Widens Suit Over Stop-and-Frisk(NYT_ * 'There would be another 5,600 people dead today': Bloomberg spars with reporters onStop and Frisk(Capital) * A federal judge granted class-action status to a lawsuit challenging the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk tactics, saying she was disturbed by the city’s “deeply troubling apathy towards New Yorkers’ most fundamental constitutional rights.”* Mike Bloomberg blamed the press for controversy over stop-and-frisk. *Nearly ONE-THIRD of Brownsville, Brooklyn, residents were stopped and questioned by cops last year.

Saving a broken city (NYP) Prof’s brainstorm righted NYCFormer Mayor Rudy Giuliani defends his administration’s often controversial crime fighting tactics in the New York Post and takes credit for the city’s drop in crime, eulogizes James Q. Wilson and "broken windows" * Bringing Giuliani's policing theory into a debate about(Capital) * A columnist acknowledges the problem the tactic causes for black and Latino men, but says it has saved thousands of lives. [Richard Cohen}
Election 2012 DeBlasio Critical of Parking Meters Idea(WSJ) * NY1 Online: Manhattan BP Stringer Says State Tests Need Changes * NY1 Online: City Council Candidate Tries To Make History * Toughest of guys can back gay marriage, too! (NYDN) * Sen. Gillibrand pressures Congress to avert college loan (NYDN) * The Battle of Billyburg: Fresh-Faced Lincoln Restler Challenges The ‘Corrupt’ Political Machine (NYO) * New York’s state legislative primaries will be delayed by two days, thanks to lawmakers’ desire to avoid holding elections on Sept. 11. * Bob Turner and Hakeem Jeffries: On The Hunt for Orthodox Votes(NYO) * Dr. Robert Mittman says he's a real candidate running a real race, but where's his F.E.C. filing? [Celeste Katz]* Jay Jacobs Stepping Down As NYS Dems Chief(NYDN) * Erik Dilan Ramps Up Outreach(NYO) * Despite Recent Clash, Bloomberg Praises Quinn (WOR) *Fake Democrat Nydia Velazquez!(Video) * Bloomberg: "Chris Quinn is very competent and would be a very good mayor."(Capital) *Eleven People Have Now Passed Tony Avella Challenge(City and State) * DC-Based PAC Attacks Congresswoman Velazquez as 'Fake Democrat' * Charlie Rangel Wishes That Obama Would Hug And Kiss Him via (NYO) *Former Brooklyn A.D.A. criticizes Hynes' 'pact with theDevil"(Capital) * DC37 And NY-8(YNN) * Republicans Have Their Candidate For “Asian” Senate Seat (City and State) * Ed Koch Robocalls for Rory(City and State) * Months from Retirement, Ed Towns Quietly Hires Political Ally Running For Assembly(NYO) * NYC Councilman Eric Ulrich might be facing a primary challenge in his state Senate bid from Juan Reyes, a former Giuliani administration aide who is a favorite of the Queens GOP (whose leaders don’t get along terribly well with Ulrich).* NYC Councilwoman Elizabeth Crowley’s campaign argued her endorsement by the electrical workers Local 3 is a potential gamechanger in the NY-6 primary.* Quinn Nears A Wedding, And a City Seeks Details(NYT) * NY1 Online: Meng Makes Her Case For Congress
Battery Park Chairman Thompson Pays to Play With Developers
Bill Thompson gave away hundreds of millions of dollars in rent reduction to a top campaign supporter and provided a massive rent reduction for a developer that employs his ex-chief-of-staff. Thompson's $300 million Battery Park City bill (NYDN) Mayoral candidate approved big breaks for donors. Thompson rolled back scheduled Battery Park Developer Millstein's $280 in rent million rent increases. Campaign finance records show that Thompson received a $4,950 contribution from Milstein - the maximum allowed by law - dated January 11, 2012. Two more identical donations from Milstein's wife, Abby, and son, Michael, came on the same day, for a total of $14,850. Also taking a bite out of future Battery Park City funding to the city are millions of dollars in rent reductions that Thompson and the board unanimously approved in March to help Brookfield Properties. More than $15,000 in contributions to Thompson's mayoral campaign by lobbyists and others tied to Brookfield Properties.
Thompson Also Pay to Play in His 2009 Mayoral Bid
Pension middlemen gave $158K to Bill Thompson's campaigns and got $2.2B in city business(NYDN) * A museum run by Bill Thompson's wife is still not ready to open, as it tries raising more money for renovations. [Patricia Cohen] * Now it can be told: The surprising ties between the billionaire mayor and the poor slob who ran against him (Barrett, Village Voice)* Barrett: Bill Thompson Received Millions in Loans from the "Labor Bank" He's Promoted as Comptroller (Barrett, Village Voice) * Artnet News: Bad press for Museum for African Museum, funding(Village Voice) * Village Voice unearths explanation for Thompson-Bloomberg "mirage" election; mayor poured money into pet project of Comptroller's wife(Atlantic Yards Report)
A Lame Duck Contest is Still Not Over
Fight drags on for state Senate seat that will soon disappear (NYDN) Disgraced ex-Sen. Karl Kruger's replacement will be a lame duck as he takes office
The Queens GOP Democratic Donald Segretti Type Fixer Still At It
One Obscure NY-6 Candidacy Over, Consultant Signs On With Another Queens Unknown (City and State) Now that Gottlieb has quit the NY-6 race under duress, Golub has apparently found new political consulting work: As the campaign spokesman for Robert Mittman, another Jewish candidate in the NY-6 race, who also could steal votes from Lancman.
Golub and Meng's Nussbaum Both Worked For Sasson in 2010 And Koo in 2009But after the interview with Golub yesterday, I looked at Sasson’s 2010 campaign finance reports, and they show someone else who might have been impressed with Golub’s efforts. The main consultant on Sasson’s campaign turns out to have been Multi-Media, the Queens consulting firm run by Michael Nussbaum, which is now the main consultant on Meng’s campaign. During Sasson’s 2010 campaign for State Senate, Multi-Media was paid $143,877, according to campaign finance records, while Golub’s firm, GSP Consulting, was paid $57,500.
Lancman Campaign Calls for Meng Campaign Aide to Be Fired(NYO) Ms. Meng’s campaigns spokesman told City & State that Mr. Nussbaum was only jokingly suggesting the other candidate, state committeeman Matthew Silverstein, jump into the race.* Jeff Gottlieb’s Campaign Will Respond to These Allegations, in Due Time(NYO) *Top Meng Operative Encouraged A Jewish Candidate To Run In NY-6 (C&S) * Jeff Gottlieb Emerges, Responds To Lancman’s Charges (At Length) * A Takeover Of Journalism by Lobbyist and Politicians(True News) * Joe Crowley: ‘Mr. Lancman Is Misinformed’ (NYO) * Gottlieb devoted much of his statement to slamming Assemblyman Rory Lancman, who called for Meng to apologize to voters and fire the operative who encouraged Gottlieb to get into the race. * Rory Lancman continued to go after purported rival candidate Robert Mittman.
More on the Corrupt Campaign in the 6th (True News)
NYT EXCLUSIVE: Jay Jacobs, New York State Democratic Party chairman, to resign next week. * State Democratic Party Chairman Jacobs To Step Down(NY1) * Cuomo issued a statement thanking retiring state Democratic Party Chairman Jay Jacobs for helping build support across the state for the achievements of his first two years in office – including passage of the gay marriage bill.* Jacobs’ resignation is effective May 24 – the date of the next state committee meeting.* Dem Sources: Charlie King Is NOT Jay Jacobs’ Replacement(YNN)
True News Said Last Year Jacobs Would Go
NYS Democratic Leader Jay Jacobs Will Have To Go Part II (True News)* One Person Arrested in the NYC HPD Bribe Scheme A Lawyer is Part of NYS Democratic Chairman Jay Jacobs Political Machine (True News)

Ethics Panel Comes Under a Spotlight(WSJ) * This the first known review of a case involving a legislator by JCOPE, which cannot proceed with a formal investigation or issue subpoenas until it is approved by a vote of the full commission. JCOPE’s decision to potentially pursue an investigation into Sen. Tom Libous puts both the ethics watchdog and the deputy Senate majority leader in a politically charged spotlight.* "Batra said JCOPE should be probed for leaking information about a potential inquiry into Libous." [Joe Spector] * Dean Skelos says an investigation of JCOPE not ruled out after Libous letter leaked. * Skelos Doesn’t Rule Out JCOPE Investigation(YNN) * DSCC chairman Mike Gianaris said he didn’t encourage the JCOPE investigation into SRCC chairman Tom Libous.* Why was Forest City Ratner not touched in the Yonkers case? Law prof suggests prosecutorial discretion regarding a potential conspiracy charge that would've been tough to win(Atlantic Yards Review) * David Grandeau, citing “inside gossip,” says the second floor (AKA the Cuomo administration) “green-lighted” the JCOPE leak about Sen. Tom Libous, which, of course, would be illegal.
Opposing Rallies Tonight Over Sexual Abuse Suspect
Hebrew Posters Appeal For Money For Alleged Child Molester(WCBS) * We work to protect all Brooklyn kids(NYDN) The DA's answer to charges he goes easy on Hasidic sex offenders. Hynes says he stands by his office’s statistics on prosecutions of sexual abuse in the Orthodox Jewish community and refuses to release the names of defendants in abuse cases:* Fundraiser for Williamsburg man draws outrage(WABC) * JCOPE’s decision to potentially pursue an investigation into Sen. Tom Libous puts both the ethics watchdog and the deputy Senate majority leader in a politically charged spotlight.* Ultra-Orthodox community in Brooklyn wrongly mistrusts justice system (NYDN Ed) DA Charles Hynes’ efforts to reach out have their own problems * Former Brooklyn DA Opponent Sharply Critical Of Embroiled Hynes (City and State) *Brooklyn Prosecutor Defends Record on Sex Abuse Cases(NYT)
Ethics Panel Opens Inquiry Into No. 2 Leader in State Senate(NYT)* Dean Skelos called an ethics investigation into Tom Libous politically motivated.
Gov: Hold your horse$, NYRA (NYP) Cuomo yesterday froze millions of dollars in casino revenue set aside to subsidize racetracks, citing shady and illegal activity * New York Racing Association Is Facing Loss of Payments(NYT) Cuomo administration asked that payments from the casino at Aqueduct racetrack to the New York Racing Association, which runs the track, be suspended immediately.
The plan Cuomo et al will be discussing has been criticized by three former whistleblowers who worked in state-funded institutions caring for the disabled, who say it doesn’t go far enough to halt decades of abuses and cover-ups embedded in the culture.
After school programs face big cuts in funding(WABC)
10 face arrest for faking subway signal inspections (NYDN) MTA workers suspected of filing bogus reports and failing to check equipment * MTA workers will get an 11 percent raise according to a new arbitration panel. * Report: MTA Workers To Be Arrested For Faking Signal Inspections (WCBS) NYC Transit President: Up To 90 Percent Of Inspections May Have Been Faked
Queens Week: Battle Over Willets Point Development Continues(NY1)
Greg David urges a “single standard” for all special interests – including the Committee to Save NY.
Council Wants More Travis Bickle's
A hack at sex traffic(NYP) The New York City Council is planning to pass a $2.2 million measure requiring cab drivers undergo training to help prostitutes entering their cars * The police agreed to new rules for the stop and search of livery cab passengers.
Calling all techs(NYP)* Mayor Bloomberg unveils map plotting city's tech jobs(AMNY)
New Vision for Library(WSJ) New York Public Library officials said they would hire new librarians and curators—positions that had been cut over the years—with the cash infusion from a massive renovation plan that has faced withering criticism.
Most New Yorkers give high regard to medical marijuana(NYP)
5The Making of A President Hip Hop
Republicans Pledge New Standoff on Debt Limit(NYT) * Obama campaign announces April cash haul(CNN) * Jay-Z backs Obama in same-sex marriage stance(AMNY) *Black Pastors Clash Over Political Implications In Black Community Of Obama And Gay Marriage
* Mitt Romney won the Nebraska primary. *AN UNTIMELY POLITICAL FAUX-PAS(Rock, Room Eight) * The Tea Party won another Senate primary last night, boosting Dems chances of holding on to the chamber. * Both Obama and Romney are taking on the media. * Wow news for President Obama, who is worth as much as $10 million and has an account worth between $500,000 and $1 million at JP Morgan Chase. * Dana Milbank says the failure of Americans Elect demonstrates the political system is “farther gone than the reformers realized.” * North Carolina: Romney 51%, Obama 43% (Rasmussen)
Ed Koch: Gay Marriage Isn’t A Winning Issue for Obama * House GOP Delays Financial Regulation Vote in Light of JPMorgan Debacle(NY Mag) * Romney Wins Oregon, Nebraska Primaries(NY Mag) * Debt Ceiling Showdown Part II Is Coming(NY Mag) * Dancing With Derivatives - Maureen Dowd, New York Times * The Big Danger With Big Banks - Tom Frost, Wall Street Journal * Mitt Romney's Budget Fairy Tale - Jonathan Chait, New York Magazine * Romney Can't Be Winning, Can He? - John Cassidy, The New Yorker * Will Obama Lose the Arkansas Democratic Primary? - Brian Bolduc, NRO * What Mitt Romney Is Really Worth - Edwin Durgy, Forbes * Why the GOP Is Flirting With Debt Limit Debacle 2.0 - Brian Beutler, TPM * What I Learned Vetting VP Nominees - A.B. Culvahouse, Wall St. Journal * Michelle vs. Oprah, With a Side of Pie - John Kass, Chicago Tribune * USA Today/Gallup: Congressional Generic Vote: GOP 50, Dems 44 *Gates says Obama rolled dice with order to kill bin Laden(NYP) * Ed Koch on Lack of Wall Street Prosecutions: ‘What The Hell Is Going On?!’ * Mike Huckabee: “President Obama has surrounded himself with morally repugnant political whores with misshapen values and gutter-level ethics.” * The Romney campaign and the Secret Service aggressively kept reporters from a rope line. * Herman Cain says he “evolved,” and is now firmly behind Mitt Romney. * National Mood a Drag on Obama's Prospects - Lydia Saad, Gallup * Obama Hits Mitt Where It Hurts - Jamelle Bouie, The American Prospect * Pennsylvania in Play for November? Maybe - Stuart Rothenberg, Roll Call * Narrower Lead, but Big Changes Probably Aren't Cause - Nate Silver, NYT* Nebraska Stuns GOP Establishment - Thomas Lifson, American Thinker * Wisconsin (Marquette): Walker 50, Barrett 44 | Obama 46, Romney 46
Top Murdoch Aide Is Charged in Hacking Case(NYT)
Papers pulling the plug, from LA to New York (NYP) * New York Times Duo Discuss Media Landscape(Adweek
Airport impostor twist: Newark fraud got ID before victim was slain in Qns. (NYP)
Judge says student photographer arrested at OWS protest not guilty(AMNY)
Cop wears a badge of shame (NYP)Slipped info to drug dealers: feds * Police Officer Aided Drug Dealer, U.S. Says(NYT) * Police Officer Arrested(WSJ)* Cop busted for doing dealer's dirty deeds(NYDN) * NYPD officer charged with providing info to dealers(WABC)
Madam intent on trial(NYP)
Bronx school janitor foils kidnapper(NYP) * ‘Hero’ Bronx School Helper Stops Attempted Kidnapping Of (WCBS)
‘Robber’ grounded (NYP)
Law and OrderID scammer targeted his own mom!(NYP) * Library slash attack in Brooklyn Heights(NYP) * Strauss-Kahn Sues Housekeeper, Saying She Hurt His Career(NYT) * Police Agree to Stress Rules on Searching Livery Riders(NYT) * Kid porn rap for bus driver (NYDN) *


Bronx Principal Accused Of Lewd Workplace Speech Is Demoted(NY1) * A low blow at HS: ‘Perv’ wrist-slap(NYP)* Pervy Bronx principal demoted(NYDN)