Quinn Lobbyist Pal Tells Stringer to Get Out
Quinn ‘elbows’ Stringer (NYP) Mayor-race jockeying. There may not be room for two Manhattan candidates in the race for mayor. Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer is telling friends that people linked to City Council Speaker Christine Quinn are maliciously spreading rumors that he’s going to drop out of the mayoral race and run for comptroller.
Giske: Your Eating Out Our Base Manhattan Vote
Veteran political consultant Emily Giske, who’s friendly with Stringer but is supporting Quinn, reached out to the Stringer camp to “try to negotiate something,” two sources said. “She’s [Quinn] very concerned about Scott. He takes a lot of her Manhattan vote and a lot of the vote that would have gone to [former Rep. Anthony] Weiner,” claimed the Stringer ally.
Lobbyist Giske Cashed in on Friend's Speaker Quinn Now Want to Cash In Mayor Quinn
Quinn Friendship May Pose Test in Mayoral Bid(NYT) Quinn, the City Council speaker, is close friends with Emily Giske, a lobbyist, and the relationship will be tested ahead of the 2013 mayoral contest. * Lobbying City Hall is a significant business for Ms. Giske’s firm, Bolton-St. Johns. In recent years, the company has reported earnings of $2 million to $3 million annually while lobbying the city government, billing its clients nearly $15 million in the six years since Ms. Quinn was elected speaker. Quinn blocked paid sick day measure supported by Council members, benefiting fast-food joints repped by Giske firm. Giske is vice-chair of the New York State Democratic Party and was elected to the Democratic National Committee.
NYT Did Not Get Into How Much Money Giske Clients Contributed to Quinn's Campaigns
The Highline on of Giske's many clients has given Quinn Big Bucks Christine Quinn gives your cash to West Side project - and gets campaign money (NYDN) Quinn Funded the High Line Through the Slush Fund and Got Campaign Contributions From Developers Whose Property Values Shot Up By the Building of the Trendy Park * Eight members of Friends of the High Line board contributed a total of $18,775, according to city campaign finance records.
Quinn Pay to Play Friend Giske & the Taxi Industry Nets Her Campaign $$$ To Limit Pedicabs
Quinn Wielding Her Clout in Contest Over Pedicabs - The New York Su * In 2006, the taxi committee, which represents taxi medallion owners, paid Bolton-St. Johns $98,000 to lobby the council on a variety of issues, including the pedicab bill to limit the number of pedicabs on city streets. In 2011 Quinn got over $30,000 from the taxi industry
Quinn Uses Government $$$ To Pay Back Her Pal Giske For Running Her Campaign
Ms. Quinn and other council members have directed hundreds of thousands of dollars to nonprofit organizations that Bolton-St. Johns represents, including most recently Care for the Homeless; the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center; and the Women’s Housing and Economic Development Corporation. Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center, also represented by Ms. Giske, has received capital financing from the Council in the last two budgets. *Quinn’s Friendship With Lobbyist May Pose Test in Mayor Bid (NYT) How does the CFB allow a lobbyist work in Quinn's Campaign without getting paid?
More on Quinn
From the Council That Brought Us 9.6% Unemployment Now They Want to Regulate Banks
City Council effort to regulate banks makes no sense (NYDN Ed) A raft of federal agencies are already charged with the job. The City Council has neither the authority to regulate banks nor any expertise in the area — yet Speaker Christine Quinn’s crew is pressing ahead with legislation to conquer the financial world. The delusions of grandeur are a hilarious display of the Council’s belief that it has the power to cure all supposed ills by passing laws, however cockamamie. And the bill up for consideration is pie-eyed cockamamie in the extreme. It looks like a bank shakedown for campaign funds and jobs for their family members.
Week in Review Top 15 Stories of the Week
1. Towns Is Said to Decline to Run Again for Congress(NYT)
2. Gottlieb is A Convicted ArsonistCowering inferno.(NYP)
3. GOP hopeful that Police Commissioner Kelly will run for mayor(Dicker, NYP)
4. NYP takes a hit at Quinn Quinn’s lefty lurch(NYP Ed)
5. Cuomo Aide Slammed Reporter In Dossier call blogger Liz Benjam “SNARKY.” (Buzz Feed)
6. Vito Lopez Takes A Bow and Goes for A Kill
8. National push targets Cuomo, NY campaign reform(WSJ)
9. ONE Flushing Nightmare: Parkside Wages Cold War in Queens(Queens Politics)
11. Kruger in mercy plea(NYP)
NYP Senate Democrats: Pay Not to Play
Walk out, cash in(NYP Ed) Democrats in the state Senate have added a new twist to the concept of “pay to play”: Call it “pay not to play.” Dems — who face a severe cash squeeze going into this year’s legislative campaign — have pocketed a cool $85,000 from the state teachers union in recent weeks. An anti-union measure trimmed pension benefits for teachers and other newly hired public employees passed after the Dems staged a walkout over redistricting — and never returned. As one GOP insider a NYP reporter: “Now we know the Senate Democrats’ price for taking a walk.”
Cuomo Administration, in Shift, Agrees to Whistleblower on Disabilities Panel(NYT)
The Election to Nowhere
The Lew Fidler David Storobin election continues Monday as a fraud trial begins in Brooklyn Supreme Court. This effort to fill the Kruger seat now more resembles an old Twilight Zone episode called Odyssey Flight 33, Video in which an commercial airliner breaks the time barrier and are stuck in the prehistoric age. Fidler and Storobin also have nowhere to go once this election which is only to fill out the remainder of Kruger's term which ends eight months from now. Since the special election began in January redistricting eliminated the Kruger seat, the poor showing of Fidler against a political nobody (esp. in the Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods), the Weprin massacre and the entering of Dear and Felder in the race for the newly created Boro Park Orthodox seat has left Fidler with nowhere to run.
A Meng Win in the 6th Mark the End of the Parkside Group
Filder Emergency Play to Save the Badly Weakened Thomas Jefferson Democratic Club
With Carl Kruger about the enter federal prison for 9 years and the real possibility of Fidler losing in Court to Storobin the council how told several club members that he will resign in January giving District Leader Frank Seddio a chance to run in a special election for his council seat. There are two reasons why Fidler must must leave his council seat. The First Reason Fidler will Go: His district and surrounding neighborhoods have become minority. If Seddio was not an elected incumbent Councilman he would not have the power to draw a district in 2013 he can win in.Homeless Boss Seddio
Fidler understands that those fighting for more minority seats on the council would win if he did not leave and let Seddio take over. The Second Reason Fidler Will Go: is to make sure that the Thomas Jefferson Club for the first time in a generation is not left without an major elected official representing it. The Assemblyman Alan Maisel is seen as very weak and unable to call the club. It is unbelievable that Frank Seddio who is often mentioned as the only real replacement for Brooklyn Boss Vito Lopez if left without an office and club in 2013. Update: Someone close to Filder said he would never leave the council until he get another job, even if it means weakening or closing the TJ Club and the non profit groups that helps the club gain support and workers in the neighborhood. The non profit groups were funded by Millennium Development who up until this year was funded by Kruger, Weiner and Filder Pork Pig Fidler's Media Friends Put Lipstick On HimA Meng Win in the 6th Mark the End of the Parkside Group
A Secret Pact Broken, A Candidate Shunned From The Ballot. The Queens Politics blog reports A source very close to Gottlieb indicates that a little over two years ago, Gottlieb was to oppose the Staviskys on a matter of leadership. What came in return was Evan and Toby threatening that they would unearth Jeffrey’s fiery problems from the 1970′s. Jeffrey decided not to confront them and he laid low and stayed behind the scenes, but this time around Jeff thought that Evan and the Staviskys were working with Grace Meng, so there would be no real conflict because his campaign would be focused against Rory Lancman.
The Stavisky See A Meng Win As Their Demise
For the first since the rise of Brian McLaughlin Parkside is not running a major race for the Queens organization. It was not the string of losses, including Weprin and the Democratic Majority that knocked them out of the Meng campaign. It was the anti-semitic flyers that the company attacked her father with when he beat Parkside candidate Barry Grodenchikin 2004. What Gottlieb did not understand that Evan fears that a Meng win can destroy his million dollar consultant and lobbyist business. Congresswoman Meng would demand that county no longer deal with Parkside. It is no surprise that the blog Queens politics reported that Rumor has it, and it’s been pointed out here, Stavisky is in fact working behind the scenes with Lancman.
In the Mean Time to Keep in the Game Both Evan and Toby Stavisky Have to Switch Apartments
Toby Stavisky has one of several apartments at 161-25 Powells Cove Blvd which is located in the current 16th state senate district which she represents. Her current address has redistricted into the new 11 where Tony Avella another Parkside client will be running in. Toby plans to run in the new 16th which is the district that was created to elect an Asian. District Leader Evan Stavisky say he lives at 29-30 138th Street which is currently located in the 26th Assembly District, but will change to the 40th Assembly district next year when it is redistricted. The good news for Evan and Toby is that the apartment that Toby is moving out of 161-25 Cove Blvd is in the new 26th AD and the apartment that Evan is moving out of 29-30 138th Street is located in the new 16th State Senate district whre Toby if going to run. So all mother and son have to do is switch apartments. Toby owns both apartments. The problem still remains that Evan's wife is a Democratic leader from Rockland County where the couple own a home.
Not Only Does True News Beat the NYP to the Resignation of A BOE Employee Accused of Bribery, We Also Inform You How That Employee Fit Into A Political Crime Wave of Corrupt in Queens
Yesterday True News
Stephen Graves Resigned Quietly from the Board of Elections Wednesday After Being Suspended Last Week For Bribery
Today's NY Post
Elex ‘bribe’ staffer is out(NYP) A city Board of Elections employee caught on tape soliciting a $25,000 “finder’s fee” from a voting-machine company three years ago has resigned, The Post has learned. Officials said Stephen Graves, a $66,392-a-year systems analyst, submitted his letter of resignation Tuesday.
Election 2012 Giuliani Wades Into Serbian Politics(WSJ) * NY1 Online: Bill Samuels Talks Corruption, Campaign Finance * Ed Towns steps down as candidates step up (Amsterdam News) * POLICE COMMISSIONER RAY KELLY RUNNING FOR MAYOR?(Amsterdam News) * Rangel's Campaign Manager Moises Perez on THE PEREZ NOTES * Money in Politics This Week(ReformNY) * Pay-hike bill is set for vote - living wage (NYDN)* Former Staten Island prosecutor to challenge Savino(SI Advance) * Felder Announces Bid for 'Super-Jewish' District (Hamodia) * Senate Race Could Put Simcha Felder Against Noach Dear(Jewish Week) * FLASHBACK: Felder Says Irrational to Say Community Should Unite Behind Particular Candidate(Gestetiner) * Noach Dear Making Calls About Jumping Into State Senate Race(Yiddish Nayes) *The Paper Chase In The 13th District(NYO) * Dean Skelos will reportedly back Simcha Felder.*
Rangel the Last of the Harlem Mohicans
Black Politicians Fear the Loss of a Prized Pulpit in Harlem (NYT)
* Hispanic vote not uno -fied (NYP) Rangel rival’s tricky bloc
Keeping the Public Uninformed While Racking In the Millions
This Is What WABC (7) Calls Informing the Public Sunday April 22, 2012 - 9:29 - 31AM Weather, 9:31-32 Etan Patz Report, 9:32-33 Man Points Gun at cop and got shot, 9:33 NJ Car Crash, 9:33-34 Gangs in Yonkers, 9:34 When will George Zimmerman be released, 9:34 Arrests at Kent State, 9:34-9:35 Trial of Edwards begins Monday, 9:35-9:36 Romney won has of the delegates in Missouri and a Report on the Hatch failure to win Primary, 9:37-39 Commercial, 9:39 The Queens Birthday, 9:40- 43 Weather, 9:43-45 Fashion for Men, 9:45-9:46 Community Calendar, 9:46-48 Commercial, 9:48-49 Man saves a dog from a child in Washington, DC, 9:49-52 Are the New 'Girly Legos' Sexist?, 9:52- 53 Commercial, 9:53 preview of This Week round table with Keith Olbermann, 9:54-5 2nd Report on Etan Patz, 9:56 Boating Accident NJ and Car Accident in Manhattan, 9:56 -58 WeatherLocal News Dumb Down Journalism (True News)* Meet the Media Companies Lobbying Against Transparency (Publica)
Pedro Soprano Pedro Espada's (NYDN) 'The staff I met with seemed nervous and guarded,' consultant Ruth Prorok said. 'You could cut the tension with a knife'
You paid $103,000 for Pedro’s fishy eats (NYP) Espada billed his publicly funded health clinic about $103,000 for meals between 2005 and 2009, including more than $20,000 for a staggering 214 visits to a single sushi restaurant. He rang up another $63,000 in bills for nearly 400 meals at nine other eateries.
From Crying Kruger to the Mob
From DDDB: "A Ratner's Gallery of Cronies, Friends, Partners, Fixers and Shrill Supporters"(Atlantic Yards Review) From DDDB, A Ratner's Gallery of Cronies, Friends, Partners, Fixers and Shrill Supporters, "Yesterday marked the latest indictment of Forest City Ratner cronies, partners and strident Atlantic Yards supporters /operatives."
Salvester (Sal) Zarzana, former head of a Carpenters Union Local and high-profile, shrill cheerleader for Atlantic Yards, indicted for extortion and identified as a soldier for the Genovese organized crime family.) Disgraced State Senator Carl Kruger; Disgraced Atlantic Yards lobbyist Richard Lipsky, Disgraced former Yonkers Councilwoman Sandy Annabi, Disgraced Yonkers GOP operative and fixer Zehy Jereis, He who feels no sense of disgrace James Stuckey, James Caldwell, currently being sued in federal court
Kingsbridge Armory Remains Empty As Bronx Unemployment Hits 19 Year Record High
The Bronx is down! Worst unemployment rate in state(NYP) The latest state Labor Department statistics show that 14.1 percent of the borough’s workforce didn’t have a job in February, the highest level in 19 years and just shy of the worst showing since the stats were compiled in 1990. * Voting 45-1, Council Rejects $310 Million Plan for Mall at Bronx Armory(NYT) Rejects 2500 Jobs * The Daily News wants the minimum wage increased to $8.50.
Average rent in Manhattan—$3,418/ month—surpasses the all-time high set in the real estate frenzy of 2007
Appalled Obama put an end to Weiner’s attempt to stay in Congress: book(NYP)
Talking Pineapple On Education Test Killed Off
When Pineapple Races Hare, Students Lose, Critics of Standardized Tests Say(NYT) *Test Question Flunks(WSJ) * State Won't Score 'Pineapple' Exam Questions(WSJ) * alking pineapple question on state exam stumps ... everyone! (NYDN)
Pineapple idiots! Who knew my book would be used for world’s dumbest test question (NYDN) Daniel Pinkwater is the author of more than 80 works for children and young adults, and one badly tortured state test essay * Jeopardy! winner Ken Jennings was confused by New York’s talking pineapple test question.
More Education News
Top Score Isn’t Enough for Preschooler Seeking Seat in Prime Gifted Programs(NYT) * Principal Is Facing Dismissal(WSJ) * Why Should a Disability Limit High School Choices?(NYT) * NYSED Commissioner John King Defends His "Quality" Tests *NYC prep schools institute dress codes, Facebook guidelines about college acceptance (NYP)

Asians Lead City in Growth Rate(WSJ)* Brooklyn Surpasses Manhattan’s Chinatown as an Asian Hub(Brooklyn Eagle)
Journalist Arrested At Occupy Protest of Foreclosure Proceedings
Journal Reporter Arrested at Brooklyn Courthouse(WSJ) Court officers detained a Wall Street Journal columnist and charged her with disorderly conduct as she was reporting on a protest inside a Brooklyn courtroom. The columnist, Anne Kadet, had been observing foreclosure proceedings at the Kings County civil courthouse as a group three dozen protesters attempted to disrupt the court by singing.
Occupy May Day Rally Planned
Wall St. Protesters Lying on Sidewalk Are Arrested(NYT) * Occupy Looks to May Day(WSJ) *
7 Occupy Wall Street protesters arrested(NYDN)
Mourners Honor Fallen NYC Firefighter(AP) * Firefighter who died battling Brooklyn blaze Monday laid to rest(NYP) * Thousands Turn Out To Honor Firefighter Who Died Fighting Brooklyn Blaze(NY1)* Thousands bid farewell to hero firefighter (NYDN)
New Ellis Immigration Museum
Ellis Island building gets turned into a museum of immigration (NYDN) Private foundation that renovated main building spearheaded the effort. Ellis Island Family Heritage Award Winners , from left to right: Baseball player and manager Tony La Russa, actress Angela Lansbury, former winner Tommy Lasorda and Architect Richard Meier at the Great Hall at Ellis Island
Report: Port Authority Deal Could Resume Work On 9/11 Museum(NY1)
Cyclist donates $40M to Brooklyn Bridge Park for bike track, sports facility(Brooklyn Paper) * Who IS This Guy Who Donated $40 Million To Brooklyn Bridge Park?(mcbrooklyn)
New-age tire boots will begin to be rolled out in the city.
These NYers are really roofin’ it(NYP)
60th Annual Norwegian Day Parade(Bay Ridge Journal)
On the Sidewalk, Peddling a Street Game(NYT)
The Making of A President 2012
Conservative Nonprofit Acts as a Lobbyist for Business(NYT) * ‘Presidential’ vs. ‘Political’ Trips: A Blurry Line(NYT) * Down With Everything (Friedman, NYT) Has America gone from a system designed to prevent anyone in government from amassing too much power to a system in which no one can get enough power to do anything? * Mitt Romney's Tough Sell - Michael Tomasky, The Daily Beast * Obama Widens the Divides He Pledged to Heal - Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe * Orrin Hatch to Face Run-Off in Primary - Leigh Ann Caldwell, CBS News * GOP Insiders Like Portman for VP - Zeke Miller, BuzzFeed * Will Romney's Dog Come Back to Bite Him? - Chicago Tribune * How Mitt Romney Beats the Press, Avoiding Most National Interviews (Daily Beast) * Voting Laws Could Hurt Obama(Daily Beast) * Some Conservative Lawmakers Still Loath To Praise Mitt Romney (Daily Beast)* Sen. Lieberman declines to endorse in presidential race * After proving powers in last election, the tea party eyes encore(Wash Post) * Five myths about female voters *Wash Post) * Axelrod goes after Republicans for obscuring their role in blocking immigration reform (TPM)
Concern in G.O.P. Over State Focus on Social Issues(NYT) * Obama Sees Steep Dropoff in Cash From Major Donors(NYT) * Primary stumbles warnings for Romney versus Obama(WSJ) * Obama's Race to Save the Rust Belt - Andrew Leonard, Salon * President's 2.5 Percent Stall - Larry Kudlow, Investor's Business Daily * Obama Bases Policies on Science - When It Suits Him - DC Examiner * Lobbyists Earn $1.3 Million Per Hour As Lawmakers Log Long Days(Open Secrets) * President Obama and the incumbent’s advantage on the Web (Wash Post)
TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads(Huff Post)
The financial crisis never really ended" -- preview "Money, Power & Wall St." (Frontline)
Chuck Colson, Nixon’s ‘Hatchet Man’ Turned Evangelist, Dead at 80 (Gawker) * Watergate Felon Turned Religious Leader(NYT)
Bill Maher: The Republican Party Is 'At War With Common Sense'
Sakozy Lives to Fight Another Day
Breaking: Sarkozy and Hollande came ahead in France's presidential election and will compete in a run-off on May(WSJ) *Hollande beats Sarkozy in first round of French election: polling sources(NYP) * Hollande and Sarkozy Head to Runoff(NYT)
The NYT Goes Backward on Digital Ads (Columbia Journalism Review) *Scenes From The Secret War Of The New York Times Columnists(Huff Post) * New York Times Says Blogging is Dying. Oh, OK.
Etan search centers on basement where SoHo kids used to play(NYP) * Rape Accusation Against Handyman Tied to Search for Missing Boy(NYT) * Gone, Not Forgotten(NYT)* Etan Patz case: FBI eyes handyman neighbor Othniel Miller(NYDN) * Mere $1K halted ’79 excavation(NYP) * Source: Investigators Discover Suspicious Stain On Concrete Wall In Search For Etan Patz (WCBS) *Etan mystery: Playroom eyed as hell cellar(NYP) * Missing Child Case in SoHo, All but Closed, Was Revived by a New Agent(NYT)
Child-molestation claim led FBI to dig for Etan's remains in SoHo building(NYP) * Search for Boy’s Body Returns to Cellar That Looked Uneven Decades Earlier(NYT) * Handyman Denies Patz Link(WSJ) * Rape Accusation Against Handyman Tied to Search for Missing Boy(NYT) * Rape Accusation Against Handyman Tied to Search for Missing Boy(NYT)* Etan Patz Suspect Raped His Niece, His Ex-Wife Told FBI, Sources Say(DNAINFO)
Lawyer Hired For New Person Of Interest In Etan Patz Case(NY1) * Three Decades Ago, Patz' Disappearance Made City Residents More Wary (NY1) * Etan Patz Search Methods Explained by Experts(NYT)Othniel Miller, former neighbor, a suspect in Etan Patz(NYDN)* Search For Clues Continues In Etan Patz Cold Case(WCBS)
Psycho hit with attempted murder charge in cop's stabbing(NYDN)
Man's nightmare since NYPD labeled him ‘Gentleman Groper’(NYP)
Rikers handcuffed by rusting gear(NYP)
Hammer-Threatening Rape Suspect Caught: Police(NBC)
Harlem cop 'stabber' held without bail(NYP)
Police Examine Death of Man Who Was Hit by Patrol Car(NYT) * Guard at Met In Gun Mishap(WSJ)* Met Museum Guard Accidentally Shoots Self In Leg(NY1) * Queens cops shoot gunman wanted in shooting (NYDN)* IPhone and iPad thefts on the rise: NYPD(NYDN) * EXCLUSIVE: Sudanese Diplomat Speaks About Wife Being Shot (WCBS) * Police: Arrest Made In Brooklyn Rape Involving Hammer-Wielding (WCBS) * Search On For Person Poisoning Pigeons On The Upper West (WCBS)* Cops nab ‘rapist(NYP) * Harlem cop 'stabber' held without bail(NYP) * Police shoot man in Queens Village(WABC) * Police arrest suspect in hammer attack rapes(WABC)* Suspect wanted for gunpoint rape in Queens(WABC) * Theft of iPhones and iPads has risen 44% this year.* Fat felon nabbed in Queens McD's shooting(NYP) * Police In Queens Shoot Suspect After He Pulls Gun During Chase(NY1) *Midtown clubgoer found with teeth knocked out — he's dead an hour later(NYP) * Authorities Probe Death Of Man At Midtown Nightclub(NY1) * Police Seek Rape Suspect Following Attack In Queens (NY1) * Stabbed cop’s 4-year-old waits as he heals in hospital(NYDN) * Man found bleeding in nightclub, dumped on curb, dies(NYDN) * Subway Pickpocket Nabbed in Early-Morning Arrest(NBC)
In Subway-Plot Trial, a Terrorist Testifies by Video (WSJ) * The Post cheered a counterterrorism official saying the NYPD’s surveillance program is probably legal.*
