Feds Get Closer To Meeks' Indictment
Meeks’ money man eyes plea deal (NYP)
After Boyland and Seabrook defeats Feds Look to make air tight case against the congressman.
Juror: Some On the Jury Seabrook Jury turned a blind eye to the evidence . . . What is She Hiding?
Why is this Seabrook Juror Shaken?
Seabrook jurors ‘blind to justice’(NYP) “People didn’t want to look at the evidence,” said the Westchester woman Juror, who requested anonymity. She declined to speculate as to why. Appearing shaken, the Westchester juror insisted that, despite the deadlock, she was sure “justice was served.”7
PA Toll Hikes to Pay For Toll Collectors Salary
Port Authority workers raking in big bucks(NYP) Warren Stevens has made $102,670 so far this year — $40,614 of it OT. With overtime paid at time-and-a-half, Stevens averaged about 20 hours of OT per week, or about 130 extra eight-hour shifts per year, an analysis of PA data shows.
The NYP Calls State Sen. Marty Golden and Assemblyman Peter Abbate Leaders of the The fat-cat frolic
The NYP says Even as Gov. Cuomo and the Legislature were hard at work last week socking New Yorkers with a multibillion-dollar tax increase, the principal beneficiaries of the heist, er, hike were lazily sunning themselves in balmy Puerto Rico at the annual convention of the New York State Public Employee Conference. Both elected officials jetted down from Brooklyn to collect a little union swag — each held a fund-raiser — before scooting back to Albany to vote for the tax hikes that should keep everybody on the gravy train for one more year.
Fracking Foes Get Fuel From Report
Hydrofracking push in New York may be derailed by contaminated water in Wyoming(NYDN)
Vito Lopez Machine's Money Infusion
Is the Brooklyn Reform Movement Dead? . . . Not a Peep out of anyone in Brooklyn (Not Even the Newspapers who have written dozens of stories about his corrupt)
Lopez's Nonprofit Wins State Grant (WSJ) A Brooklyn nonprofit connected to a powerful state lawmaker and under scrutiny for alleged financial improprieties was awarded $845,806 in state grants. * Cuomo spokesman Josh Vlasto “did not respond directly” to questions about why a nonprofit founded by Assemblyman/Brooklyn Democratic boss Vito Lopez, which is reportedly under federal investigation, is slated to receive close to $900,000 in economic development cash.
Vito Lopez Uses Government Funds to Run His Machine
Bloomberg's Hiring Freeze Melts
City job freeze? Hundreds hired (NYP) The hiring freeze that Mayor Bloomberg imposed two months ago hasn’t prevented hundreds of new additions to the city’s enormous payroll.
Santa Delivers for Seabrook
The prosecutors said Seabrook used nonprofit groups as a kind of “employment program” for friends and family. Seabrook's girlfriend as the director of nonprofit organizations, received more than $300,000 in payments, prosecutors said, and then kicked back “a piece of her profits” to the councilman.
Seabrook skates(NYP Ed) The NYP uses Seabrook's walking to attack the Community Benefits Program. The paper says CBAs are a tool for local politicians forever seeking to gain access to public and private cash that they can then use as de facto slush funds. * With Jury Deadlocked, Mistrial Is Declared in Councilman’s Corruption Case(NYT) * Mistrial in Council Corruption Case(WSJ) * U.S. Attorney To Pursue Retrial In Seabrook Corruption Case (NY1) * Mistrial declared in corruption trial of Bronx Councilman Larry Seabrook(NYDN)
No Comment From the Seabrook Jury
All members of the panel save the foreman refused to comment as they left the courthouse yesterday. Foreman Frank DiBrino, of Manhattan, who said the lawyers on “both sides did a great job,” attributed the panel’s division to “different views on the evidence,” but wouldn’t elaborate. DiBrino, a 46-year-old Condé Nast contract employee, also wouldn’t discuss his position on the 12 counts against Seabrook, and said he couldn’t remember how the panel voted. “It was different on different charges,” he said. “It wasn’t the same all the way down.” The eight-woman, four-man panel included five African-Americans, four whites, two Asians and one Hispanic. Five jurors live in The Bronx, and one, from Co-op City, is a Seabrook constituent . . . According to one person who was briefed on the deliberations, the jury was split 6 to 6 on the first count, which charged Mr. Seabrook with accepting thousands of dollars in illegal gratuities from a Bronx businessman whom he helped to obtain a boiler contract for the new Yankee Stadium.
NYPD Ticket Fixing Plea Deal?
‘Tix fix’ officer eyes deal (NYP) The disgraced NYPD officer at the center of the Bronx ticket-fixing scandal might cop a plea. Alleged crooked cop José Ramos has been offered a deal — 18 years behind bars, with five years’ post-release supervision — in exchange for pleading* Tix-fix cop gets sentence fix: plea deal shaves 50 years to 18(NYDN) * Officer Linked To Ticket-Fixing Scandal Denies Plea Deal (NY1) * DA Offers Deal to Cop in Ticket Fix Case(NBC)
5Ridiculous: NYP Uses Consultant Who Took the 5th to Judge Liu's Conduct
“The perception is bad. The city’s chief fiscal officer should be more careful,” said political consultant Hank Sheinkopf. “It is inappropriate for the comptroller to have his judgment called into question.” (NYP) It not just the NYP all the media regular quotes this guy. The Village Voice called Sheinkopf the "Best Political Quoter of 2011"
The NYP Fails to say that the lobbyist political consultant Sheinkopf took the 5th when asked questions by the NY former state Inspector General Joseph Fisch about the AEG scandal which is being investigated by the feds as part of the AEG investigation. The Feds are also investigating a Board Of Election (the cesspool of political corruption) contract for new machines that Sheinkopf was a lobbyist for. Feds investigate switch by Board of Elections ... - New York Post
NYP Moral Expert Sheinkopf A Business Partner Of Hevesi Pension Fund Operator
In 2010 Wayne Barrett wrote in Village Voice about Sheinkopf's getting funds from operators doing pension business with Hevesi. "Norman Levy “received a half-million dollars” in 2006 payments from Bill Howell, a major pension fund placement agent, and “appeared sometimes to be Howell’s partner” in controversial deals with the fund, according to a source familiar with the transactions. Investigators concluded that they were splitting fees, and not disclosing it. The payments to Levy - whose conviction for running a parking-ticket-fixing-scam decades ago was also overturned on appeal - were allegedly tied to his introduction of Howell to a principal of Global Strategies, a consulting firm whose client, Intermedia, was seeking millions in city and state pension fund investments. Howell made the placements and shared the fees with Levy, who appeared to be listed as an employee of one Howell entity. Sheinkopf received payments from Levy shortly after Levy was paid by Howell. "
Cuomo Takes Victory Lap
Cuomo, Praised for Tax Deal, Takes Victory Lap to City(NYT) * Cuomo and the Spirit of Occupy - Katrina vanden Heuvel, The Nation * Barron calls tax deal "It's one of them Ponzi schemes(Capital)
Cuomo's Mixed Messages Cuomo Signs New Jobs Effort Into Law But Isn't Sold On Livery Cab Bill(NY1) * Cuomo Sends Mixed Signals on Transit(WNYC)
Daily News Says Cuomo must deliver taxi reform for the five boroughs(NYDN Ed)
* Livery Drivers Begin 10-Day Rally For Legal Street Hails(NY1)
Wayne Barrett Reports of Al Sharpton's Voting Wrongs
Al Sharpton’s Past Ties to Vote Fraud Taint His Fulminating (The Daily Beast) Fulminating against GOP charges of vote fraud perpetrated by minorities, Sharpton conveniently ignores his own involvement in a case that forms the centerpiece of the right’s campaign.* NEW YORK; STEALING AN ELECTION (NYT 1982) * Election Officials Needed as Whistleblowers (TPM) * SNL Mocks Al Sharpton And His MSNBC Show * Rev. Al deep in the red(NYP) The Rev. Al Sharpton’s nonprofit paid him nearly $242,000 — even as it carried $1.6 million in debt, according to documents obtained by The Post.
OWS . . .
‘Law & Order: SVU’ Imitation Occupation Draws Real Protesters, and City’s Ire(NYT) * PHOTOS: Male Models Pose For Controversial Occupy Wall Street Photo Shoot(Huff Post) * Police Evict Occupy Boston(The Daily Beast) * Boston Police Evict ‘Occupy’ Protesters Cops clear Occupy Boston camp; 46 arrested (NYP) * Occupy Wall Street: The View From China(The Atlantic) * VIDEO: OWS Occupies Movie-Set Replica of Itself, for Real(Mother Jones) * Occupying East New York (New York Magazine) *Occupy vs. Big Labor(Slate) * Raid ends longest-standing occupation camp(Slate)
Longer Standardized Tests Are Planned, Displeasing Some School Leaders(NYT)
List of Schools Targeted by City for Closing Is Up to 19(NYT) * DOE Adds Seven To List Of Planned School Closures(NY1) * Closing public schools is the way only to end the cycle(NYDN Ed) * Bloomberg’s kids just aren’t learning (NYDN)
Port Authority Spends More on Overtime(WSJ)
City may face suit in fatal crane collapse after letter casts doubt on Buildings official Michael Carbone's statements(NYDN)
Businesses Get New Leases On Coney Island Boardwalk(NY1)
From televised debates to Letterman, free media helping to define GOP presidential contest

The Debate
Initial Reaction to the Debate (TPM) * Bachmann invokes Cain, 9-9-9 plan (The Hill) * Newt Gingrich Doubles Down On Palestinians Are An ‘Invented’ People During GOP Debate * Iowa Republican debate: Winners and losers(Washington Post) * Romney fails to score knockout punch on Gingrich in latest GOP debate Winnipeg Free Press * GOP rivals gang up in going after Gingrich in Iowa debate (MiamiHerald) * Race Reshaped, Rivals Target Gingrich in G.O.P. Debate(NYT) *Romney seeks $10000 bet during GOP debate(CBS News) * Front-runner Gingrich on defense in debate(Newsday)
A look at key moments in the Republican debate(Atlanta Journal Constitution) * Gingrich comes under attack in GOP debate(Wash Post) * Gingrich fights off rivals in Iowa debate(Reuters) * Des Moines Republican debate decisive?(Wash Post) * Analysis: Winners and losers in the latest GOP debate(Houston Chronicle) * Romney becomes focus of debate -- and not in a positive way(MSNBC)* Newt Gingrich blasts it out of park! (Politico) * Gingrich Slams Romney: You Didn’t Become A Career Politician Because You Lost To Teddy Kennedy * Gingrich Gets Through Debate Unscathed While Romney Doesn't(NPR) * Iowa Debate: Winners and Losers (CBS News) * Two Romneys: Wealthy Man, Thrifty Habits(NYT) * Assailed by Rivals, Gingrich Fires Back(WSJ) * Newt Gingrich becomes political piñata at feisty GOP debate in Iowa(NYDN) * Newt Stands His Ground On 'Invented People' Remarks(Huff Post) * Gingrich Unbloodied, Unbowed in Debate - Alexander Burns, Politico * Mitt's $10,000 Bet Could Haunt Him - James Oliphant, Los Angeles Times * Debate Highlights Fluid Iowa Race - Scott Conroy, RealClearPolitics * Republican debate: 7 takeaways(Politico) * Five Takeaways from Saturday's Debate - 2012 Decoded * Rick Perry: Mitt Romney’s $10,000 Bet Was ‘Out of Touch’(ABC) * $10,000 Bet a Bad Moment for Romney - Kathie Obradovich, DM Register * Romney's Inevitability Is Long Gone - Michelle Cottle, The Daily Beast * Ron Paul, Spoiler? - George Will, Washington Post * Will Newt's Fiery Rhetoric Go Too Far? - Maureen Dowd, New York Times * Obama Promises to Spend Even More If Reelected - Matt Welch, Reason * G.O.P. Debate Reverberates Going Into Final Stretch(NYT)