Thursday, April 16, 2009

Organized Crime Politics Ballot Lines for Sale

Organized Crime Politics
Ballot Lines for Sale

Nobody Asked Me, But . . . Not one elected official, candidate running for office, newspaper editoral or media not shy good government groups have come out against the Tammany Hall corruption of ballot acess that has made New York politics into an organized crime operation. What more can be said or proven about the connection between control of ballot acess after the Harding corrupt case was announced yesterday. True News has been reporting on the corruption caused by the control or ballot access for some time Tammany’s Ballot Control Again and Again. *** True News Reported It First: New York’s Political Mob Wars *** Organized Crime Politics *** Organized Crime Politics Part 1 *** NY' s Leaders Have Lost the Values and Morality that Once Made it the Greatest City in the World *** Campaign Consultant Lobbyists Cause Corruption

INVITING CORRUPTION: NY'S RISKY THIRD-PARTY RULES - YESTERDAY'S wide ranging indictment against former Liberal Party boss Raymond B. Harding paints a vivid portrait of ballot lines for sale in New York. . . Minor parties are common in US politics, but few states afford them such an easy path to power as New York: In the Empire State a minor party can cross-endorse candidates who are also appearing on the Democratic and Republican lines. This third-party backing has become an object of intense desire among Republicans and Democrats, because it can cut down on competition and ensure that an independent candidate doesn't siphon votes away from major-party candidates. *** Ex-Liberal Party head charged in pension fund ... *** Ex-Liberal Party boss charged with taking kickbacks *** PATAKI AIDES TIED TO SCHEME Aides to Pataki conspired with Liberal Party boss Raymond Harding to rig up an Assembly seat for Democratic Comptroller Alan Hevesi's son, Andrew, sources said *** 'ALBANY FOR SALE' RAPS: POL TOOK 800G & BROKERED HEVESI SON SEAT: PROBERS *** Ex-Chairman of New York Liberal Party Indicted *** "We do expect other charges," Cuomo said *** Of Harding And Hevesis *** Hevesi's Friends in Need - Political pals cashed in on pension fund business.

New York Post Editorial
DRAINING THE SWAMP According to Cuomo, Hevesi's office arranged for Raymond Harding -- onetime chair of the now-defunct Liberal Party -- to collect $800,000 in illegal fees as part of a sham pension-fund transaction in return for political fixes favoring both Hevesi and his son. . . In other words, the state's constitutionally designated fiscal watchdog -- the comptroller -- was in cahoots with the office of the same official -- the governor -- he was supposed to be watching.

New York Daily Editorial
Editorial: There for the taking Everything has been for sale in Albany, including multimillion-dollar access to New York's huge pension fund and a seat in the state Assembly. The cesspool has no bottom

New York Times

Spin by Current Comptroller DiNapoli renews call for public campaign financing who D'Amato is holding a fund raiser for D'Amato For DiNapoli the same D'Amato that Newsday says firm Park Strategies profited from it connection to Hevesi Pension probe: Who's in, out of the moving spotlight

Daily News Says: The clout of lobbyists “who were retained because of their personal relationships with one individual” is evaporating, said Joseph Strasburg of the nonprofit New York Public Interest Research Group. Frequently cited is Park Strategies, founded by Pataki’s mentor, former Sen. Alfonse D’Amato. The firm would not comment. *** DN Editorial: Make it a freebie, Fonz. Herewith an appeal to former Sen. Alfonse D'Amato, New Yorker, American, pal of current Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and fat-cat lobbyist: Stop with the idea of charging the World Trade Center Memorial Foundation for your services *** D'Amato signs on for $50G WTC jobTrue News Reported It First: Lawyers and Developers Control Comptroller's Campaign *** Candidates Accept Funds From Laid Off Workers

What Does Bloomberg Really Think? Man without a party wants all their ballot lines From the Daily News . . . There will be no changes to corruption until ballot acess control is taken away from party leaders says True News The Real Campaign is to Suppress Challengers ***

City Economic Melt Down SURPRISE AMONG HOME$ICK BOROS Prices of existing homes in Brooklyn and Queens are continuing to fall, but they're holding up much better than those in Manhattan, a surprising new report showed yesterday. In Brooklyn *** TOLLS ON NEW ROLL: REVIVED IN MTA BUDGET-RESCUE BID *** THAT'S TAX, WITH A TEA: PROTESTS SWEEP NY, NATION *** Queens home sales take a tumble From Crain's *** The F Train is f'ed up From AM-NY: *** Refinancing Deal May Save Low-Cost Housing at Starrett City *** Home sales in Brooklyn, Queens fall off cliff *** Plus: Six developers try selling condos in bulk *** Big UBS job cuts coming to town *** UBS to cut thousands of jobs, many in NY area

The City DOLAN HAS THE RITE STUFF MINGLES WIT WITH SOMBER MESSAGE AS FAITHFUL CHEER *** Dolan Installed As New York's 13th Archbishop *** Archbishop Dolan Recalls a Hero in First Homily *** 7TH-INNING 'KVETCH' BOOTED SOX FAN SUES YANKS *** A WHACK AT HACKS: TLC GOAL: GET ILLEGAL DRIVERS OFF THE STREET *** Bloomie doesn't want Superfund status for Gowanus From the NY Times: *** Vallone Slams Commissioner Kelly's Press Plan *** Yankees Gear Up For Historic Home Opener *** Vision for a New Esplanade Near Seaport *** Carlyle hotel quits attempt to amend labor con... *** Jack Bauer Coming to NYC for Next Season of 24! *** Council mulls bill to mandate bulletproof barriers in banks DN Editorial: Shack shock There is a reason why the Police Department's storied history is so well known. It's because police beat reporters were there to tell the stories *
** Over the rainbow for WTC The World Trade Center won't be fully rebuilt and occupied until 2037 - a full 36 years after terrorists reduced it to rubble, a new study says *** Yanks fan booted for bathroom during 'God Bless' - suit *** TNPM City Unemployment Rate Holds Steady *** Farley Post Office To Close 24-Hour Window *** The Union War on Charter Schools

On the Road to City Hall Mayor Michael Bloomberg: Absent but accounted for?- skips GOP dinner *** Everything (Grand) Old (Party) Is New Again *** Bloomberg yells at disabled reporter From the NY Times:

Pay to Play Head Start administrator steals from children

Albany NEW FRONT IN SCHOOLS WAR State lawmakers are pushing a bill to loosen mayoral control of city schools by giving more sway over decisions to borough presidents, council members and parents. The legislation would create *** NEW FRONT IN SCHOOLS WAR State lawmakers are pushing a bill to loosen mayoral control of city schools by giving more sway over decisions to borough presidents, council members and parents. The legislation would create *** NEW LEADER JOINS WAR ON NY GAY NUPS New York's new archbishop wasted no time in declaring war on Gov. Paterson's push to legalize gay marriage in the state. Archbishop Timothy Dolan vowed before his installation yesterday *** New archbishop vows to fight gay marriage *** On first day as Archbishop, Dolan doesn't 'shy away' from gay rites fight *** STATE'S OFF COURSE: RUDY Rumored 2010 gubernatorial candidate Rudy Giuliani last night told a crowd of GOP heavyweights the state is heading in the "wrong direction" and called Gov. Paterson's $132 *** Albany still full of porkers From Gotham Gazette *** State Lawmakers Reconsider Bridge Tolls For MTA *** GOP Heavy Hitters Rally At Annual Dinner *** Paterson To Push Same-Sex Marriage Bill *** Compromise Is Offered to Bridge Toll Opponents *** Gingrich Dreams of New York G.O.P. Revival *** 'Run, Rudy, run!' in 2010 gov election, Newt cries *** New effort to jump-start MTA bailout *** Richard Ravitch announced a compromise version of his MTA bailout plan that would waive East and Harlem river bridge tolls for some business and health care-related trips *** Sen. Ruben Diaz Sr. immediately dismissed this idea, calling it "a gimmick." His fellow amigos appeared to also reject the plan *** Yuengling is threatening to leave New York when the Bigger, Better Bottle Bill goes into effect *** TNPMPaterson Proposes Gay Marriage Bill: "Rights Should Not Be Stifled by Fear"

President Obama Obamas Paid 933g Tax Bill On $2.6m Earnings *** Obama to offer solidarity to Mexico in drug war *** Holder praises JAGs for work with terror suspects *** Justice Dept. reins in surveillance program *** Obama eager to portray US as partner for Americas *** Obamas’ Earnings Stayed High in ’08 *** U.S. to Signal Strategy for Rail Funds *** Taxes too steep, tea party demonstrators wail at Obama *** Obama in Mexico in show of solidarity against drug war *** Obama locked in ideological battle on tax day *** TNPM Obama Rules Out Charging C.I.A. Agents in Interrogations *** Obama to Push to Ratify Treaty on Gun Trafficking *** Obama: Germany's Miracle Man - Claus Christian Malzahn, Der Spiegel *** A Better Future in the Americas - President Barack Obama, Miami *** Homeland Insecurity - Debra Saunders, San Francisco Chronicle *** Obama Must Restore NAFTA Truck Program - San Antonio Express-News

Wall Street Mess Profit Down, but JPMorgan Tops Forecasts *** Mall Operator Files for Bankruptcy *** Video Prank at Domino’s Taints Brand *** Unsure of Saturn’s Fate, Dealerships Are Closing *** Delphi Faces a Deadline on G.M. Aid *** eBay to Buy South Korea’s Gmarket *** *** ‘Stimulus’ Works Its Way to Madison Avenue *** Credit Card Processor Asked for Offshore Data *** J.P. Morgan Beats Expectations *** TARP Cash Isn't Moving Forward *** Death to Discounts? Designers Rebel *** Uh, oh? Bank 'stress test' results to be revealed ***TNPM MAJOR MALL OPERATOR FILES FOR BANKRUPTCY... *** Double-Digit Unemployment, Here We Come - Seattle Times

International DEA says Mexican drug cartels are creeping south *** US to target pirate assets *** Deals Help China Expand Its Sway in Latin America *** Afghan Women Protest New Law on Home Life *** Interpreter for F.B.I. Thinks Interrogators Beat Terror Suspect *** U.S. Won’t Cite China Over Its Currency *** For Young Japanese, It’s Back to the Farm *** Fed Report Hints That Pace of Decline Is Easing *** China Sees a Slight Lift in Factory Orders *** India's Parties Make Coalitions Vital *** Russia Ends Chechen Counterterrorism Operation *** China Inc.'s Top Deal Maker Provokes a Backlash Abroad *** Hillary floats plan to keep pirates high and dry *** How Pakistan Almost Blew Up - David Ignatius, San Diego Union-Tribune *** Americas Summit: Chance for New Start - Miami Herald

National Tax Day Is Met With Tea Parties *** Statehouse Journal: For Gov. Palin, a Rough Return to the Day Job *** Back in the Hospital Again Improving follow-up care after Medicare patients leave hospitals would reduce the rehospitalization rates and save billions of dollars in medical expenditures *** Pipe Made in India Incenses Illinois Town *** Fiat Chief Warns Chrysler Unions of Need for Cuts *** Overweight Passengers May Have To Buy Extra Seats On United *** Fear, Greed Have Gun Sales Shooting Up *** 'Tool City' Weathers Economic Downturn *** Lean Times Bring Workouts Home ***