Tammany’s Ballot Control Again and Again
Old Republican Guard vs. Old Republican Guard
Old Republican Guard vs. Old Republican Guard
Even the Billionaire
Mayor is A Victim
Mayor is A Victim
GOP Leaders Use Ballot Access to Fight for Patronage and Power
It is not only challengers to local offices who are held hostage, even billionaire mayors must contend with Tammany Hall’s control of New York's Ballot Box. The dance in the media about some Republican county leaders who are unhappy with the mayor is really the result of a behind the scenes, closed-door battle on who gets to be Number 1 with the current mayor: Giuliani, Pataki or the county leaders themselves. What the Republican county leaders are saying is: we don’t want the former mayor and governor acting as our middle men with the mayor. The buzz is that Bloomberg is demanding that Pataki and Giuliani deliver the Republican leaders before their meeting on February 25th.
Even A Dead Party Has Power in NYC
The fight over who the big dog with the mayor is, doesn't quite qualify as a civil war, for that you need troops. There are no elected Republican officials in Manhattan, the Bronx and Queens and only one in Brooklyn. This year the Republicans lost their only congressmember in the city when it was discovered he had two families. There is no GOP vote to deliver in the city. It is all about controlling the ballot line.
But A Powerful Last Card to Play
What the GOP has over the mayor is ballot access in the name of a Wilson-Pakula law that requires Bloomberg who registered as an independent (not independent party) when he was running for president to obtain the written permission of three of the city’s five Republican county leaders to run for re-election on the Republican ballot line.
It's not just the four council candidates knocked off the ballot in the Staten Island special election who are victims of the Tammany Hall ballot access system, designed over a 100 years ago to give those in power total control of the city’s politics and government. Even the billionaire mayor is caught in Boss Tweed's 130 years old corrupt scheme of control. Today’s machine made of party leaders and elected officials, have perfected Tammany’s system to compensate for their loss of control over the ability to deliver votes. hhhhHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
It is not only challengers to local offices who are held hostage, even billionaire mayors must contend with Tammany Hall’s control of New York's Ballot Box. The dance in the media about some Republican county leaders who are unhappy with the mayor is really the result of a behind the scenes, closed-door battle on who gets to be Number 1 with the current mayor: Giuliani, Pataki or the county leaders themselves. What the Republican county leaders are saying is: we don’t want the former mayor and governor acting as our middle men with the mayor. The buzz is that Bloomberg is demanding that Pataki and Giuliani deliver the Republican leaders before their meeting on February 25th.
Even A Dead Party Has Power in NYC
The fight over who the big dog with the mayor is, doesn't quite qualify as a civil war, for that you need troops. There are no elected Republican officials in Manhattan, the Bronx and Queens and only one in Brooklyn. This year the Republicans lost their only congressmember in the city when it was discovered he had two families. There is no GOP vote to deliver in the city. It is all about controlling the ballot line.
But A Powerful Last Card to Play
What the GOP has over the mayor is ballot access in the name of a Wilson-Pakula law that requires Bloomberg who registered as an independent (not independent party) when he was running for president to obtain the written permission of three of the city’s five Republican county leaders to run for re-election on the Republican ballot line.
It's not just the four council candidates knocked off the ballot in the Staten Island special election who are victims of the Tammany Hall ballot access system, designed over a 100 years ago to give those in power total control of the city’s politics and government. Even the billionaire mayor is caught in Boss Tweed's 130 years old corrupt scheme of control. Today’s machine made of party leaders and elected officials, have perfected Tammany’s system to compensate for their loss of control over the ability to deliver votes. hhhhHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Even Obama Cannot Change New York
Tammany's system prevents change. Even if the newspaper editorials and good government groups continue for the next 100 years to speak out against New York’s corrupt politicians $$$, dysfunctional government, lobbyists, increased taxes and services cut, these problems will never be solved until we end machine control of elections in New York and return democracy to its citizens. Change occurs when elected officials believe they can lose their elections.
More on Tammany’s Control of the City’s Elections *** In Defense of Political Hardball in a Howard Beach Council Race - Knocking candidates off the ballot.
Tammany's system prevents change. Even if the newspaper editorials and good government groups continue for the next 100 years to speak out against New York’s corrupt politicians $$$, dysfunctional government, lobbyists, increased taxes and services cut, these problems will never be solved until we end machine control of elections in New York and return democracy to its citizens. Change occurs when elected officials believe they can lose their elections.
More on Tammany’s Control of the City’s Elections *** In Defense of Political Hardball in a Howard Beach Council Race - Knocking candidates off the ballot.
Spin in the Press Vs. The People
What They Say
The MTA is asking New Yorkers to share their stories of falling in love on a subway, train or bus.
What They Really Mean
With fares scheduled to increase, services cut and the transit rescue money Congressman Nadler promised NY cut out of the final bailout agreement, the MTA board members use their public relations officers to distract the public so they can keep their phony baloney jobs. *** Resistance Is Building to Payroll Tax in Rescue Plan for M.T.A ***Did You Take an Express Train to Love?
What They Say
Quinn floats affordable housing plan for Middle Class From the NY Observer.
What They Really Mean
Quinn floats Developer Bailout Plan using taxpayer money before lux developers go bankrupt. Quinn collected $$$ from developers when she was planning to run for mayor *** QUINN BUYS INTO HOUSING MARKET *** The Day the New York Real Estate Market Lost Its Nerve *** Bankruptcy not a safe haven - The Real Deal New York Real Estate News *** Developer of Two City Mega-Projects Hires Bankruptcy Attorney ...
President Gregg Ends Bid for Commerce Job, Citing Conflicts *** BAM'S CABINET $PLINTERS: COMMERCE PICK QUITS OVER STIMULUS DEAL GREGG *** Gregg Ends Bid for Commerce Job *** 'I may have embarrassed myself but hopefully not [the president]'... Wire... *** 'We are functioning from a different set of views'... *** Analysis: Obscure post gives Obama big headache *** Stimulus Offers Glimpse of Obama’s Battle Plan ***Gregg withdraws as Obama's Commerce nominee *** Get Out of the (White) House: President Obama, like F.D.R. and Reagan, doesn’t let the job dictate his schedule - Cannon *** Capital Journal: Obama Must Ease Fear *** President Obama turns attention to home foreclosures *** Obama visits plant hit by layoffs to pitch plan *** ABC NEWS: CATERPILLAR CEO contradicts Obama: 'We're going to have more layoffs before we start hiring again'... *** The Caucus: Obama Contradicted on Jobs Promise *** Big goals and hurdles await Obama *** O HAILS HIS AMERICAN IDOL *** Obama honors Lincoln's vision of strong union *** B'klyn-brewed Bam beer falls flat with feds *** Obama advisor David Axelrod fires back at critical Bush aides.
Congress Lawmakers say all issues settled in stimulus bill *** Dems Break Promise To Post Stimulus Bill Online For 48-Hour Public Airing... *** BONUS BAN BOUNCED FROM BILL *** Pelosi's mouse slated for $30M slice of cheese... *** DSCC head expects to back Gillibrand *** Senate confirms Panetta as CIA chief *** Global Economy Top Threat to U.S., Spy Chief Says *** Panetta Confirmed for C.I.A. Post *** WAKE UP AND SMELL THE TRILLIONS IN PORK *** KGill Continues on 'Trade Guns for Political Friends' Program *** GOP Spreading Bizarre Claim About Funding For "Pelosi's Mouse" *** Marriage bureau turns away hundreds of same-sex couples looking to wed *** HOUSE PASSES OBAMA 'STIMULUS'; NO GOP SUPPORT, 7 DEMS VOTE NO *** The Audacity Of Nope *** P. King: Against stimulus *** Gilli: 22 hours behind Chuck, but happy too *** After Gregg, Is Bi-partisanship Dead? *** Saturday
Albany NY Gov. Admits 'Obesity Tax' Plan Has Failed... *** FAT-TAX SUPPORT TOO LIGHT: GOV *** Health Care Groups Soften Attacks on Governor’s Budget Cuts *** Paterson slams 'SNL' for second skit *** Stimulus in NY: The power of the education lobby *** Gonzalez: 3 Dems siding with fat cats on tax, rent *** Stimulus money for NY: All the numbers *** Picture: The former GOP "TV studio" *** Film studios waiting for renewal of tax breaks From the Times Ledger *** City Uses Up Tax Credits, Will Productions Flee? *** TV shows look to leave NY *** PSC Con Ed Spending to Get Closer Look *** PSC HEAT'S ON CON ED *** Con Ed must open books after $1M bribery scheme *** Stimulus Funds Offer Relief to City and State *** Video: The Andrew Pitch *** Embattled Queens Senator Slapped With Fine *** HIRAM IS FINED 30G *** Sen. Marty Golden thinks the city's GOP county leaders will eventually give Mayor Bloomberg their ballot line, calling it a "no brainer" *** DN Ed: Former Senate Republican majority committed wild abuses of power *** Malcolm not very effective From NY Daily Balance - Malcolm Smith and his State Senate Democrats have fled the capital today to begin an 11-day, mid-winter break--after passing just seven bills in the 2009 session’s first six weeks *** Senate Democrats stage contemptible confirmation hearing for state's chief judge - DN Ed *** The fate of the Brunomobile *** Paterson D.C. stay billed to taxpayers: Inauguration hotel cost was $19,350 *** PolitickerNY: Transparency and New York's Billions *** David Paterson is going to visit the site of the plane crash in Buffalo. [AP] *** State investigators are considering an investigation into the case of the no-work state worker *** Senate Democrats and GOP fight over perks and privileges *** Chuck and Dave: How much does the stimulus help? *** Paterson: $20K on hotel!!! What does it take? *** That GOP studio: Before *** Saturday PATERSON SHOWS P.R. GURU THE DOOR
About those promises to keep jobs ... Six New York banks that got bailout money received $550M in city tax breaks in the last 20 years to keep jobs here - but it's impossible to know if they did.
The City Charter School’s Deadline to Recognize Union Passes *** Hospitals Prepare For Patient Overflow *** City's $8M Tab For 'Private' Pensions *** MASTER OF OUR OWN 'DOMAIN' - The Big Apple is poised to get its very own Internet domain - .nyc *** City plans to raise cash selling .nyc domains *** MEDIAN HOME VALUES IN METRO AREA LOSE 14.6%
*** Church saves six schools, closes eight others *** Obama stimulus plan may mean huge infusion of funds for jobs, schools, Medicaid *** Marriage bureau turns away hundreds of same-sex couples looking to wed *** TIMES SQ.'S HISTORIC H'WAY *** Bloomberg Announces New Housing Commissioner *** Apparently, Community Board 6 in Gowanus kicked Toll Bros. ass. [GL] *** Tenants Found Not Guilty in Deaths of 2 Firefighters *** It's not just me noticing all the empty store-fronts and "Going Out Of Business" signs *** Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Hits The Runway *** Saturday BLOOMY BLASTS RICH TAX: WARNS OF WEALTH EXODUS *** FIREFIGHTERS BLAZING TRAIL AS CITY OT KINGS *** BLAZE-VERDICT FUROR
RAGE AS JURY CLEARS BLACK SUNDAY DUO *** Alfonse: For Atlantic Yards *** Scores of city government workers racking up six-figure overtime *** NYPD Officer Yaniris Balbuena laundered drug money for boyfriend: feds *** Mets fans will have to deal with Citi Field as name of stadium, says Rep. Barney Frank
*** Church saves six schools, closes eight others *** Obama stimulus plan may mean huge infusion of funds for jobs, schools, Medicaid *** Marriage bureau turns away hundreds of same-sex couples looking to wed *** TIMES SQ.'S HISTORIC H'WAY *** Bloomberg Announces New Housing Commissioner *** Apparently, Community Board 6 in Gowanus kicked Toll Bros. ass. [GL] *** Tenants Found Not Guilty in Deaths of 2 Firefighters *** It's not just me noticing all the empty store-fronts and "Going Out Of Business" signs *** Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Hits The Runway *** Saturday BLOOMY BLASTS RICH TAX: WARNS OF WEALTH EXODUS *** FIREFIGHTERS BLAZING TRAIL AS CITY OT KINGS *** BLAZE-VERDICT FUROR
RAGE AS JURY CLEARS BLACK SUNDAY DUO *** Alfonse: For Atlantic Yards *** Scores of city government workers racking up six-figure overtime *** NYPD Officer Yaniris Balbuena laundered drug money for boyfriend: feds *** Mets fans will have to deal with Citi Field as name of stadium, says Rep. Barney Frank
personal-income tax, which prompts a question: What, the council ran out of street names to change, so instead it'll just do its bit to wreck what remains of the local economy? - NYPOST ED
Road to City Hall Bloomberg Rivals Used Money Loophole Up to ’08 Ban *** Alfonse: I'm still a Republican! And still disingenuous! *** Council Speaker Proposes Tax Increase on the Wealthy In State Of City Address *** Christine Quinn Knows How to Frame Tax Increase *** Gillibrand Asks Bloomberg for Shooting Tips *** Al D'Amato is reportedly behind Rick Lazio's potential GOP primary challenge of Rudy Giuliani in the 2010 governor's race Bloomberg one of The World's Most Powerful Billionaires *** Last night’s Council-race debate in Howard Beach *** Barrett: Weiner's Democracy Lesson
Wall Street Mess Man kills himself over Madoff losses... *** Was Ruth Madoff In On It? *** 2 Madoff Employees Questioned *** Brit says Madoff scam led to father's suicide *** Madoff's wife accused of withdrawing $15M days before his arrest *** Time: 25 People To Blame For The Financial Crisis *** Retail sales rise unexpectedly in January *** RETAIL GETS LIFT OF 1% IN JAN *** WELLS FARGO LOSSES GROW *** Home Prices Slide 12%, Most on Record, as Foreclosures Drain Value... *** Family Fighting foreclosure *** U.S. Agents Scrutinize Texas Firm *** Ailing Banks May Require More Aid to Keep Solvent *** Large Banks on the Edge of Insolvency *** Stimulus Bill’s Tax Breaks and Benefits *** Business: Some Large Banks Are 'Like Dead Men Walking' *** WASHINGTON POST: CONGRESS FOLDING ON CERTAIN EXECUTIVE PAY *** Morgan Stanley VP arrested for stealing $2.3M *** After the Stimulus The stimulus and recovery package could have accomplished so much more - NYT Ed *** Rescue Plan for Housing in the Works *** Defending Tim Geithner *** *** Stimulus Challenge: Spending the Money *** Ex-G.M. Workers Try to Reboot Their Lives *** Bank on Bailout: Your money, or your economy ***Stimulus Winners, Losers *** In Japan’s Stagnant Decade, Cautionary Tales for America *** Question of Control Over Banks Awaits Treasury Secretary at Group of 7 Meeting *** States Recruit Worried Californians ***Banking on Bad Banks in the Movies *** Wall Street "Swindle" Gets Michael Moore to Ask Bankers to Spill the Beans *** Good news! Retail sales jump, jobless claims fall *** Bonuses not my call, says Bank of America CEO ***Forbes' list of most bankable celebrities *** US May Subsidize Lenders Who Cut Mortgage Rates *** JPMORGAN, CITI halting foreclosures... *** Saturday Trump Quits Trump Entertainment Board Ahead Of Possible Bankruptcy Filing.
International Final count leaves Israel with election headache... ***Mexico City Journal: Mayor Aims to Add Spark to Flagging Sex Lives *** Official: Afghanistan, Pakistan losing ground *** Intel czar sees new threats as Afghan situation worsens *** Pakistan admits Mumbai attacks came from its shores, arrests main plotter *** Israel's Livni Faces Tough Path
Media Mess Bill Clinton: We need 'Fairness Doctrine, or more balance' on airwaves... *** The Media Is Twittering Away Its Short Time on Earth *** PARADE FINALLY PASSES ITS LONG-TIME EDITOR AND CEO *** MICROSOFT PLANS OWN STORES *** SIRIUS could file bankruptcy as early as Tuesday... *** Times Columnists in Smackdown! *** Saturday Newsday Editor Henley Hits The Highway *** News Corp, Wall Street Fear Murdoch's #2 May Jump