Weberman Conviction A Green Shoot in Shot Gun New Journalism
NYT Left Out It Blogger Sources
It was lots of Pushing That Got Brooklyn DA Hynes to Put Weberman Away for 103 Years. The pushing started with bloggers like Failed Messiah, Survives of Justice and Voice or Justice, the Jewish Week writing stories of sexual abuse ignored by the Brooklyn DA. These bloggers and their postings hook up with the NYT's reporters in the last year. At the same time Hynes blockade of trying sexual cases against the orthodox began to make its way into the NYT, Brooklyn Democratic Boss Vito Lopez, Hynes major back of the DA reelection begain to fall his sexual harassment case also became public
The predator and the prosecutor(NYP) It was also a big win for Brooklyn DA Joe Hynes, who finally brought a sex-abuse case against a member of the insular Satmar community. Of course, only the harsh glare of the press spotlight — shone by The Post, among others — got Hynes to act. There’s no understating the importance of the 103-year prison sentence imposed this week on Nechemya Weberman. A respected member of the Satmar Hasidic community, Weberman will probably die in prison now that Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice John Ingram threw the book at him after his conviction for sexually abusing a child he was “counseling.”
Even the NYT Former Public Editor Accused his paper of lifting the Abuse Story from the Bloggers and the Jewish Week
NY Times' Push May 10, 2012
For Ultra-Orthodox in Abuse Cases, Prosecutor Has Different Rules(NYT)An influential rabbi came last summer to the Brooklyn district attorney, Charles J. Hynes,
with a message: his ultra-Orthodox advocacy group was instructing
adherent Jews that they could report allegations of child sexual abuse
to district attorneys or the police only if a rabbi first determined
that the suspicions were credible. The pronouncement was a blunt challenge to Mr. Hynes’s authority. But
the district attorney “expressed no opposition or objection,” the rabbi,
Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, recalled. On May 19, The New York Times's Public Editor Arthur Brisbane asked the question: What did The Times have to lose by crediting others? The NYT did not give any credit according to Brisbane to Hella Winston, a freelancer for The Jewish Week who is a fellow at the Schuster Institute who unloved most of the information in the NYT story.
The NYT Public Editor Was Gone Shortly After He Exposed the Bias of the Papers Metro Editor Carolyn Ryan Against Bloggers and Freelance Journalists
Brisbane sent Carolyn Ryan, The Times’s metro editor, an appeal from Ms. Ludtke to give such credit in part two. But it didn’t happen. And after the second article’s publication, I heard from others complaining about uncredited foundational reporting — scores of articles in recent years — by additional publications, including The Jewish Daily Forward, the blog, New York magazine and more. * Opinion: Will Weberman case be a catalyst for change ?(Jewish Star)
Lopez Sexual Harassment Case Effect Weberman's Sexual Harassment Case
Hynes attended Lopez’s picnic last summer at the Ridgewood-Bushwick
Senior Citizens Council — despite reports that the Lopez-founded
organization was under federal investigation. Not after he said at that event, “I know the difference between a crook and others. . . . So Vito is a good guy.”* Wright Replaces Lopez As Housing Chairman(YNN)
Lopez Refuses to Testify On Inquiries Into Reports That He Sexual Abused His Aids
Lopez Declines to Testify on Allegations That He Sexually Harassed Aides(NYT)The lawyer representing Vito J. Lopez, a lawmaker and former Brooklyn Democratic chairman, advised him against testifying on inquiries into reports that he had harassed aides.
Lopez Refuses to Testify On Inquiries Into Reports That He Sexual Abused His Aids
Lopez Declines to Testify on Allegations That He Sexually Harassed Aides(NYT)The lawyer representing Vito J. Lopez, a lawmaker and former Brooklyn Democratic chairman, advised him against testifying on inquiries into reports that he had harassed aides.
State Gun Control and New Budget
On December 27th True News Wrote
Can the New State Senate Leadership Coalition Survive the Coming Gun Control Fight
On January 16th True News Wrote
Cuomo understood early that New York being 1st at new gun control law would be a powerful issues for him to run for president on. That is why he rush yesterday to sign into law a new law limiting legal gun ownership before Obama announced his plans for gun control today
Today the NYT Wrote
To Be First With Gun Control Law Cuomo Made Skelos An Offer He Could Not RefuseThe NYT chronicles Cuomo’s “by any means necessary” push on gun control, which included everything from cajoling lawmakers to straight out threats.
Cuomo Made Skelos An Offer He Could Not Refuse
Intent on Being First, Cuomo Used All Means to Enact Gun Limits(NYT)if GOP-IDC didnt pass his
More on the State Budget

Update Mayor Quickly Who Did Not Like His Pension Smoothing Proposal Changed Her Mind
Dissent in Cuomo's Ranks 8:00AMSyracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner is fighting publicly with Cuomo over how to help fiscally distressed local governments like hers – despite the fact that she’s his hand-picked state Democratic Party co-chair. Specifically, Miner has questioned Cuomo’s controversial pension smoothing proposal for local officials – and she’s not alone. More here.* The NY Post’s Bob McManus was sorely disappointed by Cuomo’s 2013-14 budget, and also predicts: “Cuomo has never been one to brook dissent — so look for a detailed Miner recantation very soon. (Or her abrupt disappearance from New York’s political hierarchy.)” Update On Miner Dissent 11:17AM Republican Mahoney Backs Cuomo On Pension Smoothing(NYO)* Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner is unapologetic about her criticism of Cuomo’s budget, but says she’s working with the administration to avoid focusing on “personalities.”
Gambling Expansion* Cuomo’s budget calls for dramatically expanding the rapid-fire Quick Draw game, bringing it to as many as 780 new locations and letting people as young as 18 play.* The budget plan would prohibit the first three casinos from being built in New York City, Long Island or Westchester, Putnam and Rockland counties. It does not specifically state that none of the three casinos would be in Western New York, as Cuomo previously had suggested.*Assembly Leader Softens on Placing Casino in New York City(NYT) * Business groups have largely praised Cuomo’s budget, but they have raised concerns over a handful of fees and fines that would either be extended or expanded.*State agency Overtime jumped a hefty 11 percent in 2012, with five employees pocketing more than $100,000 in extra pay each.* Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver says he’s now open to a Las Vegas-style casino in some parts of New York City – like, say, Coney Island or Willets Point – but not Manhattan. * In a meeting with the Crain’s editorial board, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said there will be no casinos in the five boroughs “for the foreseeable future.”
State Senate Committee Assignments
The Senate committee chair list is out & 2 Af-Am Dems got assignments: Adams has Aging. Sanders, Alcoholism & Drug Abuse.
Good Government
The Sad State of Good Government in 2013
Only the Mayor and CFB Try to Stop An Attempt by the Council and Quinn to Water Down NYC Public Funded Campaign Financed System and Transparency
Council Eases Finance Rules(WSJ)City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, facing accusations that
legislation she championed opened a "gaping loophole" in New York City's
campaign-finance system, backed off her proposal and oversaw the
passage of a watered-down bill Wednesday that reduced the reporting
requirements for unions, corporations and advocacy groups. Mayor Michael Bloomberg
had denounced the original version of the bill as a "terrible idea,"
and his office confirmed that the mayor opposed the modified version and
planned to veto it. The council is expected to override the mayor's
veto.* Critics of State's Campaign Finance Laws Seek Philanthropists' Help(NYT) * Advocates of overhauling New York’s campaign fund-raising laws met with 40 philanthropists in Manhattan today in an effort to enlist additional supporters as they ramp up their lobbying efforts.
Goo Goo Groups Have Failed It Time for A Peoples Good Government Movement
Lets Form A Anti-Corruption Posse and Offer Rewards For Any Information Leading to the Conviction of An Elected Official or Any Government Worker Ripping Off the Government
City Comptroller John Liu launched a new website aimed at shining a light on city spending.
School Secretary Fined for No-Bid Purchases From Husband(WSJ) Elaine Baptiste, who has worked for the school system for 29 years, ordered $40,000 in supplies, the New York City Conflicts of Interest Board said in announcing settlement of the case.* Comptroller Launches Website That Sheds Light On City Spending(NY1)
Crapy Pol Controlled Redistricting Passes
State Senators voted to reconfigure the state redistricting panel, replacing the six-member commission with a ten-member one, and having the Republican and Democratic conferences in both chambers each appoint two members, the Times-Union writes * In what may be the last partisan floor debate over redistricting for the next decade, state senators voted to reconfigure the panel charged with the once-a-decade process. Twenty Democrats voted “no” – including new Sen. George Latimer, who voted “yes” last year as an assemblyman.*
Jerry Goldfeder’s proposal to pay for publicly financed campaigns: Albany could set up a Democracy Trust Fund, to which individuals, corporations, nonprofits and unions would contribute. Temporary President and Republican Coalition Leader Dean Skelos threw some more cold water on public campaign financing on Capital Tonight last night. “Again, I think that public financing is not the way to go,” he argued. “I think when you explain to people, ‘Do you really … want to be paying for campaigns in New York City, primaries and general elections?’ I think many of them would say no….I think it’s an abuse. I think it is abused. We’ve seen in New York City where people have raised thousands and thousands of dollars when they have no race whatsoever.”
Goo Goos Fold On Redistricting Again Without A Punch
Yesterday evening, the State Senate passed a bill to change the redistricting process in the State Constitution, a change likely to go before New York voters in the near future. If in effect, redistricting would be more bipartisan rather than more nonpartisan, disappointing many good government advocates. GOP State Senator John DeFrancisco, making an argument he’s made before, contended that it’s impossible to take politics out of the redistricting process, or, as he phrased it, “politics out of politics.”“The public is quite clear that it expects redistricting to be a fair and objective process in which electoral lines are adjusted to reflect demographic changes in the census,” Common Cause’s Susan Lerner countered. “Today, we are no closer to that ideal; if anything we have taken a step away from it. The proposed constitutional amendment sets up a hyper-partisan, expensive and ineffective structure for redistricting. This is a system designed to fail, the safeguard for which, is control of the maps defaulting to the Legislature. Ultimately, this is not an independent process and the voters lose.”
Where Candidates Get Their $$$
* RT@nyccfb: Check out the updated @WNYC @datanews maps showing where #NYC2013 mayoral candidates raised their $.
Staten Island GOP Board of Elections commissioner stepping(SI Advance)
Goo Goo Groups Have Failed It Time for A Peoples Good Government Movement
Lets Form A Anti-Corruption Posse and Offer Rewards For Any Information Leading to the Conviction of An Elected Official or Any Government Worker Ripping Off the Government
City Comptroller John Liu launched a new website aimed at shining a light on city spending.
School Secretary Fined for No-Bid Purchases From Husband(WSJ) Elaine Baptiste, who has worked for the school system for 29 years, ordered $40,000 in supplies, the New York City Conflicts of Interest Board said in announcing settlement of the case.* Comptroller Launches Website That Sheds Light On City Spending(NY1)
Crapy Pol Controlled Redistricting Passes
State Senators voted to reconfigure the state redistricting panel, replacing the six-member commission with a ten-member one, and having the Republican and Democratic conferences in both chambers each appoint two members, the Times-Union writes * In what may be the last partisan floor debate over redistricting for the next decade, state senators voted to reconfigure the panel charged with the once-a-decade process. Twenty Democrats voted “no” – including new Sen. George Latimer, who voted “yes” last year as an assemblyman.*
Jerry Goldfeder’s proposal to pay for publicly financed campaigns: Albany could set up a Democracy Trust Fund, to which individuals, corporations, nonprofits and unions would contribute. Temporary President and Republican Coalition Leader Dean Skelos threw some more cold water on public campaign financing on Capital Tonight last night. “Again, I think that public financing is not the way to go,” he argued. “I think when you explain to people, ‘Do you really … want to be paying for campaigns in New York City, primaries and general elections?’ I think many of them would say no….I think it’s an abuse. I think it is abused. We’ve seen in New York City where people have raised thousands and thousands of dollars when they have no race whatsoever.”
Goo Goos Fold On Redistricting Again Without A Punch
Yesterday evening, the State Senate passed a bill to change the redistricting process in the State Constitution, a change likely to go before New York voters in the near future. If in effect, redistricting would be more bipartisan rather than more nonpartisan, disappointing many good government advocates. GOP State Senator John DeFrancisco, making an argument he’s made before, contended that it’s impossible to take politics out of the redistricting process, or, as he phrased it, “politics out of politics.”“The public is quite clear that it expects redistricting to be a fair and objective process in which electoral lines are adjusted to reflect demographic changes in the census,” Common Cause’s Susan Lerner countered. “Today, we are no closer to that ideal; if anything we have taken a step away from it. The proposed constitutional amendment sets up a hyper-partisan, expensive and ineffective structure for redistricting. This is a system designed to fail, the safeguard for which, is control of the maps defaulting to the Legislature. Ultimately, this is not an independent process and the voters lose.”
Where Candidates Get Their $$$
* RT
Staten Island GOP Board of Elections commissioner stepping(SI Advance)
Campaign 2013 Twitter Reports From Today's Debate
"If we wait for Washington, we will be in a world of trouble," Thompson warns on housing.
On NYCHA de Blasio the fish stinks at the head * "Robert Moses didnt like poor people & people of color"--
Diabetes Award
In the same sentence Tom Allon said the mayor should not be concerned about the size of the soda cup but with the city's public health crisis. .
Playing to to the Crowd by Attacking the Tea Party
Bill Thompson lashes out at Republicans in the House, calling them the party of the "insane." * .
* Bill de Blasio: "They're having a little party in the Congress. The problem is it's a tea party."* Have to change city's relationship to washington; thsts the goal of next mayor says
There are a group of people in the
House - the party of the insane - who are willing to let the country
default. We can't rely on them.
Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis endorsed Councilman Jimmy Oddo‘s chief of staff, Steve Matteo, to replace his boss, naturally taking her out of contention for the seat. The district could be one of perhaps three in the entire city where both Democrats and Republicans will be in serious contention.
Bad Timing SI McMahon
Former Congressman Mike McMahon is considering a rematch against GOP Rep. Michael Grimm. His Staten Island-based district was one of only a couple in the entire country to switch from voting against President Obama in 2008 to for him in 2012, but 2014′s lower, non-presidential turnout would present new challenges for Democrats there. That is, unless the investigation into Mr. Grimm’s fundraising yields more bad headlines for the incumbent.
Comrie Campaign Broke
Is the Comrie BP Bid Dead? (Barkan) After six months of fundraising, Comrie, the chair of the City Council Land Use Committee and a candidate for Queens Borough President, raised a meager $45,000 and spent $27,000, leaving him with just $45,000 in his account.
More Campaign Consultant PR Spin: Unemployment
If the press allows spinning about serious issues like unemployment then the 2013 Mayoral campaign will be about nothing
If Quinn and the rest of the councilmembers supporting a bill to end discrimination against the NYC unemployed really wanted to help them should have created and economic climate that reduced the 8.8% unemployed in the city
Bill To Protect Unemployed Workers Has Quinn, Bloomberg At Odds(NY1)
Health Care
Crisis in The Bronx Hospital Health Care Where are the Elected Officials and Mayoral Candidates ?Two More Hospitals May Close

Exclusive: Long Island College Hospital faces threat of closing, SUNY official Carl McCall warns (NYDN) SUNY Downstate Medicl Center facility is money loser* Long Island College Hospital in Brooklyn May Be Forced to Close(NYT) * BREAKING: LICH ON DEATH WATCH — State prepares to pull plug.(Daily Eagle)
What About Health?
The New York chapter of the NAACP wrote an amicus brief in support of a lawsuit filed by the American Beverage Association, aimed at blocking Mayor Bloomberg’s restriction on soda sizes, which are set to take affect in March

In N.A.A.C.P., Industry Gets Ally Against Soda Ban(NYT)
At a court hearing, the civil rights group’s New York chapter supported a suit aiming to block restrictions on large sugary sodas, saying they were unfair to minority small-business owners.
Fact Sheet: Minorities, Diabetes and Limb Loss
Anti-Obesity Soda Tax Fails as Lobbyists Spend Millions:(Buss Week) * NYC lawyers, beverage industry duel over drink-size limit set to go into effect on March 12(NYP) * Fight Over Bloomberg’s Soda Ban Reaches Courtroom (NYT) * Why the NAACP is pretending that sugary soda is a civil rights issue.(Gawker) * NAACP, which receives funds from Coca-Cola Foundation, supports Big Soda against Bloomberg soda rules.(NYT) * Soda-Ban Challenge Has Its Day in Court (WSJ)
Black Healthy Eating

Why Not Negotiate For A Teacher Evaluation Deal Live On the Internet to Stop the Personal Attacks?
“Twelve years in, Bloomberg risks making purism his trademark.”
Three top Democratic mayoral candidates, former city Comptroller Bill Thompson, Public Advocate Bill de Blasio, and City Comptroller John Liu, stood with the United Federation of Teachers yesterday to rally against Mayor Bloomberg’s education agenda, the New York Post reports * The Times’ Michael Powell argues that Bloomberg’s failure to reach a deal with the United Federation of Teachers on a teacher evaluation system poses a real threat to his education legacy * In the News, United Federation of Teachers President Michael Mulgrew suggests that Bloomberg is not negotiating in good faith to reach a deal on teacher evaluations * Most New York school districts will not see the 4 percent aid increase Cuomo talked about in his budget presentation. In fact, school aid amounts released yesterday show some will actually lose hundreds of thousands of dollars.* The union wants a teacher evaluation deal, writes Michael Mulgrew -- saying it's Mike Bloomberg who's stonewallin
Today the Bus Strike and the Cold
Livery Drivers Get a Lift as School Bus Strike Continues(NYT)

Catholic Schools to Close

As Archdiocese shuts schools, Island parents cling to h SI Advance)
Sandy Update
Cuomo Build Houses on Stilts In Flood Zones
Sandy Victims Now Must Also Fight the Cold

* In an interview, Cuomo said that he hopes Hurricane Sandy victims who live along the coastline will choose to have the state buy them out rather than rebuild their houses in areas at risk of future storm damage, the New York Daily News reports: * Con Ed, National Grid response to Hurricane Sandy on Staten(SI advance) * Cuomo wants Hurricane Sandy victims who live along the coast to consider rebuilding their homes on stilts or selling their houses to the state and relocating. According to Nicole Gelinas’ calculations, $22 billion of the $30 billion in federal Sandy aid that Cuomo hopes to receive is already committed.* NYC Giving $1 Million In Post-Sandy Grants To Small Businesses(Huff Post) * NY Could Buy Out Flood Zones' Hurricane Sandy Victims: Gov. Cuomo * Health and Hospitals Corp chief Alan Aviles says Sandy impact on public hospitals will total over $900 million. *Workers Continue Long Beach Boardwalk Rebuilding In Deep Freeze - CBS... * NYC GOP mayoral hopeful John Catsimatidis will host a fund-raiser at his home for Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, who voted against the $60 billion Hurricane Sandy relief package. * Sandy Victims Shiver Through Cold Snap With No Heat(NBC) * New Lessons for Bellevue in Post-Sandy Return(WNYC) * Bronx Doctor To Share Lessons Learned From Sandy(NY1) *
Crime Fighting
The New York Police Department is testing a new “T-Ray” device that can detect firearms concealed beneath layers of clothing, which privacy advocates hope will end the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk policy

Successors to Ray Kelly Are Waiting in the Wings - On the Inside - New York
Two former New York Racing Association executives are pushing the agency’s new board to give them hefty severance packages, while current NYRA President and COO Ellen McClain is also pushing for a payout to leave her job, the Times-Union writes:
The $500 Million Plan To Clean The Gowanus(DNAINFO)
IOGA is pushing back against the state’s proposed rules for large-scale hydrofracking, saying they would make it “extremely difficult, if not impossible, to site a well pad in New York State.”

Port Authority To Install High-Efficiency Lights In Holland Tunnel(NY1)

Seven Things Hillary Clinton Was Saying When She Adjusted Her Glasses(NY Mag)* Dana Milbank: “On Wednesday, Hillary Rodham Clinton finally had her chance to respond to critics, and the outgoing secretary of state served up a potent brew of righteous outrage.”
Democrats in the Senate Face Doubt at Home on Gun Laws(NYT)Down in D.C., Democratic lawmakers plan to formally reintroduce a bill today that would ban military-style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines, the most ambitious — and politically risky — element of proposals unveiled by President Obama to limit gun violence.
Is the Assault Weapons Ban Dead on Arrival?(NY Mag)
For Obama's New Term, Start Here - Nicholas Kristof, New York Times
A Wealth of Words: The Key to Upward Mobility - E.D. Hirsch, City Journal
Hillary Clinton Storms Capitol Hill - Dana Milbank, Washington Post
Secretary Hillary Clinton, You Failed - Sen. Ron Johnson, USA Today
Benghazi Hearing: Rollout for 2016 Contenders? - Alexis Simendinger, RCP
Why Republicans Need the Cities - Aaron Renn, New Geography
Big Business & Big Gov't vs. Small Business - Tim Carney, DC Examiner
Republicans Cave on the Debt Ceiling - Eleanor Clift, The Daily Beast
House Republicans' New Target: Senate Dems - McPike & Huey-Burns, RCP
Shopping Around for a Better Life - John Stossel, FOX Business
Whole Foods' CEO Is Right: ObamaCare Like Fascism - Robert Romano, IBD
Obama's Inaugural: One for the History Books - Todd Purdum, Vanity Fair
President Make-Believe - Robert Samuelson, Washington Post
Why Democrats Should Fear Filibuster Reform - Sean Trende, RCP
The Anti-Government Era Is Over - Van Jones, CNN
Obama's War on Academic Standards - Michelle Malkin, Townhall
Judd, Right May Confront McConnell in '14 - Scott Conroy, RealClearPolitics
Benghazi Bluster: It Was a Lie Then, It's a Lie Now - Boston Herald
The NRA's Loose Cannon - Los Angeles Times
Inaugurating Leviathan - Washington Times
Permit the Keystone Pipeline - Washington Post
Dems To Fold On Filibuster?(Huff Post)
House Democrats to display guns at assault weapons ban announcement(Wash Post)
MARK ZUCKERBERG holding a fundraiser for Chris Christie!
Anti-War Protestor Interrupts John Kerry's Senate Confirmation Hearing (VIDEO)
Feinstein introduces sweeping ban on military-style assault weapons(Hill)
Watching Barbara Boxer in a Senate hearing setting reminds me of this absolute gem:
Carolyn McCarthy Makes Impassioned Plea for New Assault Weapons Ban(NYO)
Slide the bar across the Washington Monument compare 2009 inauguration crowd with 2013 crowd (WP)
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy made a personal plea for a new federal assault weapons ban.
VP Joe Biden to doomsday preppers:
“You know, it’s harder to use an assault weapon and hit something than
it is to use a shotgun, OK? So if you want to keep people away in an
earthquake, buy some shotgun shells.”Slide the bar across the Washington Monument compare 2009 inauguration crowd with 2013 crowd (WP)
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy made a personal plea for a new federal assault weapons ban.
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand was scheduled to meet with secretary of defense nominee Chuck Hagel today.
US Senate leaders agreed on a grand deal to reform filibusters that does little to end the practices that got the filibuster reform movement started in the first place.
Reporter On Obama’s ‘Amateurish’ Press Corps: ‘When They’re Near Him, They Lose Their Minds’
Obama’s Picks for Regulators Send a Message to Wall Street(NYT)
Bill Limiting Some Assault Arms Has Tough Road(NYT)
New Senate Rules to Curtail The Excesses of a Filibuster(NYT)
Jon Stewart Trashes Paul Ryan For Entitlement Hypocrisy, ‘Makers Vs. Takers’

Wall Street
Mary Jo White to Be Named New S.E.C. Boss(NYT)

Sree Tips: Best NYC Apps(WABC)
New York Times Buyout Deadline Approaches; Jill Abramson Urges Staffers To Consider Them(Huff Post) * For The New York Times, redesigns happen in print, too The NY Times buyout deadline is over. Are layoffs coming?(Huff Post)
Law and Order

Trials Begin in Murder of NYPD Officer(WSJ) The trials of two men charged in the 2011 shooting death of NYPD Officer Peter J. Figoski are scheduled to begin Thursday, and a third suspect in the botched robbery is expected to testify against them.
PICTURED: The moment slain hero cop's child nearly faints as she heads to face her dad's accused killer — but is supported by family, and an NYPD sea of blue at trial(NYDN)
Figoski daughters' emotional day as murder trial begins for slain cop(NYP)
Murder Suspect Escapes Brooklyn Police Station(NY Mag)

Cleared of One ’95 Murder, 3 Men Have Conviction Vacated in a 2nd(NYT)
His Conviction Overturned, Man Is Let Out of Prison After 23 Years(NYT)
Accused Killer Freed After 23 Years in Prison(WSJ)
Conviction overturned, 3 jailed for 17 years freed(WSJ)
Judge frees Brooklyn man jailed for 22 years(NYDN)
Judge Says Man Released From Prison After Serving 23 Years Deserves Apology(NY1)
Three cleared in cabbie slay(NYDN)
Man arrested twice for slay sues city(NYDN)
Teen: Ex-cop had sex with me(NYDN)

* NYPD: Murder Suspect Asks To Use Bathroom, Escapes From (WCBS)
Cops Releases Images of Man Wanted in Shooting of Teen on Amsterdam Avenue
Murder suspect flees police station in Prospect Hts (78th precinct, behind Barclays Center)
Federal judge's stay of order is welcomed(NYDN) Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. said he's glad a federal judge will let the NYPD resume “Operation Clean Halls” trespass stops until spring. Manhattan Federal Court Judge Shira Scheindlin immediately

Police: Girl, 10, Grabbed, Dragged And Assaulted Inside (WCBS)
Brooklyn Man Accused Of Soliciting 10-Year-Old Girl For sex(WCBS)
NYPD: Young girl abducted and attacked in Brooklyn(WABC)
Girl, 10, Abducted, Attacked in Brooklyn: Police2(NBC)
Sources: Girl Beaten On Rooftop In Canarsie(NY1)
Killer subways(NYP)Subways will strike and kill a record 100 people this year if the current death rate continues.Last year, 55 people, most of them suicidal, died when struck by a train, according to the MTA
On filibuster, Reid puts the pin back in Dems’ nuclear threat:(Politico)
15 people indicted for selling illegal guns to undercover (NYP)
Crazed thief chomps staffer's hand while trying to make (NYP)
Asians Targeted in Manhattan Elevator Robberies: Police(NBC)
Linda Riss Pugach, Whose Life Was Ripped From Headlines, Dies at 75(NYT) Mrs. Pugach’s blinding by her lover, Burton N. Pugach, in 1959 became a news media sensation, and her later marriage to Mr. Pugach in 1974 became an equally sensational sequel.* Linda Pugach, blinded in infamous NYC crime, dies(Fox 5) * 'Crazy Love' acid-attack victim dies at 75: She had 'fairy tale marriage' with man who tried to blind her with lye, and died with him at her side
Photos of Suspect, Jacket Released in Harlem Shooting(NBC)

Busts in bank-rob Web ring(NYP) * ‘Rape’ girl vs. ex-cop(NYP)