Stupid Is As Stupid Does
Unexpected Focus at a Mayoral Forum(NYT) This year’s campaign for New York City mayor was expected to turn on police tactics, education policy and economic development. On Thursday, six of the leading candidates in the race found themselves discussing something different: mold. Each candidate tailored his or her message to the the predominantly black crowd. The audience seemed more impressed by Mr. Thompson’s proposal to throw out the current Housing Authority board and replace it with a system allowing more direct accountability to the mayor. The stormiest words came from Mr. de Blasio, who has made “tale of two cities” a rallying cry of his campaign events.
Public Advocate Bill de Blasio charged that the agency can't function well "if the mayor doesn't care about people who live in public housing. There's an old colorful Sicilian expression that says the head stinks from the head down."* Mayor Bloomberg blasted at candidates forum(NYP) * Candidates For Mayor Debate Housing Issues(NY1) * Video of the Mayoral Debate * NYC Mayoral Candidates Square Off On Housing (C&S)
How Does Lui Prepare for His Testimony for Taking the Witness Stand In the Trial of His Treasure and Contributor, With His Science Project
Mayor Bloomberg is not on the ballot this fall, but he’s taking a beating from his would-be successors. "It's quite possible Mayor Bloomberg does not know what mold is," mocked Comptroller John Liu when the questioning turned to the city's response to super-storm Sandy. Some molds also produce mycotoxins that can pose serious health risks to humans and animals.The term 'mycotoxin' is usually reserved for the toxic chemical products produced by fungi that readily colonize crops. One mold species may produce many different mycotoxins, and the same mycotoxin may be produced by several species.
Reality check: Bloomberg at 65-23 on hurricane sandy performance.
Bloomberg Critical Of Several Potential 2013 Mayor Candidates After Forum(NY1)
.Bloomberg Critical Of Several Potential 2013 Mayor Candidates After Forum(NY1)
Earth To Allon Obesity and Diabetes is the Number 1 Heath Problem of Minority New Yorkers
Tom Allon, a Republican hopeful who is rarely invited to appear alongside his better-known Democratic rivals, criticized the health department for “chasing after people who are drinking 32-ounce soft drinks” instead of looking at health problems related to the hurricane.
Education Policy By Attack Hides Deal With the Teachers Union

Mayoral Candidates $$$ Base Differ
An examination of the campaign filings for the New York City mayoral candidates shows that each has been cultivating a distinct base of support separated by geography and industry, The New York World reports * A breakdown of Christine Quinn's campaign spending. [Jon Reznick]* Challenging Quinn a Risk for NYC Council Members(Epic Times) Council members can evoke sponsor’s privilege to push bills through, but it could backfire
The UFT Mayor (Barkan)
The New York Post and the New York Daily News are equally panicked about the idea of increased clout for Michael Mulgrew, the head of the United Federations of Teachers, if a Democrat is sworn in as the next mayor.
GOP Corrupt Leader Looking for A Candidate
Four NYC GOP Chairs Meet With 'Very Impressive' A.R. Bernard* Still another GOP mayoral hopeful John Catsimatidis will officially announce his candidacy at a press conference on Tuesday.] * Mayoral hopeful Adolfo Carrion’s bid for the GOP line is in jeopardy.*
Tech Group Draws Up Wish List for Next Mayor(WSJ) The New York Tech Meetup on Thursday issued a list of policy proposals in an effort to influence the race for mayor, the first since tech companies have had a critical mass in the city.
The Keeper of the Image
Who Trashes The Trashers? Howard Wolfson(NYDN) "If there's something that catches my eye and seems particularly egregious, I'm going to correct the record," Wolfson said * Howard Wolfson and Harry Siegel debate Bloomberg's polling. [Twitter] * Will Contempt for Unions Mar Bloomberg's Legacy?(
Albany Crime and Politics
Albany Hush Fund Cover Up Expands
Lopez Refuses to Testify On Inquiries Into Reports That He Sexual Abused His Aids

State Senate Diversity
3 Black Men Are Offered Committees in Senate (NYT)The move came as lawmakers seek to address concerns about a lack of racial diversity in the ranks of its leadership.* Plan To Mark Roe v. Wade Anniversary Meets Resistance In State Senate(NY1) The state Senate coalition leadership
offered committee chairmanships to two black Democratic senators who are
not part of the coalition in an attempt to address concerns over the
lack of racial diversity in its ranks
Smith's Pay to Play IDC Deal
Payroll records show that state Sen. Malcolm Smith gave his staff taxpayer-funded raises totaling $58,500 effective this year, coinciding with his decision to join the breakaway Independent Democratic Conference, the Times-Union writes: * Sen. Dave Valesky, the IDC’s deputy leader, will chair the Senate Commerce, Economic Development and Small Business Committee.* Skelos And Klein To Headline Manhattan GOP Fundraiser(YNN)
Silver Does Not Like Cuomo Gambling Plans
Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver said that the Legislature should have a voice in choosing where casinos will be located in the state, after Gov. Cuomo proposed that his new State Gaming Commission would choose the sites, The Buffalo News reports: * NY1 Online: Speaker Silver Discusses State Budget, Teacher Evaluations * Cuomo and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver are at odds over deciding where new casinos should be located (assuming the constitutional amendment allowing their creation is given second passage and receives public approval).* Silver Injects Drama Into No-Drama Budget(YNN)
Spitzer Was Right In How To Control the Senate, He Just Could Not Do it
So The Legislature Was The ‘Steamroller’?
Huntley Plea To Mail Fraud
Ex-Senator Huntley will cop to mail fraud; pol still faces charges in $30G charity 'sham'(Queens Politics)
Ex-Senator Huntley will cop to mail fraud; pol still faces charges in $30G charity 'sham'(NYP) * Ex-State Sen. Huntley to plead guilty(NYDN)
Smith's Pay to Play IDC Deal
Payroll records show that state Sen. Malcolm Smith gave his staff taxpayer-funded raises totaling $58,500 effective this year, coinciding with his decision to join the breakaway Independent Democratic Conference, the Times-Union writes: * Sen. Dave Valesky, the IDC’s deputy leader, will chair the Senate Commerce, Economic Development and Small Business Committee.* Skelos And Klein To Headline Manhattan GOP Fundraiser(YNN)
Silver Does Not Like Cuomo Gambling Plans
Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver said that the Legislature should have a voice in choosing where casinos will be located in the state, after Gov. Cuomo proposed that his new State Gaming Commission would choose the sites, The Buffalo News reports: * NY1 Online: Speaker Silver Discusses State Budget, Teacher Evaluations * Cuomo and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver are at odds over deciding where new casinos should be located (assuming the constitutional amendment allowing their creation is given second passage and receives public approval).* Silver Injects Drama Into No-Drama Budget(YNN)
Spitzer Was Right In How To Control the Senate, He Just Could Not Do it
So The Legislature Was The ‘Steamroller’?
Huntley Plea To Mail Fraud
Ex-Senator Huntley will cop to mail fraud; pol still faces charges in $30G charity 'sham'(Queens Politics)
Ex-Senator Huntley will cop to mail fraud; pol still faces charges in $30G charity 'sham'(NYP) * Ex-State Sen. Huntley to plead guilty(NYDN)
Good Government
Crappy Pol Controlled Redistricting Passes
The Times-Union writes that a constitutional amendment to create an independent redistricting process in New York is a sham, calling the independent commission “a tool of the legislature that created it.”:
New Budget
Mr. Cuomo’s Low-Buzz Budget(NYT Ed) By Albany standards, Governor Cuomo’s budget is mostly low trauma, but it does need a few fixes.* Budget Hole Seen After Loss of Aid(WSJ) New York state is drawing up plans for a budget shortfall almost twice as large as the $1.35 billion gap described by Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Tuesday, as the federal government seeks to reduce how much it pays for health care to some of the state's most severely disabled people.* Cuomo's call for a 20 percent hike in the state's minimum wage is just a "starting point," he said in an interview with Crain's editorial board, signaling a willingness to accept a smaller increase, Crain’s Insider writes: * Cuomo’s no drama budget may end up causing sparks after all. Now that Cuomo’s new budget plan has been unveiled, he’s revisiting a number of the bills he previously rejected, including a scaled-back plan to boost the state’s Environmental Protection Fund with $15 million in 5-cent bottle deposits that go unclaimed. Environmental groups are pushing back against the Cuomo administration’s plan to support a growing yogurt industry by easing regulations on large-scale dairy operations.* New York is bracing for twice the expected budget shortfall as the federal government tries to reduce its healthcare costs for the severely disabled. Opposition from teacher’s unions and local governments is making the passage of Governor Cuomo’s budget more contentious than he might have hoped.
Everyone Knows Federal Budget Cuts Are Coming Except the Budget Makers
Health care officials in Washington and New York are negotiating a plan that would remove between $800 million and $1.1 billion from federal Medicaid spending, and;postID=4349828271866702092potentially blow a new hole in Cuomo’s proposed budget, The Wall Street Journal reports: * The Cuomo administration is drawing up plans for a shortfall almost twice as large as the $1.35 billion gap described by the governor in this week’s budget address, as the federal government seeks to reduce how much it pays for health care to some of the state’s most severely disabled people.

NY1 Online: Sounding Off On Bronx Issues In 2013(NY1)
Annual city tally of homeless has Bronx advocates split as to whether or not numbers are accurate (NYDN) Volunteers will hit city streets Monday night for Homeless Outreach Population Estimate
Bus union, companies to meet Monday over crippling work-stop: sources(NYP) * City Offers Up Space For School Bus Talks(NY1) * Talks in School Bus Strike Are Set to Resume(NYT)
In Bus Drivers’ Strike, a Windfall for Livery Cabs(NYT) * Nat'l Labor Relations Board Gets Recommendation On City School Bus Strike(WSJ)* Queens Student Unable To Get To School In Bus Strike To Get Alternate Transportation(NY1)
* Bloomberg Says He’s ‘Sympathetic to People Who Want to Keep Their Jobs’(NYO)* Councilman Jumaane Williams criticized the Bloomberg administration for what he described as the “villainization of bus drivers and matrons in the media” in the wake of the bus strike
Teacher Evaluations
Mayor Skeptical About Teacher Evaluations Deal(NY1) *Bloomberg suggests Cuomo to help in evaluation deal
Catholic Schools to Close
In the News, New York Archbishop Timothy Cardinal Dolan explains that Catholic school closures in New York City are necessary to prevent closures in the future: * For Sotomayor, Bronx School's Closing Prompts Heartache - and Memories(NYT)

Health Care

The Soda Lobby Vs. Diabetes
The Post chides the NAACP for “playing the race card” in arguing that New York City’s soda ban gives some drink sellers a competitive advantage over others

Rally Held To Save Long Island College Hospital(NY1)
New York City Health Commissioner Tom Farley defended the city’s decision not to evacuate hospitals and nursing homes before Hurricane Sandy hit, saying they wanted to avoid the risk of endangering the health of vulnerable patients, the New York Daily News reports
Sandy Update

PATH's Road Back Is Rocky(WSJ)Like its much larger counterpart at the MTA, the subway system run by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey was inundated by superstorm Sandy. But while most of the MTA's subway service has been restored, major sections of the PATH are still out.
New Lessons for Bellevue in Post-Sandy Return(WNYC)* Superstorm Sandy damaged billions of
dollars worth of real estate in coastal areas around Long Island and New
Jersey, causing a steep decline in property tax revenue in localities,
which may result in deep spending cuts on services, The New York Times writes: * Sandy Prods Northeast to Update Electric Grid*WSJ) * Christie Adopts FEMA Flood Maps for Sandy Rebuilding (WSJ)* Sandy Relief Package Remains Stalled In Senate(NY1) * Officials defend move not to evacuate hospitals before (NYDN) * Still no federal $$ for Hurricane Sandy recovery. Senate * Localities across the New York region, already reeling from the cost of
cleaning up from Sandy, are confronting the prospect of an even bigger
blow to their finances: a precipitous decline in property tax revenues.* FEMA To Close Disaster Recovery Center In Brooklyn (NY1) * Hurricane Victims Granted Extension to Apply for Federal Aid(NYT)* Gotham Gazette
@gothamgazette A Shrinking Footprint: Geophysicist Klaus Jacob On Rising Sea Levels, Sustainability And Indian Point * #ny1sandy Homeowners Cleaning Up From Sandy Worry About Nearby Damaged Homes
NYC Pushing the Poor and Middle Class Out
Fair and Toll Hikes is Just One Way NY Punished the Poor and Pushes the Middle Class, Business and Jobs Out of the City

City Prepares For a Chilly Super Bowl(WSJ)* Broadway Going Pro For 2014 Super Bowl(NY1) * Big party for New York's Super Bowl(NYDN)
Fans of Cold Spell Say It Reduces Outdoor Crowds(NYT)
* Brooklyn Tenants Heated Over Cold Radiators(NY1)Requiem for a Dolphin Dolphin in Gowanus Got Mugged by Polution
Sad end to wayward dolphin: Mammal meets doom in polluted Gowanus
Injured Dolphin Spotted in Gowanus Canal, Witnesses Say(DNAINFO)
* Dolphin Dies After Being Caught In Gowanus Canal (NY1)
He may be a billionaire now, but Mayor Bloomberg used to livein a shoebox
Why Cinderella Is Late to Broadway(WSJ)To borrow a song title from the musical, it seems "Impossible" that "Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella" has never appeared on a Broadway stage. To bring it there this season, producers have tried to preserve the classic elements while adding contemporary touches.
Port Authority Replacing Holland Tunnel Lights With LED (WCBS)
Little Italy in the Bronx Tries to Add Spice(WSJ)The neighborhood of Belmont in the Bronx is well known for
its Little Italy, but local business owners are looking beyond that
traditional base
So Much for Filibuster Reform (NYDN Ed) Democrats kicked away their chance at speeding up the legislative process.
President Obama Unbound - Charles Krauthammer, National Review
Obama as the Anti-Reagan - Greg Sargent, Washington Post
President Is Again Raising Expectations Too High - Ron Fournier, Natl Jrnl
Deficit Hawks Down - Paul Krugman, New York Times
Yes, We Are a Nation of Takers - Nicholas Eberstadt, Wall Street Journal
Lew's Time at Citigroup Raises Questions - Jia Lynn Yang, Washington Post
Three Incredibly Outrageous Evasions by Clinton - Nick Gillespie, Reason
GOP Mulls Strategy From Obama's Playbook - Jeff Zeleny, New York Times
Republicans Seek Leverage in Spending Fight - James Antle, Daily Caller
Some GOP Govs Can't Ignore Medicaid Math - Lou Cannon, RealClearPolitics
Make Climate Change a Priority - Jim Yong Kim, Washington Post
The Real Obama Climate Deal - Kimberley Strassel, Wall Street Journal
Will Computers Kill Gun Control? - Andrew Leonard, Salon
Combat Shift Ignores Gender Realities - Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin, USA TodayMen at Arms, Stop Whining Like Girls - Ralph Peters, New York Post
Obama and the Tomorrow Majority - Timothy Egan, New York Times
Solving the Immigration Puzzle - Jeb Bush & Clint Bolick, Wall St. Journal
NRA lobbyist says gun ad that referred to Obama’s daughters “ill-advised”(NBC)
Why Harry Reid Is, And Is Not, An Idiot For Failing To Reform Filibuster
Women in the Battlefield - New York TimesThe Military Is Not a Social-Justice Project - National Review
Clinton's Clarity on Threats in North Africa - Washington Post
DiFi's Ill Conceived Gun Control Legislation - Investor's Business Daily
Sen. John Kerry’s secretary of state Senate confirmation hearing was interrupted by an anti-war protestor, whom the senator praised.
Gun Laws and the Fools of Chelm (Newsweek) The individual is not only best qualified to provide his own
personal defense, he is the only one qualified to do so. By David Mamet.
The New York Army National Guard will serve as a testing ground for the Pentagon’s new policy of integrating females into combat battalions.Bill and Hillary Clinton are reportedly in the market for a “stately but relatively modest-priced” oceanfront home to rent or buy in the Hamptons.
Denis McDonough: Mr. Popular (Daily Beast) Obama’s new chief of staff Denis McDonough can be ornery to
journalists. But inside the administration, he’s known for his deft
people skills—which may explain why he got the job. Daniel Klaidman
Obama Announces New Chief Of Staff(Huff Post)
Reporter: Journalists 'Lose Their Minds' Around Obama(Huff Post)
Sen. Saxby Chambliss retiring in 2014(Wash Post)
Obama to announce McDonough as chief of staff (CNN)
Appeals Court rules Obama recess appointments unconsitutional: (Politico)
Court Rejects Obama Recess Appointments to Labor Board(NYT)
Obama Shakes Up White House as He Names Chief of Staff(NYT)
Chambliss to Leave Senate, Setting Up Battle on Right(NYT)
Bloomberg, Biden to talk guns over dinner:(Politico)
Sarah Palin is out as Fox News contributor
Mitt Romney tells former supporters, 'I'm not going away' (NYDN)
Obama Shakes Up White House as He Names Chief of Staff(NYT)
Obama Ratifies the Progressive Agenda - Joe Klein, Time
Signs of Trouble Ahead for Obama - Ed Cox & David Laska, New York Post
Lessons Conservatives Need to Learn - Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal
In Capitol Hill Swan Song, Clinton Shines - Suzi Parker, Washington Post
Rand Paul vs. Hillary Clinton, Clash of Titans - Timothy Stanley, CNN
From Seneca Falls to Selma to Stonewall - Melissa Harris-Perry, The Nation
Health of America Is Not About Government - Gov. Bobby Jindal
The Shame That Is Bobby Jindal - Joan Walsh, Salon
Mickelson Isn't the Only Future Former Californian - Chuck DeVore, DC
Va.'s Ill-Considered Electoral College Idea - Sean Trende, RealClearPolitics
Futuristic Blues - Walter Russell Mead, The American Interest
More on RCP: Sarah Palin Parts Ways With FOX News
Obama wants country to appreciate Hillary Clinton: (Politico)
Looking to Israel for Clues on Women in Combat(NYT)
Obama on Clinton: "I'm going to miss her" (CBS)
President Turns to Loyalist for Chief of Staff - Wall Street Journal
The friendship of Barack and Hillary (Wash Post)
NRA's CEO to testify at Senate hearing on gun violence
Obama's recess appointments bet sours: (Politico)

Background checks don't threaten the 2nd Amendment, Biden says(News Hour)
When the Bullets Flew, ‘They Didn’t Care That I Was a Woman’(NYT)* Women in the Battlefield (NYT Ed) Ending the ban on women in combat means greater opportunity and a stronger military

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to host campaign fund-raiser for NJ Gov. Chris Christie(NYT) * Christie Friends Powerful Fundraiser(WSJ)
Jon Stewart Reams GOP For Hillary Clinton Grilling, Dems For ‘Ass-Licky’ Fawning
Wall Street
The Mob Terminator Next Target Wall Street

Choice of Mary Jo White to Head SEC Puts Fox In Charge of Hen House(Rolling Stone)* The White House delivered a strong message to Wall Street, taking the unusual step of choosing two former prosecutors as top financial regulators. One, Mary Jo White, tapped to head the SEC, is the first female US attorney in Manhattan.*New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman spoke to WNYC about Mary Jo White's appointment to head the Securities and Exchange Commission, and what that says about Obama's approach to cracking down on financial crime. [The Takeaway]
Tricky Times target(NYP) * Top New York Times Editors Take Buyouts(Huff Post)
* Times reporters Ashley Parker and Jeremy Peters are now covering Congress. [@ThomasKaplan]* Jim Roberts on Leaving the New York Times: ‘Twitter Still Has Me’(NYT)

It’s Been Frigid Outside, But Also Less Dangerous(NYT)As of Friday morning, New York City had been murder-free for nine days.
Greg Kelly back at "Good Day New York"(WSJ)
The Woman Who Help Make David Paterson Governor
New ma Ashley’s passion(NYP)
Law and Order
Police Station Break Out Caught
Caught: suspect who escaped during bathroom break nabbed in Bronx(NYP) * Police Find Suspect Who Escaped Brooklyn Precinct; Search On For Prisoner Who Escaped In Bronx(NY1) * Officers Catch Escaped Suspect(NYT)

The Hell Of A Dead Cops Family

The Times’ Jim Dwyer examines why Cuomo has not used the power of his office to pardon or commute the sentence of a single one of the 55,000 people in the state prison system: Jim Dwyer takes Cuomo to task for failing to use his pardon/clemency power, suggesting he’s playing it safe with an eye toward 2016.

15 LIRR workers face copper theft charges(NYP)

$taged crash’ arrests (NYP) Sixteen people have been arrested for staging six auto accidents..
It’s Too Cold to Kill in New York City(NY Mag)
Suspect Sketches Released In Beating Death Of Gay Activist(WCBS)
Schneiderman Unveils New Safety Rules For Albany Gun Show(YNN)
Cold Wave Cut Murders in New York City Significantly
Police Look For Suspect In At Least Seven East Harlem Violent Robberies

Organizers of the annual antique and collectible weapons show at the Empire State Plaza Convention Center this weekend anticipate a record turnout in the wake of Cuomo’s recent gun control measure.

Cuomo wants crackdown on speeders(NYDN)
Teens Arrested in Violent Subway Assaul(SI Advance)
Police Look For Suspect In At Least Seven East Harlem Violent Robberies(NY1)

Staten Island burglar allegedly caught red-handed(SI Advance)
Real-estate titan 'sugar daddy' charged with rape of would-be conquest: sources(NYP) Real-estate titan Lakhinder Vohra, who brags about his wealth on “sugar daddy” Web sites to score with beautiful young ladies, was accused of rape by a would-be conquest he allegedly lured to his..