Federal judge sets New York's Congressional primary for June 26
So is NY headed for three primaries this year: April 24 for president; June 26 for federal races and Aug. 18 for state races? It is still possible for Albany to keep a September primary date for state legislative races, but that would cost money and such a plan could face opposition from a governor that prides himself in fiscal restraint. New Yorkers may vote 4 times this year and pay all the extra costs.BUT THE DISTRICT LINES THE CONGRESSMEMBERS AND CHALLENGERS RUN IN HAVE NOT BEEN BEEN DRAWN IN SECRET AND NOT MADE PUBLIC YET

Why are the Paper Ducking Redistricting Which They Called Corrupt?
After writing dozens of editorial over the years against incumbents who draw there own district lines to ensure they reelection the NYT has no editorial today condemning Albany proposed new lines. The NYP and DN who have also written about the evils of redistricting over they years have also skipped the issue today. Yesterday True News asked if a column by Daily News report Bill Hammond censured? The reporter spent the night before twittering how Albany pols broke their pledge to support independent redistricting. To date Hammond has not written on that topic or responded to my email.
In a city where political leaders have no ability to build public support the papers are the only institutions left to build public support for an issue. For whatever reasons. Secret deals with Albany corrupt leaders who behind closed doors are pushing for these line. Cuomo has had a good year with the GOP senate and would not do as well if Silver and a majority democratic senate team up against him. Goo Goos are ducking the issue also Common Cause Keeps LATFOR Lawsuit Powder Dry(YNN) * Yesterday we reported Senate Democrats also very concerned about comments made by CU's Dick Dadey
In a city where political leaders have no ability to build public support the papers are the only institutions left to build public support for an issue. For whatever reasons. Secret deals with Albany corrupt leaders who behind closed doors are pushing for these line. Cuomo has had a good year with the GOP senate and would not do as well if Silver and a majority democratic senate team up against him. Goo Goos are ducking the issue also Common Cause Keeps LATFOR Lawsuit Powder Dry(YNN) * Yesterday we reported Senate Democrats also very concerned about comments made by CU's Dick Dadey
Note: The NYP does attack the UFT today over teacher evaluations The DN attacks the Supreme Court for this ruling on GPS tracking. The NYT asks Does California Need High-Speed Rail?
The Days When Pols Could Build Public Support Died With the Death of Tammany Hall's Carmine DeSapio
Today's Papers Ignore Senate Democrats Opposition to the New Line
Only the senate democrats who had a chance to avid this when they were in the majority and could have passed a constitutional amendment and got whacked by the GOP are trying to going to the press and demanding independent redistricting. Today's papers are not reporting on the minority senators outrage and opposition to the lines. * The Senate plan systematically under-represents NYC voters, while jamming more GOP-friendly districts upstate.* “You have six Democrats sharing districts and zero Republicans…It’s hard to make any rational argument that that’s not targeted at me,” said DSCC Chairman Mike Gianaris, who was drawn into Sen. Jose Peralta’s district. Gianaris says #redistricting maps show why Albany has been named most dysfunctional in nation * Mike Gianaris And The Awkwardness of Senate Democrats (NYO)
Legislative Map Poses Challenge to the Governor(WSJ) A legislative proposal to redraw New York's political map—a once-in-a-decade event—drew a stern rebuke Thursday from Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who threatened to veto the plan that critics said was tainted by partisan motives. Redistricting maps protect Senate Republicans’ stronghold in Long Island by breaking up Hispanic neighborhoods in Suffolk County and African-American ones in Nassau * “At first glance, these lines are simply unacceptable and would be vetoed,” said a Cuomo spokesman. Lawmakers Release Proposed Redistricting Maps(NYT) A senator, just for us?(TU) The addition of another state Senate district in the Capital Region is a sham, does nothing to promote fair representation and casts doubt on the independence of whoever wins the seat, *
Sure Seems Scripted
Cuomo, who promised to end unfair drawings of New York's political map, prepares reformers for defeat(Capital) * The Drumbeat For 2022(YNN) * Common Cause/NY Exec. Dir. Susan Lerner: "After further analysis, LATFOR's maps are even more atrocious than we previously realized." * A Redistricting official says the new primary date will push redistricting forward. * Now we know why Albany delayed releasing the line as long as they could. To force a deal and avoid independent redistricting.It looks like everyone will accept a deal if all the democratic incumbents are given their own district and a few nip and tucks that the racial and ethnic groups.
Too Much Time in Virginia Boss Joe?
Joe Crowley – The Queens congressman and party chairman is faced with a political map that absolutely tears up the districts of his loyal incumbents. If lines hold, Sen. Tony Avella will likely be pitted against Sen. Toby Stavisky. Sen. Mike Gianaris is in the same district as Sen. Jose Peralta. And as the Democrats cry foul, Republicans can simply say that they’re creating districts that reflect the diversity in an increasingly diverse borough – which actually has a hint of truth. Even if Queens’ white Democrats survive, though, Crowley has to wonder what this round of redistricting portends for his own congressional district.NYP Alone Continues Putting Pressure On the UFT
Gov & Mike: We’ll throw the book at bums yet(NYP) Cuomo and Bloomberg yesterday blasted the absurdly difficult process of firing boozed-up and law-breaking teachers — saying it’s a critical challenge for the entire school system. * Teacher-protection racket(NYPEd) The Post, citing its coverage this week of teachers behaving badly, worries that the evaluation system currently being negotiated will allow teachers to drag on the appeals process, and thus fix nothing * .@mikebloomberg insists he hasn't seen UFT ad, but if they "want to waste the money of their members it isn't going to change anything." * School Improves With Help of U.S. Money It May Lose(NYT) A struggling public school in SoHo is likely to lose federal grant money that was helping it improve, since the Bloomberg administration assumed it was improving on its ownScandalized Bronx principal resigns(NYDN)
Highest # of School Closing
DOE Plans To Close Record-Breaking Number Of Schools (NY1)
5Is Liu Problems Causing Loses In City's Pension Fund?
Mayor: Liu Probe Proves Hindrance(WSJ) The federal investigation into city Comptroller John Liu's campaign fund-raising operation has complicated efforts to win approval of a proposal to alter the city's pension structure, Mayor Michael Bloomberg and a top union leader said Thursday.
3Kruger Hires A Prison Consultant From His Campaign $$$
Convicted former Brooklyn Sen. Carl Kruger spent another $550,000 from his campaign account on legal fees in the last six months of 2011, bringing his total legal spending to $1.2 million over the past year. He pleaded guilty to corruption and bribery charges in late December, but still has $452,000 in his campaign account. Lawmakers are supposed to spend that money on running for office, but Bill Mahoney of the New York Public Insurance Research Group says those in trouble often spend it on legal fees with no consequences. Among Kruger’s other campaign expenses: $25,000 for a financial planner and $7,500 for prison consultant Jack Donson. (C&S)NY tax ‘too freakin’ high’(NYP)
Cuomo is standing firm against the push-back from lawmakers and labor on Tier 6. * Legislators are upset about the lack of details in Cuomo’s budget on transportation and infrastructure projects.* Cuomo has proposed $15 billion in infrastructure improvements, but some wonder where the money will come from.
Was My Vote Was Too Damn Low
McMillan seeking more votes so party gets put on presidential election ballot (NYDN) In an attempt to get his party on the ballot for the upcoming presidential race in November, Rent Is Too Damn High Party leader Jimmy McMillan wants a recount of the 2010 gubernatorial election *Rent is Too Damn High founder Jimmy McMillan, who’s trying to run for president, wants a recount of the 2010 gubernatorial election. He’s hoping 41,000 votes magically becomes 50,000.
NYC: It's A TV Town
NYC has record year in TV production (AM NY)
State lawmakers in Alaska, annoyed with outsiders meddling in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge, urged the federal government to “declare Central Park to be a wilderness area and to prohibit any further improvement or development of Central Park unless authorized by an act of Congress.”
New WTC Tenant
Trade Tower Is Set to Add Prime Tenant, a Law Firm(NYT) A venerable law firm, Chadbourne & Parke, is close to signing a deal to relocate to 1 World Trade Center, joining Condé Nast Publications as another prime tenant in the new building
N. Y. Airports Account for Half of All Delays(NYT)
Sources: Feds To Give City Control Of Admiral's Row(NY1)
Cheap Bus Service Shut Down
Feds’ heat on rogue bus firm2(NYDN)
Residents along 2nd Avenue upset about air quality(WABC) * MTA Finds Second Avenue Subway Air Safe(NBC)
Landlord of an Illegal Bronx Firetrap Caught on Tape
NY1 Exclusive: Brooklyn Facility Puts Human Waste To Good Use(NY1) * Queens Residents Turn To Recycling For Extra Cash(NY1)
Wolf Blitzer On Newt Gingrich Debate Tension: I Didn't Back Down (VIDEO)(Huff Post) * Mitt’s bank shot (NYP) *Romney Stays On Offense With Gingrich in Debate(NYP) * FiveThirtyEight: Gingrich Ignores Lessons in Debate(NYT) * So Who’s a Lobbyist?(NYT Ed) * Gingrich under fire from conservative media(WSJ) * Newt's Very Bad Night (The Daily Beast) * Five things we learned from Thursday's debate (CNN) * Sarah Palin: They’re trying to ‘crucify’ Newt Gingrich(Politico) *

Meet the Bundlers Behind the Money (Open Secrets.Org)
Jon Stewart Skewers Gingrich’s Moon Base: He Wants To Leave The Earth ‘For A Younger Planet’
NYT "Growing recognition that official police accounts of street clashes r often contradicted by objective evidence
When the Police Say One Thing, the Facts Another(NYT) y wrong statements re: Ray Kelly & movie The Third Jihad? Paul Browne: "I assumed wrongly" & "I should hav check " The Times’ Jim Dwyer notes that the NYPD’s “trust me” policy has been undermined, since nobody has given a clear story yet on why a controversial film about U.S. Muslims was shown to police officers
N.Y.P.D. Leaves Offenses Unrecorded to Keep Crime Rates Down(NYT)
DN Says Thank Your Kelly, Calls Film Minor PR Slip
Councilman Jumaane D. Williams, center, with members of the Muslim-American Civil Liberties Coalition
Mayor Says Police Need To Reassure City Muslims(NYT) * Muslim NYers Call For Police Commissioner's Resignation(NY1) * The News deems NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly's appearance in the "Third Jihad" video one minor public relations slip after decades of "flawless management," and calls the push for his resignation "absurd" * Mayor Bloomberg conceded that the NYPD’s credibility has been damaged by the recent furor over the screening of an anti-Muslim training film and the subsequent cover-up. * Commissioner Kelly: ‘Jihad’ Movie Showing Not Authorized;(WCBS)
NYP Spins Probers suspicious of gal’s delay in reporting commish’s son