With cutbacks in newspaper reporters cause by the decline of readers and advertises, Sunday papers use mostly wire services, features and wire reports to fill they papers. Local TV news shows which in the past county of the papers for original stories now fill they Sunday morning hours with reports on dog car, cooking and people you never heard of singing off key. Thomas Jefferson: "An informed citizenry is the only true repository of the public will." Kind of explains what is going on in Washington and Albany
Sunday Update: The Daily News joins the NYT demanding the governor veto the new proposed redistricting line. DN says Legislators once again gerrymander lines to benefit their own parties (More Updates on the redistricting scam below) * The Daily News says Cuomo must solve Brooklyn's Hospital EmergencyGov. Cuomo must act decisively on three ailing Brooklyn hospitals(NYDN Ed) * Newsday calls Speaker Silver a Master Chess Player * NYP Keeps Up the Pressure For Teacher Evaluations by exposing bad teachers Dud of the class (NYP) Disgraced teacher is worth $10M, makes $100,000 a year, does nothing, & refuses to leave. For the second day in a row the NYP devotes it front page to Kelly, pushing his innocence. *The Daily News has a story on Kelly lawyer Andrew Lankler * Cops use tear gas to break up Occupy Oakland mob More than 300 arrested. Arrests at OWS party in WilliamsburgNYDN) * NBC/Marist poll: Romney up 15 over Gingrich in Florida More Presidential and other breaking news below
Has Albany Already Scripted How Redistricting Will Pass?
Our Albany pols do not lose sleep over the long term unemployed or hospitals closing but they will make any deal they can to get a favorable district that will reelected them passed. So the door is open for our gov who knows how to work in behind the public and press to make a deal. Cuomo, who promised to end unfair drawings of New York's political map, prepares reformers for defeat(Capital). The Goo Goos are avoiding court but doing their press hits to keep up their image which is important for their fundraising. Common Cause Keeps LATFOR Lawsuit Powder Dry (YNN) Common Cause/NY Exec. Dir. Susan Lerner: "After further analysis, LATFOR's maps are even more atrocious than we previously realized."
NY'S Art of the Deal Master
A Redistricting official says the new primary date will push redistricting forward. * Now we know why Albany delayed releasing the line as long as they could. Albany purposely become the last state to release redistricting (congressional lines still not done) to create a issue of limited time. In order to block public pressure and force a deal to avoid independent redistricting, so elections could be held on June 26th as the court order for the federal offices yesterday. Under the worthy and noble goal of saving money it looks like everyone will accept a deal both the state and federal primaries to be held on on the 26th after the senate puts the democratic incumbents back, the assembly put the republican incumbents back and a few nip and tucks that the racial and ethnic groups want. They will promise a constitution amendment for 2022 independent redistrict, give the pols a district they can continue to win in forever and they will get their goo goos puppets to call it a step in the right direction for reform.
GOP operative reports that there are already a second set of lines draw that are must less political and accomplish the assembly and senate leaders goal of keeping their party in charge. Everyone involved in the scam believes that the press and public will be so relieved with the news lines and the short time allowed for approval that they will be able to push throw these lines with a bill to support a constitutional amendment for the 2022 redistricting. Neither the NYT or the DN pushed for and independent commission to draw the lines. All they asked for was fix with fits into the Albany double set of maps scamers plan. If the papers really want to restore democracy they should call for the current state lines to be kept for the 2012 and new lines draw by an independent commission which most of they supported as witnessed by the Koch's group NY Uprising for the 2014 election. The congressional lines must be redrawn because of the lost of two seat for the state. * Cuomo must follow through on veto threat (ROC)* New Albany a lot like old Albany with redistricting (ROC) * Gannett has a cool site where you can enter your address and see how your local Senate and Assembly districts would change.* CapNY: Will Cuomo veto, eventually?(TU)
Sunday Redistricting Scam Update
The Bad Map Good Map Setup GOP operative reports that there are already a second set of lines draw that are must less political and accomplish the assembly and senate leaders goal of keeping their party in charge. Everyone involved in the scam believes that the press and public will be so relieved with the news lines and the short time allowed for approval that they will be able to push throw these lines with a bill to support a constitutional amendment for the 2022 redistricting. Neither the NYT or the DN pushed for and independent commission to draw the lines. All they asked for was fix with fits into the Albany double set of maps scamers plan. If the papers really want to restore democracy they should call for the current state lines to be kept for the 2012 and new lines draw by an independent commission which most of they supported as witnessed by the Koch's group NY Uprising for the 2014 election. The congressional lines must be redrawn because of the lost of two seat for the state. * Cuomo must follow through on veto threat (ROC)* New Albany a lot like old Albany with redistricting (ROC) * Gannett has a cool site where you can enter your address and see how your local Senate and Assembly districts would change.* CapNY: Will Cuomo veto, eventually?(TU)
Yesterday True News Asked:
Where is the Outrage for the Political Redistricting NYT, NYP and Daily News?Saturday's NYT Editorial:
Asked Cuomo to Veto the proposed district maps
Today's Daily News
Demanded the Gov Veto the Proposed Lines

Veto the lines, gov (NYDN Ed) Nothing less than the future of representative democracy in New York is on the line as the Legislature establishes new district lines based on the latest census. Desperate to salvage a shrinking majority, Skelos drew zigzagging boundaries that carve up neighborhoods for no reason other than protecting Republicans and torturing Democrats. Skelos loaded Senate districts in New York City, where Democrats prevail, with thousands of extra people, almost 12,000 more in some cases. That’s to hold down the number of districts that Democrats can win.
Judge Moves Congressional Primary Date to June(NYT) Federal Judge Sharpe's decision in federal court in Albany could mean New Yorkers have primaries in April for president, June for Congress and September for legislators. * Judge Sets New Date for a N.Y. Primary(WSJ) It is still possible for Albany to change the September primary date for state legislative races to June 26, to save money. The gov has said he does not want 3 different primaries. Still New Yorkers may vote 4 times this year and pay all the extra costs.
THE DISTRICT LINES THE CONGRESSMEMBERS AND CHALLENGERS RUN IN HAVE NOT BEEN BEEN DRAWN IN SECRET AND NOT MADE PUBLIC YETThe Plan To Keep Charlie Rangel In Washington (NYO) * Assemblyman Denny Farrell revealed the contours of Rep. Charlie Rangel’s district are going to change dramatically, shifting up into the Bronx and Westchester, to keep it a “black” seat. It took some time to convince the Harlem veteran that this change needed to be made so he could run for re-election and win.
Albany Wars: NY Has It Own Yoda I Mean Yogurt With the Force With Him

4DiNapoli Tries Again to Whoa the NYRA
The NYRA money pit(NYP) DiNapoli audit this week shows that the scandal-scarred NYRA is still lagging when it comes to putting its fiscal house in order. The state comptroller fears the association may fritter away the $48 million cash windfall it’s started to get from the Aqueduct racino.
The Comptroller Has Warned the NYRA Before DiNapoli: NYRA facing insolvency(2010, TU)
Brooklyn's Hospital Emergency
Gov. Cuomo must act decisively on three ailing Brooklyn hospitals
Wyckoff, Brookdale and Interfaith must be radically reconfigured
The NYT Says Slams Cuomo's Closed Door Meeting with Executives & Lobbyists Some Who Paid $50,000 to Attend
. . . NYP Says Dems Feeling the Love to the Gov
Cuomo Defends Closed Session With Executives and Lobbyists(NYT) * Gov. Andrew Cuomo Defends Role At Democratic Fundraiser (WCBS) * Andy feeling the Dem love(NYP) * Cuomo Draws A Crowd At Democratic Governors Association Fundraiser(NY1)
5Rabbi’s Followers Say Money Given to Grimm’s House Race Broke the Law
Doubts Are Cast on Congressman’s Fund-Raising(NYT) In the congressman upset victory in 2010 he collected half of his money from followers of Rabbi Pinto. Pinto aid Ofer Biton is currently in Israel being invested by the FBI for accusations that he embezzled millions of dollars from the rabbi’s congregation * Staten Island Rep. Michael Grimm accused of using Israeli ties, collecting illegal political contributions (SI Advance) * SI Congressman Fundraising Scrutinized: Report (NBC) * Staten Island Republicans rally round Grimm (SI Advance)
Monseratte Comeback
Marines Never Die: Could Hiram Monseratte Be Plotting His Revenge? (Queens Poltiics) * He would ostensibly capitalize on the head-to-head between Sens. Jose Peralta and Mike Gianaris set up by the Senate GOP’s redistricting plan.
Kruger Does Not Want Any Soap-On-A-Rope
EX-STATE SEN. CARL KRUGER HIRES A PRISON CONSULTANT TO PREPARE(NYP) * Erased! Kruger’s district yanked off new state senate map(Brooklyn Daily)
Charter School Releases an Ad Supporting Cuomo(NYT) * Teacher forced out after asking teen if she ‘ever had anal (NYDN) * Parents call for ouster of PS 118 principal(NYDN) *Bracing for $40,000 at City Private Schools(NYT) * One year after New York City got shut out of the finals of the prestigious Intel Science Talent Search, three local brainiacs are among the 40 national finalists for 2012. (NYP Ed) * For Some Vassar Applicants, Joy Then Misery as College Corrects Mistake(NYT) * Pace University unveils the future of student teaching(Downtown Express)
Protesters Slam Bloomberg's Education Policies(NY1)
Thousands March To Protest Ban On Using Public Schools For Religious Services (WCBS)
Central Park's Tavern On The Green Scales Back In Size (NY1)
Cops use tear gas to break up Occupy Oakland mob(NYP) * Occupy Oakland Protesters Clash With Police(NYT) * Exiting Occupy home (NYP) Occupy Wall Street squatters have begun moving out of an East New York home after their bungled takeover of the vacant property became a major embarrassment for the movement. * Arrests at OWS party in WilliamsburgNYDN)*Police Clash With Occupiers In Brooklyn (WCBS) * Fordham 99% Club Supports Hollis Community in "Reclaiming" Abandoned Buildings (Boogie Downer)
Pol push to ban eating in the subway(NYP)

2nd Ave. blasts to be past (NYP) The near-constant dynamiting that’s caused everything from cracked walls to prairie-style dust storms will be done by the end of 2012' * Residents along 2nd Avenue upset about air quality(WaBC) * 2nd Ave. Subway Work To Last Until 20127(Fox 5)
Gentrification, Artists, And Trains In New York: Tom McGeveren Gives A Fascinating, Brief History(Huff Post)
Brooklyn's Triangle Sports Feels Pressure From All Sides(WSJ) A family-owned sporting-goods store on Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn is calling it quits after 96 years in business, another sign of changes sparked by the coming of the nearby Barclays Center arena complex.
Brooklyn Library Facing Lower Budget, Higher Demand(Brooklyn Bureau)
N.Y. Airports Account for Half of All Flight Delays(NYT)
Gingrich hasn't been ahead in a poll for a week. Today: Romney up 11 in Herald & 15 in Marist

Rubio remains man in the middle in Florida primary(Florida Today)
Florida GOP Primary: Romney 44%, Gingrich 28% (Rasmussen) Poll
Calculations That Led Romney to the Warpath(NYT) * The Man Behind Gingrich’s Money(NYT) * Gingrich Defends Congressional Record(WSJ) *As Newt Gingrich Fades In Florida, February Once Again Looks Like Tough Sledding(Huff Post) * Mitt Romney finds his mojo going into the Florida primary(Politico) *Pat Buchanan: Reagan White House saw Newt as ‘something of a political opportunist’* Advantage Romney in February, but Risks Abound (538) *Gingrich, Ignoring Attacks, Plays Up Ties to Reagan(NYT) * Leading in FL, Romney Looks to Wrap Up Nomination - Paul West, LAT * Romney Complicates GOP's Healthcare Advantage - Alex Leary, SP Times * The Failed GOP Elites Still Don't Get It - Joseph Koenig, American Thinker * Gingrich Presses Attack as Polls Show Romney Ahead(NYT) * The 5 states of Florida(Politico) * Florida’s primary colors: The whole palette of humanity(Wash Post)
Sunday Morning New Shows
TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads(Huff Post)
Santorum cancels campaign events to be with disabled daughter Isabella * ObamaCare Won't Be a Problem for Romney - Jennifer Rubin, Wash Post * Gingrich Is Noisy, Combative & Prone to Crises - Doyle McManus, LA Times * Gingrich Predicts "Wild & Woolly" Campaign - Katharine Seelye, NY Times * GOP's Politics of Racial Resentment - Leonard Pitts, Philadelphia Inquirer * Romney Goes on Offensive in Florida - Ashley Parker, New York Times * The GOP Empire Strikes Back at Gingrich - Dan Balz, Washington Post * Florida Polls: Mason-Dixon: Romney + 11 | Rasmussen: Romney +16 * Krauthammer: From His Perspective, Newt Gingrich ‘Is Like Custer In Little Big Horn’* Ron Paul is campaigning in Maine.* Gingrich Was For ObamaCare Before He Was Against It? (Buzzfeed) * Obama’s targeted Latino appeal (Politico) * Newt Gingrich Is Looking Out for You (Slate)
If Establishment panicked about one of its own, Establishment Newt, Who's Establishment?
Election 2012
Obama bashes congressional obstruction in weekly address(CNN) * Goldman Ties Enrich Public and Private Life for Romney(NYT) * No More Nice Guys: Fans Love ‘Nuclear Newt’(NYT) * Mitt and Newt Hate Fannie and Freddie(NYT) * WATCH: Newt Web Ad Blasts Romney's Fibs(Huff Post) * Romney Goes on Offensive in Florida - Ashley Parker, New York Times * The GOP Empire Strikes Back at Gingrich - Dan Balz, Washington Post * It's Now the GOP Establishment vs. the Tea Party - Sarah Palin, Facebook * Gloomy Gingrich Struggles to Snap Florida Slide - Alex Altman, Time * Mitt's Negatives Soar With Independents - Greg Sargent, Washington Post * Obama's Lowball Vision - Larry Kudlow, Investor's Business Daily * Obama to the Nation: Onward Civilian Soldiers - George Will, Wash Post * House Will Have a Lot of New Faces in 2013 - Charlie Cook, National Journal *NBC wants Romney camp to stop airing ad(NBC) * What would Mitt Romney’s offshore account filings show? (Wash Post) * Democrats have seized on GOPers as the party of unlimited secret money. The only problem: so are Democrats(Politico)
Is Romney nicer because he’s Mormon? (Wash Post) * The Mormons and the Presidency(New Yorker) *Mitt Romney in 1994 "The Blind Trust Is An Age Old Ruse." * Unfriendly fire from top Republicans slows Gingrich, as Florida contest looms (NYP) * The Hard Luck Life of Willard Mitt Romney (Slate) * Gingrich: I’ll Stay Until Convention (Daily Beast) * Drudge's Anti-Newt Assault(Daily Beast) * Herman Cain backing Newt Gingrich (NYP) * Consensus of Polls Shows Romney Lead Cain Endorses Gingrich for President(NYT) * Romney’s Lead Widens in Florida 11% (Daily Beast) * Santorum Cancels Events To Be With Hospitalized Daughter(Huff Post)
The Good Wife (New Yorker) Can Callista Gingrich save her husband * Romney Complicates GOP's Healthcare Advantage - Alex Leary, SP Times * Leading in FL, Romney Looks to Wrap Up Nomination - Paul West, LAT * The Failed GOP Elites Still Don't Get It - Joseph Koenig, American Thinker * Palin: GOP Establishment "Rewriting History" - Russell Berman, The Hill * What Comes After Florida(The Atlantic) * Elite Wall Street Donations Jumped 700% Since 1990(The Atlantic) * Who is Sheldon Adelson? Florida Needs to Know (Columbia Journalism Review) * 10 Top-Notch Daily Newts! (Mother Jones)
Bill Maher Wants To Know: ‘Who The F@#k Is Saul Alinsky?’
Bill Maher & Panel Battle Over Gov. Jan Brewer-President Obama Confrontation * Tension on the Tarmac(Dowd, NYT)
New Romney Ad Hits Gingrich for Ethics Violations
Mitt's Blind Trust Bluff
Schneiderman Steps Up As Mortgage Crisis Task Force Gets To Work(NY1) * Is Obama's 'Economic Populism' for Real?(Taibbi, Rolling Stone) * Mortgage Deal Is Close, and May Not Offer Much Immunity (Nation) * Expanding Reach, Cuomo Creates Second Cop on Financial Beat(NYT)
Ochs Sulzberger family members pressured NY Times management to restore dividends(NYP) * STRUGGLING(Huff Post)