News Conference
From the Mayor's News Conference
97 'Unsatisfactory' Days
Mayor sez he met with Black this morning and they mutually agreed it is in city's best interest for her to step down. . . : "I will say I take full responsibility for the fact that this has not worked out as either of us hoped and expected" Bloomberg "nothing but admiration" for Black;s work "mutually agreed" she should step down. He "takes full responsibility" this didn't work. . . Black gets about one minute worth of words from Bloomberg...Now it's all about selling Walcott. "Involved at our schools at every level." .... Dennis Walcott: "I'm just a city guy." .... Bloomberg on discussion with Black: "We both agreed that the story had become her, and it should be about the students." . . . Bloomberg: 'Deputy Mayor Walcott was my 1st choice...and he said yes without a lot of convincing." "I did not offer Geoffry Canada a job." . . . Bloomberg doesn't know "legality" of who's in charge - Black or Walcott - while state considers Walcott's waiver application. . . Walcott will report to Bloomberg, keep dep mayor salary, stead chancellor. Mayor: "He volunteered, but I would have made him do it anyway." . . . There's already a fake Dennis Walcott twitter feed?? @DennisWalcott #od * NYT says Bloomberg urged Black to step down
* Blame Mayor Bloomberg for Cathie Black Fiasco (Huff Post) * Goodbye, Cathie Black (New Yorker) * CM Charles Barron: “It’s hard to dance it the street because they got rid of somebody so incompetent” (BK Politics) * Bloomberg on Cathie Black: 'The Story Had Become About Her' *Cathie Black debacle just the latest in a long line of miscues by education ... (DN) * Cathie Black's short term as New York City schools Chancellor riddled with gaffes (DN) * Everybody Else Weighs In On Cathie Black (DN) * Cathie Black on Making Mistakes, Moving On (New Yorker) * Cathie Black Resigns: Twitter Reacts (TWEETS) (Huff Post) * Another chancellor leaving? Cathie Black is out and now state schools boss Tisch may be eying door (DN) * Sources: Education Commissioner David Steiner Leaving At The End Of The Year (NY1) * Michelle Rhee on Dennis Walcott: 'Committed to Bold Reforms': When it comes to school reform, Michelle Rhee says... (NYO) *City Schools Chief Resigns After Brief and Stormy Term (NYT) * Steiner Next To Go (YNN)
A Setback for Bloomberg Looms Large in His 3rd Term (NYT)
The sacking of Black, a former publishing executive, came after a NY1/Marist College poll found fatally low approval ratings for her job as chancellor. She also made several high-profile gaffes, including a crack about fixing overcrowding in schools with birth control. * Meet Dennis Walcott, the new Schools Chancellor
* Bloomberg's 3rd-Term Blues: Third terms are historically fraught with problems and voter fatigue; just ask forme...
Cathie Black out as city schools chancellor after just four months on the job (NYP) * Cathie Black is Out as Chancello(NYT) * New York's embattled schools chief, Cathleen Black, is set to leave the post after just three months (WSJ) * Schools Chancellor Cathie Black To Be Replaced(NY1)
*"Cathie black is resigning" labor leader announces at @TheRevAl conference. Room breaks into applause, standing ovation. Azi Paybarah- * Ruben Diaz Jr. Wishes Cathie Black Well, Stringer Makes a Titanic Comparison (NYO) * Class dismissed! @NewYorkPost reporting that NY State Ed Commissioner David Steiner is also resigning soon (CHN) * Retrospective: The Cathie Black Gaffe-A-Thon
Mayor Stands Behind Chancellor Cathie Black
High-Level Departures Continue at City Schools (NYT) * Schools Deputy Leaves for New Orleans Post(NYT) * Mayor Michael Bloomberg Stands Behind Schools Chancellor Cathie Black -CBS *

Cathie Black Was Not the Only One Unqualified for Her Education Job . . . So Was the UFT's Randy Weingarten
Now Weingarten Needs To Copy NY1 Reporters To Give A Speech
When Randy Weingarten won enough support to become the UFT leader, she lacked the teaching credentials to take over the union post. A special project for her by her political friends in a Brooklyn Prospect Heights High School was quickly put together for her to earn the teaching credential for her to qualify. Now Weingarten who has moved on to a national union post in Washington is caught up in a plagiarism scandal.
The union leader admitted that NY1 was right on the plagiarism charges. Nothing will happen to the politically connected Weingarten. If Chancellor Black copied a speech she would be attacked by dozens of pols and would be fired. NY1 Exclusive: Speech By National Teachers' Union Head Randi Weingarten Copies NY1 Reporter * A Deputy Chancellor for New York’s Schools Will Resign (NYT)
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"When a journalist, politician or student uses someone else's words without attribution in a speech or a paper, it's called plagiarism – and it's often enough to get a journalist fired, a politician embarrassed or a student kicked out of school. In this NY1 exclusive, Education reporter Lindsey Christ reports on what happens when it's someone who represents a million-and-a-half teachers."
NY1 anchor Lewis Dodley: "When the city spent tens of millions of dollars on a computer system for student information, officials said it would revolutionize the way schools worked."
NY1: When teachers at some 200 city schools want to check their students' progress, they just click on their pictures to get what they need: Everything from attendance by class period, parents' cell phone numbers, the type of help the student should get because of a disability. And the hard numbers, state exam scores and day-to-day grades, like last night's math homework.
Weingarten: "When teachers at some city schools want to check student progress... [they] click on the picture of the student and get everything from attendance by class period, to parents’ cell phone numbers, to last night's math homework, to even the type of help the student might need because the student has a disability."
DiNapoli: Federal Shutdown Poses Wide-Ranging Impacts for New York State
Government Shutdown: How It Would Affect New York City (Huff Post)
If the government shuts down, 800,000 federal workers wouldn't get paid, but lawmakers might (WSJ)
A New Indictment For Kruger, Boyland Et Al
City to Appeal Order to Release Police Shooting Data
Cuomo Does Muhammad Ali "Rope A Dope on Bloomberg
Now that Cuomo has the mayor on the defense he is using Muhammad Ali fight strategy of attack and pull back over and over. Yesterday Cuomo let a story drop Gov. Andrew Cuomo slams critics for budget 'propaganda' on teacher layoffs. A few hours later the governor said he was not talking about the mayor. Ali felt in the early rounds that the best thing to do is confuse your opponent, so does Cuomo. Cuomo’s Centrism Draws Praise but Stirs Suspicion (NYT) * Gov. Andrew Cuomo seemed to question AG Eric Schneiderman’s ability to defend the state in the prison gerrymandering case, but then walked that back through a spokesman.* Cuomo is open to watering down his property tax cap plan in hopes of getting it through the Assembly.* Cuomo continues to insist school districts can mitigate state funding costs by tapping reserve funds. * Silver: Extenders Got Lawmakers Moving (YNN)
Cuomo "has governed less like his father than like the Republican who beat him, George E. Pataki."
Teachers: Union fighting Cuomo honors his ex-wife. "The New York State United Teachers union denies it's taking a swipe at the governor." [AP] * A two-week mid-April break for the Legislature could be spun as a money-saving effort.* It has been unusually quiet at the Capitol this week.* A Regents Task Force report questioned the effectiveness of the teacher evaluation system proposed by Cuomo as an alternative to LIFO repeal.* Cuomo Unveils New Parking Placard Policies (YNN)
Court Cuts = Speedy Justice?
State’s Judges Told to Shut Courtrooms Earlier to Cut Costs(NYT)
Expect to See More Homeless As the State Cuts Funds for the Mentally Disabled
Politically connected fat cat hospital administrators and operators of homes for the mentally disabled who shower Albany with lobbyists and campaign fund will be funded, while community outpatients service will be cut.
The $2 Million Patients New York Faces Review for Medicaid Rates Charged in Care of Mentally Disabled (WSJ)
We Belong to A Mutual Admiration Society
"He took this nation from where most of us have never been in our lifetime and put us back on a solid course. Some of us in the most pain are being asked to make the most sacrifices. We are not going to be used like that." Rev. Sharpton |
Obama teams up with Al Sharpton in New York to woo African-American voters ... (DN) * Obama Makes Pitch to Al Sharpton's Group (ABC) * Obama's nod to Al Sharpton: asset or liability for 2012 reelection bid? *Obama pays tribute to Rev. Al at NYC gala (NYP)
What Will Comptroller Liu Do To Stop the Pension Pay to Play Rip Offs Artists Like Steve Rattner, Morris and Hevesi?
It’s NYC Comptroller (and potential 2013 mayoral contender) John Liu vs. Bloomberg in the battle over pension reform.
Mayor Bails Accident Tax to Stay Afloat in the Polls
The mayor has dropped his so-called “accident tax” proposal.
Deutsche Fire Trial Update
Trial Looks at Conditions Faced by Firefighters in Deutsche Bank Blaze(NYT)
Hero relives Deutsche blaze(NYP) * Juror struggles to stay awake during Deutsche Bank testimony (NYP)
Quinn Delivers a Scolding, and Then an Apology(NYT)
City Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn on Wednesday lashed out a reporter for The Daily News who did not invoke Ms. Quinn’s proper title when asking her a question.
Comrie Warning to the Children: Don't Be Like Me
Pol seeking Happy Meal toy ban hides pigouts from wife (NYP)
Happy Meal ban could hit NY (Video)

City Councilman Leroy Comrie's bill to ban toys in Happy Meals with over 500 calories is fat-headed (DN Ed) *Councilman, heal thyself(NYP)
Council: Snow Job
Council Approves Bills to Improve Snow Response (NYT) * Doing a Better Snow Job(NYT) * Mayor, City Council reach compromise on snow related bills (DN)
City Beach Closed For the Summer
Long Island City watering hole Water Taxi Beach closing for the summer A sandy hot spot just on the East River is waving goodbye after the city told the business it had to leave while a mega-development is being constructed. (DN)
The Community Wants Only Wood in Its Board Walk
City nixes paving Coney Island Boardwalk with concrete, but new plan pannedInstead, the department wants a strip of concrete down the middle of the Boardwalk with imitation wood on either side. (DN)
Roads: SI officials complain the city parks department illegally "built a barrier in the roadway."
Insulting plan to reopen Harlem River's High Bridge includes view-obstructing security fence (DN Ed)
Not Disneyfied Enough? Mickey Mouse's Cruises Are Coming(NYT)
Rats riding the trains, and starring in YouTube vidoes(DN)
Washington Heights city's rat capital (DN)
Only One Vegetable Can Be the 'Official' One (NYT) * The battle for the title of “official state vegetable” pits the onion against sweet corn.
Law and Order 2 men arrested in McGriff shooting death (NYP) * Two Men Tied, Executed in Brooklyn Basement * * Father Finds Son and Another Man Shot to Death in a Brooklyn Basement (NYT) * Mourning Short Life of Victim of Beating (NYT) * Gallery Director Is Convicted in De Niro-Art Scheme Case (NYT) * Art Dealer Convicted in Scam(WSJ) * Suspect in NYC officer's death to appear in court(WSJ) * State cites judges for fixing traffic ticket(WSJ) * Man gets 7 years in accidental shooting(WSJ) * Two Arrested in Murder of Hip-Hop DJ (WSJ) * Two Men Arrested In Connection With S.I. DJ's Murder * DJ Megatron killed for his cash and watch, cops and family say (DN) * Drunk driver who killed young man avoids prison - thanks to victim's mom (DN) * Relatives of slay victims found on Long Island beach plan vigil (DN) * Diplomat's son accused of biting stranger, kicking cop outside Columbia U.(DN) * Woman looks rape suspect in the eye 13 years after she was attacked (DN) * One trial for mom, grandma in toddler death? (DN) * Grandma gets 3 years in voodoo kid-burn (DN) * Wanted: Subway 'thief' (NYP) * 2 busted in slay of Megatron (NYP) * Potential juror who presented herself as racist gets stern lecture, reprieve from judge (WSJ) * Study Undermines Kidnapping Fears(WSJ) * FBI reveals new clues in Biggie's death * 2 shot in the head in Brooklyn home : NYPD(NYP) * Vicious Bodega Attack Caught On Video (Fox5) * Bodega owner, son shot during robbery in Brooklyn (WABC) * Police looking for three women in store attack (WABC) * Teacher arrested for assaulting 7-year-old (WABC) * DJ Megatron's alleged killers to face arraignment in Staten Island Criminal Court (SI Advance) * Teach Arrested for Student Assault (NBC) * 3 Women Sought in Bronx Razor Attack (WNBC) * Subway fare-beater who shot two cops gets 55 years (DN) *
Terrorism Critics Call Terrorism Hearing in Manhattan Anti-Muslim(NYT) * PETER KING: Why Holder must resign(NYP) * Government To Begin Using Facebook And Twitter For Terror Alerts