The Dumbing Down of Weekend News
The cutback caused by newspapers losing readers and advertising to the Internet has caused a chain reaction in news coverage in the city. Weekend newspapers mostly filled with crap and crime stories. This has even done the impossible, dumbing down TV news further. Local TV News which has always gotten most of it news stories from the newspapers is now forced because of the lack of hard news over the weekend to fill their programs with dog tricks, cooking segments and singers.
Background True News Shrinking Newspaper Coverage Means Less Real TV News More Sexy Reporters More
Daily News Filled it paper today with crime stories and Park-goers take sides in vicious dog-squirrel attacks * Victim describes attack when mugger smashed her head * Strangled woman had overcome series of strokes to become a loving mother (DN) * Gangstas put their colors on for court as scare tactic (DN)
School System Looks Black
NYP Blames the Firefighters for the Pension Problems
City Fire Commissioner Sal Cassano, making good on his promise of three months ago, has begun calling firefighters who retired on a medical disability to come before the FDNY’s pension review board to determine whether their maladies still exist. 4-alarm crackdown (NYP)You Think When He Was VP Or Senator He Could Have Done Something About This?
Ben Stein: Charlie Rangel Still a Hero to Me Says Korean War Exemplar Was Censured for Almost Nothing (CBS) * Rangel wants House to reject censure
mnitzky Rangel update: Congressman pushing House for reprimand; says his violations do not merit a censure; Censure vote still not set (Facebook)Terrorism F.B.I. Says Oregon Suspect Planned ‘Grand’ Attack (NYT) * Christmas tree bomber Mohamed Mohamud foiled in attempt to blow up van near crowded Oregon lighting (DN)
Charity queen's king's ransom (NYP) A high-society charity that funds chess programs in poor schools has become a gold mine for its executive director, a former Wall Streeter who pulls down a $244,000 salary, and its treasurer, who helps run a mutual fund that handled millions in the program's investments. (NYP)'

Despite Waiver Reports, Opposition To Cathie Black Remains (WCBS) * Critics Blast Compromise On Cathie Black Pick, Urge School Boycotts Huffington Post
* City Pol Seeks Block on Schools Chancellor Pick (WNBC)
New Ed. aide will have Black's back (NYP)Deal Is Said to Give Schools Pick a Deputy for Academics (NYT) * Cathie Black in as schools chancellor (NYP) * City, state reach deal on schools chancellor Cathie Black; Shael Polokaw-Suransky tapped to help her(DN) * Deal Reached for Schools Chancellor (WSJ) *Was Bloomberg's naming of a No. 2 for Black a real concession? (DN) * Black will have second-in-command in schools post (DN) * City schools' new No. 2 lost wife to cancer last year (DN) * Mayor, State Ed Officials Reach Deal Over Schools Chancellor Waiver (NY1)
Lamest-duck Session Starts Monday
Lamest-duck Albany parleyMonday's emergency session of the Legislature called by lame-duck Gov. Paterson won't produce any agreement on several key issues, including how to deal with the state's growing budget deficit, insiders predicted yesterday. (NYP) * Memo to Albany: It’s Your Job Some state legislators are grumbling about being called back to Albany to tie up some loose ends. They need to stop whining and get to work. (NYT) * State Senate to ignore Paterson's patronage posts (DN)
State's Plan to Collect Cig-Tax
Cig-tax enforcers 'inhale' of a $$ jam Budget cuts are snuffing out the state Department of Taxation and Finance's ability to properly combat tobacco smugglers (NYP)
Cig-tax enforcers 'inhale' of a $$ jam Budget cuts are snuffing out the state Department of Taxation and Finance's ability to properly combat tobacco smugglers (NYP)
Ahern on salary, demands resignation (DN)
Koch's Corrupt Past
Koch's man: No con-doDisgraced political power broker Stanley Friedman -- the former Bronx Democratic boss convicted of corruption in the 1980s -- failed in his bid to grab a seat on the board of a ritzy Miami Beach condo. (NYP)
Is Bloomberg Trying to Throw the Gun Crowd A Bone For His President Run? He could say that I trying to get guns out of criminals hands but those who qualify I made it easier. Permit Mike to try again Mayor will again try to get the council to go alone with his idea to lower prices for gun permits
Law and Order 'Drunk' cop's second arrest (NYP) * Slay tot brain damaged (NYP) * Veteran Detective Charged With Attempted Murder (NYT) * Officer for Mayor Charged With Attempted Murder(WSJ) * Stray bullets crash Thanksgiving for this Bronx family (DN) * Babysitter Charged In Staten Island Toddler's Death (DN) * NYPD Officer Assigned To Mayor Charged In Off-Duty Shooting (NY1)
Terrorism Portland bomb scare: Somali-born US teen arrested (DN)
Law and Order 'Drunk' cop's second arrest (NYP) * Slay tot brain damaged (NYP) * Veteran Detective Charged With Attempted Murder (NYT) * Officer for Mayor Charged With Attempted Murder(WSJ) * Stray bullets crash Thanksgiving for this Bronx family (DN) * Babysitter Charged In Staten Island Toddler's Death (DN) * NYPD Officer Assigned To Mayor Charged In Off-Duty Shooting (NY1)
Terrorism Portland bomb scare: Somali-born US teen arrested (DN)
Half the news coverage today is about shoppers
VIDEO: Crazed shoppers stampede at TARGET...
Marine stabbed at BEST BUY...
Shopper arrested after packing gun in belt; knives, 'pepper grenade'...
Black and the Mayor
Discontent With Mayor at Heart of School Uproar (NYT) * Just pick one education chief, says Chicago (DN) * Steiner's 'standard' (NYP ED)
Bloomberg Still Quiet on Black
Bloomberg Faces Key Defeat (The Atlantic) * On Thanksgiving Eve, Bloomberg gave out dispensation for moderate salt usage, but was tight-lipped about Black. * He didn’t say much more on Thanksgiving Day, declining to comment on an “ongoing process.”
It is Hard to Fudge Serious Crime Reports
Overall Crime in City Dips, but Violent Crime Up (NYT) * Young woman, 22, shot inside Bronx apartment Thursday night (DN) * Mugger wreaks havoc on Manhattan streets (DN) * Thug stalks U. East Side * NYPD's secret doomsday plan (NYP) * Upper East Side Residents Warned Of Serial Mugger (WCBS) * Upper East Side Robber Targets Women (Fox 5) * Police search for UES robbery suspect (WABC)
Next stop: Train pat-downs (NYP)
Gambling Corruption Part II, Same Cast as the Original Titled The AEG Bidding Process Governor Mum on Casino Dealings Gov. David Paterson is refusing to disclose the terms of the state's newly inked compact with a Wisconsin-based tribe to develop a mega-casino in the Catskills, a possible breach of New York's public-disclosure laws. (WSJ) * Gov. David Paterson’s chief counsel, Peter Kiernan, defended his silence on the details of the Catskill casino deal.
Black Market Cigarettes Sales Cost City Millions
Black-market cigarettes costing NY $20M a month (NYP) * It pays to cheat Bodegas cashing in on crooks
New York's Economic Meltdown Foresclosures leave SI street in shambles (NYP) * The MTA will reap about $20 million each year from the new "green" MetroCard surcharge, a $1 additional fee tacked onto every new card a straphanger purchases without replenishing an old one, according to budget documents.* Study: Employee Health Care Plans On The Decline (NY1) * Facebook Plea Helps Save NY Group’s Holiday Meal (WCBS)* Paterson is sad about the State Museum closing on Sundays, but says its necessary due to budget cuts. * Median Household Income by State: New York is Going Down (Room Eight)* T.R. Knight, Brendan Fraser bow out on Broadway
Thirteen visits Ridgewood Reservoir (Video)
That Cabby Dress Code? It’s Getting a Makeover (NYT)
Straphangers' Habits Feeding Subway Rat Population, Officials Say(NY1)
New York now ranks 18th in the nation in efforts to prevent kids from smoking.
Happy Thanksgiving
Mayor Bloomberg Talks Balloons, Not Schools Chief (WSJ) * Azi PaybarahPoll: New Yorkers Don't Want Bloomberg Over For Thanksgiving
NYT Editorial Agrees with Steiner Committee
Black Needs Education Deputy Bloomberg Wants to End Education Requirements
The state education commissioner, David Steiner, has made a reasonable suggestion. He would consider granting Ms. Black the waiver she needs to take the job if the mayor also appoints a professional educator as the system’s chief academic officer. . . For the mayor, who does not take rebukes lightly, the political reality is that he has to accept the compromise or restart the search for a consensus chancellor. The Mayor and the Chancellor (NYT Ed)
No shades of Black Lawmakers nix 'mini-me' schools-boss aide (NYP) * A Man at Ease With the Classics, Now Torn Over a Schools Decision (NYT) * State and City Had Fruitless Talks on Deputy to Aid the Chancellor Pick (NYT) * Can a Publisher Run Schools? The Experts Debate (NYT) * 'Serious Concerns' Over Bloomberg Pick(WSJ) * Bloomberg Favors Abolishing Requirements (WSJ) * Politicians divided over whether to split schools chancellor's role so Cathie Black can keep post (DN) * Here are a few suggestions in case Mayor Bloomberg wants to tap a co-chancellor for Cathie Black (DN) * Schools Chancellor Weighs In On The Cathie Black Debate (NY1) * Cathie Black Controversy Far from Fading (Fox 5) * Of Widgets and Children and Cathie Black (WNBC)
Frustrations With Mayor Are Backdrop to Nominee Uproar (NYT)
War Of Words Elevate Between Cuomo, RattnerNY1
Quadrangle says Rattner ‘failing to take responsibility for his actions’ (WNYC)
Rattner claims innocence in NY kickback case TMCnet
State Senate GOP View
"Nobody thought it was possible. "But I saw early on a cocky, arrogant incumbent [in Thompson] who was not well-liked by other African-American politicians, and who had trouble with his base [of support] because of his backing of gay marriage." Joel Giambra |
Senate GOP claims that’s a wrap for Thompson, Johnson (update) - Capitol Confidential
* Final count: Grisanti defeats Thompson by 527 - Tonawanda News *Sources indicate Thompson is considering conceding Buffalo News. * Grisanti win revives luster for Giambra Buffalo News
32 GOP to 30 DEM Or 31 to 31
7 District on Long Island Will Decide the State Senate
In a race critical to the balance of power in the State Senate, Republican challenger Jack Martins, mayor of Mineola, leads the freshman incumbent, Sen. Craig Johnson (D-Port Washington), by 375 votes, with 75 absentee ballots left to be counted, and another 170 ballots still being challenged in Nassau County Supreme Court. The Democrats have held a slim 32-30 vote majority, but the outcome of this race and two others is likely to flip it. Johnson will be in Albany next Monday for the special session, says his spokesman, Rich Azzopardi. Johnson’s campaign still has questions about the election counting. Azzopardi said that 4,000 people voted for governor but apparently not for the state Senate race, which is “very disconcerting.” The last day for court challenges in the state Senate races is Dec. 20.
* Final count: Grisanti defeats Thompson by 527 - Tonawanda News *Sources indicate Thompson is considering conceding Buffalo News. * Grisanti win revives luster for Giambra Buffalo News
32 GOP to 30 DEM Or 31 to 31
7 District on Long Island Will Decide the State Senate
In a race critical to the balance of power in the State Senate, Republican challenger Jack Martins, mayor of Mineola, leads the freshman incumbent, Sen. Craig Johnson (D-Port Washington), by 375 votes, with 75 absentee ballots left to be counted, and another 170 ballots still being challenged in Nassau County Supreme Court. The Democrats have held a slim 32-30 vote majority, but the outcome of this race and two others is likely to flip it. Johnson will be in Albany next Monday for the special session, says his spokesman, Rich Azzopardi. Johnson’s campaign still has questions about the election counting. Azzopardi said that 4,000 people voted for governor but apparently not for the state Senate race, which is “very disconcerting.” The last day for court challenges in the state Senate races is Dec. 20.
New York's Economic Meltdown
Firefighters sound the Twitter alarm The firefighters of Engine Co. 28 and Ladder Co. 11 in the East Village have begun posting unsanctioned tweets to alert local residents when the company is unable to respond to emergency calls (NYP) * Local Soup Kitchens Seeing More Faces This Year (WCBS) * Thousands of people across the city flock to soup kitchens (DN)
Law and Order Behind 'ma slay' rampage Money woes drove actor nuts: pals (NYP) * Sex-slave den in Qns.(NYP) * Dad of sword slay actor Michael Brea tells of dismay at killing (DN) *Mayor Bloomberg cop on hot seat for shooting (DN) * Union officials slam Correction reaction to Rikers brawl (DN) * A fifth carpenters leader nailed for corruption (DN)* Death Of Staten Island Toddler Ruled A Homicide (NY1) * Subway flasher caught in the act (WABC)
*** Friday Michael Brea, bit-part 'Ugly Betty' actor, says, 'I didn't kill her. I killed the demon insider her' (DN) * Cop killers must not be permitted to try to shop for sympathetic parole commissioners (DN) * CCRB Slims Down Prosecution Unit (UPDATE) * Slain dancer beau busted (NYP) * 'Ex-butler did it!' Sued in co-op 'theft' (NYP) *** Sunday Teen arrested in Queens hit and run (WABC)
Media and New Tech Jon Stewart: The wonky, media-obsessed father
* Excerpts From the Ethnic Press Articles on sex trafficking, the brutal beating of a pizza deliveryman and a campaign to arm bodega owners.* Media Gives Thanks 2010: What Media Figures Are Thankful For This Year (Huff Post)