Election Updates
YNN: Cuomo, Gillibrand, Schumer Projected To Win * Cuomo Cruises to Win in New York Governor’s Race
Many Voters Find Little Comfort on Ballot (NYT) * New Voting System Earns a Passing Grade(WSJ)
Rand Paul wins Kentucky Senate race, ushering expected GOP stampede (NYP)
We "Haven't Seen The Last" Of Carl Paladino (DN)
Joseph Mercurio
Voters Needs A Fortune Teller At the Polls to Tell Them How the Candidates Will Govern
How will the budget be balanced ? What services will be cut? How will jobs be created and the economy rebuilt? Will new ethics laws be passed?
The old media has not done it job to inform the voters what the candidates stand for. How could they when the NYT sends a reporter to Buffalo to see if Paladino dog is licensed? When the NYP reporter takes pictures of a candidates love child? We know all about Charlie Sheen and his expensive dates, but we do not have to stop Hevesi type corruption of our pension funds. The fact that are schools are failing has not even been discussed in this election cycle. While the rest of the nation votes incumbents out, the real possibility exists the dysfunctional press will be responsible for the New Yorkers voting the Bums In Again.
Lacking incite and reality, most voting in the city is done without thinking. Most of the voters in the city will vote down the democratic line is they can file the new ballot because 80 years ago because Democratic FDR passed the New Deal. * What’s awaiting the next governor in Albany isn’t pretty.
The Governors End Game
A Look at the Vote as Cuomo May See It (NYT) * Cuomo Rallies Voters for Down-Ballot Races (WSJ) * Cuomo, Paladino, other politicians scramble for support as bitter New York races come to an end (DN) * Future governor's pre-victory tour (NYP) * Carl Paladino Walks Off Live Interview (VIDEO) * On the last day of campaigning before the election, Andrew Cuomo blitzed the state with Sen. Eric Schneiderman, but left Comptroller Tom DiNapoli out in the cold.* Political horoscopes of Obama, Cuomo, more (DN)
Election 2010 The AG and state comptroller contenders ratcheted up the rhetoric in the wake of the Siena poll that found both contests deadlocked. * The suburbs are the battleground to watch today.* Uncertain turnout complicates predictions tonight.* Schneiderman voted three times as a state senator against anti-terrorism bills banning the possession of biological and chemical weapons following 9/11. Says Dan Donovan: "It's just a reflection of [Schneiderman's] inability to recognize the safety factors that New Yorkers have to deal with every day. New York is a terroristic target." * Eleventh-Hour Cash (YNN) * At Hasidic Breakfast, Schumer Goes Hawkish * Community activist group ACORN declares bankruptcy - NYPOST.com
'Too Damn High' Jimmy now a pitchman too *Ol' Jimmy loves attention after being 'ignored' The Rent Is Too Damn High Party front man is enjoying his time in the spotlight.(DN) *
The new voting machines make writing in candidates easier.* It’s the moment of truth for the new machines – not to mention the NYC Board of Elections – after widespread problems in the Sept. 14 primary.* NYC elections officials (minus the recently terminated executive director) insisted they’re all ready for the day.*
A Host of Monitors Will Watch the City’s Electronic Voting (NYT) * Elex board's big test after 'screwup' in primaries
Thompson Campaigns Under the Radar Former New York City Comptroller William Thompson has been campaigning for fellow Democrats. But in no uncertain terms, he's also telling voters to remember another office—and to remember him. (WSJ)
Who Will Go to the Polls? An Enthusiasm Gap Complicates Forecasts (NYT) * Focus Becomes Voter Turnout (WSJ)
“You cannot afford to get rid of one of the few members of the House of Representatives who actually understands the economy!” President Clinton told the crowd in Saratoga Springs while stumping for Rep. Scott Murphy.* The Democrats used Clinton and First Lady Michelle Obama as their closers. * Democrats unhappy with President Obama’s performance during this election are pressuring him to shake up his inner circle.* Mayor Bloomberg said a third-party president “could run the government easier than a partisan political president.”
Crime is A Numbers Game
Data Elusive on Low-Level Crime in New York City As rates for major crimes continue to fall in the city, statistics on the lesser crimes remain largely unreported. (NYT) How can the NYT says that major crime rate are falling when murder is up 15% this year? New York City suffers frightening 15% jump in homicides as murder (NYT)
Northern Manhattan Subway Riders Say Rats Abound (NYT)
New York Economic Meltdown What a Grinch! No Christmas cards for city City hall has a simple plan to save $1 million a year: Make double-sided copies. Oh, and no more Christmas cards.* Revenue is down, the deficit is up.

Shoot the Freak and the Ruby's Bar and Grill, Cha Cha's Bar, Gregory & Paul's, Grill House all the hang outs that made Coney Island a throw back to the days when New York had neighborhoods with characters that made them unique and special are gone. Bloomberg and the overseas developers are now working to make Coney Ialand a clone of every other amusement center. What is next cement boardwalks? As the Boardwalk Is Remade, 9 Fixtures Are Told to Leave (NYT) * Old Standbys Voted Off Coney Island Shoot the Freak is out and Nathan's Famous hot dogs is in as the ongoing revitalization of Coney Island continues to transform the boardwalk. (WSJ) * NY1 Exclusive: Only Two Coney Island Concession Stands Granted Lease Extensions (NY1) * New landlord boots Coney Island icons; courts chain stores (DN) * Axed Coney faves are 'Freaking' out (NYP)
Terrorism Ex-Gitmo detainee tipped off authorities about cargo bombs (DN) * Earlier Flight May Have Been Dry Run for Plotters (NYT)
Law and Order No Charges in Drowning on Class Trip (NYT) * Serb Receives 27 Months for Beating in New York (NYT) * Teen Beaten to Death in Queens by Large Group * Criminal Charges Not Filed Against Manhattan Teacher In Case Of Drowned Student (NY1) * Hoops thug who beat student into coma jailed (DN) * John Gotti, mobster's grandson, snitches on pal: lawyers (DN) * Guest from hell faces 25 yrs. (NYP) * $2M jewel-heist bust (NYP) * Gotti kid a man of 'squeal' (NYP) * NYU official's son shot in botched robbery-drug deal (NYP)
Media and New Tech WATCH: Olbermann SUSPENDS 'Worst Person' Segment In Wake Of Stewart Rally * Andrew Breitbart DROPPED From ABC Election Coverage (Huff Post)