What Happen to the City Council Criminal Investigation?
In today's Daily News editorial 'Cleaning up the Council' the paper did not even mention the Council Slush Fund. April 20th 2008 The Daily New wrote 'DA weighs charges in City Council slush fund scandal Manhattan prosecutors are monitoring the federal investigation into the City Council slush fund scandal before deciding whether to bring their own charges, a law enforcement source said Sunday. The source spoke on the same day a Daily News editorial implored the Manhattan district attorney's office to look into charging current and former Council leaders and their aides with the offense of "offering a false instrument for filing."
Full-Time Council Would Better Serve New Yorkers (Gotham Gazette, Aug 02, 2010)
Today's Daily News:
Clean up the Council: Charter Revision Commission must reform city legislature (DN Ed)
-- Ban lulus, cash payments doled out by the Council speaker to reward political friends and punish political enemies;
-- Ban self-pay raises, ending the practice by which legislators vote to hike their own salaries.
-- Force full disclosure of "part-time" Council members' outside income.
-- Ban member items, the bring-the-bacon-home funds that members give to favored groups - or, at the least, equalize them across all 51 Council members.
NYP Tell Us Fare Raises Has A Silver Lining
What about the service cuts will they be lined in gold? We know the MTA spin doctors are working full time to save they jobs, but does the Post have to print their press releases? $ilver lining in fare risePass still cuts cost
* Rangel Tweeted a plea for supporters not to “rush to judgment” and said he feels he has made “some difference in Congress” over the last 40 years. * House Speaker Nancy Pelosi insisted she’s “totally out of the lopp” when it comes to Rep. Charlie Rangel’s ethics case. * Politico wonders if black lawmakers face more scrutiny over alleged wrongdoing than their white colleagues. * In the commentary section, the T-U says Paterson was hardly exonerated by Judge Kaye's report on his role in the domestic violence incident involving his former top aide, David Johnson. * The T-U: "A federal grand jury is continuing to examine allegations that state Health
Twitter DNDailyPolitics Gov. Paterson: I Know What It's Like To Be Stopped By Cops: Gov. Paterson, who has taken to the black radio airwav... http://bit.ly/buphJM

Mayor Creates Post to Aid in Pension Oversight the city's pension contributions have grown from $1.1 billion when Bloomberg took office to $7.6 billion this fiscal year.
New York Economic MeltdownThe budget blame game is well underway, with the AUg. 11 deadline for the latest budget in modern history looming * The FMAP money is looking increasingly unlikely (the Senate is poised to vote today on the jobs bill), and counties are worried about the trickle-down effect the $1 billion hole will have on the state budget. * The late state of New York Gov. Paterson and legislative leaders are likely to set a record for government dysfunction this month with the latest budget The late state of New York
Ethical Woes Fog Democrat Hopes Two possible ethics trials of senior Democratic members of Congress are compounding the governing party's political woes and raising GOP hopes of large gains in November elections. (WSJ)
Department managers may have conspired with the Research Foundation for the state University of New York to manipulate audits of New York's $22 billion a year Medicaid program."
Former Bloomy aid may spill mayor's secrets at trial (DN) * Bloomberg Insists He's Not Running For President In 2012
For a College President, the Criticisms Pile Up Medgar Evers College, William Pollard (NYT)
New Proficiency Standards Hit Charters Charter schools across New York lost more ground than traditional public schools when the state raised proficiency standards. (WSJ) * Critics want heads to roll over test debacle (DN) * Money for nothing: SUNY and CUNY need to be set free from Albany meddling *The United Federation of Teachers took to its blog last week to crow that "the test-prep emperor [i.e., Bloomberg] has no clothes."UFT's wrong answer (NYP Ed)

Bandit's Roost in Manhattan's Five Points
Creeps next door B'klyn boarding homes full of degenerates (NYP)
‘The Bulldozers Are Coming’: Garden Crusaders Hop on Their Bikes (NYT) * Last Carnegie Hall resident forced out of towers (WSJ)
Twitter Housing DNAinfo Short-Term Sublets in New York Banned Under New Law: http://bit.ly/ax8hbf
Terrorism NY Sides Dig In Over Mosque (WSJ) * Planned Ground Zero mosque expected to pass big hurdle (DN) * Report: Lower Manhattan Site Of Mosque Won’t Win Landmark Status (NY1)
Law and Order Staten Island Attack Raises Bias-Crime Worry (WSJ) * Young man beaten to death by mob in Park Slope (DN) *Dad-to-be beaten to death in B'klyn gang ambush * The Post editorial board hits D.A. Cy Vance.
Defining Prosperity Down There is growing evidence that our governing elite just doesn’t care about the prospects of American workers — that a once-unthinkable level of economic distress is in the process of becoming the new normal. (Krugman, NYT)
The New Yorker asks: Just how broken IS the U.S. Senate?