Sunday Update Ex-aid John Haggerty knows where bodies are buried and may spill Mayor Bloomberg's secrets at trial (DN) *
Facebook Joseph Mercurio This could get to be entertaining. Haggerty's spill factor (Politico)
Reprimand Rangel, Dem investigator urges House * City can't control ballooning overtime bill (DN) * To Help Democrats in the Fall, Obama May Stay Away (NYT) * Kiss This War Goodbye The national yawn that greeted the war logs is an indicator of the country’s verdict on the Afghan war itself. (Rich, NYT) * Many streets still perilous to cross despite city's efforts * Hey, give me a break, Bam! Rep. Charles Rangel says he's not getting a "fair shake" from President Obama. * Riders in delay hell on the 'L' * Bad cops' 'guarantee' Misdeeds wouldn't nix payouts (NYP) * FDNY fight stance vs. 'disability' pensioner * Bradley Manning, Soldier Accused Of Leaking Secrets To WikiLeaks, Flown To US (Huff Post) * Out-source of painUS companies moving jobs offshore at record pace* The Education and Deconstruction of Mr. Bloomberg * So far, 277 state workers have received the go-ahead to take the early retirement incentive offered by the Paterson administration.

Anger Unmanagement
NY Congressional Power Meltdown Continues
Anger Helps Weiner with the Voters in NY and Media, but hurts him from getting things done in congress
Rangel is NY's Last of the Mohicans in that he is the last of the generation who understood how to build and use real power in congress. Rangel did it by making friend with conservative southern democrats and GOP and almost never making personal attacks against his fellow members. So when he needed votes for projects good for NY like the 911 health bill, he got them.
VIDEO: Weiner loses his temper on House floor over 9/11 bill * Feckless and Cruel There should have been swift, bipartisan approval of a plan to aid ailing Sept. 11 rescue workers. Instead, there was an ugly political brawl.(NYT Ed) * Watch Weiner explode: Dem. goes ballistic over 9/11 bill * New York pols' loud 9/11 war
Twitter azipaybarah Kornacki deconstructs Weiner, says his media-friendly outbursts are about 2013 nyc mayor's race, not 2010 congress http://bit.ly/dpeWQ4
Bloomberg critical of Democratic leaders, charging they employed a maneuver requiring a two-thirds majority to give cover to legislators who "didn't want to go on the record."
Cheap Pols?
With Weiner and King going on news shows together we hope they are not trying to get cheap PR on the backs of the WTC dead backs?
The U.S. House of Shame: Charlie Rangel fits in with feckless pols who shun 9/11 heroes(DN)

It is clear now that the big guy wants Rangel out and the speaker did not protect him. That why these changers have made their way to the trial stage. * Obama Hopes Rangel Can ‘End His Career With Dignity’ * Dem leaders, donors to hold Rangel birthday bash at The Plaza (The Hill) * The Rangel Center, the CUNY building playing a big role in the congressman’s ethics scandal, is an empty, graffiti-scarred wreck.
Sunday Update Rangel Using 3-way Defense Trotting out this three-way defense: I didn't do it. I did it, but was inattentive. Others lawmakers were allowed to do the same thing without penalty. Fox 5
Obama Calls Rangel's Ethics Charges "Very Troubling" * A reprimand? That's it? Barely a day after the House Ethics Committee issued its 13-count bill of particulars against Rep. Charlie Rangel, one of his de facto inquisitors revealed the likely punishment. The Rangel fix (NYP Ed) * Advice by Panel Is to Reprimand, Not Oust, Rangel * Keeping House in order? Dem investigator recommends reprimand for defiant Charlie (DN) * Clueless Charlie: Rangel made his own ethics mess, and then made it worse (DN Ed) * Obama: It's the end for Rangel (NYP) *Obama Speaks About Rangel For First Time: 'He's Somebody Who's At The End Of His Career' www.huffingtonpost.com* Maxine Waters Also Ethics Trial Expected for California Congresswoman (NYT) * Sunday UPDATE * 'Rangel Center' wreck The limestone mansion that is to house the Charles B. Rangel Center for Public Service at City College is a graffiti-scarred, empty wreck.
Paterson's On the Edge Paterson's Survival Reveals "Beast" of Political Scandal: Analysis (WNBC) * The Kaye report was critical of the NYPD and is now under review by the department.

Mike Long
Paladino campaign team now say that he might run on his Taxpayer Party line even if he loses the GOP primary to Lazio as a way to make a deal to force Long to give him the conservative line if Paladino wins the primary Source: Paladino To Reconsider 3rd Party Run
Election 2010 Levy Ends Campaign Endorses Lazio (WSJ) * 'Humbled' Hiram is ready to make a comeback (DN) * New York’s Tea Partiers: Not Bigoted White Guys (NY Press) * Espada's Petition Challenge
Another Candidate for the Board of Elections Serphin Maltese (Gotham Gazette)
New York Economic Meltdown
Business Slides on Second Avenue Struggling to survive amid subway construction that has been obscured their storefronts with fences, corrals and construction cranes. (WSJ) * City’s Current Infrastructure Maintenance Budgets ‘Disappointing’ (Citizens Budget Commission) * Thousands of Non-Profits at Risk from New Tax Law (Idealist in NYC) * City’s Long-Term Unemployment Rate Outpaces Nation (IBO Web Blog) * ** PM UPDATE *** FDNY To Reduce Staff At 60 Engine Companies * Economic Sign: Even Cheaper Knockoffs * Bowles: New Yorkers squeezed on all sides Countless New Yorkers have had to cut back their spending to survive the Great Recession. But unlike in some places or during some recessions, things aren't getting any cheaper in New York now. On the contrary, the city that already had the highest cost of living in America before the downturn is getting even more expensive. (DN)
Twiter Education DianeRavitch NY state tests steadily easier from 06-09. Produced huge gains. All vanished last Wed when 2010 scores came out. Achvmt gap larger. * DianeRavitch NYC promoted as natl and intl model of school reform. Budget nearly doubled, mostly for testing and test prep. Scores soared until last week * DianeRavitch NYC promoted as natl and intl model of school reform. Budget nearly doubled, mostly for testing and test prep. Scores soared until last week * Truth in testing: Flawed state exams failed New York’s school kids (DN Ed)
Terrorism NY Debate Heating Up on Plans for Mosque Near Ground Zero (NYT) * New Trouble for Terrorist Who Helped Prosecutors (NYT) * Anti-Defamation League Speaks Against Mosque Near WTC Site
Law and Order DA: Slay victim didn't want 'shriveled' suspect (DN) * Cops charged with bogus arrest of fellow officer (DN) * Wiseguy FBI snitch acquitted at insurance-slay trial (DN) *Park rapist a W. Side terror: DA (DN) * Granddad slay baffles cops (DN) * Judge slams $1.7M 'scam' ex (DN) * Surveillance Video Shows Attackers Of S.I. Gay Couple (NY1) * Police Seek More Information On Alleged Manhattan Rapist (NY1) * Man Fatally Stabbed On Queens Subway Platform (NY1) * Queens Double Shooting After Party Fox 5 * Sunday Update * Queens Man Fatally Stabbed at Subway Station (NYT) * Thugs beat Bronx grandpa to death for cell phone (DN) * Ex-con executed in courtyard of his apartment (DN) * 'Church' con's kid-name game (NYP)* Riverside Park 'rapist' has delusions of sexual grandeur * 350G bilk on gramps * Police Investigate 10th Bias Attack In Port Richmond (NY1) * Man beaten to death in B'klyn (NYP)

Snooki falls down drunk and gets arrested (NYP) The arrest which just happen to happen the moment the show is starting it second season on MTV leads many of the weekend newscasts.
Its the top story on the internet today after the show broke all rating records Thursday with its season debute * Let’s Make It Real In the age of “Jersey Shore,” there’s a dissolving boundary between reality and reality. (Collins, NYT) * Snooki Knocks Obama's Tanning Tax... * Shore mayor laps up Snooki booze bust buzz NYP *Town mayor: Thanks, Snooki! (NYP) *City pigs out - and you pay! Since Jan. 1, New York City has spent $3.3 million on food and drink for workers and guests, ordering from delis, pizzerias and diners. * 'Jersey Shore' cast are the new masters of the universe (NYP) *For 'Jersey Shore' crowd, guid is good (NYP)
Media and New Tech Obama's appearance on 'The View' sets ratings record * Personal Details Exposed Via Biggest U.S. Websites * Free Broadband for 400,000 Bronx Homes (IP Communications via NYConvergence) * Newsweek Bid Rejected Due To National Enquirer Ties *Wikileaks’ Founder Julian Assange Talks Afghanistan On Freedom Watch * MIT graduate admits link in leak case Says he met, exchanged e-mails with private accused of providing records, but denies role * Small Newspapers Cater to City’s Many Ethnic Groups * Growing discontent among WTC heroes may scuttle settlement * Twitter reaches milestone with 20 billion Tweets * WATCH: Amanpour Previews First 'This Week'... First Guests...
Wall Street and No Jobs
A Sin and a ShameSo long as American corporations keep squeezing their work forces, there can be no real economic recovery (Herbert, NYT) * U.S. economy slowing down (DN)
Twitter CBSNews Ben Stein: Traders Aren't Economists, They're Gamblers – and We Suffer Because of Them http://bit.ly/9roV3c
The Reinvention of Al Sharpton (Newsweek)
Oil Leak Report reveals BP, Coast Guard and EPA allowed use of toxic chemicals after restrictions imposed