Feds Put Together the Pieces of Flake and Smith Non Profit Government Funded Empire
Federal grand jury probes deals made by Smith, other Queens pols Sources said the feds are investigating whether the pols used a web of nonprofit groups to benefit themselves. * Greg Meeks, Malcolm Smith, Floyd Flake, and Helen Marshal are under investigation.
It not only Flake that has put together these government funded banks for politicians, many have. The council speaker funds the Newline foundations and park as a job program for her friends. There are government funded and created empires all over the city that not only enrich pols but are used to assure them reelection. He is another one Pork Pig Fidler’s Media Friends Put Lipstick On Him
Flake is just unlucky that he got caught. Or he got to greedy with AEG's Aqueduct slot machines. The press has stayed away from reporting on the council slush fund investigation. Only True News has reported for the past year on the lack of developments in the investigation and the stalling of an appeal by Norman Siegel of his NYC Taxpayers Petition For Slush Fund Inquiry - wcbstv.com
Controlling the News: What Happen to the Council Slush Fund Investigation?
The Daily News reported on June 24, 2008 that U.S. Attorney Michael Garcia asked the NYS Supreme Court to delay for 90 days a special inquiry into the city council pork spending and slush fund, for fear it would derail their case. The inquiry requested by civil rights lawyer Norman Siegel under an arcane law, would require a parade of public officials to publicly testify under a grant of immunity. It not about Siegel ongoing suit which seeks to invoke a a rarely used City Charter provision to combat Tammany Hall corrupt in the 1870s but what happen to the U.S. Attorney Investigation. We know that since then Both Garcia and Lev Dassin have left to white shoe law firms. With the new U.S. for New York's Southern District Preet Bahrara responsibilities with the terror trials we wonder if he has any time for the council investigation or if we will ever see a report if they decide not to indict the big Council Slush Fund
More Pieces of the Flake Investigation Puzzle
Just why is gov guy laughing? David Johnson, Gov. Paterson's suspended top aide, appeared yesterday before investigators probing the Yankees World Series and repeatedly refused yesterday to answer questions about it afterward * Senate Dems slot to hell Top Senate Democrats have to lay their cards on the table for the state inspector generals probe into the controversial Aqueduct "racino" deal, a judge ruled yesterday.* 'Cane nonprofit gal quits post Joan Flowers a lawyer and Queens political operative with ties to Rep. Gregory Meeks, Senate President Malcolm Smith and Gov. Paterson has been quietly moved off the Senate Democrats' payroll.
"I do not believe that, at a time when more than 300,000 of the hard-working New Yorkers who pay our salaries are out of a job, it is fair to continue the status quo with one segment of the workforce," Paterson said in a statement. "We are in the midst of an extraordinary fiscal and economic crisis."
NY Incompetent Government Drifts Gov's bridge 'toll' Construx freeze could ice 230 jobs * Construx freeze could ice 230 jobs * Paterson Pick for Board Lacks Requirement *Paterson Pick for Fashion Institute Board Lacks Big Requirement * Silver goes on vacation as state goes kerflooey * Bill Hammond wonders at the timing of Gov. David Paterson's tough talk on public employee raise givebacks and says the governor "wimped out" by refusing to talk layoffs * "This governor has no credibility to make such a request of his own state employees who are working harder than ever because of his incompetent administration of the state," said CSEA spokesman Stephen Madarasz * Unions reject governor on wage freeze Buffalo News * David Paterson will face a lawsuit in response to his budgeting tactics * Bill Hammond: "[S]ome of the state workers themselves will probably lose their jobs to finance higher salaries for those lucky enough to keep there's."
Inside City Hall One failed program down It should come as little surprise that Mayor Bloomberg's much-vaunted good-behavior dole has turned out to be mostly ineffective. * This Time, Listen City officials need to make fair and transparent the process by which they decide to close some schools (NYT Ed) *** Brooklyn has lowest rate of return on census forms * The Department of Correction defended its $550 apiece chairs.
The Blame Game Mayor Bloomberg said the late budget is "leaving a mess on the roads."
New York Economic Melt Down Mt. Sinai Vetoes Partnership With Struggling St. Vincent’s * Hammond: Raises for state workers is no April Fool's joke * 200 teens rally at City Hall vs. summer job program cuts *** 200 teens rally at City Hall against 35,000 job cut to Summer Youth Employment Program * Recreating at state-owned parks, beaches and golf courses will be more expensive this summer.
Judging the Judge Not guilty, not innocent: Surrogate judge Nora Anderson weasels out of conviction Anderson's lawyers convinced the jury that her official filing was literally true because she had taken title to the money when she put it into her campaign. That logic makes the election laws unenforceable. Under Anderson's rules, the following would be okay:A wealthy special interest wants to secretly give big bucks to a candidate. The special interest gives a $1 million personal gift. The candidate puts the money into her campaign, claiming it came out of her own pocket. And gets away with it (DN ed) *NYC judge acquitted in campaign cash case * Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman said the lack of a pay raise is "demoralizing" for the state's judiciary.
Law and Order Subway slay busts3 held in stabbings * 2,500 cons could get 'spring' break fed ruling killed "three strikes and you're out" provision of the criminal code that gave judges great leeway in sentencing habitual offenders to life in prison * Car 54, who stole you? ***Dave to labor: Skip pay hikes (NYP Ed) * Manhattan Surrogate’s Court Judge Is Acquitted * Police Kill Man Wielding a Gun * Gotti eyes making documentary on Gambino crime family * Murder most rare The City of Newark finished March with not a single homicide - the first murder-free month since 1966 *** 27 Arrests At High-Rise Where Child Was Gang Raped
Election 2010 The S.I. Advance gives big play to Rep. Mike McMahon being called "Judas." ** Question Remains: What Makes Gillibrand Scary?
Obama dishes out sarcasm on health care pessimism
Democrat Hank Johnson Afraid Guam Will "Tip Over and Capsize"
Twitter jeffjarvis Mag iPad prices are delusional: In no form, even engraved in gold, is Time is worth $5/issue.
Facebook Joseph Mercurio Jobs From Feb '08 to Feb '10 the number of unemployed doubled from 7.4 million to 14.9 million. The number of people who say they want to work, but who have given up trying, grew from 4.8 million to 6.2 million. The people working part time who cannot get regular jobs grew from 4.8 million to 8.9 million. A total of 30 mill...ion Americans out of work or under-employed. The Atlantic