Monday, November 16, 2009

What Happen to Speaker Quinn's 2008 Milk Investigation?

Got Milk? What happen to Quinns' investigation into milk prices after she drop her mayoral ambitions? Catsimatidis Sour On Quinn Milk Report »Farmers, consumers 'milked' in New York now the feds are looking into the scam Farmers, consumers 'milked' in New York

Gov Truth in Advertising?
Paterson has been running TV campaign commercials for the past week telling us he has been demanding budget reductions that he proposes from the legislature . In that same week Paterson said he had been persuaded that $287 million of his proposed is not a good idea because it would result in $500 in addition cuts by the feds. He has drop the already passed additional fees for new retro blue-and-gold license plates Pols KO license to 'steal' Paterson has also said that he would be open to anything the legislature comes up with if they find alternatives to his proposed health care and education cuts David Paterson makes it up to Brooklyn

Coming Lower Manhattan WH Level Security Zone What has been localized security zone in lower Manhattan will eventually turn into a virtual lock down of the entire downtown area City blocks are locked & loaded

Teflon Albany? As old media pounds the state leaders day after day they continue to ignore all the demands to control budget costs. It is clear with the loss of Yassky for comptroller which all three dailies endorsed the old media has loss some of its clout, it will be interesting to watch if the old boys in the media have enough left in them to fight back Empire state mulling $1M in medical taxes While the nation debates health-care reform, state Democrats are secretly considering $1 billion in new taxes on medical services (NYP) *** Whistling Past the Deficit The Democrats in the New York State Senate seem to think that the state deficit is not as bad as it is, and have advanced a plan that is politically palatable but also ludicrous (NYT Ed) *** Mom who lost son in DWI accident says Silver fought her, too, on tough law (Daily News *** Save kids from drunks: Albany must pass the real Leandra's Law today(DN Ed) *** Masters of disaster: State Senate fiddles while fiscal Armageddon gets closer ***
Gov of La Mancha Albany Cuomo Wants to Shape Ticket in Run for Governor, Advisers Say *** State Lawmakers To Resume Special Session (NY1) *** What happens when the state runs out of cash? (TU) *** Hillary Clinton isn’t running for governor, period; Rudy Giuliani isn’t running for governor, yet. (AP) *** Bill Thompson's name gets floated as a lieutenant governor candidate on Andrew Cuomo's ticket *** Suozzi's fade is not good for Jay Jacobs

Pay to Play Bruno Did Bruno have two careers, but one staff? *** The federal government accidentally released Joe Bruno's social security number