New York’s Mad Hatter: Krugerspeak
A Bum Holds the State Hostage
December 18, 2008 - Gang of Three mastermind State Senator Carl Kruger $$ declined to confirm a report that he has refused to back Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos, but insisted he never said anything about putting his "balls on the table" during a private meeting with the Long Island Republican.
"There was a meeting; it's not a big military secret,” Kruger said
"I don't want to attach names to anything."
“I think that we get bogged down when we talk about specific people with specific roles or functions. We should talk about it all in the abstract."
“We're going to come up with a model and that's going to be sort of a launching pad for whatever comes or doesn't come."
More on Kruger Kissing Ass
About the Kruger role in the racist flyer distributed for Mark Green during the 2001 Mayorial campaign that showed Fernando Ferrer kissing Rev. Sharpton ass, the Senator said,
"My perception was, prejudice is in the eyes of the beholder. If someone is supporting someone's campaign, there's no reason on Earth why someone else can't point that out."
"But I didn't think-" (Alice) "Latest case in point: State Senate Finance Committee Chairman Carl Kruger's hare-brained scheme to protect public-employee benefits by making health insurance more expensive for everybody else." Daily News Editorial Carl Kruger, Job-Killer ,Carl Kruger, Obstacle"That's just it. If you don't think, then you shouldn't talk. " (March Hare movie quote) For private-sector employers already struggling with the economy, the consequences of new taxes on insurer are clear * Some employers will reduce benefits to current employees.* Some likely will drop health coverage altogether.* Still others may resort to layoffs. * And few and far between will be the companies that will be able to afford actually to expand employment.NY eyes $1B tax slap on health
"You mean you can't take less; it's very easy to take more than nothing." Mad Hatter In Albany, Inaction Trumps Spending Cuts * Leaders Meet, Still No Deal * Albany gasbags are full of it *** DiNapoli: 'I Told You So' *** Bloomberg's "spending reductions are not tied to revenue collection performance."
More on Krugerspeak With Friends Like These *** Living the Political Life Fantastic Surf, turf, and doughnuts: A state senator dines out on his campaign war chest (Robbins Village Voice)
More on Krugerspeak With Friends Like These *** Living the Political Life Fantastic Surf, turf, and doughnuts: A state senator dines out on his campaign war chest (Robbins Village Voice)
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