Sunday Update
Memo to the NYT: How about use the removal of Mr. de Blasio from the ballot by the Board of Election (BOE) as a teachable moment. The paper of record should show how they BOE run by the corrupt political parties (according to the Supreme Court in Lopez Torres vs the BOE) since he days of Tammany Hall. How about the dozens of candidates who get removed from the ballot for the same technical reasons that never make the papers or even the blogs. True News last year examined how hard it is to change the BOE why not the times. Instead they beg for change. For a Typo? The board of elections needs to find ways to keep candidates on the ballot, not to push them off for a picayune mistake (NYT Editorial) *** Prominent Democrat Removed from New York City Primary Ballot for Tiny Technicality *** Understanding the Labyrinth: New York's Ballot Access Laws *** Sunday Fix the Election Law First DN Citizen revolt would fix state Senate Salup: Now is the time for all citizens to run for a New York State Senate seat - and urge their friends and neighbors to vote against the incumbent state senators (DN Editorial)
Road to City Hall FALLEN 'IDLE' BLOOMY: SORRY FOR SUV FUMES *** Mike the businessmen does what all businessman do makes a deal MIKE, SENATE END CLASS STRUGGLE * STRIKE DEAL TO KEEP SCHOOL CONTROL* DEMS GET PARENT TRAINING CENTER ***NYP always spinning for the mayor IT'S DEFINITELY A GRADE A MOVE *** Schumer hitting up donors at Yankee Stadium *** Does Bloomberg Still Want to be President?(Huffington Post) *** Sunday LONELY MALONEY GILLY RIVAL DESERTED BY DEMS *** SUV issue shows Mayor may have more blind spots *** State Senate Dems Reach Deal Over Mayoral Control (NY1)
Pay to Play NJ and Brooklyn Solomon Dwek: From bogus mogul to FBI's busiest rat *** Corruption Case a Blow to Corzine’s Campaign *** Brooklyn Blogs Buzzing With Talk About Rabbis *** Citi Field builders, Bovis, accused of being pay cheats by former employee *** Sunday 'ORGAN-SELLING' RABBI'S $$ LINK TO MADOFF *** Hoboken Mayor’s Fall From Reformer to Defendant *** Corruption's a blue plate special at diner: Site of Hoboken mayor's alleged bribing *** Illegal Kidney Trade Flourishing
A New York Economic Melt Down Property taxes take a hike *** Pols Stand With "Tent City Ten" *** State Has Sixth Highest Number of Discouraged Workers(US News and World Report) *** 'LOSER' RETIREE FUNDS GO GAMBLING *** Sunday LEFT COAST'S LESSONS California lawmakers, whose financial woes are even worse than New York's -- if you can imagine that -- finally reached a budget deal with Gov. Schwarzenegger. Though painful, it should leave that state on more solid fiscal footing(NYP Editorial) *** Many Failing Roads, Little Repair Money *** New condos cut corners
Feds: Man gave al-Qaida subway info
Using Government Programs to Become Rich WAGE PROBE HITS 'HEIGHTS' BACKER
The Sad State of Health Care for the Poor Faked records, fatal blunders City-run hospitals faked records and covered up dozens of botched operations, deadly accidents, malpractice and other medical screwups, a Daily News investigation has found *** Hospital records sometimes falsified to cover up mistakes *** Hospital's records were 'altered,' 'rendered illegible' *** Fatal mistake at hospital was never reported, records show *** Faked records, fatal blunders at city-run hospitals
Washington Hospital Savings: Doctor Salaries, Not Fees *** Obama Shifts Tone on Gates After Mulling Scale of Debate *** Health Reform Sparks Democratic Infighting (Washington Post) *** Obama Voices Regret to Officer (Washington Post) *** Gates Accepts Obama's Invite *** Obama: GOP Would Rather Inflict "Damage On My Administration" Than Reform Health Care *** LobbyBlog White House Eases Restrictions On Stimulus Lobbyists *** Cracking Down, Antitrust Chief Hits Resistance *** How the White House became Chicago's 51st ward (Chicago Sun Times) *** Rough wee with politics, public for Obama (Washington Times) *** Sunday Antitrust Chief Hits Resistance in Crackdown *** Gates, in Visit to Israel, Will Find Iran Looming *** Focus on Health Savings Obscures Other Issues (Washington Post) *** Getting What You Pay For Advances in medical treatment are the biggest drivers behind rising health-care costs in U.S. *** Aggressive Effort Led to F-22's Demise *** Biden's Blistering Russia Critique *** Obama caves to K Street on stimulus restrictions... *** Sen. Dodd Brings Lobbyists To Tears, Takes Their Money *** Goodbye, Sarah Palin *** Kennedy's Final Push for Health Care *** Dems vs. Dems on Health Care *** CZAR WARS: THE PHANTOM MENACES THE REAL POWER IN THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION IS UNCONFIRMED AND UNACCOUNTABLE *** CBO: Medicare council would have little savings effect *** Dick Cheney’s First Choice For Location Of Iraq War Was Buffalo, New York (Wonkette)
Health Care Lobbyist Lobbyists the silver lining in health care storm? *** Pelosi Hits Throttle on Health Care Bill Despite Democrats' Concerns *** Hospital Lobbyists Try to Minimize Damage *** Health-Care Ads 'Go Over the Cliff' to Sway US on Obama Plan *** Health Care Reform and You Though many of the crucial decisions about health care reform have yet to be made, the general direction of the legislation is clear enough to make some educated guesses about the likely winners and losers (NYT Editorial) *** Sunday More Pork THE PORK AUTHORITY AGENCY FATTENS EXECS AMID TOLL & FARE HIKES
Wall Street Mess Questions for a Custodian After Scams Hit I.R.A.’s *** Regulators Spar for Turf in Financial Overhaul *** Senator Wants Restrictions on High-Speed Trading *** Bernanke: Only 25 Financial Firms Matter *** Turf War Over Financial Oversight Plays Into Hands Of Lobbyists *** Schumer Warns SEC on 'Flash' Orders *** Sunday A Cliffhanger to See if a G.M. Turnaround Succeeds *** Antitrust Chief Hits Resistance in Crackdown *** CITI exec's pay package may spark gov't showdown... *** THE NEW ECONOMY: Trouble Ahead As Politics Replaces Market Forces. (Instapundit)
National Mailboxes Start to Disappear *** Sarah Palin Vows an Ongoing Ethics Crusade *** Scientists Worry Machines May Outsmart Man *** One of the Last WWI Vets Dies at 111*** Home Exchange: Trading (Vacation) Places *** State Legislature approves budget deal (LA Times)
International China is launching an Arabic-language TV channel to show the ... *** Sunday Iran: Israel Is in Our Sights
Media WATCH: Katie Couric Slams NY Times For Error-Filled Story On Walter Cronkite *** Barry Diller: Free Web Content Is A 'Myth' *** Octomom Inks Reality TV Deal *** Media moguls rethink Web advertising in downturn *** Wire Creator Simon: NYT, Post Must Charge for Web *** Sunday And That’s Not the Way It Is What matters about Walter Cronkite is that he knew when to stop being reassuring Uncle Walt and to challenge those who betrayed his audience’s trust (Rich, NYT) *** The Web Is Pouncing on Hollywood’s Ratings *** Sanchez: Hispanics Working For Fox Have "Sold Out" *** Limbaugh: I Get High Ratings From 'Being Positive' *** Massing on web journalism: Some flaws, but many intriguing experiments, too
Blog Report Mainstream Media Gives Bloomberg A Pass (Brooklyn Rail) *** Rooftop Films Tonight At 8 PM (Bay Ridge Journal) *** Design Your Own "Parking Park" Competition 2009 (StreetsBlog) *** Lopez Hosts Seniors For Candidates (Your Nabe)*** Elephants Want Ballot Access Reform (Urban Elephants) *** De Blasio's Opponents Say He Should Be On The Ballot (Politicker NY) *** Unearthing a Buried Bronx Stream(New York Moon) *** DUMBO’s Early Free Rents as Community Development Model(Where Blog) *** Measuring the New Senate Rules Against the Assembly(ReformNY) *** Evolving the Open Hydrant Tradition(Urban Omnibus) *** Having Private Employers, Health Unions Accept Concessions(NY Fiscal Watch) *** NJ Nets owner Bruce Ratner knows damage, not damage control (Develop Don't Destroy)*** Land Use Committee Pushes City Coney Plan through but it ain't over yet! (Found in Brooklyn) *** The Hit and Miss of Last Night’s Public “Information” Meeting on Atlantic Yards (Noticing New York) *** New York before Dinkins, Giuliani and Bloomberg (Queens Crap)