Albany's Political Gang Bang of New York
New York pols really do think they can get away with anything. They and the public relations consultants constantly reassure themselves and there friends that the public has a short memory and will accept them once they can again begin giving out the millions in member items. Senate Democratic leader admitting what much of New York laughingly recognized yesterday: The Post's front page got it right portraying the lawmakers as a bunch of clowns TALK OF THE CLOWN . . . It is all about the elected officials interests and who controls the $$$$, the public especially those who need help be dammed! Amid Senate Chaos, Hope Fades for a Bill to Raise Jobless Benefits, Michael Daly notes that one of the many bills languishing in Albany is a measure that would have targeted taxi hustlers who prey on tourists at Kennedy Airport. "Come November 2010, June 2009 should still be a giant sore spot with New Yorkers," says the Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin.
Accepting Corruption We are so used to pols going to jail, newspaper editorial no long are written about reforming the system to stop the corruption of our elected officials. Good by two ton Tony Seminerio CROOKED POL PLEADS GUILTY, Democratic Assemblyman Pleads Guilty to Soliciting Payments, Seminerio's 30 years in office ends with 11 to 14 in prison. New York takes care of it corrupt pols Seminerio admits guilt, is eligible for $68k/ yr pension
Bloomberg's Circus? Is the circus helping Bloomberg? Since the clown war broke out in Albany all talk of the mayoral campaign has disappeared from the news media. No coverage helps incumbent, there is noway for the challenger to raise issues against them. Yes he might lose mayoral control of the schools, but he gains reelection City schools on the brink of chaos as mayoral control is up for renewal. . . Bloomberg already knows that his tried term will be not about the city's sinking economy (hard to save Wall Street), but about cleaning up New York from political corruption, some dating back to the days of Tammay Hall First 2 scammers fall in Council pork mess. The next few years of city budgets are likely going to be very tough. Is NY next? California set to issue IOUs as fiscal crisis weighs...
The Little Engine that Could NOT You learn all you need to know about the MTA management when look at this weeks headlines. Loan breaks to Ratner' Atlantic Center, naming a subway stations after a bank, but in this day and age they can't link cameras to a command center SUBWAY TECH FIRM BOOTED, Distributor Guilty of Selling Counterfeit Parts to the M.T.A., Atlantic Yards Project Enters a Crucial Period . . . Why has the administration kid gloves mid-level-wrist-slaps for the NYPD accountability for mistakes that cost the lives of two firefighters become a campaign issue this year? DEUTSCHE BANK WRIST-SLAPS, 7 Fire Dept. Officers Censured in Bank Blaze Inquiry
Does Anyone Have A Better End Game Than Rudy? Not one pol or editorial has commented on Giuliani idea to convene a constitutional convention to fix New York Rudy Giuliani Hopes to Save New York. Dan Janison writes, “The day’s best quip about the state’s lack of a lieutenant governor came from Alfred DelBello, who quit the job in 1984, citing sheer boredom. ‘I never knew that was such an important post!’ the Democrat joked.