Lincoln 200 Years
A more complex view of Lincoln as time passes
Born 200 years ago on Febuary 12, 1809 in a log cabin on the Kentucky frontier, Abraham Lincoln today sits deified in a marble temple on the National Mall in Washington. Americans are still trying to figure out how he came such a long way, and what kind of man made the trip.
Having saved the Union, freed the slaves and redefined freedom, Lincoln was struck down in his hour of triumph. He is the most compelling figure in U.S. history, the subject of about 16,000 books in English, more than anyone except Jesus and Shakespeare.
Quotes of Abraham Lincoln
"A friend is one who has the same enemies as you have. . . A house divided against itself cannot stand. . . Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other. . . Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them? . . . And in the end it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. . . Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm. . . Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. . . Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. . . Die when I may, I want it said by those who knew me best that I always plucked a thistle and planted a flower where I thought a flower would grow. .. Hold on with a bulldog grip, and chew and choke as much as possible. . . Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth." President Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln's Wisdom and Fortitude
He waged America's bloodiest war, and he won a painful peace. In between, he issued a proclamation about which, before pen hit paper, he said, "I never, in my life, felt more certain that I was doing right, than I do in signing this paper." on Nov. 19, 1863, Lincoln gave a short speech consecrating a Civil War cemetery at Gettysburg, Pa. The battle there was the war's turning point; some 45,000 men had died as the Union turned back the Confederate invasion of the North.
Live Abe Lincoln Webcast- On Feb. 12th, Join Teachers Across The US to Learn About Lincoln's Life *** Biography of Abraham Lincoln *** Selected Speeches and Writings by Abraham Lincoln *** Abraham Lincoln: First Inaugural Address. U.S. Inaugural Addresses ... *** The History Place presents Abraham Lincoln *** Gettysburg Address Abraham Lincoln Civil War Speech *** Timeline results for President Lincoln speeches *** Lincoln at Cooper Union: The Speech That Made Abraham Lincoln President *** Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln by Doris Kearns Goodwin *** Gettysburg Address Abraham Lincoln Civil War Speech *** Abe Lincoln: An Extraordinary Leader *** Abraham Lincoln: A Technology Leader of His Time - US News and ... *** A President's Reading List: Books That Shaped Abraham Lincoln *** President Lincoln calls for Unity during The Civil War *** President Lincoln's Funeral Train - President Lincoln Killed ... *** Obama Looks to Lincoln Newsweek Politics Newsweek.com *** President Obama praises Abraham Lincoln's legacy at Ford's Theatre *** Obama looks to Lincoln while launching presidency *** Happy Birthday Abe Lincoln: Slavery, Secession and Civil War.
President The Great Persuader: Like FDR and Reagan, Obama can move a crowd. But can he do what they did and move the country forward? *** Obama’s Battle on Stimulus Shows Threats to His Agenda *** Gibbs: Spin City? *** Highlights of Obama's stimulus plan *** Who might benefit from the bailout *** The President's Empty 'Pragmatism' - Michael Gerson, Washington Post *** How Will Obama's Liberalism Shape America? - Charles Kesler, CS Monitor *** Bold Vision for Stimulus, Education Reform - Bill & Melinda Gates, Roll Call *** Obama's Townhall in Fort Myers, Florida - Transcript *** What Next for Obama? *** Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) will give the Republican response to President Obama's first address to Congress on February 24 *** GOP Twitter Disaster *** Stimulate First, Ask Questions Later With the stimulus bill, Obama chose urgency over transparency.
"All of us here are not without blame on the condition of the economy." -- Congressman Meeks
Congress Deal Reached in Congress on $789 Billion Stimulus Plan - House leaders initially refused to sign off on the pact until a tiff over education funding was resolved *** IT'S A DEAL ON $789B ECON PLAN:DC PACT PRESERVES BAM'S TAX REBATES *** Senators Demand Details From Geithner *** NYT Ed Following Mr. Murtha’s Money *** Lawmakers Question Bankers on Bailout *** Bankers On The Hill: Execs Get Grilled By Congress *** Bailed-out bank chiefs tell Congress: So sorry *** Pols trash bank bosses over big payouts *** Republicans Are Irrelevant - Markos Moulitsas, The Hill *** Why Health Care Can't Wait - Rep. John Dingell, Huffington Post *** REID-PELOSI STIMULUS SMACKDOWN: 'SHE WENT THROUGH THE ROOF'... *** A Novel Approach: Using Unemployment Benefits As A Means For Stimulus *** Sen. Harkin: 'We need the Fairness Doctrine back'... *** Troubled Obama Nominee Gets Senate OK -Hilda Solis, Labor Secretary *** Sen. Schumer's "pork" comment draws ire *** A conservative blogger misses the old, gun-loving Gillibrand *** Congress Makes a Deal- Slate Review of Today's Papers.
"You come to us today on your bicycles after buying Girl Scout cookies and helping out Mother Teresa and telling us, 'We're sorry, we didn't mean it, we won't do it again, trust us.' Well, I have some people in my constituency that actually robbed some of your banks, and they say the same thing." - Rep. Michael Capuano
Wall Street Representative Michael Capuano Rocked Today’s CEO Hearings *** Nearly 700 at Merrill in Million-Dollar Club *** Bank Test May Expand U.S. Regulators’ Role
RUTH MADOFF PULLED OUT $15M: DAYS BEFORE HUSBAND'S ARREST *** Wife Withdrew Millions Before Madoff’s Arrest *** Madoff's wife pulled $15M before Bernie's arrest
Bonuses not my call, says Bank of America CEO *** Vegas magician sees income disappear ***
California's Pain Only Beginning; Cuts to Parks, Schools and Roads... *** Business Newsweek: Economic Crisis Is Even Worse Than Obama Admits *** China Will Stick With US Bonds... Merrill "Secretly" Rushed Out Bonuses *** Recession hits private schools *** Geithner Can’t Find Gun, Let Alone Silver Bullet - David Reilly, Bloomberg *** Here's an Idea: Let Wall Street Fail - William Cohan, Daily Beast *** Big Lessons in Finance from a Small Bank - Steven Pearlstein, Wash Post *** Daly: Painful path with no end - Nobody knows. Not Bam. Not our new treasury secretary. Not the economists. Not the bank CEOs who testified in Congress. None of them can say how bad the economy might get. And with the uncertainty come worries that churn the gut. *** About those promises to keep jobs ... *** Stimulate First, Ask Questions Later - John Dickerson, Slate *** Where Are We Heading? - Peter Wehner, Commentary *** Stimulus Bill Will Boost Economic Confidence - Andrew Leonard, Salon *** Are We Socialist?Newsweek and the Weekly Standard on big government.
Where's The Outrage? by Dan Rather
Despite the downward economic spiral, there is no clear plan to pull us out. Dan Rather on why he’s finally getting angry about it.
The City Council Overrides Residency Veto For Union Members *** Fed aid just may save teach, cop jobs: Mike *** RX FOR CITY: 4-DAY WEEK *** CITY WORKERS ON THE 'MOVE' - live outside the city after two years of service *** School Board Election to go Online ***BOOST FOR CITY TEACHERS, COPS New York City will see a wave of cash for Medicaid funding, education, city hospitals and even a new class of cops as part of its cut of the economic stimulus *** Mayor puts city unions on notice - City employees should pay 10% of their health care costs or prepare to lose their jobs *** It's Gilly & Mike and nary a gun fight in sight *** Kin of woman neglected at hosp sue city *** Foster-care scam grows by $155G *** Schumer Recommends Aide as U.S. Attorney *** SCHUMER AIDE EYED FOR FED JOB *** Drivers speed across city with tragic results, new study finds *** Ideas Could Save Money, and Raise Hackles - 18 new cost-saving measures *** City Unveils Facebook Page to Encourage Condom Use *** McCarren Park Pool Presented to Community *** On building the new Kosciuszko Bridge From the Queens Gazette *** Housing along Brooklyn's Love Canal? From the NY Observer *** Crowley & Weiner defend Citigroup stadium deal *** NY House Members Defend Citigroup Deal with Mets *** Enronball - The Mets get your taxes whether you like it or not *** Fox’s hit show Fringe looks to leave NYC *** Bloomberg to Name Rafael Cestero New HPD Commissioner: Former housing official is mayor’s choice to replace Donovan, though residency questions loom *** Health Care Crisis in Queens - Stop the Closings of St John's Queens Hospital and Mary Immaculate Hospital... *** Christine Quinn also wants to raise taxes on high-income earners.
Road to City Hall Without Carrión, Latinos Look in Vain for New Leadership: Frustration about power vacuum underscored by Gillibrand pick, lack of citywide candidates *** John Liu doesn’t get it, again - MTA *** In Race to Succeed Him, Monserrate and Accusations Against Him Loom Large *** Facing Fundraising Laws They Passed Themselves, Members Voice Complaints Pre-term limit extension restrictions come home to roost in poorer districts *** Thompson’s Kevin Sheekey, Castell Takes the Reins: Promoting comptroller’s record and attacking Bloomberg’s, in English and Spanish *** Friending and Posting, City Candidates Hope to Raise Profiles: With mix of optimism and caution, ‘09 hopefuls discover Facebook *** Bare-Knuckled Ballot Challenges Jumble Queens, Staten Island Races: New calculus emerges for Feb. 24 and September in open seat elections *** Here’s more on Bloomberg’s visit last week with Republicans in Queens Village.
Albany Store Owners Speak Out Against Gov's Proposed Taxes *** Governor: New York faces 'bankruptcy': Albany must stop its 'orgy of self-interest' *** Uncovering the Perks of Albany’s Fallen G.O.P. *** Senate Confirms Top Judge on State Court of Appeals - judicial pay raises are a top priority *** Lippman confirmed; blesses the ‘media’ *** Senate Confirms Jonathan Lippman As Chief Judge of New York State, A Good Friend of Speaker Silver, Whose Influence Keeps Rising *** Ho-Lee Krap: Behold The 'Brunomoble', The Private TV Studio And... *** Cuomo presses plan to shrink government *** ANDY TAKES SLY POKE AT PATERSON *** State budget gap grows by $1 billion to $14 Billion *** Add a billion to N.Y. budget woes *** TOP SENATE DEM ATTAX SILVER PLAN *** A commission created four years ago to promote the teaching of black history in public schools has never met, and five of its 19 seats have yet to be filled *** Senate Democrats are seeking public input on the budget.
International Special Envoy Heads to Afghanistan *** Mr. Obama and Russia *** ISRAEL FACES GRIDLOCK AS RIVALS CLAIM POWER; COULD TAKE WEEKS... *** Obama waiting for Israeli election results *** Israel's Baffling Election Explained - Fania Oz-Salzberger, Forbes *** Israel's New Kingmaker - M.J. Rosenberg, Los Angeles Times *** Mrs. Clinton Goes to China - Gordon Chang, Forbes.
National Newspaper Blago: State lawmakers cheat, drink too much - Chicago Sun Times *** Schwarzenegger, legislative leaders settle on budget framework - LA Times.
Media Mess DirecTV Owner Said to Seek Deal for Sirius XM *** Dear Daily News employees: Our chairman, Mort Zuckerman, says the paper isn’t going anywhere. Congrats! P.S. We’re cutting your 401(k) plans. Please don’t hate us. Love, your CEO, Mark Kramer [NYP] *** Letterman Puts Blago in Context *** The Fishbowl NY Newsstand: Your Morning Front Page Glance.