NY Media Copies Stories, No Longer Investigates or Analyse
David Paterson: A Lame Duck, Sure, But Why the Lame Media Coverage? When a powerful public official is a lame duck, it's not supposed to mean that the coverage of him becomes lame. As tepid as Kaye's conclusions were, her evidence was explosive. If a reader focuses on footnotes and nuance, Kaye implicitly makes the case that the man who is still governor is right now orchestrating a cover-up of his own earlier attempts to cover up a criminal outburst of apartment rage (Barrett, Village Voice) * Pediatric Nurse Suspended in Connection with Paterson/Johnson Case * Worker in Paterson scandal received raises during probe (DN) * Gov. Paterson spends $700k fighting AG's probes into domestic violence case, World Series tickets

Koch's "Secret" Weapon fighting Albany is a hired lobbyist Brad Tusk for a gambling interested trying to win Albany's approval to win approve for his client Genting, the New York bid to operate the long-delayed Aqueduct "racino." How can put together an enemies list for Koch from a group of people he has to win over to get the racino contract for his client? Tusk was the guy who spent $110 million of Bloomberg's money to win by 5%. We wonder if Bloomberg's campaign manager Turk Knew about the the $700,000 contract to John Haggerty to run election day operations for Bloomberg? Will Tusk testify at Haggerty trial? Tusk testified at the former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich's corruption trial in Chicago that he was upset about the Blogso shakedown of fundraisersSenate Dems In No Rush To Approve Genting For Aqueduct Deal (UPDATED) *Koch's Secret Weapon Against Albany: Shame Brad Tusk. As an outsider, Genting also has tapped some heavy-hitting advisers to help it navigate New York, including strategist Bradley Tusk Down the stretch comes Genting - Crain's New York Business * Bloomberg Contributed to Blagojevich's Campaign - NYTimes.com * Rod Blagojevich and Brad Tusk together again, with 'Entourage'-style scheme talk -- UPDATED

Some Pol Pigs are More Equal Than Others
Member Items, Lulus. Pension Benefits and Abuse NOT ENOUGH?
As New Yorkers can find a job, pay more for less subway and bus service and watch their children test results go south, it good to know that newly elected Councilman Williams is taking care of his number 1 issue, himself. Councilman Not Shy About Retiring Councilman Jumaane Williams argued this week that elected officials should be allowed to serve three four-year terms not only because they need the time to do the best job but also because it will help cushion their golden years. Williams of Brooklyn said he wants to be permitted to serve 12 years, in part, because he hopes to be vested with a city pension. It takes 10 years for council members to be eligible for pension benefits, according to a council officials. * NYC Councilman Jumaane Williams surprised Charter Revision Commission members by bringing up pension benefits while arguing in favor of keeping three, four-year terms for Council members.
Another Freshman Class Pig Gets Kid Gloves Penalty
Frosh Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez in hot water over poke accusations (DN) * Bad Councilman! No Chairmanship! (UPDATED)
New York Economic Meltdown For Internet Travel Sites, a New Hotel Room Tax (NYT) * Aid Bill Is Good News for Struggling State, City Congress sent the city and state governments in New York some unexpected good news on Wednesday, pushing forward a $2.6 billion aid package for the state that had seemed a long shot to pass. (WSJ) * They're making you pay: What passes for a budget in Albany has finally passed (DN Ed) * MTA doesn't control OT millions: audit * City near vacating 182,000 SF of space (Crains NY) * Half of NYC high schools deemed overcrowded * The MTA has a “culture of acceptance” that allows overtime abuse, state Comptroller Tom DiNapoli says * "MTA overtime is a runaway train, rising 25% to $590 million annually in the last four years, according to a scathing new state audit," reports our Pete Donohue.
Twitter Joseph Mercurio NYS consumer confidence decreased 0.4 points in July, while the nation’s confidence decreased 8.2 points; at 63.0, New York’s overall consumer confidence is 4.8 points below the nation’s 67.8 confidence level. Siena poll.
McMahon Jewish Money Problem Rep. Mike McMahon insists there will be no further firings from his campaign following the “Jewish money” flap.
Democrats May Keep Control of the Board of Elections
Twitter CityHallNews Serf Maltese's Board of Elections candidacy likely to swing top job to Democrats http://ow.ly/2lnnL
NYFD & Race
Diversity Debate Convulses Elite High School (NYT) * City Barred From Hiring New Firefighters (NYT) * FDNY officer praised for actions in Times Sq. plot (DN)
Terrorism NY Mosque Fight Goes to Court (WSJ) * Hero cop has been battling red tape for eight years to get name off terrorist watch list (DN) * Fed. agencies unprepared for WMDs 9 years after 9/11 (DN) * Judge's heat on 9/11 att'y loans (DN) * First responder sues city over Ground Zero mosque - NY Government Examiner
Media and New Tech Google and Verizon in Talks on Web Priority (NYT) * A Place Where Ms. Pac-Man Still Has a Home (NYT) * The Future Of Newsweek: Nonprofit? * The Gray Lady of Cable News (Wolff, Vanity Fair)
Not Too Much Ethics, PleaseGrumblers on both sides of the aisle want to gut the Office of Congressional Ethics. That is because it has been ably fulfilling its mission. (NYT Ed) * GOV'T MOTORS -- making political donations * Jon Stewart Addresses Defeated 9/11 First Responders Bill With Segment: “I Give Up”
Gay Rights Battle Marriage Is a Constitutional RightWith the decision that California’s ban on same-sex marriage violated the 14th Amendment, the federal courts should bestow full equality on gay men and lesbians. (NYT EDd) * The opinion in the Prop 8 decision was aimed at Justice Anthony Kennedy * Kagan confirmation is expected today