After its backup power failed, NYU Langone Medical Center was forced to transfer roughly 200 patients to several different New York City hospitals
Power fails at NYU hospital, 200 patients evacuate(NYP) * Hospital Evacuates After Power Failure(NYT) * Manhattan Hospital Transfers Patients After Losing Power(WSJ) * NYU hospital defends failed generators that forced evacuation during Hurricane
Cuomo Bloomberg and Christie Leadership Styles
The storm revealed very different crisis leadership styles in Cuomo (“hunky local fire chief”), Mayor Bloomberg (“stern parent”) and NJ Gov. Chris Christie (“his usual blunt self”).
We’ll vote no matter watt: gov(NYT) The power outages could extend through Election Day, but the Cuomo administration will make sure resources are in place so people can vote. * Three Leaders, All Comfortable, Put Three Different Faces on Storm Response(NYT)
What is Open - Ready Set Go
Bloomberg: NYC marathon will go on as scheduled on Sunday.
What is Still Closed NYC schools will be closed again tomorrow* Mayor Bloomberg: 4 or 5 days before subways re-open. Mayor Bloomberg: Stay away from the parks. They are all closed. All NYC airports will be closed for at least today. They are checking for signal lights and safety issues. * Brooklyn Battery Tunnel, Holland Tunnel remain closed. JFK Airport may reopen tomorrow. LaGuardia Airport will remain closed. Bk and Manhattan should have power back w/in 4 days. All others in areas served by overhead lines will take at least a week.* Rockaway Bridges remain closed * NYC Parks Closed Until Further Notice (NY1) * 43 million gallons of water in each tube of the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel. Hudson River just flowed right into it.* Latest
Halloween Parade Posponed
PM Update
US Army Corps of Engineers to assist in clearing Brooklyn Battery Tunnel(NYP) * US Army Corps of Engineers to assist in clearing Brooklyn Battery Tunnel)(NYP) * New York Aquarium suffers severe flooding during Sandy(NYP)
At least 10 people dead, nearly 1 million without power in New York metro area in Sandy's wake(NYP) * Floodites defy city & take their chances(NYP) * At Least 7 People Reported Dead as Wind and Rain Hit(NYT) * Nearly 2 Million Without Power in N.Y. Alone(NYT) * Interactive Map: Hurricane Sandy’s Path (NYT) * Power Failures and Furious Flooding Overwhelm Lower Manhattan and Red Hook(NYT) * Sandy Carves a Path of Destruction Across the U.S. East Coast(WSJ) * Business May See Losses Exceed Those of 2011 Storm(WSJ) * Few Check Into City Shelters(WSJ) * Parts of Manhattan eerily dark(WSJ)

* Sandy Stalls NY’s Economic Engine(YNN) * Red Cross steps up to provide shelter and aid (NY World) * Reckoning With Realities Never Envisioned by City’s Founders(NYT) * Off-Duty Officer Dies While Rescuing Family From S.I. F(NY1) * For years, warnings that storm damage could ravage New York:
Bloomberg: 911 System Swamped by Calls(WSJ) With New York City's emergency-call system overrun in the midst
storm, Mayor Bloomberg asked the public not to call 911 save for
life-threatening situation and he urged motorists to stay off city
roads.* 6000 people in city shelters *
@ChuckSchumer's optimism, says "overwhelming majority of [local] government's costs" shud be picke up by feds.#sandy
Congressman Bob Turner House Burned Down In Breezy Point Last Night
and State Conservative Party Chairman Mike Long
the Congressman and his family are safe
Representative Bob Turner's home is among those that burned down in Breezy Point, Queens (NYT) *In Statement, Turner Urges Volunteerism(YNN) * “I’ll get through this,” Congressman Bob Turner said of his house, which has been reduced to rubble. “My wife and I are pretty tough cookies. This is disappointing, but we can look around us and say this could been a lot worse and for some others it really is.”
Breezy Point Out of Control Fire and Flood 80 Homes Gone

New York Goes Dark

PM Update
Flooded Tunnels May Keep City’s Subway Network Closed for Several Days(NYT)
"By midday tomorrow, we will be able to discuss a timetable for subway service restorations." -MTA Chairman Joe Lhota
It may be a while before the subways are working again. MTA Chairman Joe Lhota described the flooding damage as “serious.”
MTA chair says #Sandy 'wreaked havoc' on 'entire' system in 'every borough.' Previously called it the worst disaster in MTA history.
That does not commute! Flooded NY transit system could be out of service four days(NYP) * Worst Disaster in Subway's History, M.T.A. Chief Says(NYT) Storm surges from the hurricane
flooded at least six subway tunnels, with the salt water inundation
possibly forcing the MTA to cut some service through the weekend * Salt Water Puts Subway 'in Jeopardy'(WSJ) * Floods Reach Subway System, With Damage Likely to Linger (WSJ)* MTA chairman: Storm devastates subway system(WSJ) * PATH service is suspended and remains suspended until further notice. #Sandy * Thousands of MTA workers are now inspecting and repairing our region's vast transit network* So What Happened to All of the Subway Rats? (NY Mag) Mr. Lhota said at a press briefing earlier today, describing the water level at the South Ferry as “literally up to the ceiling.” * MTA Video Release: Hurricane Sandy - South Ferry and Whitehall St Station Damage

Principals union all worked up(NYP)Many city employees heeded Mayor Bloomberg’s order to show up to work yesterday, but the principals union did not take the edict in stride. * Graphic: Wind Speeds in Storm’s Path(NYT) * Cooped Up at Home, Energetic Children and Their Anxious Parents(NYT) * Taxis, but Not as Many as Usual, Are Among Only Options(NYT) * Insurers Estimate $10 Billion in Damages(NYT) * Hurricane Sandy a Chance at Redemption for FEMA * Scary Storm Puts Halloween Plans on Hold(WSJ) * Nuclear plant shuts down unit as storm hits coast(WSJ) * Gov. Andrew Cuomo ordered state offices in the New York City area to close, but other state employees upstate and in the Capital Region are expected to report to work today, the Times-Union reports: * Tourists stranded by Sandy(NYDN) *
Hurricane Sandy grounds thousands of flights (WABC) * Deadly Hurricane Sandy shuts down Staten Island & New York (SI Advance) * Lower Manhattan Plunged into Darkness(NBC) * FDNY Responds to Building Collapse on 14th Street(NBC) * Sandy Causes Flooding, Downed Trees Across Manhattan(NY1) * Sandy Knocks Out Late-Night Shows (Daily Beast) * About 2 million families without power in New York State, Cuomo says. 90% of people on Long Island without electricity.
The death toll from
The insurance industry could be responsible for paying for $5 billion to $10 billion in property and casualty claims from Hurricane Sandy, but experts say it has the resources to make the payouts. * State Sen. Malcolm Smith tells NY1 he has received reports of looting in Queens.
CNN, Weather Channel Falsely Report NYSE Flooding(Huff Post)
Behind Plan to Close Markets(WSJ) The decision to close the NYSE and other U.S. equity markets renewed questions about the industry's disaster preparedness.* NYSE to Test New Contingency Plan Tuesday(WSJ) * On Wall Street, It's Business as Unusual(WSJ) * NYSE official tells us they will do systems tests today ..... with goal of opening tomorrow.
All bets are off as Atlantic City is under water(NYP) *Empty of Gamblers, Atlantic City Reels(NYT)* Flooded Atlantic City Feels the Early Brunt(WSJ)
TV News Endless Loops. . . Sandy and the Media
As Sandy Takes Its Time, TV News Is an Endless Loop of Anticipation(NYT) * TV reporters battle Hurricane Sandy(NYDN) * Sandy media coverage shifts from disaster to aftermath(Huff Post) * Hurricane Sandy takes down Gawker, Mediaite, The Huffington Post, and BuzzFeed. * New York Newspapers Maintain Suspended Paywalls * Writes Andrea Bernstein: “Neither Cuomo nor Christie is holding anyone’s coat” when it comes to Sandy response.*Hurricane Sandy Gives Cable Channels Ratings Spike(Huff Post)Cuomo Worries About the Day After Tomorrow
In an unprovoked statement at a press conference earlier today, Governor Andrew Cuomo hinted
at global warming being one of the roots of Hurricane Sandy. “There has
been a series of extreme weather incidents. That is not a political
statement, that is a factual statement,” he said. “Anyone who says there
is not a dramatic change in weather patterns is denying reality.” * Is Sandy the Face of Climate Change? (Newswer)
Bloomberg doesn't see flooded Gowanus as a problem(Queens Crap)
Jane’s Carousel Surrounded by Water and Other Photos and Tweets from #BrooklynSandy
Though the worst floods are expected to occur this evening when high tide combines with the strongest part of the storm surge, Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his deputies don’t expect the toxic waters to do serious damage. Politicker asked the mayor whether he expected heavy flooding on the Gowanus tonight and what environmental or health risks the waters might pose for residents at his press conference at the Office of Emergency Management in Downtown Brooklyn early this evening.
NY Politics
Long for US Senate(NYP Ed)The Post endorses U.S. Senate candidate
Wendy Long, praising her as “more substantive” on the issues despite
her lackluster campaigning against incumbent Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand * When it comes to the state Legislature, the Kingston Freeman calls on voters to “Just throw the incumbent bums out. All of them, Assembly and Senate.” * Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer reiterates his early
education plan, which is paid for by "social impact bonds" rather than
taxes. [Daily News] * THE PEREZ NOTES: Peralta enters Queens BP Race with a Bang- El Diar...
The Making of A President 2012
PM Update
Obama and Romney in Exceedingly Close Race, Poll Finds(NYT)
Bill’s just gotta be bill(NYP) * Bill Clinton will be in Minnesota. [Maggie Haberman] * Clinton heads to Minnesota as poll show race tightening (CNN) * Job data due for elex(NYP) * Plenty of Libya Warnings, but Not About Compound(NYT) * A Big Storm Requires Big Government(NYT) * Medicare Fails to Sway Senior Voters(WSJ) * Campaigns Shift Plans(WSJ) * Fiscal Cliff Forces All Sides to Jockey(WSJ) * Poll: Neither has edge in early voting(Politico) * Presidential campaigning put on hold as PM Update
Obama and Romney in Exceedingly Close Race, Poll Finds(NYT)
All Quiet on Campaign Trail One Week Out - Talev & Lerer, Bloomberg
Which Candidate's Narrative Will Prevail? - Gerald Seib, Wall St. Journal
Race Just Got Tighter in Key State of Ohio - Jonathan Easley, The Hill
Thank Obama for the Auto Rescue - Froma Harrop, Providence Journal
Barack Obama and Other Has-Beens - Bret Stephens, Wall Street Journal
Foolproof Plan for Obama Victory - Will Marshall, Politico
Why Obama May Be in Big Trouble - Ben Domenech, The Transom
What Nov. 6 Means for the Supreme Court - Erwin Chemerinsky, LA Times
Barack Obama: What Could Have Been - Richard Cohen, Washington Post
Perfect Storm: Race-Baiting and the 2012 Election - Carl Cannon, RCP
The Progressive Case for Obama - Peter Coyote, Salon
Libya: No Mere "October Surprise" - Jonah Goldberg, Los Angeles Times
What's Dragging Down the U.S. Economy? - Neil Irwin, Washington Post
Romney--an Independent Choice for President - David Walker, Wash Times
The (Likely) GOP Senate Disaster - Jonathan Bernstein, Washington Post
Storm Barrels Ashore, Leaving Path of Destruction - James Barron, NYT
Race Plows Ahead in Critical Ohio - Murray & White, Wall Street Journal
Re-Elect Barack Obama - San Francisco Chronicle
Romney Best Choice to Heal Economy, Dysfunction - Cincinnati Enquirer
Top Reasons to Re-Elect Obama - Detroit Free Press
ID Please, Mr. President - New York Post
The question of the political campaign is whether it froze yesterday, or whether it changed
The stakes are higher for President Obama than for Mitt Romney, because he’ll take the blame if anything goes wrong.
They’re an important – and much courted – voting bloc this year, but women are fed up with politics.
Chris Christie: Obama ‘outstanding’ in response to Hurricane Sandy(Wash Post)
NPR led off 2nd segment at 6 AM w Clinton blasting Romney on jeep stuff, then note Romney holding a fundraiser for hurricane victims
Gallup suspended its daily tracking poll due to Hurricane Sandy. [Gallup]
Politico’s take on the storm: “Hurricane Sandy forces anti-politics politics.”
Columbus has busiest day of early voting (Wash Post)
President Obama seizes the moment as Hurricane Sandy's savior(Daily Beast)
Romney Held a
Whatever Happened to Obama the Storyteller?(NYT)
Obama Praises New Yorkers’ ‘Spirit’ and ‘Resilience’(NYT)
Ohio early voting survives storm(Wash Post)
Anyone Who Claims to Know Winner is Blowing Smoke - Joe Klein, Time
Romney's Closing Con Game - Michael Tomasky, The Daily Beast
Obama's Early Voting Strategy Flops? - Alana Goodman, Commentary
NPR: 8-Point Swing Puts Romney in Front - Paul Bedard, DC Examiner
McConnell & Boehner's Strategy Worked - Ezra Klein, Washington Post
The Folly of Axelrod's Turnout Model - Keith Backer, Battleground Watch
"Moderate Mitt" and His Mendacity - Ed Kilgore, Washington Monthly
Why Americans' Trust in Obama Has Eroded - Steve Huntley, Chicago ST
The Ideal Time for "Big Government" - Steve Benen, MSNBC
Careers Will End Over Libya Coverup - Victor Davis Hanson, NRO
What's Dragging Down the U.S. Economy? - Neil Irwin, Washington Post
Election 2012: RCP Average: Romney +0.9 | Obama 201, Romney 191
More on the Obama Michigan TV ad buy and what it might mean.
Obama cancels third campaigning day to oversee storm response
Romney 49, Obama 48, still, in new @ABC/WashPost tracking. And it's Obama 49, Romney 48 in the battlegrounds.
Ryan budget could hammer storm aid, critics say
President Obama singled out New York City for its ”spirit” and “resilience” in dealing with Sandy.
McCain attacks Obama on Libya at storm relief event (Wash Post)
Mitt Romney has a FEMA problem, and only he's to blame(Daily Beast)
As per the White House: Obama will tour areas in New Jersey that were hard hit by Sandy with Christie tomorrow.
FEMA faces almost $900 million in funding cuts if sequestration occurs.
Bloomberg says he turned down Obama request to visit NYC:
Distribution of Billions in Aid to Storm Victims Will Test FEMA(NYT)
Race Narrows as Campaign Enters Its Final Week(NYT)
About 78% of presidential spending by super PACs and nonprofits benefited Mitt Romney:(Open Secret)
CBS/NYT poll: Obama 48, Romney 47 --
NYT Poll: In tight race, more voters view Romney as stronger on economy & Obama as better for middle class
Bloomberg: Now not the time for Obama NYC visit(Fox 5)
Auto companies hit back against Romney ads -(CNN)
More Illegal John Liu Posters, There are Everywhere
Ohio early voting survives storm(Wash Post)
Anyone Who Claims to Know Winner is Blowing Smoke - Joe Klein, Time
Romney's Closing Con Game - Michael Tomasky, The Daily Beast
Obama's Early Voting Strategy Flops? - Alana Goodman, Commentary
NPR: 8-Point Swing Puts Romney in Front - Paul Bedard, DC Examiner
McConnell & Boehner's Strategy Worked - Ezra Klein, Washington Post
The Folly of Axelrod's Turnout Model - Keith Backer, Battleground Watch
"Moderate Mitt" and His Mendacity - Ed Kilgore, Washington Monthly
Why Americans' Trust in Obama Has Eroded - Steve Huntley, Chicago ST
The Ideal Time for "Big Government" - Steve Benen, MSNBC
Careers Will End Over Libya Coverup - Victor Davis Hanson, NRO
What's Dragging Down the U.S. Economy? - Neil Irwin, Washington Post
Election 2012: RCP Average: Romney +0.9 | Obama 201, Romney 191
More on the Obama Michigan TV ad buy and what it might mean.
Obama cancels third campaigning day to oversee storm response
Romney 49, Obama 48, still, in new @ABC/WashPost tracking. And it's Obama 49, Romney 48 in the battlegrounds.
Ryan budget could hammer storm aid, critics say
President Obama singled out New York City for its ”spirit” and “resilience” in dealing with Sandy.
McCain attacks Obama on Libya at storm relief event (Wash Post)
Mitt Romney has a FEMA problem, and only he's to blame(Daily Beast)
As per the White House: Obama will tour areas in New Jersey that were hard hit by Sandy with Christie tomorrow.
FEMA faces almost $900 million in funding cuts if sequestration occurs.
Bloomberg says he turned down Obama request to visit NYC:
Distribution of Billions in Aid to Storm Victims Will Test FEMA(NYT)
Race Narrows as Campaign Enters Its Final Week(NYT)
About 78% of presidential spending by super PACs and nonprofits benefited Mitt Romney:(Open Secret)
CBS/NYT poll: Obama 48, Romney 47 --
NYT Poll: In tight race, more voters view Romney as stronger on economy & Obama as better for middle class
Bloomberg: Now not the time for Obama NYC visit(Fox 5)
Auto companies hit back against Romney ads -(CNN)
More Illegal John Liu Posters, There are Everywhere
City Ends Sibling-Preference Rule in Gifted Admissions(NYT) * At an Overcrowded School in Park Slope, No One Wants to Leave(NYT) * School-Zone Reshuffle(WSJ)
The Times’ Michael Powell chides the Bloomberg administration for accepting a private $100 million donation to Central Park while the city’s other parks lack the private funding for improvements:
Alternate Polling Sites Possible
How will New York handle the election in seven days? (Capital)
NYC BOE is "analyzing which poll sites have the electricity and viability to serve the public on election day."* On election day, storm damage could force alternate polling sites in some parts of N.Y.(NYT)
Crane collapse in midtown Manhattan And Nobody Noticed It Was the Same Builder Bovis Land Lease who got away with paying a fine When A Deutsche Bank Fire Killed Two New York City Firemen
Inspectors on Aug. 29 discovered hydraulic fluid leaks throughout th e crane and ordered fixes. No citations were issued, but inspectors were back at the site two days
later. This time they found defects in the wire rope that holds up the
crane's massive boom. That day they halted work on the site, and the crane was out of commission until Sept. 10. Eleven days later, the project's site safety manager notified the city
that the oil from the crane had leaked on to the building next door. A
loose-fitting hose connection was repaired and no citations were issued,
records show. * Bovis Land Lease, same company in charge of 57th crane collapse, has history of trouble including Duetchebank tragedy. (WNYC) * Bovis Lend Lease's cheating ways - and a surging wall. * Crane Is Dangling Off Luxury High-Rise(NYT)NYT writer accuses Mark Thompson of 'wilful ignorance' over Jimmy Savile
Joe Nocera pulled no punches in his piece on the incoming boss on Tuesday, headlined The Right Man for the Job?, which questioned whether the family that controls the paper, the Sulzbergers, had made the right choice in appointing Thompson. Mark Thompson, the former BBC director general, has been accused of "appearing wilfully ignorant" about the Jimmy Savile scandal by a New York Times columnist, just weeks before he takes over as chief executive of the paper. * The Jimmy Savile scandal, Mark Thompson and the New York Times
Savile is unknown in the US. The real issue is Arthur Sulzberger Jr's judgment in embracing the BBC's former director general (Wolf, Guardian)
As the storm more down on New York, city officials announced controversial new rules about taxi apps. [Dana Rubinstein]
Long Island Envisions Life After the Islanders(NYT)
Law and Order