Begging the BOE and the Political Machines Who Control It to Change
The Board of Elections just doesn’t know how to count votes (NYDN Ed) Rangel race up in the air as ‘cut and add’ nonsense costs time and accuracy
The DN Should Demand that the DOI Finish 3 Investigations - One Would Blow Up the BOE
What happen to the DOI investigation of BOE?
Why is DOI Dragging Its Feet For Over 2 Years on the Stephen Graves BOE Bribery Case?
1. The DN Has the Power to Change the BOE All They Need to Do is Demand DOI do Its Job
WNYC Radio and Others Reported He Was Fired And DOI Was Investigating Him on October 26, 2010Head of Board of Elections Fired One Week Before Election (WNYC) Sources at the Board of Elections say Gonzalez was fired over irregularities that initially appeared on the ballot of a special election in Queens for the City Council seat in the 28th district. His lawyer is Stanley Schlein who runs the Bronx county and helped Bronx DA Johnson win and residency case against him the first time he ran for district attorney. Schlein is also represented the losing bidder for new voting machines that the BOE brought last year and is now being investigated by the feds.
The ballot in question had all of the candidates lined up one slot to the right of where they should have appeared. For example, the name of the first candidate on the ballot slot, Democrat Reuben Wills, was listed under the slate of Republican candidates. However, the ballot that voters will receive on November 2 has been corrected. The issue is still under investigation by the New York Department of Investigations. Tammany Hall Board of Election Control Goes On and On (True News) * More on BOE Corruption
2. The DN Has the Power to Demand That the DA or FBI Take About the New Voting Machines BOE Bribery Attempt
The NYC Board of Elections suspended an employee
(Now Fired) who’s also a top Queens GOP official, Stephen Graves, after he was
caught on tape soliciting a “finder’s fee” from a voting machine
contractor in exchange for recommending a particular lobbyist. Qns. elections official under fire for soliciting money from a contractor
(NYP) he city’s Board of Elections has suspended an employee who is a
top official in the Queens Republican Party after being notified that
he was caught on tape soliciting a $25,000 “finder’s fee” from a
company competing for a $65 million contract in 2009. Department of
Investigation provided information to the board that Stephen Graves,
first vice chairman of the Queens GOP and a $66,392-a-year board
employee, asked for the money from Denver-based Dominion Voting Systems
as it was battling rival Elections Systems & Software of
Omaha, Neb., to sell the city its first electronic voting machines.
The NYP Did Not Name the Lobbyist for Dominion But in 2009 the Village Voice and Daily News Did
From NYP:
was recommending the use of a particular lobbyist,” said one source.
“In exchange for that he wanted a finder’s fee.” The lobbyist, who was
not identified, was supposed to receive $250,000 a year for five years,
the source said." More On the DOI Cover Up
3. The Corrupt BOE Can't Count Either Or Were The Counting To Help Rangel?After Rangel Victory, Uncounted Votes Prompt Questions(NYT) State Sen. Adriano Espillat’s supporters want the Board of Election to investigate the slow pace of the election count that narrowed Rep. Charlie Rangel’s lead to just over 1,000 votes * Ydanis Rodriguez held a rally calling on the Board of Elections to explain why the vote counting in the Rangel/Espaillat race was going so slowly. * As Rep. Charlie Rangel’s margin of victory narrows, supporters of Sen. Adriano Espaillat believe he still has a shot at unseating the veteran congressman and are asking how the tally got so botched by the NYC Board of Elections.* "the most easily corruptible" method--
*Rangel Race Gets Closer, Goes to Court (WSJ)
Election 2012 THE PEREZ NOTES: Politicos benefit from Friends in High Places El Diario NY: * The Senate Democrats disagree with Cuomo’s assessment of the 2012 legislative session as “magnificent.”* Uncounted votes in the Rangel-Espaillat race are prompting questions about the final result. * But Espaillat’s potential matchup with Guillermo Linares is already making headlines.* A breakdown of the NY-7 numbers shows that Erik Dilan did better among Hasidic voters than a rival faction claimed.* NY1 Online: Democrat Grace Meng Looks Toward Congressional Election
More BS Spin From Permanent Conservative Leader Long
In Albany and at Polls, Conservative Party’s Sway Rises(NYT) * Mike Long: “If the state Republican Party was where the national party is, we’d be out of business.” * Wendy Long’s victory in the three-way GOP US Senate primary gave the small, but still powerful, state Conservative Party another win.
Staying Alive in the World Wild Wrestling Federation
Conservative Party Chairman Michael Long's opinion article on the need to reform Albany in the New York Post
on New Year's Day, best represents the main mission of any politician -
say anything the public wants to hear to “stay in power.” After more
than a decade of being an insider in the Pataki Administration and
reaping its rewards, Long’s reaction to the democratic take over of the
executive office is an about turn to the outsider calling for reforms. More * New York's Corrupt Political Parties(TU)
DA Charles Hynes did not work to extradite an alleged pedophile for prosecution despite his promises to the contrary, according to newly released documents the Times examines
Brooklyn Prosecutor’s Role in Abuse Case Is Examined(NYT) Hynes has said for years that his office labored to extradite a suspected child molester from Israel, but documents obtained by a lawyer for alleged victims have raised doubts. * Dressing With Faith, Not Heat, in Mind(NYT)
A City and State Loser of the Week is Tangled Up in Hynes Abuse Scandal Also
Hynes has to be wondering if Niederman Can Deliver Him the Votes
Rabbi David Niederman – The most influential rabbi
inWilliamsburg’s Hasidic community tried everything to get his Satmar
faction to put Erik Dilan in Congress. He urged residents to vote in
columns in Der Yid, the neighborhood’s largest Yiddish language
newspaper, sent hundreds of Orthodox Jews to staff the polls during
primary day, and even helped convince yeshivas to extend their school
But he was unable to pull enough votes for Dilan among the Satmar
Zalmanite community to counteract Velazquez’s support throughout the
congressional district. Niederman remains the top political maven in the
Zalmanite community, but politicians who visit South Williamsburg now
must also meet with his bitter rivals, the Aronites, whose power
continues to grow with each election cycle. Other City and State Winners and Losers of the Week
A new survey of retired police officers reveals that that they often manipulated statistics to artificially reduce crime rates
Crime Report Manipulation Is Common Among New York Police, Study Finds(NYT)Nearly half of recently retired officers in a survey said they had
“personal knowledge” of crime-report manipulation, but the Police
Department questioned the study’s methodology. Police officers routinely downgrade
crimes to lesser offenses and discourage victims from filling complaints
to juke crime statistics, a new survey shows, but NYPD brass questioned
the report’s methodology * NYPD Rigging Crime Stats, According to Ex-Officers(NY Mag)
A look back at the last week of legislative session (YNN)
Mayor blasted the appeals judges who threw out a case against a Bronx teenager police arrested for possessing a loaded gun
Hizzoner blasts court decision clearing teen busted with gun in stop-and-frisk(NYP)
Shot kid’s kin: ‘Pat’ thugs & save lives(NYP)The stepfather of a Brooklyn teen left brain-dead after he was shot in the head said yesterday that the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk policy could have saved his son.* Teen Brain-Dead After Shooting in Brooklyn(WSJ) * Brooklyn Teen Gravely Wounded on Nighttime Walk (WSJ)* Bronx parents question NYPD and DOE on school safety(NYDN) * Fight over girl leaves Brooklyn teen clinging to life(WABC) * 2 Struck in Random Bronx Shooting: Police(NBC)Bloomberg looks like really big asshole(Queens Crap)

An arbitrator has ruled that the city’s plans to reform 24 struggling schools by shaking up their staffs violated its collective bargaining agreements with the teachers and principals unions. * Ruling Knocks Down Plan To Have City Teachers Reapply For Jobs(NY1)
NIMBY Community Groups Should Understand the Bronx Has The Highest Unemployment in the City
Another Food Company Deepens Roots in the Bronx, but Reception Is Mixed(NYT) A food distributor called the Chefs’ Warehouse is set to expand in Hunts
Point, as community groups resist the area’s transformation because of
effects like increased truck traffic. * Bronx Unemployment Rate Hits Highest in Decades : Norwood News Bronx 14.1%, NYC 9.5%, USA 8.2%
Mayor Politics Hit the NYU Expansion Plan
Quinn Eyes to Put Her Mark On NYU Plan to Cut Off Stringer Gaining Any Credit for His Compromise Plan
Changes Eyed For NYU Plan(WSJ) The city councilwoman who will play a deciding role in
approving the expansion of New York University's Greenwich Village
campus is seeking significant changes to the plan. The city councilwoman who will play a deciding role in approving NYU's expansion seeks significant changes to the plan: Councilwoman Margaret Chin says NYU plan is "unacceptable in its current
form." It's in her district so her position is significant. * Quinn should return campaign money (Queens Crap) * Mayor Will Sue After Council Overrides ‘Living Wage’ Veto(WNYC) * Charles Barron, temporarily freed from electoral politics, declared Christine Quinn’s rule a “dictatorship. * Barron also discussed his wife potentially switching legislative places with him and said even “Donald Duck” would have beaten him last Tuesday. * Ed Towns backed Barron’s excuse that the “white media” is responsible for his loss.*
Matthew Broderick blasts NYU at City Council hearing(NYDN) * City Council Gets Earful At NYU Expansion Hearing(NY1) * Bloomberg: Living Wage Battle With Council Not Over(NY1) * N.Y.U. Plan to Expand Has Critic in Neighborhood Star(NYT)

The Council's Member Item $lush Fund Lives
More Council News
The City Council overrode three Bloomberg vetoes, approved an Upper West Side zoning measure and signed off on a $68.5-billion budget in its last session before summer Council Overrides Three Vetoes(WSJ) * City Council Changes Zoning to Limit Sprawl of Big Banks on Upper West Side(NYT) * City Council Approves Budget, Overrides Bloomberg's Living Wage Veto: The City Council approved both a $68.5 billion(NYDN) * Council votes to override Bloomy’s veto of living wage (NYDN) * In an effort to increase transparency of the member item process, Dan Garodnick is posting copies of all the letters pleading for cash he received and all the meetings his office had with lobbyists and advocates seeking funding. * The NYC Council voted 46-5 to override Bloomberg’s veto of the city living wage bill Thursday – setting up a legal battle with the administration. …and that wasn’t the only veto the Council overrode during its final meeting before a lighter summer schedule.* City Council Discretionary Funding Controversial For Some (NY1)
WFP Moves to Build New Image
The Working Families Party didn't have a perfect primary day on Tuesday – Assemblyman Rory Lancman was soundly defeated in his primary against Assemblywoman Grace Meng – but the party is nonethless elated about Assemblyman Hakeem Jeffries' win in Brooklyn. For years, the WFP had grudgingly stood by Congressman Ed Towns,
who angered labor on certain votes such as one in favor of the Central
American Free Trade Agreement. Now, the WFP hopes Jeffries will be a
high-profile fighter for its issues in Congress.
"Hakeem Jeffries will
be a great addition to New York City's congressional delegation, because
we know he said he'll always stand on the side of working families and
not big corporations and their lobbyists," said WFP co-chair Bob Master,
who doubles as political director of CWA District 1. The early
decisions of that union and a slew of others likely helped prompt Towns'
decision to retire – and in the end, DC 37 (which is not a member of
the WFP) was the only New York union that ended up backing Jeffries'
opponent, Councilman Charles Barron. (City and State)
Ticket Fix Probe Widens, Other Police Agencies Involved
Ticket-Fix Probe Widens(WSJ) Bronx District Attorney Robert Johnson
will expand an NYPD ticket-fixing probe resulting in indictments
against 16 officers to include seven local and federal police agencies
Charter school spared ax(NYP) * B’klyn charter to remain open (NYDN)* Horndog High teacher loses battle for job (NYDN) * School Districts Team Up to Demand Better Textbooks(NYT) * Meet the “foodiest” public school in NYC.* CUNY Building at Ground Zero Nears Completion After 11 Years(NYT) *
Court Rule City One for Three
New York City lost it’s lawsuit to ban churches from using schools as a place of prayer. * U.S. Court Ruling Allows Religious Groups to Use Schools for Services(NYT)
Bloomberg Stop From Closing Schools
A court struck down a Bloomberg administration move to make teachers reapply for their jobs.* City loses bid to close 24 struggling schools (NYDN) * Mediator Halts City’s Plan to Overhaul 24 Schools(NYT) * Bloomberg Plans To Appeal After Arbitrator Rules NYC Can’t(WCBS)
The U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that New York City’s taxi system complies with federal laws in a decision that rebuffs a class-action suit from disabled passengers
City off hook for ‘accessible’ cabs(NYP) * Court Says Taxi System Complies With Disabilities Law(NYT) * City Wins Ruling on Accessible Taxis(WSJ) * Court: City Doesn't Need to Offer More Taxis for Disabled(WSJ)* Court: Not city’s job to regulate wheelchair accessibility (NYDN)After Shutdown, Buses Shake Up a Chinatown Network(NYT)
A New Memorial War:
Cuomo and Christie Vs Bloomberg
Tug of War Over 9/11 Memorial(WSJ) The governors of New York and New
Jersey are trying to wrest control from Mayor Michael Bloomberg of
events and other decisions at the 9/11 Memorial, including the annual
ceremony marking the terrorist attacks, the Wall Street Journal reports. Cuomo's spox re: 9/11 site: "There r no more big anniversary ceremonies going forward & the mayor is going 2b gone" *Graffiti Reading ‘Allah Wakbar’ Found At WTC Memorial S(WABC)
Weiner chimes in on Supreme Court’s Obamacare decision (NYDN) Weiner discusses the politics and future of the Supreme Court’s health care decision with the New York Observer but refuses to answer questions about his resignation * Anthony Weiner Continues Media Comeback(NYDN)
NARAL Pay to Play
AG’s Office Finds Further Fraud From Former Prez Of NARAL(NYO)Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s office announced today
that they were filing a civil lawsuit against Kelli Conlin, the former
President of NARAL Pro-Choice New York..@AGschneiderman: former NARAL-NY head used public $ for "shopping sprees @ Bergdorf Goodman" "Barneys" 5-br vacation home in Hamptons * Schneiderman Sues Former NARAL Prez Kelli Conlin(YNN) * AG wants money back from NARAL ex-prez(NYDN) *Ex-Leader of Abortion-Rights Group Is Accused of Misspending (NYT)
MTA puts a licking on boss(NYDN)
Neighborhood taverns are adding bingo-style terminals run by the state lottery under a law pushed through the Legislature this year by Cuomo.
NYPD grad shows Finest way to propose after Police Academy(NYDN)
"Williamsburg is famously hipsterish, sneering and ironic, but there’s nothing ironic about this.”
Empty About 3 Decades, Pool From the Depression Era Reopens to Cool Off Brooklyn(NYT) * A Swim in Time: Remembering NYC's First Public Pools(WSJ)
‘Madam’ eyes TV pig gig
Again, Numbers Are Down in Annual Goose Roundup(NYT)
The Making of A President 2012
G.O.P. Vows to Take Battle Into November(NYT) * Obama’s Play for History Survives(NYT) * A Muddled Political Response From the Right(NYT) *The GOP thinks the Supreme Court’s health care ruling will help them win down ballot races * Daily News editorial: "Roberts to the rescue" * It was all about legacy preservation for the chief justice, said Albany Law School Prof. Vin Bonventre, adding: “I was pretty convinced that Roberts was going to do something so that his court wouldn’t look awful. Like a bunch of partisan hacks.” * US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who was burned badly during an attempt to overhaul health care as first lady, said she’s “obviously quite excited” by yesterday’s decision.
Supreme court sophistry(NYP) * States Face a Challenge to Meet Health Law’s Deadline(NYT) * In Health Care Ruling, Investors See a Mixed Blessing(NYT) * Roberts Shows Deft Hand as Swing Vote on Health Care(NYT) * A Moderate Ruling With Risks Ahead(NYT Ed) * John Roberts's Political Decision(NYT) * For Health Sector: Forward, March(WSJ) * Sheldon Adelson pledges $10M to the Koch brothers’ 2012 efforts,(Politico) *New York is set to receive another $2.3 billion in extra Medicaid dollars thanks to the Supreme Court’s decision. *Bobby Jindal vowed to keep Obamacare out of Louisiana. * New York has about 11 million residents who are insured,
mainly through employer health plans, and 5 million low-income
residents enrolled in Medicaid. Nearly 2.9 million New York residents,
or about 15 percent, without insurance, according to the 2010 Census,
although the state estimate is 2.7 million.* Bloomberg Questions Whether Supreme Court Ruling Really Changed Anything (NYO) * Gonzales On Chief Justice's Surprising Decision *Chinatown horror: 2 gals gunned down, bodies torched(NYP) * Conservatives See Silver Lining in Health Ruling(NYT) * A Mitt Romney ad uses old Hillary Clinton footage to attack Barack Obama.* Congress Passes Transportation Bill(NYT)
Stephen Colbert Blasts CNN, Fox Business And Fox News Over Incorrect SCOTUS Report: ‘You. Suck. At. News.’
House hammers AG holder(NYP)* House Finds Holder in Contempt Over Inquiry(NYT)
Congress is poised to vote on a massive transportation and student loan bill.
Murdoch Sees Strengths in New Print Division(NYY)
Bronx gunman caught on surveillance tape(NYDN)* Bronx double shooting caught on surveillance video(NYDN)
Live-in boyfriend set to surrender in girlfriend's fatal beating(NYP)

Man Faces Prison for Selling Glove With Babe Ruth Lie(NYT) * 10-Year Sentence for Lawyer in Terrorism Case Is Upheld(NYT) * Claim of rape in Village hotspot (NYDN) * Rape suspect on the loose since April(NYDN) * Lynne Stewart’s 10-Year Prison Sentence Is Upheld(NYT) * MTA Bus Hits Young Boy in Queens(NBC) * Manslaughter Charge in Bus Driver Death(NBC) * FBI takes Peter Madoff into custody in NYC * Judge: NYPD Can Order Breathalyzer For Officers Who Open Fire *Upper East Side 'madams' Anna Gristina and Jaynie Mae Baker to work together in prostitution case(NYP) * Chinatown horror: 2 gals gunned down, bodies torched(NYP) * Two Women Found Dead in Burning Chinatown Building Were Shot, Police Say (DNAINFO) * Bernie Madoff’s brother plead guilty to his role in the multi-billion dollar ponzi scheme. * Hero cop shot in the head gets promoted to sergeant (NYP) * Chris Brown vs. Drake brawl club to reopen(NYDN) * Elderly woman shot in the leg by retired cop’s gun(NYDN) * women with bullet wounds found dead in Manhattan fire (NYDN) * 2 women found shot to death in Chinatown fire(NYDN) * Police shoot carjacking suspect during Brooklyn foot ch(NYDN) * From an Operating Table to a Promotion Ceremony(NYT) * 2 Women Found Shot to Death in Burning Apartment(NYT) * Teens attack lifeguards at McCarren Park pool(NYP)
Terrorism Pols Condemn Morsi for Terrorist Support(NBC)