In the 1960's Anti-War Organizers Made Manhattan the Center of the Cities Reform Movement
The Rise of the Reform Democrats in Manhattan to the late 1960s (Tails From the Sausage Factor). By the later 1960s, antagonism to the Vietnam War had generated rapid growth in the Manhattan reform movement. With a huge influx of student activists, the new umbrella group of reform Democratic clubs, the New Democratic Coalition began to beat Tammany Hall last lion Carmine DeSapio.
Anti-War Activist Pushed the Machine Out of Manhattan in the 60's
By 1968, the new group of young reformers were able to take leading positions in Eugene McCarthy’s presidential primary campaign in New York, and in 1970, they elected one of their own, Richard Gottfried, age 23, to the New York State Assembly. As of 2012, he’s still there. Another, Jerrold Nadler, went to the Assembly in 1976 and to Congress in 1992, where he continues to serve. Some of the other names — Dick Morris, Mark Leeds, Sy Barsky, Joe Mercurio. Former Assemblyman Dan Feldman the author of Tails from theSausage Factor wrote about anit-war activist in the 60's recruited college students to join Democratic clubs to take over the clubs and local politics.
2012 The Manhattan Reform Movement in Ashes
Boss Pick Judges Again
Manhattan Democratic boss Keith Wright must reveal who are his judicial screeners (NYDN Ed) The party’s reform legacy is being eroded. Manhattan Democratic boss Keith Wright must reveal who are his judicial screeners -- The party’s reform legacy is being eroded. Assemblyman Wright is picking judges with minimal transparency.Manhattan Democrats have long expressed pride that they picked their judges in a transparent, merit-based process a world apart from the backroom dealings of the other boroughs. Their chairman, Wright, is trashing the tradition. Since the 1970s, Manhattan Dems subjected all judicial candidates to screening by committees composed of representatives of law school deans, bar associations and lawyers’ groups. Party members got the nod for judgeships only after passing muster as qualified.The Palatalization of Manhattan Courts Politically Tied Lawyers Win Jobs Handling Foreclosures in the City (NYT)
Today, Manhattan Bosses picked Elected Officials . . . OWS Has No Anti War Movement Impact On Local Politics
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Up Through System Profession Pol |
New Elected Officials Come From the Political System Not Movements
Most if Not All of the Recent State Elected Officials Have Won Their Positions in Special Elections. Given the Democratic Nomination by a Party Boss, devoid of any activists movement. Professional pols like Liz Kruger, Dan Quart, Micah Z. Kellner all won in party controlled special elections. Almost a third of those serving in Albany were elected by party bosses. Most of those elected in special elections come from staffs of other elected officials. Former NYT Reporter Frank Lynn used when he wrote in the 1980's used to put reform in quotes when he was writing about elected officials because he believe with the Plunkett of Tammany Hall theory of reform, that a reformer once elected becomes the machine. ![]() |
OWS Empty Movement Leadership |
The NYT Continues to Hit Grimm and The Congressman Fights Back
Questions for and About Congressman Grimm(NYT) * SI Rep. Grimm’s big donor raising big trouble(NYP) Liam McCabe, the director of community relations for Staten Island Rep. Michael Grimm, has been suspended from work after he was arrested for assaulting his 14-year-old son after the boy was caught with suspected marijuana at a Brooklyn school. The NYT wants the “proper authorities” to investigation allegations it has revealed about the fundraising and business practices of Rep. Michael Grimm.* Staten Island Congressman Michael Grimm is on the attack against the New York Times for its critical coverage of his fundraising and business experience.
“When you’re effective and you’re doing good work, you’re going to get targeted,” the former Marine and FBI agent said at the grand opening of the Staten Island Republican Party’s new headquarters Saturday. “That’s what this is about. I will always be a Marine. When you pick a fight with a Marine, they only fight harder.” The crowd greeted Grimm with a standing ovation and words of support from the island’s new Republican chairman, Bob Scamardella, before Grimm said the Times’ stories were “nonsense” and have bolstered his support. Grimm’s mentor, former Rep. Guy Molinari, had his own blunt assessment for the crowd: “Stand firm, and don’t let the [expletive] newspapers tell you what to do.” * Michael Grimm said the Times has an anti-Catholic agenda against him. * On the Times, Guy Molinari said, "[D]on't let these shit-ass newspapers tell you what to do." * Rep. Michael Grimm tells Good Day NY there’s a political motivation behind negative press he’s been getting in The Times.
Governor Faces Pension Reform Push Back From Unions and legislators
The NYP asks should public employees be treated substantially better than everyone else?
Pols pitch pricey pension sweetener (NYP) Bowing to union pressure, legislators are proposing a sweeping pension bill that would allow thousands of state and city government workers to retire early with full benefits — at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars to taxpayers. Assemblyman Jack McEneny introduced a bill to let public employees retire at age 55 after 25 years of service, adding $167 million to state pension costs, at the urging of the Civil Service Employees Association and Public Employees Federation
In a pre-emptive strike Assembly Bill Wants to Boost Pension
The lush Life (NYP Ed) Though he doesn’t explicitly say so, that’s the gist of state Comptroller Tom DiNapoli’s ferocious attack on Gov. Cuomo’s pension-reform plan. * Speaker Silver not totally with Gov. Cuomo on pension reforms (NYDN) Silver backs 'some' parts of the plan Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver says his conference has “problems” with Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s proposed pension reforms, but is willing to curb overtime and disability abuses * The 401(k)-style portion of Cuomo’s Tier 6 plan isn’t the only thing Assembly Democrats have “problems” with. Says Speaker Sheldon Silver says: “(T)hey don’t want a 63-year-old fireman running up the steps of a burning building or a 62-year-old police officer chasing a potential murderer down the street.” * A budget watchdog says that Liu's plans for defending pension benefits and investing money in local projects is potentially more harmful that anything proposed by his likely rivals. [Nicole Gelinas]
We Know That the Next Mayor Can Cater to Special Interests, But Will They Be Able to Rebuild NY's Economy and Properly Run Its' Bureaucracy?
John Liu, ‘The lion king’ (NYP)And other mayoral hopefuls’ bad ideas
True News Has Examined How 5 Mayors Have Tried and Failed to Reform the NYC BOE
The Daily News bemoans the city Board of Elections’ wait on implementing state law requiring electronic voting machines and wonders if New York’s low-tech hand-counting method will embarrass the city in April’s Republican primary City Board of Elections still stuck in its impotent rut (NYDN Ed) They just can't figure out a way to report vote count quickly * History of BOE Corruption (True News) * More on the Problems with the BOE
Redistricting's Jack McEneny is the World Worst Dictator
Jack McEneny: ‘Tradition’ Dictates Slow Congressional Redistricting(Politico) * McEneny updates on redistricting(TU)
Congressional $$$
A white-shoe Manhattan law firm with ties to Al Gore and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is the top donor to the New York Congressional delegation.
The Ratner Rose Hill Construction Trial
Testimony in Yonkers corruption trial, including Forest City Ratner's Ridge Hill project, begins tomorrow(Atlantic Yards Report)
Increase Minimum Wage Could Further Increase NY's Rising Unemployment Rate (9% Above National Average)
The owner of City Hall restaurant, a TriBeCa eatery popular with politicos, says he’ll freeze hiring if Albany boosts the minimum wage. * Fearing a Minimum Wage Increase Will Be Bad for Business(NYT) The owner of a prospering cleaning business in the Bronx and others in competitive, low-skill businesses worry that customers will be lost. * Business owners say increasing the minimum wage couldn’t come at a worse time.
Inez Barron booed Andrew Cuomo
Caucus resists education change (TU) Black and Puerto Rican legislators at caucus weekend disapprove of Cuomo’s proposed competitive education grants as unfair to poorer school districts. “Andrew Cuomo says education is the civil rights issue of our time. Well, put your money where your mouth is,” said Assemblywoman Inez Barron.”
Teacher Evaluation
The agreement reached last week between Cuomo, SED and the teachers unions requires a lot of work for school districts, administrators and unions in a short amount of time. * Schools across the country are wrestling with new teacher evaluation mandates.
Manhattan Beer gets tax breaks worth nearly $24M to ignore lure of New Jersey and expand in South Bronx (NYDN) Distributorship will buy four parcels of land in Hunts Point, open new headquarters in 2013 and add 25 jobs
Westies fly high (NYP) Gang re-emerges moving weed in jets * Westies - Wikipedia
Still have the right stuff?(NYP Ed) It was 50 years ago today that John Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth.* After 50 Years, Revisiting a TV Encounter With a Famous Clown(NYT)
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Passing 2012 Redistricting Script |
Albany on Vacation for Two Weeks Has not Explained Why This is the Only State in the Nation Not to Have Congressional Lines . . . Some Say There is A Plan In Place to Use The Lateness As An Excuse to Pass Incumbent Protect Lines This Time in Exchange For A Promise for Fairer Lines in 2022 . . . Just Like Most of Them Promised for Independent Redistricting During Their 2010 Reelections
Down to the Wire on Redistricting (NYT Ed) The federal courts’ entrance into the New York State redistricting process could be the best hope the public has for fairer maps.If these politically skewed districts are approved by the Legislature as expected, Cuomo should veto them. That would give a court-appointed special master a better chance to create independent maps that might actually allow for competition in political races.* Cuomo has a way out for state lawmakers on redistricting (ROC) * Caucus Weekend: Defending Liu, Treading Lightly With Cuomo (YNN) * Cuomo didn’t mention redistricting when addressing minority lawmakers this weekend. * Lawmakers Pledge to Reform, But Gerrymandering Keeps Getting Worse (The Daily Beast)
Jackson Asks Governor to Veto Redistricting Plan
Redistrict plan hurts minorities, sez Jesse (NYDN) * Jesse Jackson Says Cuomo Should ‘Honor His Commitment’ On Redistricting (YNN) * This has Senate Dems concerned: "What anyone can see now is that the governor is wobbling on the veto promise." * Lawyers for Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver really hope the special master for redistricting is limited to House lines.
Is the Delay A Set Up for Another 11th Hour Deal With the Gov to Pass Incumbent Protecting Redistricting Lines One More Time Before Changes 10 Years From Now?
Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s three requirements to avoid his veto of LATFOR’s maps: “A constitutional amendment, a law that would make a change, and better lines…fairer, less hyper political lines.” * Cuomo will not veto district lines drawn by the legislature if they are more fair, and if a constitutional amendment and law are passed to reform the redistricting process, he told the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle’s editorial board (Democratic and Chronicle)
Dick Dadey Tries to Look Like A Good Government leader While Ducking the Redistricting Debate
A Citizens Union report last year that found 17 state legislators either left office or lost their seat due to ethical and criminal issues between 1999 and 2010 is already stale.
Did Bloomberg Break the Election Law By Paying Haggery and the Independence Party?
‘See no election evil’(NYP) Either Mayor Bloomberg violated the law or he didn’t by shipping $1.2 million to the state Independence Party in 2009 without quickly disclosing it.
NYS Election Law 14-124 (3)
“Housekeeping” is a term that refers to the receipts and expenditures of a party or constituted committee used to maintain permanent headquarters and staff, and to carry on ordinary activities that are not for the express purpose of promoting the candidacy of specific candidates. (EL 14-124 (3).)"
Mayor's Testimony Haggerty Trial
Bloomberg insisted he was not violating campaign-finance law when he paid for what he thought would be a $1.1 million Election Day ballot-security operation through a donation to the state Independence Party’s housekeeping account. Just to be clear, says David Seifman: “(N)o one writes a check to the state Independence Party except to get something in return.” “It was payment for services,” Bloomberg declared from the witness stand. Meaning poll watching services which had nothing to do with the Independent Party account the mayor dumped the money in. It is still not clear why the mayor allowed the party to keep over $100,000 of his payment to Haggerty.
Why Did Bloomberg Give the Money to the Independence Party and not Harrgerty Directly?
Was it a money laundering fee to keep the payment to Haggerty secret because the Queens GOP saw him a threat to their leadership? * Vice Chairman Tom Connolly admitted he backdated a contract between the Indys and consultant John Haggerty to provide ballot security in 2009 using $1.1 million worth of Bloomberg’s cash. Last October the Times called on Cuomo to end unlimited donations to lightly regulated "housekeeping" accounts for political parties in the state. When asked at the Haggerty trial whether the authority to spend the mayor's money was ever expressed in writing, Harris said, "I can't answer that question, yes or no." At another point she ask the defense attorney to stop yelling at her.
NYP Tries to Put A Price on Equal Opportunity
Garaufis’ huge Bill (NYP) Back when federal Judge Nicholas Garaufis restrained the FDNY from hiring new firefighters — as part of his campaign to impose personal oversight over its allegedly biased hiring practices — City Hall warned the decision would cost millions in overtime.
Husband and Wife Run Non Profit Rip Off College Students in Need of Housing
High rent, low class(NYP) ‘Nonprofit’ dorm execs gouge students
Churches, museums and social service Says The Trash Tax is Too Damn High
Nonprofit groups trash city plan to charge them for garbage collection (NYDN) Churches, museums and social service agencies say they can’t afford new trash ‘tax’
The Daily News Supports Charter Schools
Success Academy Charter Network gets attacked for its remarkable work (NYDN Ed) Foes of the independent public schools are well organized and relentless
Wood May Give Way to Plastic on Coney Island Boardwalk (NYT)
Deputy Mayor Nepotism At the Agency That Was Supposed to Supervise CityTime
Pol kid’s job help(NYP) Deputy Mayor Patti Harris’ stepson enjoyed a meteoric city career, with nine raises in nine years, before he quit his $175,000 job last August and got a pretax $57,803 payment for unused vacation days. An ex-DOITT worker griped: “No one knew exactly what he did, but it was ‘Hands off . . . He’s Patty Harris’ stepson.’ ”It was exposed months ago on a blog that Harris' son worked for DOIT(Troy Artist) More questions on what is really going on at DOIT (Troy Artist)
Goldsmith Has Not Been Absolved for the Millions He Lost the City With Outsourced IT Contracts Like City Time
Former Deputy Mayor Absolved of Domestic Violence(NYT)
The CityTime Cover Up (True News)
'Teflon rapist' mocks Bx. DA for missteps that got charges dismissed (NYP)
Occupy Should Be Involved With Independent Redistricting and Other Efforts to Clean Up Government
NYP Continues to Bash OWS
This trashed house in B'klyn is a symbol of how 'Occupy' went wrong(NYP) * Charges Dropped for Many #OWS Protesters(NBC)
TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads(Huff Post)
Freedom of Speech For Those Who Can Afford to Pay for the TV Ads
We all know about Foster Friess Santorum largest contributor because of his dumb statement on birth control and aspirin. What we don't know is what role he and dozens of other high rollers in PACs and interest groups play in buying TV ads to shape public opinion. The NYT today said TV stations should reject the ads because they distort the truth and misrepresent facts in their television spots TV Stations for Truth(NYT Op Ed)
Mayor wants to close more in coming years until the union signs off soon on a local rating system
Bloomberg believes the path to becoming the education mayor is through the UFT
Already?! New clash on teacher grades(NYP) Not even 24 hours after officials toasted a deal that removes the biggest obstacle to new evaluations for city teachers, A new hurdle — a battle over the city’s continued push to remove bad teachers by shuttering low-performing schools — emerged almost as soon as the ink dried on a long-awaited statewide framework for evaluating teachers. * Observers Get Key Role in Teacher Evaluations(NYT) * City, Union Spar Over Evaluations(WSJ) * Teacher Evaluations Deal Has Not Bridged Gap Between Mayor, Educators' Union(NY1) * New teacher evaluation system is all flaws (NYDN) A veteran educator on the trouble with value-added data
NYP Says Silver Push for Pork is Not Kosher
"In the year 2010, the Lord of the Assembly spoke to his minions, saying unto them: Pork is unclean for you, and you shall not distribute any unkosher cash on my watch." NYP
Piggies at the trough (again)(NYP Ed) Speaker Shelly Silver is pushing for the return of pork-barrel funds in this year’s state budget, even as Gov. Cuomo has made clear that recurring shortfalls leave no extra cash for legislators’ pet projects.
Cuomo "I Am the Government" Could Come True
Cuomo’s Efforts to Expand Authority Alarm Albany(NYT) * New Tier For State Pensions Rises To Top Of Cuomo's To-Do List(NY1)
Besides Teacher Evaluation Cuomo Picks Up Another Bloomberg Idea
Cuomo's New Anti-Gun Campaign Will Provide Funding To City (NY1) * Just in time for caucus weekend, Cuomo launched a $2 million initiative to combat illegal guns.
Cuomo's New Anti-Gun Campaign Will Provide Funding To City (NY1) * Just in time for caucus weekend, Cuomo launched a $2 million initiative to combat illegal guns.
Elected Officials Have Already Consolidated Power Over the Election System
Elected officials have become a supper pac in competitive races in their own party. The Fidler race against David Storobin for the Kruger seat is just the latest example of pols gaming the election system. Senate Dems Invest In Fidler (YNN) In competitive races pols are often the major contributors. Kruger who never faced any serious opposition had over $2 million in his campaign account to gain favors with other pols. We now know how he raised that money. More examples of consolidation of power by elected officials. In the past district leaders often challenged elected officials. Today almost half of the elected officials are district leaders. In the past elected officials did not have member items. During the past 10 years over 20 elected officials have gone to jail for using member items to hire campaign workers. In the past legislators did not offices or staff to do constituent work or go to community meeting to build supporters for reelection.
Jerome Koenig, 1933 -- 2012
Jerry was considered by many as the expert and most knowledgeable person on New York State's Election law and the electoral process. He worked for many years for the New York State Assembly Standing Committee on Elections where he re-wrote, revised, and clarified the Election law as we know it today. After retirement from the State Assembly, he worked as a political consultant and currently was the New York State petition co-ordinator for President Obama's re-election campaign.The Nation Goes to Church
Costner gives emotional eulogy for Whitney at 'home going' funeral(NYP)* Gang leaders call for day of non-violence in Newark in honor of Whitney Houston's funeral(NYP) * Watch Tyler Perry’s Moving Homage To The Grace Of Whitney Houston At Her Funeral * Community Mourns Bronx Teen Killed By Narcotics Officers(NY1) *Whitney's friends sing goodbye(NYP) * ‘High’ & bye for diva(NYP)
Fund-Raiser for Liu Pleads Not Guilty to Fraud Charges(NYP) In court, Judge Sullivan said he wanted to keep the case moving, and scheduled a conference for early April. A prosecutor, Steve C. Lee, said the government would be providing the defense with discovery materials, including audio and video recordings of the defendant and wiretap recordings. * Fund Raiser for Liu Enters Not-Guilty Plea(WSJ)* Liu Fundraiser Pleads Not Guilty To Wire Fraud Charges(NY1) * Liu Tries to Change Scandal Narrative by Jumping on Jeremy Lin Bandwagon(DNAInfo)
No Pay for Pedro But Family and Political Pals on Payroll Still Get Checks
Feds: Pedro Espada may have withheld pay(NYDN)
I DID IT: Pols All Take Credit for Ending the Cable Blackout of Lin
Linning! Time Warner, MSG Network dispute over, Cuomo, Quinn, Schneiderman respond (NYDN) MSG Network and Time Warner Cable reached a deal on Friday to turn the network back on * Bounced for slur (NYP) ESPN fallout over crack about Lin * Lin Asks Taiwan Media For Privacy(Fox 5) * ESPN Fires Employee For Racist Lin Headline(Huff Post)
Gentrification Dog Pick Up
As West Harlem Picks Up, Dog Owners Don’t(NYT)
Mayor Sticks to His Veto Plan(WSJ) The City Council's effort to spare motorists from the pain and shame of the difficult-to-remove neon yellow stickers placed on vehicles that violate alternate-side parking rules has been waylaid by the mayor.
18 City Post Offices Saved From Closure (NY1)
Appeals Court Limits Church-School Ruling(WSJ)
Fed anti-terror $$ keep coming to NY(NYP)
Voting while dead(NYP Ed) APew Research Center report this week reveals that America’s active voter rolls include 1.8 million dead people. Plus, 2.8 million people are registered in more than one state.
NY Archbishop officially a cardinal after Vatican ceremony(NYP) * To Pope and Others, Dolan Extols City's Spirituality(NYT) * NY's Dolan elevated to cardinal in Rome ceremony(WSJ) * City Catholics Celebrate Dolan's Elevation To Cardinal(NY1) * Cardinal O'Brien, from Bronx to Rome(NYDN) * New cardinal's ring is too tight after pasta indulgence during Vatican trip(NYP) * Cardinal Dolan Is Assigned a Roman Parish Founded by Mexican Refugees(NYT)* Dolan Among 22 New Cardinals, as Trend Favors Vatican Insiders(NYT) * Dolan Joins Fellow New Cardinals For Thanksgiving Mass In The Vatican(NY1)
Dolan's message for New york(NYDN) * St. Patrick’s Cathedral Prepares For Newly Elevated Cardinal (WCBS) * Cardinal Timothy Dolan's faithful flock follows him to Rome and rejoices in New York (NYDN) More than 1,000 pilgrims followed him to Rome *Thank you, Pope Benedict(NYDN Ed) * Honored by the title – awed by the gift of faith(NYP)* He's the same ol' Dolan(NYDN) * Cardinal Dolan Sets Agenda for Return to New York(NYT) * Timothy Dolan, for lent and for his diet, says there “will be no more pasta.”
Election 2012
Bailout Stand Trails Romney In Car Country(NYT) * Acting like a true front-runner, Rick Santorum is ignoring Mitt Romney and turning all his fire on Barack Obama * Mitt Romney has closed the gap in Michigan. * Santorum is up big in Texas * Why Romney's Candidacy May Not Be Salvageable - Walter Shapiro, TNR * GOP Field Not Exactly the Fab Four - Joseph Curl, Washington Times * Could Gingrich Donor Give Romney a de Facto Boost? - Scott Conroy, RCP * Ron Paul's Unique Brand of Libertarianism - Kalefa Sanneh, New Yorker * Ending Secret Money in Politics - Washington Post * Michigan (PPP-D): Santorum 37, Romney 33, Paul 15, Gingrich 10 * Group Backing Romney Spent $14 Million in January(NYT) * Newt Gingrich hopes the South will heal his wounded campaign.*Romney attacks Santorum's spending in Congress(NYP) * Michigan and Arizona primary races tightening up, polls find(NYP) * Romney Goes After Santorum on Budget, in a Battle He Didn’t Bargain For (NYT)
Rick Santorum: Will women vote for him? (Politico) * Romney Aide Leans to the Right With a Soft Touch(NYP)* Can Romney Find a Way to Connect? - Tumulty & Rucker, Washington Post * Santorum's Blue Collar Test in Michigan - Ron Brownstein, National Jrnl * GOP Struggles Fuel Talk of Brokered Convention - Steve Holland, Reuters * Voters Shred Rulebook in Republican Race - Davis & Tackett, Bloomberg * Romney's Electability Becoming an Issue - Tim Stanley, Daily Telegraph * Santorum's Gospel of Inequality - Charles Blow, New York Times* Rising Gas Prices Give G.O.P. Issue to Attack Obama(NYT) *
So Paul gained about 110 votes total based on caucus results reported so far today in ME, cutting Romney's margin roughly in half. (538) * Romney Arizona co-chair steps down (Politico) *‘Top GOP Senator’ To ABC News: If Romney Loses Michigan, ‘He Will Publicly Call’ For Jeb Bush * Romney Loses Ohio Endorsement While His Arizona Co-Chair Resigns in Disgrace(NY Magazine) * Gingrich, Cain Campaign Together in Georgia(NBC) *Romney Official in Arizona Steps Down After Accusation(NYT) * Understanding Today's Democratic Party - Jay Cost, Weekly Standard * The Real Reason the GOP Is In Trouble - Ben Domenech, Ricochet * Romney's Endgame: He's in It to Win It - Jaime Fuller, American Prospect * For President, No Experience Needed - Michael Kinsley, Los Angeles Times * A Third Party for 2012? - Thomas Friedman, New York Times * Can Romney Find a Way to Connect? - Tumulty & Rucker, Washington Post * Santorum's Blue Collar Test in Michigan - Ron Brownstein, National Jrnl * GOP Struggles Fuel Talk of Brokered Convention - Steve Holland, Reuters *Is Rick Santorum too conservative to win in November?(Wash Post) * Santorum Defends Remarks on Obama Will New York matter? * Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann, and More Sunday Talk (The Daily Beast) * Romney PAC readies ad blitz against Santorum(NYDN)* Al D’Amato fears that a Rick Santorum nomination would be a disaster to Republicans in New York.

McCain Blasts GOP Super PACs, Calls Supreme Court Ignorant For Citizens United Decision
Obama Reelection Team Looking For New Slogan To Replace Hope And Change
Shirley Chisholm declares presidential bid, Jan 25, 1972
Maher Distinguishes Between His Bush Insults And Conservative ‘Disrespect’ Towards Obama
Colin Myler NYDN Sex Cover Reflects Murdoch Not Mort(Troy Artist) Colin Myler should be packing his bags and flying back to London to help James and Rupert Murdoch with the massive hacking scandal and Myler's email to James could spell trouble or jail?
RIP Dick Blood, “one hell of a newsman.”
Charges Are Dropped for 14 Demonstrators(NYT)
Chancellor Vows to Fire Those Guilty of Sexually Abusing Students(NYT) * Chancellor Acts on Teacher Abuses(WSJ) * Schools Chancellor Gets An Earful After Arrest Of Teacher(WCBS)* Walcott to Purge Schools of Offenders(Fox 5) * DOE To Review 1,000 Cases Against School Staff Following Latest Sex Abuse Charges(NY1) Another Teacher Gone Wild DOE Reassigns Queens Teacher For Allegedly Spitting In Student's Face(NY1)
Law and Order
Monday Update
American Airlines didn't call authorities, let grope suspect leave airport: sources (NYP) * At a Rape Trial, Two Views of a Prince’s Wealth(NYT) * Samaritan prevents rape(NYP)
NYPD monitored Muslim students all over Northeast (Mercury News) * NYPD monitored Muslim students all over Northeast(WABC)

4-month-old baby stabbed in forehead with pen during Bx. fight(NYP) * Bx. baby stabbed in head as mom attacked(NYDN)