Hevesi -- used to lecture on the importance of high ethical standards -- admitted to using his position as head of the state's pension fund to enrich himself, his family and his top political adviser -- already in prison -- at taxpayer expense.
Here’s Alan Hevesi, a disgraced, broken, jailed man — a symbol of Albany’s systemic corruption and a warning for other crooked politicians who follow in his footsteps. Hevesi a jail poster boy for corruption * Alan Hevesi's mugshot released (NYP) * Mug Shot Is Released of Inmate Hevesi (NYT)
Bloomberg Give Millions of Dollars of Tax Breaks to luxury housing developers, but not a penny to create job
Brooklyn Lost 1,000 Jobs As City Failed to Off Panasonic Incentives
Newark offered a subsidy package worth more than $100 million
Panasonic Snubs Brooklyn, Settles on Newark * Newark Lands Panasonic With Subsidies (WSJ)
Mike Plans to Hand Pick the Next Mayor
Is this move related to the Haggerty trial?
Mike's sham-paign Has 'weird' non-elex committee (NYP) * Rolling Out Bloomberg's Newest Campaign (NYO)
Bloomberg's Campaign: New one on file with state officials "to disclose the expenditures" behind recent ads.
Covering (and Working for) Bloomberg(NYT)
Henry Goldman, a reporter for Bloomberg News, has the task of impartially chronicling news about Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg. * Covering Bloomberg: Goldman " has never been granted an exclusive interview with him."
Yesterday the Mayor Told Liu, Thompson and de Blasio to Pay Their Poster Fines, Today the Daily News Sends the Same Message
Thompson, de Blasio and Liu took millions for campaigns, but won’t pay fines for their illegal signs(NYDN Ed)
Bloomberg's Campaign: As he chided others for illegal postering, a reminder he did it too
Incumbent Protection Society Untouched By Efforts to Throw the Bums Out and the Blameless for the New York's Economic Meltdown
Why Don't the Good Government Groups Make All the Candidates for Mayor to Pledge They Will If Elected Create A Charter Commission to Remove the Term Limits Grandfather Clause
An Effort to Alter Term Limits Dies (WSJ) * When Incumbency Overpowers All Efforts(WSJ)
New Yorkers, your civic ignorance is showing: We're government illiterates, no thanks to schools
Putting the 'Public' in Public Meetings (Gotham Gazette)
Union official "has recorded an audio message asking current and retired members of the NYPD of all ranks to come forward with stories about fixing tickets to show it's not anything nefarious.
Police Union Fights Back Against an Inquiry, Calling Ticket-Fixing a Courtesy (NYT)
NYPD Ticket-Fixing Probe: Story So Far (WSJ) * Union boss: Tix-fix cops just aim to please(NYP) * Cop: Precinct chief OK'd double-parking, voided tickets(NYDN)
Ray Kelly Brushes Aside Questions About His Future(YNN)
Mobsters clubbed 'Last' Mafia hangout now dainty tea shop (NYP)
Schools boss hails single-sex classes (NYP) * Budget cuts shrink after-school programs, dealing a blow to families (NYDN)* School Politics: Critic blames Bloomberg administration for KGIA closing.
Cuomo Helps Groups Mobilize for Gay Marriage Bill (NYT)
Really, New York Has Had Snowier Winters
Law aids mom-daughter murder fugitive (NYP) * Russian 'Rambo' accused in double slay lied to cabbie: 'I have to fly right away. My wife is sick' (NYDN) * Slain 'angel' Tatyana Prikhodko was proud mom, dedicated nurse (NYDN)* Vinny Goreous mob trial: Victim's mouth got him killed(NYDN) * Brooklyn Murders Highlight Hard Road to Extradition (WSJ)* Bronx mom clings to life after shooting (NYP)
City not dropping charges against five men wrongly convicted in the case.
City Vows to Fight Suits in Central Park Jogger Case