Congressman Paterson? Harlem Four Keeping the Business in the Family
All in the Family
Rangel is not the only one who does not want to sail off into the sunset. The surviving members of the Harlem Gang of Four are planning a replacement for the congressman when he decides or his health decides to hang them up. Gov. Paterson has been making the media rounds the last couple of weeks calling himself the victim of the press and Albany dysfunctionalism. Painting his son as a victim will make Gang of Four member Basil the next congressman from Harlem. Daivd's support for gay rights will make him very attractive to the district news white voters Possible replacement for Rangel is ... Paterson? (DN)
The Buzz in Albany is the Senate closed down business Monday because Senator Parker was going to be attending his assault trial in Brooklyn and they no longer has to votes to save OTB. The senate is coming back to Albany Tuesday but at this moment OTB says no more and will close today. OTB is DOA - despite upcoming vote - says boss (DN) * While the Senate is coming back next week, there is still no sign that they will be able to pass anything * Senate Democrats are spinning today’s NYCOTB shutdown, saying the Paterson Administration cares more about politics then saving thousands of jobs.
Which Mayoral Advisors Warned Bloomberg About the Backlash to his Education Pick?
In Washington Obama faces real opposition withability and power. Obama faces a real GOP which wants to make him a one term president. Obama faces a real press that takes real shots at him. Bloomberg operates in universe where the press is owned by his fellow billionaires who use the papers to support his polices. He also faces elected officials without guts and opposition party leaders that he can buy with his own money or the cities. Mayor Recommends "Better Advisors" For Obama (NY1) * Mike advises Bam: get better people (NYP) * No labels = no ideas Mayor Mike's next distraction? * NYP also says Mayor Bloomberg looks very presidential in his GQ photo shoot.
Unemployment, Firehouses Closing and the New Education Chief Bloomberg's Dinner Guest, And All the Public Advocate Can Say is Ban Soda?
Soda Ban Gets a Key Backer Bucking his traditional supporters, Public Advocate Bill de Blasio is endorsing Mayor Michael Bloomberg's proposal to bar recipients of food stamps from using them to buy soda or other sugar-sweetened drinks. (WSJ)
Despite various reports about tension between Senator Schumer and senate #2 Dick Durbin over Schumer’s new powers, the two came together to propose aflood insurance bill.
Trump SoHo Debt on Block A Los Angeles investment firm is in advanced talks to buy the debt for the Trump SoHo, the soaring 46-story condo-hotel, setting the stage for a possible battle for control of the high-profile project. (WSJ)
The president's people have got to start acting like Obama is the titular head of the party and not just the head of a branch of the government. (Facebook) The Page by Mark Halperin | Donkey Doozy