The NYT article is written as if the paper was Rattner defense attorney not an objective institution of journalism. Financier Is Sued by Cuomo in Fraud Case (NYT)
"Conflict of interest is OK when you have a relationship with the publisher. The NYT story does not mention the relationship of Steve Rattner with the paper. It is written as a defense of the accused. The story starts by stating Rattner "oversaw the federal rescue of the auto industry. . . On the same day that Mr. Rattner was being celebrated on Wall Street for his role in turning around General Motors,"
Is the NYT trying to make excuses for his looting of the pension fund?
"Even as a resurgent G.M. went public again in a huge stock sale on Thursday, Mr. Cuomo sought to banish Mr. Rattner for life from the securities business in New York. "
The NYT turned Cuomo charges into a personal fight between the two men
"Indeed, the dispute between Mr. Rattner and Mr. Cuomo has devolved in recent months into hostilities.. . Mr. Rattner lashed out at Mr. Cuomo’s office on Thursday and accused the attorney general of political grandstanding. He also took aim at the private investment company he helped found, the Quadrangle Group, which settled with Mr. Cuomo and the S.E.C. several months ago. "
The NYT said that the AG was give emails by Quadrangle that indicated that Rattner was more involved in the pay to play than he indicated to Cuomo when he was granted immunity before a Grand Jury. What the NYT did not say was that Rattner according to news reports hid his involvement in funding a movie Chooch produced by the brother of Hevesi's pension fund manager.
If You Tell the Truth to the Grand Jury, Why Do You Need to Take the Fifth?
Mr. Rattner's spokesman Davidson Goldin said "as any lawyer would advise, after the attorney general's threats of prosecution, he was left with no choice," but to plead the fifth. Mr. Cuomo hasn't charged Mr. Rattner with any crime. Former Car Czar Sued on GM's Big Day(WSJ) * Documents: Lawsuits Against Rattner * Deal Journal: Explaining the Charges * Obama thanks his auto team -- most of it, anyway USA Today * Rangel, Rattner Deserve To Share A Prison Cell Forbes (blog) *Morning Roundup: Rattner the AttackerNew York Observer * One Day in the Life . . . of Steve Rattnee Wall Street Journal (blog) *Ex-car czar Rattner sued by Cuomo, settles with SEC
Rattner’s wife, Maureen White, contributed $5,000 to Sen. Eric Schneiderman, who will succeed Cuomo as AG and inherit this case. Funny how Bloomberg's connection to this creep was completely omitted from this article.
New York currently has a 3 billion dollar budget gap of which 1.3 billion is for increased payment to pension funds
Rattner Declares War on Cuomo
Rattner’s FOIL Financier and former Obama car czar Steve Rattner answered Governor-elect/AG Andrew Cuomo’s dual lawsuits yesterday with one of his own. The Article 78 proceeding challenges the rejection of a FOIL request seeking communications on Rattner’s case between Cuomo’s government and campaign operations in an attempt to track down the source of so-called “repeated improper leaks.” Would Mayor Thompson Close Firehouses Any Differently?
Bloomberg Plans to Cut 10,000 City Jobs by 2012 (NYT) * Mayor Slashes Budget, Orders Layoffs(WSJ) * Bloomy unveils big cuts heading city's way (DN) * Parking meters will go up 33%, 20 fire companies will shut down at night, prisoners will get less bread - and more than 6,200 city workers will lose their jobs. That's the bad news from Mayor Bloomberg, who Thursday unveiled $1.6 billion worth of cuts, fees and fines as part of his plan to help balance the budget over the next 18 months," report our Einhorn and Lisberg.
New York Economic Meltdown Hospital to Sell Remnants * City's bridges a regional threat (NYP) * The state will likely need more tolls, as well as special taxing districts and more streamlined environmental reviews if it is to keep up with its road, bridge and mass transit needs in coming years, Lt. Gov. Richard Ravitch said.
Albany's bad rep stunts Andy Cuomo's hires (DN) * State Budget Director Bob Megna predicted “very difficult” decisions for Cuomo and the Legislature in 2011.
NYP to the City's Economic Crisis Puts Heat on State Education Commission to Make a Decision on Black Waver.
Your move, commissioner (NYP Ed) * A Trailblazer With Her Eye on the Bottom Line * City Hall: Black is the new black (DN) * Sales of Black’s book have spiked since Bloomberg announced her appointment.

N.Y.U. Scraps Plan for Tallest Tower in Greenwich Village (NYT)
The extension of the 7-line would link two very different worlds: Flushing, NY and Seacaucus, NJ.
Law and Order Audit Says Police Fall Short in Providing Interpreters (NYT) * How Texting Doomed a Daring NYPD Escapee (WSJ) * Coke-addled, ex-union boss showered gifts on drug dealer
* Heartless crooks nab old lady's motorized wheelchair (DN)* EXCLUSIVE: See where cuffed crook hid before capture (DN) * Heartless crooks nab old lady's motorized wheelchair (DN) * Cops defend chess move (NYP)
Terrorism At Terror Trial, Big Questions Were Avoided * Ahmed Ghailani's near escape from guilty verdict shows the folly of civil trials for terrorists (DN Ed) * Dance troupe causes scare running through tube (NYP)
Obama Forces Showdown With G.O.P. on Arms Pact (NYT)