Paladino Gains On Cuomo
Empire Center Sues NYC Pension Funds, Council
A city rescue for Stuy Town? Think again
Carl Paladino Trails Andrew Cuomo By 16% In Rasmussen Poll, But The Hits Keep On Coming
Media Missing On Mayor's Missing Campaign Funds
While Spinning on his Attempts to Run for President
No Follow Up on yesterday's Daily News Story about a mayoral aid involvement in the $700,000 paid to
Haggerty by the
Bloomberg campaign.
Indicted campaign aide John Haggerty points finger at Mayor Bloomberg's former deputy mayor
It is the best of times and worst of times for Deputy Mayor
Wolfson. While his attempt to make
Bloomberg a national candidate seems to be working as measured by the amount of press coverage the mayor is receiving, he has involved himself in the middle of the
Haggerty trial by his inconsistent comments in the press for how and why the Independence Party was by the
Why Bloomberg's Deputy Mayor Wolfson Will Have to Resign (True News)
“You know, it’s a kick to be invited by the president of the United States; I don’t care how
blasé you are,”
the mayor said, recalling his recent round of golf on Martha’s Vineyard with Barack Obama.
Newspapers Spin to Protect Bloomberg
Bloomberg: Two pairs of work shoes in 10 years (
NYP) *
For Bloomberg, a Round of Golf With the President to Remember (
NYT) *
Will Bloomberg Run? New York Sun * Michael Bloomberg Calls Tea Party A Fad, Supports Moderates In 2010 Elections Huffington Post * NYC mayor Bloomberg defends candidates of compromise *
Bloomberg Pushes Moderates in National Races (NYT) *
Bloomberg: Tea Party is a 'boomlet' The Hill (blog)
Bloomberg Stumping for Moderate Candidates *
A Look At Bloomberg's Agenda *
Bloomberg Interview Excerpts (NYT)
What Standards NYT? The Gray Wall of Silence?
How come
NYTer MICHAEL BARBARO did not ask one question about the
Harrerty investigation and the involvement of his
Deputy Mayors?
Bloomberg on Obama, a White House Bid and Bloggers
Bloomberg On bloggers: The
bloggers — you know, The New York Times, for better or worse, has some standards as to who they hire and how much experience you have to have. And then they have an editor who looks at the story and sees whether it’s fair and accurate and that sort of thing. And they have lawyers that make sure they don’t violate the law.
Bloggers don’t have any of that. And that also leads to some of the partisanship. *
Mike Bloomberg Still Thinks Bloggers Are Lawless Partisans (Village Voice)
Pay to Play Consultants Global Strategy Group and Comptroller DiNapoli
Finish the probe, Andrew A key part of the probe -- involving state Comptroller Tom
DiNapoli -- needs to be wrapped up . . . pronto. Specifically,
Cuomo is looking at a $15 million investment by the pension fund just weeks after
DiNapoli met with a private investment executive in a meeting arranged by a political consulting firm, Global Strategy
Group. In April, Global Strategy -- which also lacked required securities licenses -- agreed to pay $2 million to end the
AG's probe of
its role in the affair. (
NYP Ed) * Some Democrats
are worried by Cuomo’s refusal to endorse his fellow Democrat, state Comptroller Tom

NY1 Pension Connection
Global Strategy Group is frequent on air consultant for NY1 along with Carl McCall who was paid 50,000 by a pension investor for brokering a deal with Comptroller
Hevesi. NY1 operates a clock on their website on the number of days AG
Cuomo has not appeared on their cable channel. Al
D'amato is another NY1 lobbyist
Pol in family feud Honor thy father! Frank Gentile, 84, has those angry words for his son, City Councilman Vincent Gentile, over the pol's repeated promises to sell the family's $700,000 home (
Education Class-size crocodile tears (
NYP Ed) *
Even Newark's Best Teacher Can Get Laid Off (
WSJ) *
New Race to the Top charter school application rules ensnare Queens Phoenix Academy Charter School (
DN) *
SUNY grads get jobbed: Albany is letting down the state's university system (
DN Ed) *
Plan to Cut Back Catholic Schools Severs Parish Links (NYT)
Paterson’s No. 2 Calls for Medicaid Overhaul (
Census Likely to Offer Accurate Count of New Yorkers (Gotham Gazette)
Gov hurts over AIDS rent veto (NYP) *
More Rent Relief for AIDS Patients Is Vetoed (
NYT) *
Paterson Vetoes HIV/AIDS Housing Subsidy (
Un-fare fees on cabbies (
NYP) *
Commuter vans begin service in Bklyn&Queens (
Terrorism A'jad is on the edgy of town (
NYP) *
Witness in 1998 Bombings Is Identified at a Hearing (
NYT) *
Heated Senate battle looming over 9/11 health bill (
DN) *
The debt comes due: Congess must pass Zadroga bill for Ground Zero workers (
DN) * Senate Democrats will try to attach 9/11 legislation to a military funding bill Tuesday, the
DN reports *
Congress Delays Vote On 9/11 Health Bill *
Gov. Paterson and city lawmakers lead Ahmadinejad protests outside UN
Muslim summit pro mosque (
NYP) *
National Muslim Leaders To Issue Statement On Downtown Manhattan Islamic Center (NY1)
Law and Order Cops blitz knockoffs *
Man shoots kids dead before custody hearing: cops (
DN) *
B'klyn cops attacked us at Labor Day BBQ, lawsuit claims (
DN) *
Valentine Ave. in Bronx at heart of heroin ring (
DN) *
Suit Man' keeps cops in style and working hard (
DN) *
'Suit Man' keeps cops in style and working hard (
DN) *
Real-time security cameras link NYC subway hubs (NYP) *
Prosecutors use DNA to nail rapist in 17-year-old cold case
Media and New Tech In Barnes & Noble Spat, Much Is at Stak The struggle for the bookseller centers on the company’s plans for competing in the era of electronic books.
(NYT) *
Spitzer Readies for Role as Pundit In his first extended interview about his upcoming cable talk show, Eliot Spitzer discusses his anxiety as he prepares to launch his program with conservative columnist Kathleen Parker. (WSJ) *
Cindy Adams: I'm Back, And I Almost Died This Summer *
Apple Coaxes Publishers to Join It on iPad Subscriptions Courtship Suggests Hub for Buying and Downloading Magazines and Newspapers Will Be Company's Next Media Frontier (WSJ)
The Angry Rich Political rage is coming not from the jobless, but from the very privileged, who are furious at the thought of their tax cuts expiring. (Krugman, NYT)