Thursday, November 20, 2008

Freedom of the Press for NYC Bloggers

Many ChangeNYC.Org members have requested more information about the important First Amendment lawsuit brought by civil rights attorney Norman Siegel on behalf of City Hall blogger Rafael Martinez-Alequín and online journalists Ralph E. Smith and David Wallis.

ChangeNYC.Org has just launched an online petition supporting these three citizen jounalists in their fight to assert and protect the right of freedom of the press for bloggers. We are urging our members to sign on to this petition and forward it to everyone we know.

Despite the enormous importance of this lawsuit as a legal precedent for bloggers everywhere in America, there are surprisingly few articles about this case. Here are links to some of the pieces worth reading:

"Was the Lie of 'Consistent Leadership' Old Media's Last Stand?" from The Daily Gotham

The Martinez-Alequin Case from Room Eight

Online Journalists Denied Press Credentials by NYPD; Civil Rights Lawsuit Filed from The Daily Gotham