Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Corrupt Albany Hits the Gamblng Jackpot

Gambling Lobbying $$$ is to Corrupt Albany As Meeting Nicky Barnes Was to A Heroin Addict on Crack

Gambling Industry Money Is Streaming Into Albany(NYT) Indian tribes, racetrack casinos and other gambling interests are pouring millions into lobbying lawmakers as Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo seeks support for expanding the number of casinos in New York State. Indian tribes, racetrack casinos and other gambling interests have spent nearly $50 million on lobbying and campaign contributions in the state since 2005, according to a new analysis by a government-reform group, Common Cause New York. Gambling interests spent nearly $4 million on lobbying and more than $700,000 on campaign contributions in the first half of 2012, records show. The state has limited casino sites to 7.  Steve Winn said that limiting casino application will cause total corruption.   * Gambling Industry Goes “All In” For NY Casinos(Gannett Albany)

The Post needles Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver in an editorial about flag burning and Occupy Wall Street:

Immaculate Zoning Carve Out   Democrats Deny Responsibility For Carve Out(NY1)

DN Same As the Old Boss.”
The News bristles at former judge Frank Seddio, the presumptive favorite to be Brooklyn’s next Democratic Party Chairman, because the state’s judicial watchdog agency once investigated him, prompting his resignation
Vito Lopez expects to anoint a successor as Brooklyn party boss who has his own questionable history(NYDN Ed)  Frank Seddio resigned a judgeship while under investigation by the state's judicial watchdog agency * Karim Camara Backs Frank Seddio to Lead Brooklyn Democrats(NYO) * A Brooklyn reader tells Azi Paybarah Vito Lopez’s all-but-certain replacement as party chairman, Frank Seddio, will “rule to be loved, not feared.”

Surrogate Judges Seddio Leaves Under A Financial Scandal Cloud
 In 2007, Seddio resigned from his cushy post on the bench as surrogate judge just 131 days into his 14-year term after intense scrutiny for alleged ethics violations being investigated by the Commission on Judicial Conduct in 2007.  He gave more than half of $55,090 in unspent campaign money to party pals, in apparent violation of strict rules barring judges from giving campaign money to political candidates are charities, Lost in the hubbub of yesterday’s elections, the city’s campaign finance board issued a number of violations. Councilwoman Sara Gonzalez seemed to have accrued fines for improperly directing a campaign expenditure to Brooklyn’s likely next Democratic leader, Frank Seddio. * Is that the stink of corruption I smell in Brooklyn? - NY Daily News (2007, NYDN)

Why the Daily News Leave Out the Name of the PR Man?
First, the PR man said Seddio would release the file only after the vote for a new boss. Then, the PR man said Seddio had entirely ruled out going public because the documents refer to other people whose privacy could be infringed. Then, the PR man said Seddio would allow the Daily News to look at portions of the files with names blanked out, but no copying would be permitted. And he’d make the arrangements sometime after the vote. We’re not holding our breath. As the song goes, meet the new boss, same as the old boss.Frank Seddio picks up George Arzt for his push ... - Capital New York

While Hevesi and Dick Morris Sit in Jail for Pension Corruption, Liu Has Given Out $67 Million in No Bid Pension Business - With No Oversight
City Comptroller John Liu re-signed a money management firm to handle certain aspects of the city’s pension funds, after he fired the group in 2010 for its “poor performance
Liu re-signs firm he firedLiu re-signs firm he fired(NYP) After firing a money-management firm for poorly handling the city’s pension funds in 2010, Comptroller John Liu agreed on a separate contract with the same company while bypassing the standard competitive-bidding process. Liu awarded Boston-based Acadian Asset Management an $8.37 million contract extension to continue handling certain aspects of the city’s pension funds several weeks ago.  In June 2010, Liu fired Acadian — which had a separate contract to manage $646 million for three of the city’s five pension funds — over “poor performance” of those funds after the firm reported a 19 percent loss.* City pushed to blacklist bribe-probed builder(NYDN) * John Liu's spokesman defends the comptroller's decision to rehire a company he fired in 2010 for "poor performance." [Sally Goldenberg]

Corrupt Pedro Espada Never Stops Stealing. . .  Looks Like Off to Jail
Pedro Espada Jr. Violated Bail Terms, Prosecutors Say (NYT)  It was no surprise when the Soundview Healthcare Network in the Bronx began to liquidate its assets. After all, its founder, Pedro Espada Jr., the former state legislator, had been convicted of stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from the nonprofit. More surprising was who received the $600,000 in proceeds from the liquidation of the nonprofit organization, which is heavily in debt: Mr. Espada, his family members and companies they controlled.* Espada, Convicted of Looting Nonprofit, Benefited Even in Its Shutdown, U.S. Says(NYT) * Espada took one last payday after sale of Bx. clinic: court papers(NYP)

* Feds: Espada Still Using Funds From Bronx Clinic, Violates Release(NY1) * Ex-State Senator Gained Financially as the Nonprofit He Looted Was Liquidated(NYT)

What About the City 10% Unemployment Rate Councilmembers? Not On the Agenda
Pet Politics: City Council Considers Animal Abuser Registry(NYO) * Council Agenda Could Spark Battles With Mayor(GothamGazette) PAID SICK LEAVE, GUN VIOLENCE, POLICE REFORM, THE BUDGET

The Post plucks a “hypocritical” quote from Rep. Charlie Rangel about Mitt Romney and his tax returns: 

Election 2012/3  Tisch Sets Aside 2013 Mayor's Race(WSJ) New York State Board of Regents Chancellor Merryl Tisch is no longer exploring a bid to run for mayor in 2013 * Borough GOP Leaders Weigh Potential Republican Mayoral Candidates(NY1) * NY1 Online: Gjonaj Talks About Primary Win  He’s tempered in his tone and keeps referring to his general election, where he could theoretically face a rematch against Ms. Rivera on the Working Families Party line.* East Side Councilman Dan Garodnick‘s campaign for New York City Comptroller is picking up steam in Manhattan, where many prime Democratic voters reside. He will not only roll out the endorsement of Assemblyman Dan Quart this morning, but 27 district leaders to boot (no small effort). “Dan Garodnick is the right person for the job of City Comptroller,” Mr. Quart said in a statement. “Having worked with him as a colleague in government, I know he is committed to fighting for consumers and taxpayers – and has the intelligence and savvy to be the city’s chief fiscal officer.” Mr. Garodnick’s potential opponents, like Councilman Domenic Recchia, have yet to announce their campaigns.* One consequence of redistricting was Orthodox Jewish areas being moved from Senator Malcolm Smith’s overwhelmingly Democratic district to Senator Joe Addabo‘s more moderate one. And Mr. Addabbo’s Republican challenger, Councilman Eric Ulrich, has already picked up Jewish support in that community in the form of the Far Rockaway Jewish Alliance, announced in a press release earlier today. * Referencing Mr. Ulrich’s race, Yeshiva World News “exclusively” presented the real winners and losers from last week’s election. * Governor and Mayor Are Upset That 2 Backers of Gay Marriage May Fall(NYT)

Sen. Tony Avella, a Democrat, calls on Shelly Silver to step down as Assembly speaker* Avella Calls For Silver To Step Down(YNN)* Check out my statement calling on Speaker Silver to Step Down

NYT Tries To Tie Cuomo Into to Silver Secrecy Problem
In a Discrimination Case, Cuomo Used a Confidentiality Clause, Documents Show(NYT) Records show that when Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo was attorney general, his office reviewed a racial discrimination settlement that included a secrecy clause. Cuomo, who criticized a secret Assembly settlement, once authorized a racial discrimination case settlement with a confidentiality clause when he was attorney general, according to documents* Somebody as big as Vito goes down, the WHOLE building shakes. Sorry governor.  "This settlement is completely different than the Lopez matter on many levels, including the facts there were no elected officials involved"

NYT Protects Silver
Cuomo has called for an investigation into the secret settlement of sexual harassment claims against Lopez, but while he was attorney general, his office authorized the settlement of a racial discrimination case that included a confidentiality clause. More here.* A spokesman for Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver deemed the NYS GOP’s on-line petition calling on Silver to resign for his role in the Lopez scandal “nothing more than election-year politics.”
Cuomo Talks
Cuomo says confidentiality needed at JCOPE in order to prevent possibly inaccurate accusations and damages.* Cuomo says there will always be mistakes made in government and life. He says JCOPE is a "dramatic improvement" over past ethics watchdogs.* Cuomo: "Who the speaker is will be up to members of the Assembly." Says he still has confidence in Silver.* Cuomo: Imagine A World Without JCOPE(NYO)
* Camara Backs Seddio For Brooklyn Dem Chair(YNN)

    NY park agency refusing to release 18 e-mail conversations with Cuomo officials re: controversial resort permits.

Quinn Goes Union, Thompson and Mayor Oppose
Mayoral Rivals Divided Over Requirements For Affordable Housing Developers (NY1) The council passed legislation in July to require affordable housing developers report wages and construction complaints to the city. But that is not how Mayor Michael Bloomberg sees it and he has gained an unlikely ally in the debate — his opponent in the 2009 mayoral race, former City Comptroller William Thompson. Developers agree with Thompson, saying the requirements are burdensome and they would particularly hurt women and minority-owned businesses. Regulations are seen by some as  a push by unions to get into the affordable housing business.

 According to Assemblyman William Boyland Jr.‘s latest Facebook post, which you can see above, in his past life, he was a karate warrior from India who died in Dehli due to amputation. As Mr. Boyland won reelection despite his second corruption indictment in one term, we may be treated to a few more of his social media adventures while federal prosecutors do whatever they do.

“I’m surprised that only a small number of scanning devices have been delivered, five days after the election,” District Leader Lincoln Restler–apparently unfamiliar with the city’s Board of Elections–  said

NYS “Assume Zero Growth”
The Cuomo administration ordered agency heads to “assume zero growth” in their spending plans over the next two fiscal years as the state works to reduce long-term deficits, the Daily News writes: * DiNapoli: August Cash Report Shows Continued Economic Uncertainty  * The state’s tax collections were $147 million behind projections through the first five months of the fiscal year, according to the latest monthly report from Comptroller Tom DiNapoli. * City's Housing Costs Crunching Middle Class, Report Finds(NY1)

Albany Press Corp: Department of Fakes and Phonies
Albany Press Crop goes after a guy who loves journalism who is try to pay his bills but says not a word about Journalist who take high paying jobs with government like Adam Lisberg. How many ex journalist work as lobbyists.  Can you say George Artz.  Question to the Albany Press Crop Do you think journalist slat or plant stories for pols and lobbyists in the hopes of better paying future high paying jobs.  The Albany press corps wants to expel one of its members who took a part-time job with the legislature. [Azi PaybarhAdam Lisberg Leaving City & State to Handle Communications for MTA (NYO)

‘CSI’ fuels more NYPD grilling vids(NYP) The NYPD will expand citywide its pilot program of video-taping the interrogations of many suspects.* NYPD Wants Videotaped Interrogations In All Precincts(NY1)

Lt Daniel Albano grabs an AP photographer during a protest Saturday. via Gothamist  Protest Marked by Fewer Clashes With Police(WSJ) * More complaints from reporters about the NYPD. [Christopher Robbins]

MTA Takes Up Hiding As Fare and Toll Hikes Take Shape
 MTA Board May Meet Less Often - But Will Anyone Notice?(WSJ)
The M.T.A. chairman wants to restructure the public's meetings with the agency: three fewer public meetings with the agency leadership, but a twice-yearly "chairman's forum."

Tolls on MTA bridges and tunnels would jump one dollar to $7.50 and two dollars on the Verrazano Bridge in one plan the authority is considering, the News reports: * Fare hikes coming down the pike for Staten Islanders(SI Advance) * Port Authority "must" raise tolls to fund projects, audit finds. 

Union beef nearly stalled bus service for Brooklyn riders(NYP)

NYPD removes 'Big Brother' ads(NYDN)

Ad Calling Jihad ‘Savage’ Is Set to Appear in Subway(NYT) The Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s decision to block the advertising was struck down by a federal court, and the campaign is expected to appear next week. * NYC subways to display controversial ad(Fox 5) * Anti-Jihad Ads To Appear In Subway Stations Next Week(NY1)

Ranting Elmo Returns and Is Arrested in Times Square(NYT)

Indian Point and Their Lobbyist Spin Eco Disaster
Indian Point Plant Closing to Add Costs(WSJ) * Report Says Closing Indian Point Plant Would Be Economic Disaster(NY1) * An environmental group sued Cuomo and the state Department of Environmental Conservation to compel them to release documents regarding natural gas drilling, the Albany Times Union reports: * Former New York City Mayor and one-time Indian Point pitchman Rudy Giuliani maintains closing the nuclear plant would be “catastrophic for the economic growth of the region.”  

Day-care program allegedly faked attendance records for (NYDN)

 Flood control plan in Broad Channel(NYDN)

Voice opposition to Flushing Meadows plan(NYDN)

9/11 Health and Compensation Act Facing Nearly $40 Million in Federal Cuts(DNAINFO)

NYPD Brain Drain 
NYPD To Lose Thousands of Cops to Retirement Over Next Few Years(DNAINFO)

Floating Down Newtown Creek, Boats Made From its Trash(WSJ) A public art exhibition at the Newtown Creek allows participants to pilot boats built from garbage pulled from the body of water.

The Making of A President
Goodwin: Romney right on nation's divide(NYP) * Mitt jabs O over video affair (NYP)Jabs O amid video affair(NYP) * Romney Says Remarks on Voters Help Clarify Position(NYT) * Wisconsin Offers View of Challenges Confronting Romney(NYT) * Tight Senate Race in Wisconsin(NYT)
* Let Them Eat Crab Cake(Dowd, NYT) It’s rich. Mitt Romney thinks poor folks are on Easy Street.* Mitt Romney, Class Warrior(NYT Ed) Turning the rich against the poor is Mr. Romney’s campaign tactic and his plan for governing.* Video Flap Jolts Campaign(WSJ) * Peggy Noonan: Time for an Intervention *RawData Support—And Undercut—Romney Take on Benefits  * WSJ/NBC News Poll: Obama Extends Lead  * Obama Returns To NYC; Romney Defends Fundraiser Comments(NY1) * Washington Beat: Report Finds Lower Middle Class Incomes Than A Decade Ago(NY1) * The coming war within GOP(CBS) * Fourth poll gives Elizabeth Warren the lead in Mass(Politico) *
Ad Watch: Obama super PAC puts leaked Romney comments in ad(Wash Post) * Rachel Maddow Mocks Romney Interview With 'A Woman Named Kelly Ripa'  * Lindsey Graham: Romney ought to be "running in Virginia like he’s running for sheriff." * Did social media just sucker punch a presidential campaign? | Storyful Blog: * More than one-fifth of swing-state voters could change their mind before election, according to new poll:(Politico) * Public prefers polls over pols and pundits(Politico) * Targeted Romney TV ad on coal: assume it's for OH and VA specifically. * Nancy Pelosi says that Romney footage shows he has a “demeaning attitude” toward the American public: *Matt Taibbi: Mitt Romney's 'Insane' Comments Reveal Delusions Of The Super Rich * Paul Ryan: Romney Was ‘Obviously Inarticulate’ in Video(NY Mag)* Bully in the Bubble (Rich, NY Mag) The Romney video confirms the impression of a callous Mitt who has no idea how Americans really live.* Pat Buchanan: Barack Obama Is A 'Drug Dealer Of Welfare' [VIDEO] * David Axelrod, 2012: “Presidential campaigns are like MRIs of the soul.”
Romney Tells Truth, Sets Up Clash Over Govt - Michael Goodwin, NY Post
The 53 Percenters Are Moochers, Too - Jonathan Cohn, The New Republic
I'll Deliver Recovery, Not Dependency - Mitt Romney, USA Today
Let Them Eat Crab Cake - Maureen Dowd, New York Times
World Turns Against the Man of the World - Noemie Emery, DC Examiner
Arab World Needs to Look in the Mirror - Thomas Friedman, NY Times
It's the First Amendment for a Reason - Carl Cannon, RealClearPolitics
Can the Romney Campaign Overcome Mitt? - Margaret Carlson, Bloomberg
Romney Goes Back to Bold Approach - Chris Stirewalt, FOX News
What's Wrong With Romney the Candidate - Gloria Borger, CNN
The Meltdown of the Mainstream Media - Charles Hurt, Washington Times
I Want to Know What Happened Last Week on 9/11 - Rick Santelli, CNBC
The Voter Fraud Con - Ana Marie Cox, The Guardian
Michelle Obama Tries to Reignite Dem Passion - Erin McPike, RCP
Emerging ObamaCare Truth Is Disarray - Scott Gottlieb, RealClearMarkets
Ryan Would Shrink Medicare's Doctor Pool - Peter Orszag, Bloomberg
Chicago Teachers Strike Lessons Learned - John Kass, Chicago Tribune
Today's Polls: AP/GfK: Obama 47, Romney 46 | CBS/NYT: CO, VA, WI

Obama, at $40K a plate NYC fundraiser, compares his struggles to that of pals Jay-Z and Beyonce Hip hop power couple Jay-Z and Beyonce hosted President Obama last night at a $40,000 per plate fundraiser in Chelsea at Jay-Z’s 40/40 Club , where the President said his struggle upward in life was not so different from that of pals ‘Jay and Bey.’ *Wisconsin Offers Window Into Challenges Facing Romney(NYT) * Report: WSJ published Romney adviser op-eds without disclosing ties: (Politico) * Mitt Romney’s 47 percent first used by Nixon?(Wash Post)Graham: Romney Should Stop Fundraising and Get Out There:(Roll Call) *NBC News Not Airing Obama’s ‘Redistribution’ Tape Because They Have Not Yet ‘Authenticated It’ * Bloomberg Tells Press To Ignore Campaign’s ‘Sideshow’(YNN) * Bloomberg shrugged off Romney’s 47 percent comments, but blamed the media for helping Obama by drawing attention to the remarks.
Romney 100% Unsuitable to Be President - Michael Cohen, The Guardian
America Needs Recovery, Not Dependency - Mitt Romney, USA Today
Mitt Romney's Week From Hell - Jon Ward, Huffington Post
Romney's Doomed? Voters Think Differently - Toby Harnden, Daily Mail
The Mess in the Middle East - Walter Russell Mead, The American Interest
Libya: The Unintended Consequences - George Friedman, Stratfor
Jobs at Start-Up Firms "Lowest on Record" - James Pethokoukis, AEI Ideas
Obama's Winning the Economic Argument - Jonathan Capehart, Wash Post
The Race Is Tied Again as Obama's Bounce Dies - Andrew Malcolm, IBD
Time for an Intervention - Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal
China: The Partisan Campaign Concern - Stokes & Wike, RealClearPolitics
Chicago's Next School Crisis - Mary Williams Walsh, New York Times
Election '12: RCP Electoral Map | State RCP Avgs | Create Your Own Map
The Caucus: The Online Life of the Secret Romney Recordings
The Romney video fed 2 million views to Mother Jones' web site. [Christine Haughney
'Guns Inquiry by Justice Dept. Holds 14 of Its Own at Fault(NYT)
Romney Campaign Treading Lightly With Ad Budget(NYT)


Jon Stewart Tears Apart Romney’s Assertions About The ‘Dependent’ 47 Percent


Trim Obama weighs in on LettermanTrim Obama weighs in on Letterman(NYP) President Barack Obama was in town last night, and not only did he raise campaign cash with Jay-Z and Beyonce, he also went on The Late Show with David Letterman.

Cartoon which caused France to close twenty of its embassies. No, not because Jews worldwide will destroy Embassies. Instead, there is a fear that the cartoon insults Muslims. The Muslim in the chair says “You must not mock us,” according to Business Insider, below the words “untouchables 2.” The report also says that inside the paper, there are indeed cartoons which are explicitly insulting to Muslims. Regardless, there are endless insulting videos and photos created by the Palestinians and Muslims against Jews, yet I don’t recall Jews worldwide going haywire as the Islamists did, which means A) something is wrong with the Muslim way of life. B) The anti-Muslim stuff is only a stupid excuse to express already existing hate against the United States (  French mag runs Mohammad caricature; riot police stand guard * France to close embassies in fear of cartoon backlash

Two men hit with 15 years for brutal Brooklyn attack(NYDN)

Wild video: Thugs beat worker, rob Bronx laundromatWild video: Thugs beat worker, rob Bronx laundromat(NYP) * WATCH: Violent Bronx Laundromat Robbery Involving 4 Suspects (WCBS) * Man Beaten With Stick as 4 Rob BX Laundromat(NBC)

Queens subway pervert on loose (NYDN) * Man Wanted for Public Lewdness on M Train(NBC)

ā€˜Explosiveā€™ mob-kid prank‘Explosive’ mob-kid prank(NYP)

 Bomb suspect just a thief, lawyer says (NYDN) *  F.B.I. Criticizes Officer’s Role in a Terror Case(NYT) * Attorney: Terror Case Plea Offered(WSJ) Manhattan prosecutors have offered a plea agreement to a Queens man accused of plotting to attack synagogues, presenting him with a chance to do substantially less than the 25 years he faces if convicted on state terrorism charges, the man's attorney said Tuesday.