Paterson Reaches His Macbeth Moment
Blames Silver and Ravitch For His Troubles
God knows I'm the real victim: Paterson
"Fair is foul, and foul is fair." - William Shakespeare, Macbeth, 1.1
Blames Silver as he dismissed Silver's eyebrow-raising plea Friday for the governor to become an "active player" iPatersonn budget talks as an effort to shift blame for another late spending plan. The governor said it was Silver (D-Manhattan) who waited until the last minute to offer budget proposals. Gov: Shel's 'snark' off mark
Blames Ravitch as he has concluded that Lt. Gov. Richard Ravitch is a "double agent" working for Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and against his own efforts to cut the state's projected $9.5 billion budget gap, The Post has learned. Dave smells a 'Rat'vitch * Why Senate Democrats Sound Like Republicans on the Budget * Ravitch isn't bothered by what Michael Bloomberg calls him *** The DN calls on the Legislature to adopt Ravitch's borrow-and-reform plan in full or "forget borrowing a dime."
"What bloody man is that?"- William Shakespeare, Macbeth, 1.2 Gov. denies wrongdoing amid deepening scandal
"That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold,What hath quenched them hath given me fire."- William Shakespeare, Macbeth, 2.2 As deadline for budget nears, state leaders duel Buffalo News * Paterson calls for property tax cap in state budget Newsday * Gov. Paterson hopes soda tax will tackle obesity NYU Washington Square News *** Pace of budget irritates Paterson Albany Times Union
"I am afraid to think what I have done;Look on't again I dare not."- William Shakespeare, Macbeth, 2.2 "I've gotten to the point where I've asked, 'Did I do something to somebody in my life that this is the atonement for it?'" Paterson said.
We Don't Need No Badges A Back Hall Where Rules Are Ignored, With a Wink and a Nod
Breaking News Subway Blasts Kill Dozens in Moscow * New York City Subway Security Beefed Up After Moscow Blasts *** Federal Money Not Coming to Schools finshed second-to-last in the "Race to the Top" competition.
The Albany Shake Down Continues Assembly Democrats have quietly advanced sweeping legislation -- already being called the "Rubber Rooms for All Act" -- to extend tenure-like job protection to all public workers, countering efforts to roll back rigid regulations like those that keep hundreds of failed teachers on the city payroll. Room' for everybody Cushy 'rubber' push for all public workers * FDNY No. 2 to pull in $242G a year pension *** Death by a thousand cuts: Paterson, Silver and Sampson's budget betrayals (DN Ed) *** Restoring Balance to New York's Finances (Gotham Gazette) *** After another weekend with no budget deal, Senate Democrats are expected to pass an extender bill this morning.
Inside City Hall Crane Operator’s License Is Suspended ***Cops step up questioning in response to murder increase * Two men stabbed, killed on No. 2 subway: cops *Crime is up in a Brooklyn police percent where a whistleblower complained about fudged stats.** Bloomberg joked about not wanting to be public advocate because it wasn't "a real job." *** Only 326 licenses for vegetables carts were given out.
'Breakthrough' baloney After 8½ years of Ground Zero stagna tion, here's what officials now call "progress": Thursday, they struck a deal to stave off a complete collapse of the rebuilding plans. (NYP Ed)
For Federal Prosecutor, Low-Key Style in High-Profile Job
Shirley Chisholm website first black woman elected to Congress and the first African American to seek a major party's presidential nomination
New York Economic Melt Down Ollie's Noodle Shop files for bankruptcy * Staten Island feels pinch after tax program ends
60 Minutes Parties With Prokhorov Steve Kroft went to Moscow for a 60 Minutes segment on impending Nets owner Mikhail Prokhorov and got to do all kinds of fun things: eat a dinner of Russian delicacies, go to a club with a VIP section
The Journal News praises AG Andrew Cuomo's pension padding probe.