The protestors did not spend the night in the Capitol, as they weren’t allowed to stay once the Legislature had wrapped up its business at 1AM. Assembly Majority Leader Ron Canestrari saidrestrict public access to parts of the Capitol. the protestors “threatened us,” and defended the decision to
1 protestor arrested in NY budget demonstrations(WSJ) * Albany Protesters Object To Budget Cuts As Lawmakers Pass Bills (NY1) * State budget cuts protest prompts NY to close Legislature's public galleries ( * Democracy in action at Capitol (TU) * Fred Dicker: Yesterday's Protesters Weren't Nice, Bloomberg Is Probably Glad to Lose State Aid (NYO) * Common Cause Considers Suit Over Capitol Lockdown (YNN)
NYC Legislators Go Alone With Millions in Education Cuts
Media enables give NYC pols free pass by not asking them what the impact of their education cuts will be on city's students New York City school aid sliced by millions as lawmakers finalize on-time state budget(DN)
For Starters: Kindergarten Waiting Lists Will Grow longer
[T]he most secretive part — individual school district aid levels — was not made public until Four Hours Before the Final Vote
New York's Legislature and Gov. Andrew Cuomo restored $51 million to New York City schools, $45 million to Long Island schools and $134 million to upstate schools.
Kindergarten Waiting Lists Grow (NYT) * Kindergatern Waiting Lists Lengthen There are 42% more kindergarten applicants on waiting lists for September than last year (WSJ) * 3,100 city kids waitlisted for kindergarten, up by 1,000 from last year * Kindergarten cops Park Slope school nails 'address' liars * For Twins, a Double Shot at a Slot in Kindergarten (NYT)
Even Bloomberg Gives the Budget A Reluctant Hug
Bloomberg Softens Tone on Cuomo's Budget (WSJ) * Bloomberg Changes Tune, Calls Budget Cuts 'Good Government' (Huff Post)
NYC wasn’t pleased about its share. “We are dividing up crumbs, and to make matters worse, the crumbs have been divided unfairly,” said Micah Lasher, the city’s lobbyist.* Overall, the Bloomberg administration did not fare well in this budget, despite the mayors TV ad and mailers.* Some legislators complained they were pressured to limit debate so other lawmakers could claim the document was finished early. (Newsday)
Is Someone Trying to Send the Mayor A Message Trough the Daily News Gossip Column Gatecrasher?
From Today's Daily News GatecrasherManhattan Supreme Court Justice Ronald Zweibel has revised his recent decision about former Bloomberg campaign adviser John Haggerty. In a March 14 ruling requiring Haggerty to stand trial on charges he stole $1.1 million from Hizzoner's 2009 campaign, Zweibel raised eyebrows when he bluntly wrote that "the evidence of guilt, whether admissible in trial or not, is overwhelming." The line was shortened in a number of press reports to "the evidence of guilt ... is overwhelming," which read like a pretty decisive stance in advance of a trial. Perhaps Zweibel regretted his initial exuberance, because, while reporting our story on Haggerty in Wednesday's column, we learned that the judge has since issued an amended decision, which softens his original assertion. The line, which we've truncated to spare you a lot of legalese, now reads: "the evidence of guilt ... is certainly legally sufficient, if not overwhelming, based upon this Court's review of the Grand Jury presentation." * before the scandal, #stevelevy got $100K to local GOP. [via @newsday's dan janison]
Cuomo Tames the Albany Beast, Budget Passed At 1AM Pigs Flew
"[H]istoric and transformational" Cuomo
In Video, Cuomo Calls Budget “The First Step on the Road to Economic Recovery”
Albany Finishes Rare On-Time Budget(NYT) * New York State Passes Budget (WSJ) * Amazing! State pols OK budget on time (NYP)It was the first on-time budget in five years. Had it passed just an hour earlier, it would have been the first early budget in 28 years.* State Budget: In 1982, the budget was $25,9 billion. In 2011, its $132.5 billion. [AP] * DiNapoli Concurs With Cuomo On Budget (For Now)(YNN) * Funding Cuomo: David Koch and wife gave $87,000. * Cuomo Praises Legislature For On-Time Budget (NY1)
In spite of $10 million budget cut Speaker Silver Delivers Some Rabbinical Students to Get State Tuition Aid $18 Million (NYT) * Silver Looks To Rent Control, Property Tax Cap * Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver insists it’s his budget, too.
Legislators Follow Three Men In the Room Leaders
State Budget: "[P]andemonium." "At times, legislators did not seem entirely sure about what they were voting on."
State Budget: Limited debate * Many Democrats held their noses to vote in favor of a budget they claimed would hurt the state's needy while offering a tax cut to millionaires. Republicans, on the other hand, found themselves overwhelmingly supporting a budget pushed by a freshman Democratic governor. (NYDN) Sen Krueger votes No on #nybudget We could have made better decisions, we didn't have to end up w/ these cuts#nysenate (Twitter) * Skelos Remembers What Happens to Budgets When Democrats Controlled Albany (NYO)
Albany Voted Like Trained Seals
Voting the Budget: "They perform all right. Like trained seals."
The only sounds when they voted
The NYP Calls on Cuomo to End LIFO
Cuomo's next fight
As Democrats Schumer, Weiner and Rangel Support Political Redistricting the Daily News Attacks Skelos
You would think the Daily News Editorial Board would understand that GOP was taking the heat for all incumbents. The two other men in the room Cuomo and Silver must have give Skelos plenty of what he wanted to kill independent redistricting. State Senate GOP leader Dean Skelos poster boy for sleazy attempt to renege on redistricting promise (DN)
TV Continues To Rack In Special Interests ADS
The pro-Cuomo Committee to Save NY has funds left over and will continue to advocate for mandate relief and a property tax cap. The anti-Cuomo budget forces aren’t going away, either. * Mayor Bloomberg’s taking on Cuomo’s budget deal in a new mailer. “Our hard-earned tax dollars go to Albany, but now Albany politicians want to balance their budget by cutting billions of dollars from New York City,” says the message that is “paid for by Michael R. Bloomberg.” (WNYC)
Memo to the NYT: Census Show New Yorker Have Fallen Out of Love With This Place
Supersize Reputation Belongs To Earlier Generations of New Yorkers
The Erie Canal grew New York State from 300,000 to 3,000,000 and made us the business capital of America. Today's NYT asks Just Look at This Place. What’s Not to Love? questing why the grow rate of the city has slowed to a trickle. The old gray lady never really understood that there was more to making New York grow than making Manhattan a play ground for the rich.
NYT: People Move Out of the Bronx To Live Longer Lives
Anywhere else in America is healthier than Bronx The Bronx is dead last in the state when it comes to health - with more people dying early, more people in bad shape, and not enough checkups. (DN) * Manhattan life long lives (NYP)
Espada is Still Using the Bronx's Poor Health Care to Cash In

If Hunts Point Market Moves Out the City Will Lose Jobs Where Most New Yorkers Work
Produce Market Eyes Move Out of City The Hunts Point wholesale produce market in the South Bronx has identified multiple sites in New Jersey for a potential relocation of what is said to be the largest such facility in the world. (WSJ)
Manhattan Centric Bloomberg Works to Convince A London Bank to Move to NYC Bloomberg says Barclays would feel at home in N.Y.
"Diplomats park illegally, ignore paying their parking tickets and expect New Yorkers to pick up the tab. This needs to end," Weiner declared with righteous indignation in January 2010.