Nobody Asked Me, But . . .
True News Revives Cannon
Jimmy Cannon (born 1910 - December 5, 1973 was a sports journalist. He started at the New York Daily News when he was 17. He later wrote for the New York Post, New York Journal-American and King Features Syndicate. In 2002, he was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame for his coverage of the sport. He famously said of Joe Louis that he was "a credit to his race, the human race" and was one of the first sportswriters to see the importance of the black athlete. Ernest Hemingway was an early admirer of his writing.
On frequent occasions, when Cannon had no particular sports news to report, he would still manage to fill his daily column space by starting off with the phrase "Nobody asked me, but..." and then filling the rest of the column with his random opinions on any and every subject outside of the sports world.
Subjects True News will look into in this new column include: how the political campaigns except from the mayor and his tiffany campaign and public relations operation have fallen off the front pages. How the campaigns running around to clubs for endorsement promising to increase services have failed to offer any plan to turn around New York’s growing economic freefall? And with all the elected officials being caught by the feds in corruptions investigations why has one elected official or non incumbent candidate running in these years municipal elections, offered moral leadership by commending that convicted pols corrupt actions?
The City NY GREEN HOUSING HITS DC RED LIGHT A plan to retrofit New York City's massive public-housing system with the help of former President Bill Clinton is stuck in bureaucratic limbo 17 months after it was announced *** OVERNIGHT SUBWAY CUTS MEAN QUEASY RIDERS - danger and inconvenience *** LOW 'COST'UME PARADE recession bonnet *** SHUTTERBUGGED: PIX-NIX OUTCRY WINS EASE-UP FROM NYPD *** TOUR DA BRONX, Guardian ANGEL INCLUDED *** Amazin' Duo To Appear At Mets Home Opener *** Architecture After the Bubble Bursts *** Neighborhood News From Around the City *** Efforts Under Way to Landmark IRT Powerhouse *** The Everything Guide to Brighton Beach *** Swan Song for a Music Store and Clubhouse *** Op-Ed: Paving Over History The historian David McCullough calls for a halt to construction plans near the Brooklyn Bridge, which he says would obscure the monument and damage a forgotten historical site nearby *** MTA project derails merchants in NoHo As if times weren't hard enough. NoHo business owners are up in arms over a subway construction project that has transformed their sidewalk into a pit of mud and maze of fencing *** Raising healthy businesses: Inspiring tales of start-ups in the city *** Editorial: Mike's hard labor: The worst is about to come for New Yorkers, as the city is soon to bear the brunt of an economic meltdown with virtually no help from Albany and none at all from municipal labor unions, DN Ed *** Small shops are feeling the big hurt *** Changing of the guard: Egan, Dolan make farewells *** New York's disappearing acts *** Yank fan was there in '23, will be there in '09 *** New Ballpark Statistic: Stadium’s Toilet Ratio *** Solid Sentiments at Citi Field *** NY transportation head resigns
On the Road to City Hall Mayor asks Council to tighten its belt From the Daily News *** Koslowitz back for round 2 From the Queens Tribune *** Familiar Influence in Prosecutor’s Race *** Elizabeth Benjamin writes that NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg is seeking the WFP line *** Mike 'working' key labor party *** Manhattan DA candidate Cyrus Vance Jr. rejects the notion that he's "just Morgenthau's guy." *** Bloomberg Inching Toward Election Day Omnipresence *** The Prince of Queens In a late-February special election, 24-year-old Eric Ulrich won the 32nd Council District seat. He is the first Republican to hold the seat since 2001 *** Queens GOP Chair: Bloomberg Support Of Senate R's 'A Big Plus' *** Bloomberg Camp Attacks Thompson For Attacking *** In Flushing, Bloomberg Courts Asian Voters *** A Political Mayor? Nah, Couldn't Be *** There's TV Ad Blitzes … and There's YouTube *** Bloomberg Calls For Changes To Virginia Gun Policy
NY Tea Party PHONE TAXES ARE CELL HELL: 'INSANE' GOV'T GRAB IN NY *** The Tax Capital of the World: New York is No. 1... *** Sponsorship and You, Dear Taxpayer *** Tea Parties Forever: Everything that critics mock about the recent antitaxation demonstrations has long been standard practice within the Republican Party, Krugman, NYT *** Action on AIG Unit May Cost Taxpayers
Pay to Play BATTERY PORK: SEX-NEST AND GRAFT ALLEGATIONS PROBED AT AUTHORITY THAT RUNS POSH SITE *** OWE, NO! TOP POLS IGNORE ELEX FINES *** UFT'S CLOUT SHAPES CITY - The UFT spent $245,406 lobbying the City Council alone in 2008, and another $47,074 in the first two months of 2009, records kept by the City Clerks Office show *** Lisberg: Ethics board goin' easy on city brass? *** Love Nest Among Battery Park City Allegations
Albany The Competing Plans to Save the MTA *** M.T.A. Rescue Plan May Hinge on Highway Spending, and Republican Support *** Formerly Joyous, Black Voters Waver on Support for Paterson *** State Senate close to vote for gay nups? *** Smith, Upstate Senators Want Regional Blue *** Jim Odato writes about the budget opportunities not taken *** GOP senators reject an offer of pork from a Democratic senator, who’s giving the money to the community anyway *** AIDS advocates are split over a proposed bill to increase testing, particularly in hard-hit minority communities *** Jacob Gershman writes that moderate Democrats, facing criticism over the budget, are now blaming the WFP *** Social Security Commissioner Michael Astrue expressed "grave concern" over plans by three governors, including David Paterson, to dramatically cut state workers, warning of backlogs and delays for disability benefits *** A "veteran lobbyist" predicts Democrats won't let Paterson run in 2010 if he doesn't dramatically turn around his poll numbers by this fall *** March 15 Saturday Night Live Opening Sketch: Eliot Spitzer ...
President Obama Obama's day: Easter Egg Roll, DOT stimulus project *** Obama twice approved force to rescue hostage *** Analysis: Obama beats first national security test *** White House reaches out to DC's troubled schools *** Stimulus tallies 2,000 transportation projects *** Plan to Change Student Lending Sets Up a Fight *** Obama Weighs Engagement With Cuba *** Opinion: Toward a New Cuba Policy *** WATCH SNL: Biden Welcomes Obama Home From Trip Abroad *** A Softer "Rahmbo" *** Obama boosts anti-abortion recruitment *** Obama signed off on taking out pirates *** ASU pres. fears political backlash *** DOJ: Courts could harm Afghan effort *** Volcker panel yet to meet *** Troops out of Iraq by 2011? *** Obama's No Nuke Challenge - Steve Coll, New Yorker *** What Mexico Really Needs From Obama - John Ackerman , LA Times *** Political Roundtable on the Obama Administration - Meet the Press *** Wall Street Digs In. Is Obama Ready? - Michael Hirsh, Newsweek *** (Wall) Street of Broken Dreams - L. Kassenaar & S. Baker, Bloomberg *** The Old Rahm Emanuel Is No More
Congress 391 Percent Payday Loan Congress should resist an ersatz reform that would allow lenders to continue to charge exorbitant interest rates on payday loans *** New Ads Intensify Fight on Union Bill *** Vito retrial by jury gets underway in Va. *** Hot contest over 'card check' continues *** Bayh on opposition to Obama budget *** Crashing the Republican Party *** North Carolina's other Senate seat *** A mini-Minnesota in NY-20 *** A Worthy House Republican Plan - Donald Lambro, Washington Times *** Could N.C. Have Two Democratic Senators? - Raleigh News & Observer *** Ticker: Airport attacked as congressman visits *** Former Congressman Pleads Guilty To Drunk Driving Charges *** Minn. Court Declares Franken Leading Vote-Getter
Wall Street Mess JAIL FOR DUMMIES: BERNIE KIN SEEK PRISON-SURVIVAL CLASS *** HSBC MAY SELL HEADQUARTERS *** D-DAYS FOR US BANKS *** POLAROID 'PROTESTERS' RAMP UP BIDDING WAR *** PAUL-SON MAY RISE IN WEST: HANK GIVES KID $50M STIMULUS *** $80,000 for a Year Off? She’ll Take It! *** ‘Surgical’ Bankruptcy Possible for G.M. *** China Slows Purchases of U.S. and Other Bonds *** With Shoppers Pinching Pennies, Some Big Retailers Get the Message *** Longer Unemployment for Those 45 and Older *** Oil Industry Braces for Drop in Gas Demand *** Bailed-Out Banks Face Probe Over Fees *** Anheuser-Busch InBev Explores Rolling Rock Sale *** GM's Bankruptcy Plan Faces Hurdle *** Goldman to Launch Big Secondary Fund *** GE Invests in Car-Battery Maker *** Salary Cuts: Ugly, But Could Be Worse *** Credit Woes Hit Entrepreneurs *** Madoff's opening day Mets tickets sell for $7,500 on eBay *** Goldman Sachs Hires Law Firm To Shut Down Dissident Blogger *** WATCH: Krugman Pans Stress Tests: "Self-Esteem" Classes For Banks *** Is the Stock Rally On Sound Footing? - Ben Steverman, Business Week *** The Fed's Balance Sheet - Washington Post *** Madoff's Niece Calls Prison-Survival Expert: Report *** Madoff Niece Needs Crash Course in Thug Life
National AP Poll: Taxpayers more frugal with refunds *** Rescue Fuels Debate Over Arming Ships’ Crews *** Houses, Decked Out for a Sale, Are Robbed *** Auto Thefts Plague Border Region *** Gay-Rights Outreach Grows in Calif. *** Education Board in Texas Faces Curbs *** Gun Sales Surge *** Rick Warren explains cancellation *** Ginsburg Gives No Hint of Giving Up the Bench - Washington Post
International Clashes Over Thai Protests Intensify *** Falling Prices in Japan Feed Deflation Fears *** Cuba readies for possible influx of U.S. tourists... *** Recession Now Hits Jobs in Health Care *** High Hopes for Chilean Market *** Mexico: U.S. Fuels Drug Trade *** German minister wants U.S. nukes out *** Sec. Council takes aim at No. Korea *** Sunday shows wrap *** The Deal Obama Should Strike With Iran - Roger Cohen, New York Times *** Sanctions Will Have No Effect on N. Korea - Andrei Lankov, Financial Times *** Telling Africa to Drop Dead (Aid) - Heather Wilhelm, RealClearWorld *** Did Columbia Grant Tenure to Israel Hating Professor? - NY Daily News *** Interview with the Mexican Ambassador - Face the Nation *** Interview with the Syrian Ambassador - Fareed Zakaria GPS *** North Korea's Triumph - Nobuyoshi Sakajiri, Far Eastern Economic Review *** Vatican Says No Thanks, Caroline
Media Albany Times-Union Cancels Bargaining Agreement With Union *** News Without Newspapers: Adrian Holovaty founded EveryBlock, which has versions for 11 cities. It and other “hyperlocal” Web sites cull contents from blogs, police, and local governments *** In Boston, Paper’s Peril Hits a Nerve *** In Switch, Magazines Think About Raising Prices *** Rising Circulation, at Papers Sold by Homeless *** Even a Print Advocate Turns to the Web *** Drilling Down: Surge in Surfers for Online Classifieds *** With Finance Disgraced, Which Career Will Be King? *** Making Old Media New Again *** This Week In Magazines: Shrinking Christianity, Corporate Self-Interest, Pollitt On Michelle Obama's Critics *** How to Be a "Death of Newspapers" Blogger Part Two: Picking a Fight with Sarah Lacy *** Why I Love Twitter (Right Now) More than Facebook *** News Executives Losing Fight Against Law and Technology ***
Bailed-out Banks Face Fee-Hike Probe *** AP chair takes on new media *** Sunday shows wrap *** The Debate Over Online News - Arianna Huffington, Huffington Post *** Empathy for Newspapers - Chris Bowers, Open Left *** Twitterers of the World, Unite! - Daniel McGroarty, RealClearWorld *** Women over 55 flocking to Facebook *** The New York Times Could Always Just Start a LiveJournal *** Hearst teams up with coupon Web site